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Research Report

Aquatic Physical Therapy for

Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis:
Results of a Single-Blind
Randomized Controlled Trial
Rana S Hinman, Sophie E Heywood, Anthony R Day
RS Hinman, BPhysio(Hons), PhD,
is Lecturer, Centre for Health Ex-
ercise and Sports Medicine, Uni-
Background and Purpose
versity of Melbourne, Melbourne, Aquatic physical therapy is frequently used in the management of patients with hip
Victoria, Australia. Address all cor- and knee osteoarthritis (OA), yet there is little research establishing its efficacy for
respondence to Dr Hinman at: this population. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of aquatic
physical therapy on hip or knee OA.
SE Heywood, BPhysio(Hons),
MPhysio(Sports), Cert Hydrother- Subjects
apy, is Senior Aquatic Physiother-
apist, Physiotherapy Department, A total of 71 volunteers with symptomatic hip OA or knee OA participated in this
Sunshine Hospital, and Physio- study.
therapist, Melbourne Sports Med-
icine Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Methods
The study was designed as a randomized controlled trial in which participants
AR Day, BAppSci(Human Move- randomly received 6 weeks of aquatic physical therapy or no aquatic physical
ment), BAppSci(Physio), MSports
Physio, is Principal Physiotherapist,
therapy. Outcome measures included pain, physical function, physical activity levels,
ProCare Physiotherapy, Newport, quality of life, and muscle strength.
and Physiotherapist, ISIS Primary
Care, Altona Meadows, Melbourne, Results
Victoria, Australia.
The intervention resulted in less pain and joint stiffness and greater physical function,
[Hinman RS, Heywood SE, Day quality of life, and hip muscle strength. Totals of 72% and 75% of participants
AR. Aquatic physical therapy for reported improvements in pain and function, respectively, compared with only 17%
hip and knee osteoarthritis: re-
sults of a single-blind randomized
(each) of control participants. Benefits were maintained 6 weeks after the comple-
controlled trial. Phys Ther. 2007; tion of physical therapy, with 84% of participants continuing independently.
87:32– 43.]

© 2007 American Physical Therapy

Discussion and Conclusion
Association Compared with no intervention, a 6-week program of aquatic physical therapy
resulted in significantly less pain and improved physical function, strength, and
quality of life. It is unclear whether the benefits were attributable to intervention
effects or a placebo response.

For The Bottom Line:

32 f Physical Therapy Volume 87 Number 1 January 2007

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

steoarthritis (OA) is one of water may further assist with pain stiffness, quality of life, physical activ-
the most prevalent musculo- relief, swelling reduction, and ease ity, and muscle strength. Finally, we
skeletal conditions affecting of movement. aimed to determine whether partici-
the elderly population worldwide,1 pants were adherent to ongoing in-
and its prevalence is predicted to Despite the widespread provision of dependent aquatic physical therapy
rise significantly in the future as the aquatic physical therapy for people once the program had ceased and
population ages.2 Knee OA currently with hip or knee OA, there is little whether any benefits of the program
affects about 40% of people aged evidence attesting to its efficacy in remained 6 weeks later.
over 75 years, and hip OA affects this population. Although many stud-
about 10%.3 People with OA fre- ies have reported positive effects of Method
quently report joint pain, stiffness, hydrotherapy interventions in cohorts Participants
loss of physical function, increasing with various arthritic conditions,10 few Diagnosis was based on American
immobility, and muscle weakness. have evaluated a sample selected on College of Rheumatology classifica-
Such signs and symptoms of the dis- the basis of knee or hip OA alone. A tion criteria.16,17 Volunteers aged 50
ease often culminate in reductions in recent study found no significant ben- years and older and with hip OA or
quality of life. Contemporary man- efit of hydrotherapy over a gym-based knee OA were recruited by adver-
agement of OA aims to alleviate pain program or no intervention for symp- tisements in local clubs, libraries,
and disability while avoiding adverse toms in people with hip or knee OA.11 general practitioner’s rooms, print
effects of therapy.4 Current guide- However, the program tested by the and radio media, and the orthopedic
lines recommend nonpharmacologic authors made use of nonfunctional clinic at a metropolitan hospital. Par-
methods, such as physical therapy, body positions and had a limited ticipants with knee OA were
as first-line options in the manage- capacity for progression, features that included if they had knee pain on
ment of OA.5 Physical therapy for may explain their nonsignificant find- most days of the previous month and
OA may be provided on land or in an ings. Methodological limitations in osteophytes on radiographs. Partici-
aquatic environment. other published studies on OA include pants with hip OA were included if
inadequate sample size, nonrandom they had hip pain and osteophytes
“Hydrotherapy” is a term encom- allocation, and no intention-to-treat and joint space narrowing on radio-
passing a range of therapeutic and analysis.12–15 Furthermore, most hydro- graphs. Other inclusion criteria for
exercise activities carried out in therapy programs demonstrate little all participants were an average
heated pools by a variety of provid- consideration of hydrostatic or hydro- severity of pain of greater than 3 cm
ers. Experts rate hydrotherapy as dynamic principles in their choice of on a 10-cm visual analog scale (VAS)
one of the least toxic of 33 potential exercises, thus reducing the potential and difficulty with stair climbing,
treatments for knee OA.6 Aquatic for benefit from the overall program. walking, or getting in or out of a
physical therapy incorporates indi- The present study was designed to ad- chair. Exclusion criteria included
vidual assessment, evidence-based dress the limitations of previous stud- contraindications to aquatic physical
practice, and clinical reasoning skills ies through the use of an adequately therapy7; significant back or other
to devise treatment plans based on powered randomized controlled trial joint pain; recent (preceding 6
the principles of hydrostatics and with intention-to-treat analysis and a months) joint injections, surgery,
hydrodynamics and the physiologic functional progressive intervention that physical therapy, or hydrotherapy;
effects of immersion.7 Aquatic phys- maximized the unique properties of lower-limb joint replacement; inabil-
ical therapy offers several benefits water to optimize outcomes. ity to understand English; and inabil-
over land-based physical therapy for ity to safely enter and exit the pool.
people with OA. Buoyancy reduces The aim of this study was to test the
loading across joints affected by pain efficacy of a 6-week aquatic physical Between October 2003 and April
and allows the performance of func- therapy program in a group of peo- 2004, 312 volunteers were screened.
tional closed-chain exercises that ple with symptomatic hip OA, knee Of these volunteers, 71 fulfilled the
otherwise may be too difficult on OA, or both. The primary hypothesis selection criteria and were enrolled
land. Water turbulence can be used was that aquatic physical therapy in the study. Thirty-six participants
as a method of increasing resistance, would result in greater improve- were randomly assigned to an
and percentage of body weight ments in pain and physical function aquatic physical therapy group
borne across the lower limbs can be than would no aquatic physical ther- (intervention group), and 35 partici-
decreased or progressed in propor- apy. The secondary hypothesis was pants were randomly assigned to a
tion to the depth of immersion.8,9 that aquatic physical therapy would control group. One aquatic physical
The warmth and pressure of the result in greater improvements in therapy participant withdrew after

January 2007 Volume 87 Number 1 Physical Therapy f 33

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

randomization, did not undergo the

intervention as allocated, and did not
return for reassessment. Four con-
trol participants withdrew prior to
reassessment; however, 2 of them
completed reassessment question-
naires only. All participants provided
written informed consent.

The trial comprised a 6-week inter-
vention period (Fig. 1). Participants
were assessed immediately before
treatment (0 weeks) and immedi-
ately after treatment was completed
(6 weeks). Furthermore, the aquatic
physical therapy group underwent
follow-up assessment at 12 weeks
(ie, 6 weeks after the intervention
was completed) to determine
whether any benefits of the interven-
tion were maintained in the short
term and to assess adherence to
independent aquatic physical ther-
apy. Every effort was made to obtain
reassessment data on primary out-
comes from any participant who
withdrew from the study.

Following the baseline assessment,
participants were randomly assigned Figure 1.
to either the aquatic physical ther- Flow of participants through the trial.
apy group or the control group. Block
randomization (randomly alternating
blocks of 4 and 6) stratified for sex ticipants in the hydrotherapy pool no or minimal symptom exacerbation.
was set up with a computer-generated (water temperature⫽34°C), with a Attendance at intervention sessions
table of random numbers. Assignment maximum of 6 participants per ses- and adverse effects of the intervention
was concealed in sequential opaque sion. Quality of movement was em- were recorded by the aquatic physical
envelopes and was revealed by an phasized, and the therapist palpated therapist.
independent researcher not involved the lower-limb musculature to en-
in eligibility assessment, outcome as- sure appropriate contraction through- Upon completion of the 6-week pro-
sessment, or intervention following out the exercises. Balance without gram, participants were encouraged
the baseline assessment. the aid of rails to maximize postural to continue independent aquatic phys-
and isometric leg stance control was ical therapy twice weekly at a local
Aquatic Physical Therapy achieved with all participants. A neu- pool and were provided with details
Intervention tral spinal position also was taught; of local pools and a written descrip-
The aquatic physical therapy pro- feedback was provided on posture, tion of the exercises to maximize ad-
gram comprised functional weight- transversus abdominis muscle contrac- herence. During the follow-up period,
bearing and progressive exercises tion, and trunk control. Individual pro- between week 6 and week 12, partic-
(Tab. 1) provided twice weekly gression to subsequent phases of the ipants recorded in a logbook the ses-
(45– 60 minutes each) for 6 weeks. program was clinically determined by sions of independent aquatic physical
An experienced aquatic physical the therapist and occurred upon com- therapy that they undertook. Partici-
therapist individually instructed par- pletion of the prior phase with either pants continued with their usual med-

34 f Physical Therapy Volume 87 Number 1 January 2007

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

Table 1.
Aquatic Physical Therapy Programa

Phase Water Depth Lower-Limb Exercises Sets and Walking

(Each Leg)
1 Xiphisternum 1. Double-leg squats 2⫻10 6 min
(28%–35% WB)8 2. Double-leg calf raises 2⫻10
3. Dynamic lunge 2⫻10
2 ASIS (47%–54% WB)8 As for phase 1 As for phase 1 8 min
3 ASIS As for phase 1, plus: 10 min
4. Single-leg stance, contralateral knee 2⫻10
5. Single-leg stance, contralateral hip 2⫻10
6. Single-leg stance, contralateral hip 2⫻10
4 ASIS 1. Single-leg squats 2⫻10 10 min
2. Sincle-leg calf raises 2⫻10
3. Dynamic lunge 2⫻10
Plus exercises 4, 5, and 6 from phase 3
5 ASIS As for phase 4, plus: 10 min
7. Step-ups 2⫻10
6 ASIS As for phase 5, but modify: 10 min
7. Step-downs 2⫻10
7 ASIS As for phase 6, but for exercises 4 and 2⫻10 10 min
5, increase speed (resistance) of followed by 1⫻5
moving leg as able
8 ASIS As for phase 7 3⫻10 10 min
9 ASIS As for phase 7 3⫻10 10 min
followed by 1⫻5
10 ASIS As for phase 7 4⫻10 10 min
11 ASIS As for phase 7 4⫻10 10 min
followed by 1⫻5
12 ASIS As for phase 7 5⫻10 10 min
Each session incorporated a warm-up and a cool-down (2 widths of the pool walking forward, backward, and sideways and high stepping) conducted at
the depths indicated. Walking immediately followed the completion of lower-limb exercises. All single-leg exercises were performed with both the left and
the right legs. The step height was 145 mm. ASIS⫽anterior superior iliac spine, WB⫽weight bearing.

ication regimen over the entire 12- commence any new exercise pro- was measured with a VAS numbered
week period. grams or treatments for their OA- in 1-cm intervals. Previous research
affected joints. indicated that such a scale is a valid,
Control Group reliable, and responsive technique
The control group did not receive Masking for assessing pain in subjects with
any aquatic physical therapy over An examiner who was unaware of OA when completed by those sub-
the 6-week trial; however, these par- group assignment performed all out- jects.18,19 Subject-perceived global
ticipants were offered the interven- come assessments. The statistician changes (since trial commencement)
tion following the 6-week assess- was unaware of treatment allocation in pain and physical function were
ment to minimize dropouts from this until completion of the statistical recorded on 5-point Likert scales rang-
group. Thus, these participants did analyses. ing from 1 (much worse) to 5 (much
not complete a 12-week assessment. better). Participants who scored their
Participants were instructed to con- Primary Outcomes global changes as 4 or 5 were classi-
tinue with their usual daily activities Pain on movement (over the preced- fied as showing improvement, and
and medication regimen and not to ing week) in the primary OA joint those scoring their changes as 1, 2, or

January 2007 Volume 87 Number 1 Physical Therapy f 35

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

3 were classified as not showing strated adequate test-retest reliability Sample Size
improvement. for the muscles of the lower limbs in A pain reduction of 1.75 cm on a
a community-dwelling group of VAS is recommended as the mini-
Secondary Outcomes older people (intraclass correlation mum clinically important difference
Questionnaires. The 24-item disease- coefficients [ICCs]⫽.95–1.00).28 to be detected in OA trials.33 With
specific Western Ontario and McMas- 58 participants, the study had 90%
ter Universities Osteoarthritis Index Balance. Dynamic standing bal- power to detect a difference in pain
(WOMAC) was used to assess pain, ance was assessed with the step test, reduction of 1.75 cm between groups,
stiffness, and physical function in the a reliable and valid measure in older assuming a standard deviation of 2.0
primary OA joint over the previous people (ICC⬎.9)29 that is sensitive cm and a significance level of 5%.
48 hours. This measure has been vali- enough to discriminate between Numbers were increased to 71 par-
dated with respect to reliability, face those with knee OA and those with- ticipants to allow for dropouts.
validity, content validity, construct out knee OA.30 Participants stood
validity, and responsiveness for peo- barefoot on the osteoarthritic limb in Data Analyses
ple with OA of the hip or knee.20 front of a 7.5-cm step and were Data analyses were performed with
Health-related quality of life over the instructed to move the opposite foot SPSS software† and an alpha level of
previous week was assessed with the on and off the step as many times as .05 on an intention-to-treat basis. The
15-item Assessment of Quality of Life possible over 15 seconds. This test last observation carried forward was
scale.21 This scale has been validated does not require the participant to used to impute data missing at reas-
for use in the general population. move body weight over the step but sessment; a score of 3 (“unchanged”)
Physical activity levels over the previ- simply to perform a potentially was allocated for missing global
ous week were assessed with the destabilizing foot placement activity. change measures. Data were checked
Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly The number of times the participant for normality and homogeneity of
(PASE) (with supervised aquatic phys- could place the foot on the step and variance prior to analyses. Baseline
ical therapy sessions excluded from return it to the floor was recorded, comparability between groups was
the analyses to accurately measure with higher scores indicating better determined with independent t tests
independent activity). The PASE dem- balance. (because most data were normally dis-
onstrated good test-retest reliability, tributed) or chi-square tests. Mean
convergent validity, and construct va- Physical function. The Timed scores at 6 weeks were compared
lidity in older adults with knee pain.22 “Up & Go” Test was used to assess between groups by use of univariate
functional ability.31 This test demon- analysis of variance; baseline scores
Muscle strength. Isometric hip ab- strated good intratester and inter- were included as covariates to control
duction and knee extension strength tester reliability (ICC⫽.99) for a geri- for any group differences at baseline.
(force-generating capacity) was as- atric population as well as criterion Effect sizes were calculated; effect
sessed bilaterally with a Nicholas Man- validity. Participants were instructed sizes of .2 were regarded as small,
ual Muscle Tester (model 01160)* to rise from a standard armchair, those of .5 were regarded as medium,
according to the protocol of Bohan- walk to a point on the floor 3 m and those of .8 were regarded as large.
non.23 The hip abductors were chosen away, return to the chair, and sit A comparison of the numbers of par-
because some data have suggested down again while being timed with a ticipants showing improvement be-
that stronger hip abductors may assist stopwatch. Participants performed tween groups was made with chi-
in reducing the knee adduction mo- the test only once and at their own square tests, and odds ratios (OR)
ment.24 The quadriceps femoris mus- pace. (with 95% confidence intervals [CI])
cles were assessed because knee ex- were calculated. Outcomes at 6 and
tensor strength has been correlated Gait. The Six-Minute Walk Test 12 weeks in the intervention group
with both pain severity and physi- was used to evaluate how far partic- were compared by use of paired t
cal function in knee OA.25–27 The ipants could walk at a fast, comfort- tests.
peak strength of each muscle group able pace. This test was validated as
was assessed 3 times, and the high- a measure of physical function in Results
est score was recorded (in kilograms). people with heart failure and respi- Groups were found not to be signif-
Handheld dynamometry demon- ratory disease.32 Participants walked icantly different at baseline with
back and forth over a 50-m stretch of regard to demographic characteris-
carpeted corridor for 6 minutes, and
* Lafayette Instrument Co, 3700 Sagamore
Pkwy North, PO Box 5729, Lafayette, IN the total distance walked was †
SPSS Inc, 233 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL
47903. recorded (in meters). 60606.

36 f Physical Therapy Volume 87 Number 1 January 2007

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

Table 2.
Baseline Comparability of Participant Groupsa

Parameter Control Group (nⴝ35) Aquatic Physical

Therapy Group (nⴝ36)
Age, y 61.5 (7.8) 63.3 (9.5)
Height, m 1.61 (0.01) 1.63 (0.09)
Weight, kg 85 (17) 88 (15)
Body mass index, kg/m 32.9 (6.6) 33.8 (6.5)
Symptom duration, y 8.0 (10.6) 8.0 (9.3)
Sex, no. (%) 24 (69) female, 11 (31) male 24 (67) female, 12 (33) male
Symptomatic joint, no. (%) 24 (69) knee, 11 (31) hip 31 (86) knee, 5 (14) hip
Medications, no. (%) 16 (46) analgesics, 20 (56) analgesics,
14 (40) NSAIDs, 18 (50) NSAIDs,
14 (40) nutraceuticalsb 14 (39) nutraceuticals
Primary outcomes
VAS movement pain, 0–10 cm 5 (2) 6 (2)
Secondary outcomes
WOMAC pain, 0–500 mm 199 (85) 202 (79)
WOMAC stiffness, 0–200 mm 100 (46) 99 (46)
WOMAC function, 0–1,700 mm 630 (315) 757 (327)
AQoL, ⫺0.04 to 1.00 0.52 (0.20) 0.38 (0.17)c
PASE, 0–400 153 (79) 165 (80)
Hip abductor strength, kg
Right 21.0 (7.2) 20.3 (8.2)
Left 22.3 (8.3) 20.6 (8.4)
Quadriceps femoris muscle strength, kg
Right 24.5 (8.2) 26.6 (9.1)
Left 24.3 (8.3) 23.2 (9.3)
Timed “Up & Go” Test, s 10.38 (2.82) 11.26 (2.37)
Six-Minute Walk Test, m 448.09 (82.88) 420.56 (91.10)
Step test, no. of steps 13 (4) 13 (4)
Data are presented as mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated. AQoL⫽Assessment of Quality of Life (with higher scores indicating better quality of life),
NSAIDs⫽nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, PASE⫽Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (with higher scores indicating greater physical activity),
VAS⫽visual analog scale (with higher scores indicating more pain), WOMAC⫽Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (with higher
scores indicating worse pain, stiffness, or physical function).
Nutraceutical can be defined as a food (or part of a food) that provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention or treatment of a disease;
typically glucosamine in this population.
Significantly different from value for control group (P ⬍.01).

tics or outcome measures (Tab. 2), pain on movement of 33% from base- pain; only 17% (6 of 35) of the con-
with the exception of quality of life, line and thus demonstrated signifi- trol participants did so (P ⬍.001)
which was significantly poorer in cantly less pain at 6 weeks than con- (Fig. 2). Similarly, 75% (27 of 36)
the aquatic physical therapy partici- trol participants (P ⬍.01) (Tab. 3). of the intervention participants re-
pants (P ⬍.01). This finding represented a small ported a global improvement in
effect size (.24) for this outcome. physical function; only 17% (6 of 31)
Primary Outcomes Seventy-two percent (26 of 36) of of the control participants did so
Aquatic physical therapy partici- the intervention participants re- (P ⬍.001) (Fig. 2). Aquatic physical
pants reported a mean reduction in ported a global improvement in therapy participants were more than

January 2007 Volume 87 Number 1 Physical Therapy f 37

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

Table 3.
Outcome Scores at 6 Weeks Across Groupsa

Outcome X (SD) P Effect

Control Group Aquatic Physical
(nⴝ35) Therapy Group
VAS movement pain, 0–10 cm 5 (2) 4 (2) .003 .24
WOMAC pain, 0–500 mm 198 (108) 143 (79) ⬍.001 .28
WOMAC stiffness, 0–200 mm 95 (44) 73 (45) .007 .24
WOMAC function, 0–1,700 mm 656 (373) 598 (316) ⬍.001 .08
AQoL, ⫺0.04 to 1.00 0.50 (0.20) 0.43 (0.20) .018 .17
PASE, 0–400 142 (77) 165 (70) .351 .15
Hip abductor strength, kg
Right 20.3 (6.8) 22.7 (8.3) .012 .16
Left 21.0 (8.0) 22.2 (8.5) .011 .07
Quadriceps femoris muscle strength, kg
Right 24.7 (9.5) 29.9 (12.5) .059 .23
Left 24.9 (10.3) 25.7 (10.6) .193 .04
Timed “Up & Go” Test, s 10.30 (2.78) 10.32 (1.94) .053 .00
Six-Minute Walk Test, m 440.38 (79.03) 441.72 (87.25) .001 .01
Step test, no. of steps 14 (4) 13 (3) .998 .14
AQoL⫽Assessment of Quality of Life (with higher scores indicating better quality of life), PASE⫽Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (with higher scores
indicating greater physical activity), VAS⫽visual analog scale (with higher scores indicating more pain), WOMAC⫽Western Ontario and McMaster
Universities Osteoarthritis Index (with higher scores indicating worse pain, stiffness, or physical function).

12 times as likely as control partici-

pants to report global improvements
in pain (OR⫽12.6, 95% CI⫽4.0 –
39.4), corresponding to a number
needed to treat of 2 (95% CI⫽1–3),
and physical function (OR⫽12.5,
95% CI⫽3.9 – 40.2), corresponding
to a number needed to treat of 2
(95% CI⫽1–3).

Secondary Outcomes
The aquatic physical therapy partic-
ipants reported significantly less
pain and significantly superior phys-
ical function on many secondary out-
Figure 2.
Global improvement in pain and physical function at 6 weeks across groups.
comes (Tab. 3). Hip muscle strength
and quality of life also were signifi-
cantly greater in this group than in
the control group at 6 weeks. Out-
comes that were not significantly dif-
ferent following the intervention
were quadriceps femoris muscle

38 f Physical Therapy Volume 87 Number 1 January 2007

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

Table 4.
Outcome Scores at Follow-up (12 Weeks) in the Aquatic Physical Therapy Group (n⫽36)a

Outcome 6 wk 12 wk P
VAS movement pain, 0–10 cm 4 (2) 4 (2) .45
WOMAC pain, 0–500 mm 143 (79) 132 (89) .23
WOMAC stiffness, 0–200 mm 73 (45) 65 (46) .05
WOMAC function, 0–1,700 mm 598 (316) 556 (341) .08
AQoL, ⫺0.04 to 1.00 0.43 (0.20) 0.45 (0.22) .31
PASE, 0–400b 140 (104) 160 (150) .63
Hip abductor strength, kg
Right 22.7 (8.3) 23.4 (10.7) .44
Left 22.2 (8.5) 21.8 (8.8) .46
Quadriceps femoris muscle strength, kg
Right 29.9 (12.5) 29.2 (11.7) .47
Left 25.7 (10.6) 24.5 (9.4) .21
Timed “Up & Go” Test, s 10.32 (1.94) 9.98 (1.93) .03
Six-Minute Walk Test, m 441.72 (87.25) 447.39 (89.07) .18
Step test, no. of steps 13 (3) 14 (4) .03
Data are presented as mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated. AQoL⫽Assessment of Quality of Life (with higher scores indicating better quality of life),
PASE⫽Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (with higher scores indicating greater physical activity), VAS⫽visual analog scale (with higher scores indicating
more pain), WOMAC⫽Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (with higher scores indicating worse pain, stiffness, or physical
Data are presented as median (interquartile range) and were analyzed with the Wilcoxon signed rank test.

strength, the step test, the Timed (26%) had reached phases 6, 7, 8, 9, program were maintained in the
“Up & Go” Test, and the PASE. Effect 10, and 11, respectively. short term.
sizes for secondary outcomes were
small at best. Ongoing Participation and Discussion
Outcome at Follow-up in the This randomized controlled trial
Attendance and Adverse Effects Aquatic Physical Therapy Group evaluated the efficacy of aquatic
Only 2 participants failed to attend At follow-up, 84% of participants (28 physical therapy for hip OA and
all 12 aquatic physical therapy ses- of 33) had continued to undertake knee OA. Our findings demonstrated
sions (excluding the participant who aquatic physical therapy indepen- that a 6-week, twice-weekly pro-
withdrew before attending any ses- dently since ceasing the supervised gram leads to reduced pain and joint
sions); 1 of these 2 participants program. Over the 6-week follow-up stiffness as well as improved physi-
attended 10 sessions (83%), and the period, 24% (8 of 33) attended the cal function, hip muscle strength,
other participant attended 11 ses- local pool less than once per week and quality of life in people with
sions (92%). Adverse effects were on average, 45% (15 of 33) attended OA. Furthermore, the benefits of
minor and did not affect ongoing 1 or 2 times per week, and 15% (5 of aquatic physical therapy appear to
participation. Seventeen (49%) par- 33) attended 2 or 3 times per week; remain 6 weeks after the cessation
ticipants reported mild joint discom- only 16% (5 of 33) failed to attend at of the supervised program. Despite
fort, 3 (9%) reported mild lumbar all. Follow-up scores at 12 weeks for statistically significant differences
pain, and 2 (6%) reported cramps in the aquatic physical therapy group between groups, effect size calcula-
the calf or foot. Upon completion of were generally unchanged from tions revealed only small benefits of
the program, 11 participants (31%) scores obtained at 6 weeks (Tab. 4), aquatic physical therapy for pain,
had reached phase 12, and 1 (3%), 1 suggesting that the benefits of the stiffness, right hip abductor strength,
(3%), 1 (3%), 2 (5%), 10 (29%), and 9 and quality of life and doubtful clin-

January 2007 Volume 87 Number 1 Physical Therapy f 39

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

ical benefits for physical function Quadriceps femoris muscle strength fects of aquatic physical therapy on
and left hip abductor strength. is associated with knee pain severity observed objective measures (hip
in knee OA,25,27 although whether muscle strength and 6-minute walk),
Few randomized controlled trials have muscle weakness causes knee pain it is unlikely that our findings are
evaluated hydrotherapy interventions or vice versa is unclear at present. attributable to a placebo response
in a sample selected on the basis of hip Recent work demonstrated an associ- alone and likely that they may be
or knee OA alone.11,12,14,15 Our find- ation between hip abductor strength attributed, at least partially, to the
ings of reduced pain and improved and the knee adduction moment. It intervention itself.
function with aquatic physical therapy has been postulated that stronger hip
concur with the findings of others.14,15 abductors help to stabilize the con- Joint stiffness was reduced with
However, the most rigorously de- tralateral pelvis during walking and, aquatic physical therapy, and this
signed randomized controlled trial by virtue of the effect on the body’s result may be at least partially attrib-
published to date found no significant center of mass, can reduce the adduc- utable to the warm-water environ-
change in WOMAC scores (pain, stiff- tion moment (or compressive force) ment of the hydrotherapy pool.
ness, or function) with hydrotherapy at the knee.24 Thus, it is possible that Warm water may encourage muscle
compared with a gym-based strength- improvements in hip and knee muscle relaxation, thus reducing guarding
ening program or no intervention in strength were partially responsible for around joints and enhancing move-
105 participants with clinical hip or the improvements in knee pain ob- ment. It is also possible that pain
knee OA.11 Nevertheless, hydrother- served in the present study. relief was achieved by the tempera-
apy did result in improved walking ture and pressure of the water on the
distance and left quadriceps femoris Although changes were not statisti- skin.39 Although it is possible that
muscle strength compared with no cally significant, aquatic physical some benefits of aquatic physical
intervention. therapy did demonstrate a small therapy may be attributable to warm-
effect size (.23) for right quadriceps water immersion alone, a previous
In contrast to the program of Foley femoris muscle strength and a small randomized controlled trial in rheu-
et al,11 our aquatic physical therapy but statistically significant effect for matoid arthritis demonstrated supe-
program primarily focused on exer- the right hip abductors. Conversely, rior effects of hydrotherapy over
cises in functional positions, was it is also possible that reductions in seated immersion alone.40 Perhaps
progressed by increasing resistance knee pain were responsible for the the most important aspect of the
(weight bearing or turbulence), and small strength gains evident in the aquatic environment is the buoyancy
incorporated a walking component, present study with aquatic physical of the water, rather than its warmth,
features that may explain our find- therapy. It is difficult to identify the which reduces the weight-bearing
ings of significant improvements in mechanism underlying the observed stresses on the lower limbs and thus
pain and most self-reported and improvements in strength, but im- promotes more pain-free and effective
observed physical function mea- proved recruitment of motor units, exercise of the muscles and joints than
sures. Differences in study partici- muscle hypertrophy, pain allevia- would otherwise be possible.
pants also may account for the tion, or reduced knee joint swelling
conflicting findings. Participants in are all possibilities. To our knowledge, this is the first
our study were younger, were more study of aquatic physical therapy
frequently female, and predomi- A placebo effect of aquatic physical that has encouraged ongoing inde-
nantly had knee OA. Importantly, therapy cannot be ruled out because pendent aquatic therapy following
our volunteers were recruited pri- of the lack of a placebo control in cessation of the supervised program
marily from the community rather the present study. Placebo effects and incorporated a follow-up period.
than from an orthopedic surgery are common in knee OA; reported As part of the intervention, our par-
waiting list (44% of participants in improvements with sham interven- ticipants were instructed in the ben-
the study of Foley et al11), suggest- tion range from 16% to 40%.34 –37 efits of ongoing therapy and exercise
ing that aquatic physical therapy However, a meta-analysis of placebo- self-management principles, provided
may be more effective for less controlled clinical trials38 demon- with detailed written instructions on
severe OA rather than end-stage strated that placebos have the great- how to perform aquatic physical ther-
disease. est effect on continuous subjective apy exercises independently as well
outcomes and in the treatment of as how to modify or progress their
Several reasons may account for the pain, with no significant effect on program according to symptoms, and
improvements in pain observed in objective measures. Given that our given written directions on conve-
the aquatic physical therapy group. study demonstrated beneficial ef- nient local pools in which to exercise.

40 f Physical Therapy Volume 87 Number 1 January 2007

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

Although ongoing adherence among Adverse effects associated with our Furthermore, the follow-up period
participants was variable, 60% con- aquatic physical therapy interven- lacked a control group because of
tinued aquatic physical therapy inde- tion were minor and transient, and funding constraints. Relatively few
pendently at least once per week on over half of the participants experi- of our study participants presented
average. It was not possible to monitor enced no adverse effects at all. As with hip OA primarily; thus, it was
control participants at 12 weeks in expected, the most frequent com- not possible to perform subgroup
the present study, as most of the con- plaint was aggravation of joint symp- analyses to determine outcomes for
trol group had commenced aquatic toms with exercise. Some partici- hip OA and knee OA separately. It is
physical therapy by this stage. How- pants also described back pain after possible that knee OA and hip OA
ever, follow-up (without a control commencing exercises; the back responded differently to our aquatic
group) of the aquatic physical therapy pain may have been related to the physical therapy program, but the
group at this time appeared to demon- prompts that they were given to present study did not have sufficient
strate that benefits at 6 weeks were improve their posture and spinal power to detect such differences.
maintained. position while walking and exercis-
ing in the pool. The question remains as to whether
Like that of land-based exercise pro- aquatic physical therapy is superior
grams, the success of water-based Our program did not involve the use to land-based physical therapy for
exercise programs is probably par- of any specific exercise equipment OA. Other authors have failed to
tially dependent on adherence to the other than a step, which is a feature demonstrate any additional benefit
prescribed exercises. Given the al- of most hydrotherapy pools. This of hydrotherapy over home exercis-
most perfect attendance demon- study design was used to facilitate es12 or over a gym-based strengthen-
strated by our participants during participants’ understanding of exer- ing program11 for people with OA;
the intervention period, it was not cise progression in the aquatic envi- those results may have been related
possible to evaluate the relationship ronment in order to improve confi- to the aquatic physical therapy pro-
between adherence and outcome. In dence as well as to maximize gram content in those published tri-
this trial, it is likely that adherence adherence to the program indepen- als. Given the association of quadri-
was enhanced by virtue of the close dently at a local pool during follow- ceps femoris muscle strength with
monitoring associated with partici- up. The use of equipment (flippers, pain severity and physical function
pation in a research study, and such boots, and floats) can be beneficial in OA,25,27 it is essential that aquatic
extremely high levels of adherence for resistance training in the water, programs incorporate a resistance
should not be expected in the clini- and greater strength gains might training intensity comparable to that
cal setting. Thus, strategies to maxi- have been obtained in our study had of land-based programs. To increase
mize adherence are essential for suc- equipment been incorporated into resistance for muscle strengthening
cess in clinical practice. the program. The fact that quadri- in the water, it may be necessary to
ceps femoris muscle strength did not further decrease the depth of immer-
Setting specific exercise-related goals increase significantly with our pro- sion with closed-chain exercises, to
that are relatively easy to achieve has gram may argue for the need for use floats in buoyancy-resisted posi-
been shown to increase aquatic exer- equipment for this muscle group in tions, or to increase resistance from
cise adherence in people with arthri- particular. However, the additional turbulence by increasing speed or
tis.41 In addition, as people improve in benefits of equipment might be off- surface area (with the addition of
their ability to exercise in the aquatic set by increased financial costs of the flippers or boots) with open-chain
environment, adherence to exercise intervention or by reduced ongoing exercises. Further studies of aquatic
increases. Strategies that may promote adherence to the program by partic- physical therapy should aim to refine
self-efficacy include beginning slowly ipants. program content by maximizing the
with exercises that are easily accom- use of the hydrostatic and hydro-
plished, progressing exercise pro- There are a number of limitations of dynamic properties of water and
grams slowly, and providing frequent the present study. The lack of a pla- thus the potential benefits of aquatic
encouragement.42 Our program was cebo group necessitated a single- physical therapy for people with
designed to educate participants blind design, which may have influ- lower-limb OA. Future research also
about the appropriate progression of enced the study outcomes. The should be directed toward evaluat-
aquatic exercises, thus optimizing the follow-up period was short, and in ing the characteristics of people
ability of people to adjust resistance chronic conditions such as OA, who respond to land- and water-
and advance the program themselves much longer periods are warranted based exercises, as it is possible that
or modify it according to symptoms. to evaluate lasting treatment effects. certain types of exercise regimens

January 2007 Volume 87 Number 1 Physical Therapy f 41

Aquatic Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee OA

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