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Peoples are naturally drawn to water, hence the importance of waterfront. To

demonstrate the significance of waterfront, in the classic phrase, American
anthropologist Loren Eiseley said, If there is a magic on this planet, it is
contained in water, water is a fundamental attraction in all cultures and
among all classes of the people, from Alaska to Argentina. It is a favorite
location for all celebration and ceremonies, for evening picnics on beaches of
Bahrain, religious rites on the Ganges River in Benaras, for dragon boat race
in Shanghai, and for New Years oceanfront offerings for the goddess Eimanja
in Brazil. Whether for ritual of recreation, people seek the water edge.

The goal of the study is to create good quality recreation space along the
waterfront of the designated area and connect them with the central tourist
spots of the city.

Objectives & Goals of the study Objectives

This study deals with the waterfront developments through the perspective
of tourism and recreation and investigates the waterfront development
through the available research examples in the world to formulate the design

The basic objectives are :-

What should be the 'Design Approach' for urban waterfronts

development at present in recreational context?
What kind of 'Urban Design Guidelines' is essential for urban waterfront
development that will balance the commercial and community interest,
public and private interest?
It also aims to identify the weaknesses of existing waterfront
neighborhood in terms of tourism and recreation.

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