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Module 5 Discussion Problem

1) Please complete the following knowledge-based application problems. Please provide

responses in complete sentences and do not forget to provide an example. Roughly 3-5
sentences a piece.

Define Gestalt Theory and explain its characteristics: Gestalt Theory is a top down theory
with argues that humans are predisposed to organize inputs into patterns to help understand our
experiences. Learning occurs when there is a Gestalt shift. This shift is when something is seen
from a radically different perspective.

Define Information Processing and the three types of memory: Information Processing is the
theory that argues that information comes into minds and is processed through multiples memory
banks or types. All input comes into the sensory storage, which is the first type of memory. This
memory acts as a filter and information stays here for a few milliseconds for the process of
attention. Attention is the process of moving information from the sensory register into the next
type of memory, working memory.
Working memory holds information while we consciously work on it. It can only effectively
process five to nine pieces of information for a period of 15-30 seconds. Working memory is
responsible for processing and storing information into Long Term Memory or encoding
Long Term Memory is responsible for long term storage of knowledge and can hold
information indefinitely. During the process working memory recalls something stored in long
term memory and produces an output.

2) Please complete the following analysis problem:

Create your own diagram of information processing theory. Be as artistic or empirical as you
like. Include the picture in your post. Some possibilities are drawing a picture, scanning it, and
uploading it. Creating a diagram in word, excel, or some other such program. Or, using art/paint
software to create an image. However, you are not limited to these suggestions. I dont mind
interpretation. Do not snip something from the web. Provide a very brief explanation (2-3
sentences) of your approach in the posting.

3) Please complete the following evaluation and synthesis problem. I would like one
complete paragraph (i.e. roughly, more than 8-10 sentences but not more than 20).

Explain the difference between procedural and declarative knowledge and provide an
example of each. When knowledge is stored into the long term memory it is stored in structures
known as schema. These schemata can be in the form of either declarative knowledge or
procedural knowledge. Declarative knowledge consists of facts and concepts. It relates to how
things are or how things were. One example is historical events. Information about the discovery
of America and the date of the Declaration of Independence are both examples of declarative
knowledge. These include knowledge of how things were when the country was discovered and
when the document of independence was signed. These are facts of history.
Procedural knowledge involves some kind of script or action. Procedural knowledge deals
with how to do things. For example, lacing ones shoe or brushing ones teeth or hair has a
procedure. There is a mental image in our heads as to what steps should be taken to accomplish
these tasks. The various steps are components of procedural knowledge.

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