You are on page 1of 26


The NewYorkStateDepartmentof Environmental Conservation(DEC)is makingavailable $ro millionto communitiesaffected
by delaysconstructingthe NewtownCreekWastewater
TreatmentPlant.Threegroups-a StateagencycalledNYSERDA, Hudson
RiverFoundationand CityParksFoundation-willspendthesefunds afterconsultingwith communitygroups.

Thefundswill be spentin the neighborhoods most directlyaffectedby the Plantand can be spentin severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby City ParksFoundation,
is a chancefor you to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this project,giveus your contactinformationat the end of this surveyand/orloin
us at our next community meeting,on Wednesday, f uly z8th at 6:3opmat the NewtownCreekVisitor Center.Call2t2.36o."ryro for
m o r ei n f o r m a t i o n .

t. Haveyou beenaffectedby the constructionof the NewtownCreekWastewater

TreatmentPlantl (circleone) (9 ruO
lf YES,pleasedescribe:

Atf.Cxotw! P*u Wl€J q' rua/v/&/ >4,c'7,/4* q t/a/,r-

ArLu+c/a/"rti",o+o* h7w k< ( aubh)1-{€4CI1c0/d-2
z. Whichof theseparksdo you visit,and how oftenl ( F o re a c hp a r kl i s t e dc, h e c kt h e a p p r o p r i a tceo l u m n . )
Everyday I Oncea weekI A coupleof Once a month Never
IN BROOKLYN: I or more I times a month or fewer
NeMown BargePlayground(BargePark)
C reenpointPlayground(BargePark)
A m e r i c a nP l a y g r o u n d
M o n s i g n oM
r c C o l r i c kP a r k
B u s h w i c lkn l e tP a r k
NatureWalkat NewtownCreekPlant

B r i d g e & T u n n ePl a r k
H u n t e r ' sP o i n tP a r k
Park fuotshownonmop)
Reiff Park fuotshownonmap)

(name of park and borough)

3 .W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n ga c t i v i t i ehsa v ey o u ,o r p e o p l ei n y o u rh o u s e h o l dd,o n ei n t h e s ep a r k sd u r i n gt h e l a s tr z m o n t h s l
Checkallthat apply.
- ActiveRecreation
PassiveRecreation Coingto playgrounds
with kids
(exercise,cycling, etc.) "
(relaxing,reading,etc.) iK wrtt ing yourdog
JLspo,t, Attendingevents
- P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
( b a s k e t b a lbl ,a s e b a l l ,
soccer,etc.) Other(specifu)
4. lf theywereavailable, which of the followingactivitieswouldyou,or peoplein your household,liketo do in theseparksin the
futurel Checkall that apply.

! eat"a^lt !
volleybatt - Letyourdog playin dog run
_ Basketball _ Sportsinstructionfor kids _ C o m m u n i t yC a r d e n i n g
_ Bicyclin1 _ S p o r t sl e a g u e s _ Composting
_ BoatinglKayaking Enjoyviewsof the water _ Co to playgroundwith kids
_ Cricket Concerts Scienceor environmentalprograms
- Football for kids
j so..", Movies

P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
t/ Tennis
Other (specifr)
_ ViewArt or Sculpture

5.The $7 millioncan be spentin manydifferentways,but it can't buyeverythingthe communitymight want.Choicesmust be made.

Pleaserankthe following possibleusesof the funds in yourpreference
order,with r beingthe most important useof thefunds and
g beingthe leastimportant.
l *' -Creationol new parks
3- Renovation
of existingparks
L- Addingsportsfacilitiesand playgrounds
to existingparks
B u i l d i n ga n d p r e s e r v i ncgo m m u n i t yg a r d e n s
h= Programmingand activitiesin the parks(suchas arts,sportsand educational
{- Programmingand activitiesalongand aroundthe watefront (suchas boating,fishingor swimming)
Cainingbetteraccessto the waterfront
Treeplantingand tree carein the parksand on the streets

6. What wouldyou liketo be ableto do in your localparksthat you cannotdo nowl

PGas,t<- Drcl+Q- 8l-' h*;r-ds t^*rl4

7 . W h a ti s y o u rh o m ez i p c o d e l
Returnsurveyby Julyr4 to:
Partnershipsfor Parks
83o FifthAvenue
New York,NY roo65

pleasegiveus yourcontactinfoimation.This sectionis OP|IONAL You may

The New YorkStateDepartmentof Environmental Conservation
(DEC)is makingavailable $ro millionto communitiesaffected
by delaysconstructingthe NewtownCreekWastewaterTreatmentPlant.Threegroups-a StateagencycalledNYSERDA, Hudson
RiverFoundationand City ParksFoundation-willspendthesefundsafterconsultingwith communitygroups.

The fundswill be spentin the neighborhoods most directlyaffectedby the Plantand can be spentin severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby City ParksFoundation,is a chancefor you to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this project,giveus yourcontactinformationat the end of this surveyand/orjoin
us at our next community meeting,on Wednesday, f uly z8th at 5:3opmat the NeWown CreekVisitorCenter.Callztz36o.g ro for
m o r ei n f o r m a t i o n .

t. Haveyoubeenaffectedbytheconstruction
of the Newtown
one) 6) NO
lf YES,please
describe: l/
'fu,r( 'oa('Bf ,'
+ P Crfvt\{< | 5r

z. Whichof theseparksdo you visit,and how oftenl (Foreachparklisted,checkthe appropriatecolumn.)

Everyday I Oncea weekI A coupleof . O n c ea m o n t h Never
IN BROOKLYN: I o r m o r e I t i m e sa m o n t h or fewer
C reenpointPlayground(BargePark)
M o n s i g n oM
r c C o l r i c kP a r k
McCarren Park
B u s h w i c lkn l e tP a r k
NatureWalkat NewtownCreekPlant

B r i d g e& T u n n e P
l ark
H u n t e r ' sP o i n tP a r k
fohn AndrewsPlayground
M u r r a yP l a y g r o u n d
Principe Park @otshown
Reiff Park @otshownonmap)

(name ofpark and borough)

3 .W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n ga c t i v i t i ehsa v ey o u ,o r p e o p l ei n y o u rh o u s e h o l dd,o n ei n t h e s ep a r k sd u r i n gt h e l a s tr z m o n t h s l
Checkallthat apply.
JA nctiveRecreation PassiveRecreation - C o i n gt o p l a y g r o u n dwsi t h k i d s
reading,etc.) watkingyourdog
- Sports X
Attendingevents P i c n i c k i n go r B a r b e c u i n g
( b a s k e t b ab
l la
, seball,
soccer,etc.) Other(specifr)
4. lf theywereavailable,whichof the followingactivities.would
you,or peoplein your household,liketo do in theseparksin the
futurel Checkallthat apply.

- Baseball
+ Volleyball Letyourdog playin dog run

+ Sportsinstructionfor kids
y' co--rnity cardening
_ Boating/Kayaking Enjoyviewsof the water Co to playground
with kids
_ Cricket Concerts Scienceor environmental
Football for kids
- Dance
Soccer Neighborhood
_ Movies
Swimmine P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
---r' Theater
Other (speci!)
Y Tennis / ViewArt or Sculpture
5.The $7 millioncan be spentin manydifferentways,but it can't buyeverythingthe communitymight want.Choicesmust be made.
Pleaserankthe followingpossibleusesof the funds in yourpreferenceorder,with r beingthe mostimportant useof thefunds and
g being the leost importont.

f+ Creationofnew parks
2 Renovation
of existingparks

[- Oaa'ngsportsfacilitiesand playgrounds
to existingparks

J- e r i t a i n ga n d p r e s e r v i ncgo m m u n i t yg a r d e n s
Programmingand activitiesin the parks(suchas arts,sportsand educational
Programmingand activitiesalongand aroundthe waterlront(suchas boating,fishingor swimming)
Cainingbetteraccessto the waterfront

?--| Treeplantingand treecarein the parksand on the streets

1 Storrn*atermanagemenr

5. Whatwouldyou liketo be ableto do in your localparksthat you cannotdo nowl

Cn;*Te (h' , emvt ot vt- PKPJ.L

ll 6 7E

Returnsurveyby f uly r4 to:

Partnerships for Parks
83o Fifth Avenue
NewYork,NY roo65

Name 3TftN lSLpN Lftt oo

The New YorkStateDepartmentof Environmental (DEC)is makingavailable
Conservation $ro millionto communitiesaffected
by delaysconstructingthe NewtownCreekWastewater
TreatmentPlant.Threegroups-a StateagencycalledNYSERDA, Hudson
RiverFoundationand CityParksFoundation-willspendthesefunds afterconsultingwithcommunitygroups.

The fundswill be spentin the neighborhoods most directlyaffectedby the Plantand can be spentin severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby CityParksFoundation, is a chancefor you to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this project,giveus yourcontactinformationat the end of this surveyand/orjoin
us at our nextcommunity meeting,on Wednesday, f uly z8th at 5:3opmat the NewtownCreekVisitorCenter.Callz"tz.36o.r3rofor
m o r ei n f o r m a t i o n .

t. Haveyou beenaffectedby the constructionof the NewtownCreekWastewater

TreatmentPlantl (circleone) /O *o
lf YES,pleasedescribe: \-/
n i t
{c "t ot'L,-r-

z. Whichof theseparksdo you visit,and how often) ( F o re a c hp a r kl i s t e dc, h e c kt h e a p p r o p r i a tceo l u m n . )

Everyday Onceaweekl Acoupleof Oncea month Never
IN BROOKLYN: or more I times a month or fewer
Newtown Barge Playground (Barge Park)
Creenpoint Playground (Barge Park)
A m e r i c a nP l a y g r o u n d
Mon M c G o l r i c kP a r k
B u s h w i c lkn l e tP a r k
NatureWalkat NewtownCreekPlant

Bridge& TunnelPark
H u n t e r ' sP o i n tP a r k
J o h nA n d r e w sP l a y g r o u n d
M u r r a yP l a y g r o u n d
Cantry Plaza State Park
Principe Park @otshownonmap)
Reiff Park @otshownonmap)

(nome of park and borough)

3 .W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n ga c t i v i t i ehsa v ey o u ,o r p e o p l ei n y o u rh o u s e h o l dd,o n ei n t h e s ep a r k sd u r i n gt h e l a s tt z m o n t h s l
Checkallthat apply. nctive Recreation 'V
PassiveRecreation C o i n gt o p l a y g r o u n dwsi t h k i d s
(exercise, cycling,etc.)
- Sports
( b a s k e t b ab l la
, seball,
+ W a l k i n gy o u rd o g
P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
(concerts, films,etc.)
soccer,etc.) Other(specifr)
4. lf theywereavailable, which of the followingactivitieswouldyou,or peoplein your household,liketo do in theseparksin the
futurel Checkall that apply.

- Baseball Vvolleybatt -l/. t tyour dog play in dog run

- Basketball L/ Sporttinstructionfor kids Co^^unity Cardening
\/ Bicycling _ Sportsleagues Composting
_ BoatinglKayaking Enjoyviewsof the water _ Co to playground
with kids
_ Cricket Concerts S c i e n c oe r e n v i r o n m e n t a
p lr o g r a m s
Y for kids
- Football Dance
Soccer Neighborhood
- Movies
Swimming P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
_ Theater
Tennis Other (specifr)
_ Vi"*Art or Sculpture

5.The $7 millioncan be spentin manydifferentways,but it can't buyeverythingthe communitymight want.Choicesmust be made.

Pleaserank the following possibleusesof the funds in yourpreference
order,with r beingthe mostimportont useof thefunds and
9 being the least important.

fil- Crealionof new parks

of existingparks
Addingsportsfacilitiesand playgrounds
to existingparks

B u i l d i n ga n d p r e s e r v i ncgo m m u n i t yg a r d e n s
Programmingand activitiesin the parks(suchas arts,sportsand educational

Programmingand activitiesalongand aroundthe waterfront(suchas boating,fishingor swimming)
Cainingbetteraccessto the waterfront
free plantingand tree carein the parksand on the streets
-l- Stormwatermanagement

5. Whatwouldyou liketo be a b l eto do in your localparksthat you cannotdo nowl

Cfr4)X€ g! , ts,vr {erla ,

7 . W h a ti s y o u rh o m ez i p c o d e ) tt37?
Returnsurveyby f uly r4 to:
Partnerships for Parks
83o FifthAvenue
N e w Y o r kN
, Y roo65

lf you are interestedin gettingmore involved,pleasegiveus your contactinformation.This sectionis OPTIONALyou may
completethis surveyanonymously.

The NewYorkStateDepartmentof Environmental Conservation(DEC)is makingavailable$ro millionto communitiesaffected
by delaysconstructingthe NeMown CreekWastewater
TreatmentPlant.Threegroups-a StateagencycalledNYSERDA, Hudson
RiverFoundationand CityParksFoundation-willspendthesefundsafterconsultingwith communitygroups.

The fundswill be spentin the neighborhoods most directlyaffectedby the Plantand can be spentin severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby CityParksFoundation, is a chanceforyou to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this project,giveus yourcontactinformationat the end of this surveyand/orjoin
us at our next community meeting,on Wednesday, f uly zEth at 5:3opmat the NewtownCreekVisitorCenter.Callztz35o:3lo for
more information.

r. Haveyou beenaffectedby the constructionof the NewtownCreekWastewater

TreatmentPlant)(circleone) *"
lf YESp
, l e a s ed e s c r i b e : @
n-fg*t UOIp,/-^

z. Whichof theseparksdo you visit,and how oftenl (Foreachparklisted,checkthe appropriatecolumn.)

Everyday I once a weekI A coupleof Oncea month Never
IN BROOKLYN: I o r r n o r e I t i m e sa ' m o n t h or fewer
NeMown BargePlayground
r c C o l r i c kP a r k
McCarren Park
B u s h w i c kl n l e tP a r k
East River State Park
NatureWalkat NewtownCreekPlant

B r i d g e & T u n n ePl a r k
H u n t e r ' sP o i n tP a r k
.fohn AndrewsPlayground
M u r r a yP l a y g r o u n d
Cantrv Plaza State Park
Principe Park lnotshownon
I '
Reiff Park fuotshownonmap)

(name ofpark and borough)

3 .W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n ga c t i v i t i ehsa v ey o u ,o r p e o p l ei n y o u rh o u s e h o l dd,o n ei n t h e s ep a r k sd u r i n gt h e l a s tr z m o n t h s )
Checkallthat apply.
n.tiu" Recreation
Y| PassiveRecreation Coingto playgrounds
with kids

(relaxing, reading,etc.)
W a l k i n gy o u rd o g
- Sports
Attending events P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
( b a s k e t b ab
l la
, seball,
(concerts,films, etc.)
soccer,etc.) - Other(specifr)
4. lf theywereavailable,whichofthe followingactivitieswouldyou,or peoplein your household,liketo do in theseparksin the
future?Checkall that apply.

- Baseball Volleyball 1", yourdog playin dog run

;( X
- Basketball r/ spottt instructionfor kids communityGardening
l( Bicyclin
C _ Sportsleagues _ Composting
BoatinglKayaking - Enjoyviewsof the water - Co to playgroundwith kids
_ Cricket Concerts Scienceor environmental
- Football for kids
- Dance
Soccer - Neighborhood
_ _ Movies
Swimming - Picnicking
or Barbecuing
{ Theater
r fi -
Tennis v , r*t o^r,S(c- ,u, lrp^ t+u, r, e
\ / ii -" ,*^Aa
V ,- - \oJt Lh rerre(r's p e c i f r )
\ . The $Z millioncan be spentin manydifferentways,but it can't buyeverything
the communitymight want.Choicesmust be made.
Pleaserankthe following possibleusesof the funds in yourpreference
order,wirh r b.eingthe mostimportant useof thefunds and
g being the least important.
, t
I/'t Creationof new parks
-+ R e n o v a t i oonf e x i s t i n gp a r k s
5 Addingsportsfacilitiesand playgrounds
to existingparks
-L B u i l d i n ga n d p r e s e r v i ncgo m m u n i t yg a r d e n s
Programmingand activitiesin the parks(suchas arts,sportsand educational

0 Cainingbetteraccessto the waterfront

,* free plantingand treecarein the parksand on the streets

S t o r m w a t em
r anagement

6. Whatwouldyou liketo be ableto do in your localparksthat you cannotdo nowl

C{snu h , 9.,'v1or'd9 ih",t -

7 . W h a ti s y o u rh o m ez i p c o d e l
/ tJTg
Returnsurveyby f uly r4 to:
NeMown CreekProject
Partnershipsfor Parks
83o FifthAvenue
New York,NY ioo65

lf you are interestedin gettingmore involved,pleasegiveus yourcontactinformation.This sectionis OPTIONALYou may

completethis surveyanonymously.
E-mail ii
The New YorkStateDepartmentof Environmental Conservation
(DEC)is makingavailable $ro millionto communitiesaffected
by delaysconstructingthe NewtownCreekWastewaterTreatmentPlant.Threegroups-a StateagencycalledNYSERDA, Hudson
RiverFoundationand City ParksFoundation-willspendthesefundsafterconsultingwith communitygroups.

Thefundswill be spentin the neighborhoods most directlyaffectedby the Plantand can be spentin severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby City ParksFoundation,
is a chancefor you to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this project,giveus yourcontactinformationat the end of this surveyand/orjoin
us at our nextcommunity meeting,on Wednesday, f uly z8th at 5:3opmat the NewtownCreekVisitorCenter.Callztz.36o:r3lofor
more information.

t. Haveyou beenaffectedby the constructionof the NewtownCreekWastewater

TreatmentPlantl (circleone) 1$ *O
lf yES,please
describe: \-/
-oA*^t g,-",,Gr-r. ?

z. Whichof theseparksdo you visit,and how oftenl (Foreachparklisted,checkthe appropriate

Everyday I once a week] A coupleof. O n c ea m o n t h Never
IN BROOKLYN: I o r m o r e I t i m e sa m o n t h or fewer
B u s h w i c lkn l e tP a r k
NatureWalkat NewtownCreekPlant

Bridge& TunnelPark
H u n t e r ' sP o i n tP a r k
f ohn AndrewsPlayground
f ^
,+ H r l n c l p e Y a t K h o t s h o w no n m a p )
, l

Reiff Park fuotshownonmap)

(name of park and borough)

3 . W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n ga c t i v i t i ehsa v ey o u ,o r p e o p l ei n y o u rh o u s e h o l dd,o n ei n t h e s ep a r k sd u r i n gt h e l a s tr z m o n t h s l
Chgckallthat apply.
PassiveRecreation Coingto playgrounds with kids
(exercise,cycli ng, etc.)
(relaxing, reading,etc.) W a l k i n gy o u rd o g
- Sports
Attendingevents P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
( b a s k e t b ab l la
, seball,
(concerts, films,etc.)
soccer,etc.) Other (specifi7)
4. lf theywereavailable, whichof the followingactivitieswouldyou,or peoplein your household,liketo do in theseparksin the
future) Checkall that apply.

- Baseball
+ Volleyball '/
tutyour dog playin dog run

Sportsinstructionfor kids
_ BoatinglKayaking Enjoyviewsof the water Co to playgroundwith kids
+ Scienceor environmentalprograms
for kids

Soccer Neighborhoodfestivals

4 Swimming Theater
P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g

+ Tennis
ViewArtor Sculpture Other (specifr)

5.The $7 millioncan be sPentin manydifferentways,but it can't buyeverythingthe communitymight want.Choicesmust be made.

Pleaserankthe following possibleusesof the funds in yourpreference
order,with t beingthe mostimportant useof thefunds and
9 beingthe leastimportant.
II qr.^1ron
of newparks
)- Renovation
of existingparks

L- Addingsportsfacilitiesand playgrounds
to existingparks
L B u i l d i n ga n d p r e s e r v i ncgo m m u n i t yg a r d e n s
L Programmingand activitiesin the parks(suchas arts,sportsand educational
Programmingand activitiesalongand aroundthe waterfront(suchas boating,fishingor swimming)
Cainingbetteraccessto the waterfront
L tr"" plantingand tree carein the parksand on the streets
a Stormwatermanagement

6. what wouldyou liketo be ableto do in your localparksthat you cannotdo nowl

cRe Kta gI' , (+v tou4L PryjL

7 . W h a ti s y o u rh o m ez i p c o d e l tt378
Returnsurveyby Julyr4 to:
Partnershipsfor Parks
83o FifthAvenue
New York,NY roo55

lf you are interestedin gettingmore involved,pleasegiveus yourcontactinformation.This sectionis mav

completethis surveyanonymously.
Name EOWTBO JDtup.4
57q7 , f B ''S T R E t r
City,State lt l..sPErU , //3 7E
T h e N e wY o r kS t a t eD e p a r t m e not f E n v i r o n m e n tC a lo n s e r v a t i o( nD E C )i s m a k i n ga v a i l a b l$er o m i l l i o nt o c o m m u n i t i e a
s ffected
by delaysconstructingthe NeMown CreekWastewater TreatmentPlant.Threegroups-a StateagencycalledNYSERDA, Hudson
R i v e rF o u n d a t i oann d C i t yP a r k sF o u n d a t i o n - w i lsl p e n dt h e s ef u n d sa f t e rc o n s u l t i n w
g i t h c o m m u n i t yg r o u p s .

The fundswill be spentin the neighborhoods most directlyaffectedby the Plantand can be spentin severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby CityParksFoundation, is a chancefor you to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this project,giveus yourcontactinformationat the end of this surveyand/or join
us at our nextcommunitymeeting,on Wednesday,.f uly z8th at 5:3opmat the NewtownCreekVisitorCenter.Callz'tz36o.y to for
m o r ei n f o r m a t i o n .

t. Haveyou beenaffectedby the constructionof the NewtownCreekWastewater

TreatmentPlant)(circleone) /r*)
lf YES,pleasedescribe: l-/ "O
jFv Ct.rglK{ I
iv l-r.A I O1-tor. ,

z . W h i c ho f t h e s ep a r k sd o y o u v i s i t ,a n d h o wo f t e n l ( F o re a c hp a r kl i s t e dc, h e c kt h e a p p r o p r i a tceo l u m n . )
Everyday I Oncea week] A coupleof Once a month Never
P A R K SI N B R O O K L Y N : o r m o r e I t i m e sa m o n t h or fewer
C r e e n p o i nPt l a y g r o u n(dB a r g eP a r k )
r c C o l r i c kP a r k
B u s h w i c Ikn l e tP a r k
NatureWalkat NewtownCreekPlant

B r i d g e& T u n n e P
l ark
H u n t e r ' sP o i n tP a r k
J o hn A n d r e w sP l a y g r o u n d
M u r r a yP l a y g r o u n d
t _

V Principe Park fuotshown

Reiff Park fuotshownonmop)

(name of park and borough)

3 . W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n ga c t i v i t i ehsa v ey o u ,o r p e o p l ei n y o u rh o u s e h o l dd,o n ei n t h e s ep a r k sd u r i n gt h e l a s tr z m o n t h s )
Checkall that apply.
V Artir" Recreation
t/ PassiveRecreation _ Coingto playgrounds with kids
(exercise, cycling,etc.)
(relaxing, reading,etc.)
/ W^l*ingyour dog
- Sports
_ Attending events P i c n i c k i n go r B a r b e c u i n g
( b a s k e t b ab l la
, seball,
(concerts,films, etc.)
soccer,etc.) Other (specifi)
4' lf theywereavailable, which of the followingactivities.would
you,or peoplein your household,liketo do in theseparksin the
futurel Checkall that apply.
- Basebatl ,,/ Volleyball / ,uryour dog playin dog run
- Basketball ,/ Sporttinstructionfor kids Co^^rnity Cardening
l./ eicyclinC _ Sportsleagues Composting
- BoatinglKayaking - Enjoyviewsof the water - Co to playground
with kids
Cricket Concerts sOf Srr"nr",orenvironmentalprograms
Football Dance

Soccer Movies

'L Swimming Theater

P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g

Tennis Other (speci!)

n- T
|/ Vi"* Art or Sculoture

5 ' T h e$ 7 m i l l i o nc a n b e s p e n ti n m a n yd i f f e r e nwt a y s ,b u t i t c a n ' tb u ye v e r y t h i ntgh e c o m m u n i t ym i g h tw a n t .C h o i c e sm u s tb e m a d e .

Pleaserankthe following possibleusesof the fundsin yourpreference order,with r beingthe mosiimportant useof thefunds and
g beingthe leastimportant.
, ]
-lJ gr"^1ionof new oarks

5 Renovation
of existingparks
-J Addingsportsfacilitiesand playgrounds
to existingparks

B u i l d i n ga n d p r e s e r v i ncgo m m u n i t yg a r d e n s
Programmingand activitiesin the parks(suchas arts,sportsand educational
Programmingand activitiesalongand aroundthe waterfront(suchas boating,fishingor swimming)
{ Gainingbetteraccessto the waterfront
4 Treeplantingand tree carein the parksand on the streets

T Stormwatermanagement

6. what wouldyou liketo be ableto do in your localparksthat you cannotdo nowl

?t .-<- Ct'tP{ A K t . Lrr-vttrvt^ PetJ-r*..

7. What is your home zip codel rt 3 \ 8

Returnsurveyby fuly r4 to:
Partnerships for Parks
83o FifthAvenue
N e w Y o r kN
, Y roo65

r' lf vou are interestedin getting

more involved,pleasegiveus yourcontactinformation.This sectionis OpTIONALyou may
completethis surveyanonymously.

Address tl
The NewYorkStateDepartmentof Environmental Conservation
(DEC)is makingavailable $ro millionto communitiesaffected
by delaysconstructingthe NeMown CreekWastewaterTreatmentPlant.Threegroups-a StateagencycalledNYSERDA, Hudson
RiverFoundationand City ParksFoundation-willspendthesefundsafterconsultingwith communitygroups.

The fundswill be spentin the neighborhoods most directlyaffectedby the Plantand can be spentin severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby City ParksFoundation,is a chancefor you to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this project,giveus yourcontactinformationat the end ofthis surveyand/orjoin
us at our nextcommunitymeeting,on Wednesdayf uly z8th at 5:3opmat the NewtownCreekVisitorCenter.Callztz.35o.t3rofor
m o r ei n f o r m a t i o n .

t. Haveyou beenaffectedby the constructionof the NewtownCreekWastewater

l f Y E S ,p l e a s ed e s c r i b e :
-i"1"tyr^ry\e t N f\)w\ fi.-\Lcf ,

z. Whichof theseparksdo you visit,and how oftenl (Foreachparklisted,checkthe appropriate

Everyday I Oncea weekI A coupleof Once a month Never
IN BROOKLYN: I o r m o r e I t i m e sa m o n t h or fewer
A m e r i c a nP l a y g r o u n d
Mon M c C o l r i c kP a r k
B u s h w i c lkn l e tP a r k
NatureWalkat NewtownCreekPlant

B r i d s e& T u n n e P
l ark
H u n t e r ' sP o i n tP a r k
J o h nA n d r e w sP l a y g r o u n d
M u r r a yP l a y g r o u n d
Principe Park @otshown
Reiff Park fuotshownonmap)

(name ofpork and borough)

3 .W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n ga c t i v i t i ehsa v ey o u ,o r p e o p l ei n y o u rh o u s e h o l dd,o n ei n t h e s ep a r k sd u r i n gt h e l a s tr z m o n t h s l
Checkallthat apply.
V L/ PassiveRecreation C o i n gt o p l a y g r o u n dwsi t h k i d s
reading,etc.) W a l k i n gy o u rd o g
- Sports
Attendinsevents P i c n i c k i n go r B a r b e c u i n g
(basketbab lla, seball,
soccer,etc.) Other(specifr)
4. lf theywereavailable, whichof the followingactivities.would
you,or peoplein your household,liketo do in theseparksin the
futurel Checkall that apply.

- Baseball (/ Volleyball , " r y o u r d o g p l a yi n d o g r u n

_ Basketball
L/ Sportt instructionfor kids
v- C o m m u n i t yC a r d e n i n g
1ul _ Composting
_ BoatinglKayaking _ Enioyviewsof the water Go to playgroundwith kids
_ Concerts
+ S c i e n co
e r e n v i r o n m e n t aplr o g r a m s
for kids
_ Soccer Neighborhoodfestivals
_ Movies
Swimming Theater P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
_ Tennis Vi"* Art or Sculpture Other (specifr)

5.The $7 millioncan be spentin manydifferentways,but it can't buyeverythingthe communitymight want.Choicesmust be made.

Pleaserank the followingpossibleusesof the funds in yourpreference
order,with r beingthe mosiimportant useof thefunds and
beingthe leastimportant.
I r
lV Creationof new parrs
l- Renovation
of existingparks
Addingsportsfacilitiesand playgrounds
to existingparks
4 B u i l d i n ga n d p r e s e r v i ncgo m m u n i t yg a r d e n s

Programmingand activitiesin the parks(suchas arts,sportsand educational
Programmingand activitiesalongand aroundthe waterfront(suchas boating,fishingor swimming)
Cainingbetteraccessto the waterfront
L Treeplantingand treecarein the parksand on the streets
J- Stormwatermanagement

6. What wouldyou liketo be ableto do in your.local

parksthatyoucannotdo nowl

\ l'[ "-v(* i S v\l.l grov[u Yt {x>{- t^9 .

fl,e$+ ,itel p Crc^od" c^.a 0* N\ ' Sru t s'r F\! s\to ?

7 . W h a ti s y o u rh o m ez i p c o d e l tl J 7'g
Returnsurveyby fuly r4 to:
Partnerships for Parks
83o FifthAvenue
N e w Y o r kN
, Y roo55

lf you are interestedin gettingmore involved,pleasegiveus yourcontactinformation.This sectionis OpTleNAL you mav
completethis surveyanonymously.
I Name


li City,State
The NewYorkStateDepartmentof Environmental Conservation (DEC)is makingavailable $io millionto communitiesaffected
by delaysconstructingthe NewtownCreekWastewater TreatmentPlant.Threegroups---aStateagencycalledNYSERDA, Hudson
R i v e rF o u n d a t i oann d C i t yP a r k sF o u n d a t i o n - w i lsl p e n dt h e s ef u n d sa f t e rc o n s u l t i n w
g i t h c o m m u n i t yg r o u p s .

The fundswill be spentin the neighborhoods mosi directlyaffectedbythe Plantand can be spentin severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby CityParksFoundation, is a chancefor you to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this project,giveus yourcontactinformationat the end of this surveyand/orjoin
us at our nextcommunitymeeting,on Wednesday, f uly z8th at 5:3opmat the NewtownCreekVisitorCenter.Callztz.36o.t3rofor
m o r ei n f o r m a t i o n .

TreatmentPlantl (circle
t. Haveyou beenaffectedby the constructionof the NewtownCreekWastewater one) *O
lf YESp
, l e a s ed e s c r i b e : @
(ro-t.- ts '-Tlt6r Nrut\.*4b*L*.n
uflt.{w f tta ,&t^^ fru

z . W h i c ho f t h e s ep a r k sd o y o uv i s i t ,a n d h o wo f t e n l ( F o re a c hp a r kl i s t e dc, h e c kt h e a p p r o p r i a tceo l u m n . )
Everyday I Oncea weekI A coupleof Once a month Never
IN BROOKLYN: I o r m o r e I t i m e sa m o n t h or fewer
C r e e n p o i nPt l a y g r o u n(dB a r g eP a r k )
American Playground
M o n s i s n o rM c C o l r i c kP a r r <
McCarren Park
B u s h w i c lkn l e tP a r k
NatureWalkat NewtownCreekPlant

B r i d g e& T u n n e P
l ark

M u r r a yP l a y g r o u n d
antrv PlazaState Park
Principe Park fuotshown
Reiff Park fuotshownonmap)

(name ofpark and borough)

3 .W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n ga c t i v i t i ehsa v ey o u ,o r p e o p l ei n y o u rh o u s e h o l dd,o n ei n t h e s ep a r k sd u r i n gt h e l a s tr z m o n t h s l
Checkallthat apply.
- ActiveRecreation
_ PassiveRecreation
x C o i n gt o p l a y g r o u n dwsi t h k i d s
W a l k i n gy o u rd o g
- Sports
Attendine events P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
( b a s k e t b ab
l la
, s e b al ,l
(concerts,films, etc.)
<nrrar efr \ Other (specl!)
4. lf theywereavailable,
whichof the followingactivitieswouldyou,or peoplein your household,liketo do in theseparksin the
future?Checkallthat apply.

- Baseball - Volleyball Letyourdog playin dog run

- Basketball \ Spon, instructionfor kids C o m m u n i t yC a r d e n i n g
_ Bicycling _ Sportsleagues Composting
_ Boating/Kayaking _ Enjoyviewsof the water a- Co to playgroundwith kids
_ Cricket _ Concerts Scienco e r e n v i r o n m e n t ap lr o g r a m s
- Football for kids
- Dan.e
Soccer Neighborhoodfestivals
_ Movies
Swimming P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g
_ Theater
Other (speci!)
& Tennis _ ViewArt or Sculpture

5' The $7 millioncan be spentin manydifferentways,but it can't buyeverythingthe communitymight want.Choicesmust be made.
Pleaserankthe followingpossibleusesof the funds in yourpreferenceorder,with t beingthe mostimportant useof thefunds and
g beingthe leastimportant.

A Creationof new oarks

J, Addingsportsfacilitiesand playgrounds
to existingparks
7-- B u i l d i n ga n d p r e s e r v i ncgo m m u n i t yg a r d e n s
Programmingand activitiesin the parks(suchas arts,sportsand educational
Programmingand activitiesalongand aroundthe waterfront(suchas boating,fishingor swimming)
-i- Cainingbetteraccessto the waterfront
' Treeplantingand treecarein the parksand on the streets
jl- Storm*atermanagement

6. what wouldyou liketo be ableto do in your localparksthat you cannotdo nowl

W'd<\&J{g o.b sp, 9o"vUa*,,yLtsg t t e ,

7 . W h a ti s y o u rh o m ez i p c o d e l
Returnsurveyby f uly r4 to:
Partnerships for Parks
83o FifthAvenue
N e w Y o r kN
, Y roo55

lf you are interestedin gettingmore involved,pleasegiveus yourcontactinformation.This sectionis OPTIONA1-.

completethis surveyanonymously.
The New YorkStateDepartmentof Environmental Consbrvation(DEC)is makingavailable$ro million to communitiesaffected
by delaysconstructingthe Newtown CreekWastewaterTreatmentPlant.Three groups-a Stateagenq called NYSERDA,Hudson
RiverFoundationand City ParksFoundation---willspend these funds after consulting with community groups.

The funds will be the neigtrborhoodsmost directtyaffeaed $ the Plant end can be spent in severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby City ParksFoundation"is a chancefor you to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this proiect,give us your contactinformationat the end of this surveyandlor ioin
us at our next community meeting,on Ubdn*da; fuly z6th at G3oprn at thc NenfiownCredr Msitor Center.Call zrz.36o.1310for
more information.

t. Have you been affectedby the construction of the NewtorvnCreekWasterrvaterTreatment

Plantl (circleone) YES NO
lf YES,pleasedescribe:

a. \Uhichof theseparksdo you visit,and how often) (Foreachparklisted,checkthe appropriatecolumn.)

E v e r y d a yI O n c e a w e e k l . A c o u p l e o f . Once a month Never
PARKSIN BROOKLYN: I or more I ttmes a month or ferver
C reenpointPlayground(BargePark)
Transmitter Playground
Bushwicklnlet Park
East RiverStatePark
Nature Walk at Newtown CreekPlant

Hunter'sPoint Pa*
John AndrerrrsPlayground
PrincipePark 1rctstw,non nvrpl
ReiffPa* (mtstwnannap)

(name ofpa* ond brough)

3. Which of the followingactivitieshaveyou, or peoplein your household,done in theseparksduring the last ra monthsl
Check all thet applF
- Active Recreation Y Passive Recreation - Going to playgroundswith kids
(relaxing, reading, etc)
- lUalkingyourdog
- Sports
- Attendingevents Picnickingor Barbecuing
soccer,etc.) {concerts,films, etc.) - Other(specif)
in theseparksin the
4. lf theywereavailable,which of the followingactivitieswould you, or peoplein your household,liketo do
futurel Checkall that apply.

- Baseball - Volleyball -rLelyour dog playin dog run

Basketball Sports instruction for kids ry' CommunityGardening

_ BicyclinC _ Sports leagues _ Composting

- Boating/Kayaking Enjoyviaus of the water -d crto playgroundwith kids

- Cricket Concerts I programs

- u( S.,"nr"or environmenta
for kids
- Football - Dance
- Soccer Movies
Picnickingor Barbecuing
Swimmine Theater
Other (specif)
_ Tennis View Art or Sculpture

The $7 million can be spent in manydifferentways,but it can't buy everythingthe communitymight want. Choicesmust be made.
pleaserank the following possibleuses ofthe funds in purprc$rcncc ardlr.,with r Dcingthc mo$ importont us ofthefunds and
g beingthe last inrportcnl.

V Creationofnew parks
,;' Renovationof existingparks
l Adding sports facilities and playgroundsto e:tistingparks
, Building and preservingcommunity gardevrs
{., Programmingand activitiesin the parks (such as arts, sports and educationalevents)
,, Programmingand activitiesalongand aroundthe waterfront(suchas boating,fishingor swimming)
-, Gaining better accessto the waterflront
J Tr"" planting and tree carein the parlc *nd on tfie shrcets
'';-- Stormwater rnanageme*t

5. What would you liketo be ableto do in your localparksthat you cannotdo nowl

7. What is your home zip code)

Return suryey S |dy l4tot
Newtown CreekProject
Partnerships for Parks
83o Fifth Avenue
NewYork,NY too65
'llg'x- srt S*'tavrr
LJec 'l o LtLrtr46 Lu,'lt*N*?"'k
lf you are interestedin gettingmore involved,pleasegiveus your contactinformation.This sectionis OPTIONALYou may
completethis surveyanonymously.
ru,,"" fjru aa$ I{ -1c,4 e i"l (
The New YorkStateDepartmentof EnvironmentalConservation
(DEC)is makingavailable$ro millionto communitiesaffected
by delaysconstructingthe NewtownCreekWastewater
TreatmentPlant.Threegroups-a StateagencycalledNYSERDA, Hudson
RiverFoundationand CityParksFoundation-willspendthesefundsafterconsultingwith communitygroups.

The fundswill be spentin the neighborhoods most directlyaffectedby the Plantand can be spentin severaldifferentways.This
survey,createdby CityParksFoundation, is a chancefor you to haveinput.

lf you would liketo becomemore involvedin this project,giveus yourcontactinformationat the end of this surveyandlor join
us at our nextcommunity meeting,on Wednesday,,f uly z8th at 6:3opmat the NewtownCreekVisitor Center.Callz'tz36o.t3ro for
more information.

t. Haveyou beenaffectedby the constructionof the NewtownCreekWastewater

TreatmentPlantl (circleone) *o
l f Y E S ,p l e a s ed e s c r i b e : @

tNOg€-tc e /y't
'neno n2az o*oe.
ses/M6 q<m sP"lceI ,
fravl TueNrNe rmn \NTD 4 CrliVT ?nM€,aU^4-LS7flae7HH
z. Whichof theseparksdo you visit,and how often) (Foreachparklisted,checkthe appropriatecolumn.)
Everyday I Oncea weekI A coupleof O n c ea m o n t h Never
IN BROOKLYN: o r m o r e I t i m e sa m o n t h or fewer
M c G o l r i c kP a r k
B u s h w i c kl n l e tP a r k
NatureWalkat NewtownCreekPlant

Bridge& TunnelPark
H u n t e r ' sP o i n tP a r k
f ohn AndrewsPlayground
Principe Park @otshown
Reiff Park @otshown

other:H08./s ?qwt
(name of park and borough)

3 . W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n ga c t i v i t i ehsa v ey o u ,o r p e o p l ei n y o u rh o u s e h o l dd,o n ei n t h e s ep a r k sd u r i n gt h e l a s tr z m o n t h s l
Check allthat apply.
- Active Recreation
PassiveRecreation - Coingto playgrounds
with kids
. (exercise,cycling,etc.) (relaxing,reading,etc.) !
t,/ w^tuingyour dog
Y Sports
Attendins events - P i c n i c k i n go r B a r b e c u i n g
( b a s k e t b a l lb, a s e b a l l ,
(concerts,films, etc.)
soccer, etc.) - Other (specif,)
4. lf theywereavailable,
whichof the followingactivitieswouldyou,or peoplein your household,liketo do in theseparksin the
{ K {
_ baseDall volleyball Letyour dog playin dog run
_ Basketball Sportsinstructionfor kios C o m m u n i t yC a r d e n i n g
_ Bicycling _ Sportsleagues Composting
- BoatinglKayaking y' *ioy viewsof the water Co to playgroundwith kids
_ Cricket Concerts S c i e n co
er e n v i r o n m e n t a
p lr o g r a m s
for kids
). Soccer
f Neighborhoodfestivals

P i c n i c k i nogr B a r b e c u i n g

r Tennis _ ViewArt or Sculpture

Other (speci!)

5.The $7 millioncan be spentin manydifferentways,but it can't buy everythingthe communitymight want.Choicesmust be made.
Pleaserankthe following possibleusesof the funds in yourpreferenceorder,with r beingthe mostimportant useof thefunds and
9 being the leastimportant.
t{ Creationof new parks
L Renovation
of existingparks
Addingsportsfacilitiesand playgrounds
to parks
LI_B u i t d i n ga n d p r e s e r v i ncgo m m u n i t yg a r d e nexisting
r' Programmingand activitiesin the parks(suchas arts,sportsandeducationalevents)
Programmingand activitiesalongand aroundthe waterfront(suchas boating,fishingor swimming)
U Gainingbetteraccessto the waterfront
T Treeplantingand treecarein the parksand on the streets

L Stormwatermanagement

5. What wouldyou liketo be ableto do in your localparksthat you cannotdo now?

fiA*r ClLdo€ gt-. %no,tw lKUz_.

7 . W h a ti s y o u rh o m ez i p c o d e )
Returnsurveyby fuly r4 to:
Partnershipsfor Parks
83o FifthAvenue
New York,NY roo65

lf you are interestedin gettingmore involved,pleasegiveus yourcontactinformation.This sectionis OPTIONALYou may
completethis surveyanonymously.
Name rril4 g/a4
57" 45 58r/,. K-
ii City,State /Y,*(7r7, M, v

Wydzial Ochrony Srodowiska (DEC) Stanu Nowy Jork udostgpnia 10 milion6w USD spoleczno6ciom najbardziej dotknigtym
op6lnieniami w budowie oczyszczalni Sciek6w Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Trzy instytucje bpd4 korzysta6 z tych
funduszypo konsultacji z grupami spolecznoSciowymi:stanowaagencjazwanaNYSERDA, Hudson RiverFoundation (FundacjaRzeki
Hudson) oraz City Parks Foundation (Fundacja Park6w Miejskich).

Fundusze zostan4 wydane na okolice, na kt6re oczyszczalniama najwigkszy wplyw, amoina je wydai na kilka r6inych sposob6w.
Niniejsza ankieta, opracowana przez Fundacjg Park6w Miejskich, jest okazjq do wniesienia swego wkladu w tej kwestii.

Je6li chcieliby Paristwo bardziej zaangu2owa{sig w to przedsigwzigcie, proszg nam podai swoje informacje kontaktowe na koricu tej
ankiety i/lub dol1czyc do nas na naszym nastppnym spotkaniu sqsiedzkimw Srodg,28 lipca, o godz. 18:30 w Newtown CreekVisitor
Center. Wigcej informacji moinauzyskac pod nr telefonu: 212,360.1310.

Czy budowa oczyszczalni 6cie!{.$ewtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant dotkngla Paristwa w jaki5 spos6b?
(proszszakreSlicjednolq}p NIE
,, -
IeLelitak, prosz? opisaijak.
zi;ue*z 4 TULYttti
lTonre tql2:K?'kwY
filr,L,?>l rLftaaletoxrvtv "
L V?LW't+vot"l*Nte \

2. KI6ry z tych park6wParistwoodwiedzaj4i jak czgsto?(proszgzazracryt odpowiednisfupekprzy nazwieka2dego

wymienionego parku)
codziennie raz w tygodniu ktlkarazy raz w mresl4cu nigdy
NA BROOKL lub cze6ciei w mles1 lub rzadziei



American P
isnor McGolrick Park
McCarren Park

East River State Park

NatureWalk atNewtown CreekPlant

& Tunnel Park

John Andrews


,h Park nie w

(nazwa parku i dzielnicy)

Kt6re zponi2szych czynno6ci wykonywali Paristwo lub Paristwa domownicy w tych parkach w ci4gu ostanich 12 miesigcy?
Proszg zaznacry a wszystkie pasuj4ce odpowiedzi. .
F rekreacjaaktywna K rekreacjabierna _ chodzenie z dzie(mi na plac zabaw
(iwiczenia, azdana rowerze,itp.) (relaks, czytanie, itp.) K spaceryzpsem
_ sporty udzial w imprezach _ urz4dzanie piknik6w lub grilowanie
(siatk6wka,baseball,pilka noina, itp.) (koncerty, frlmy, ip.) _ inne (iakie)

zajgi chcielibyParistwolub Pafstwadomownicyskorzystaiw tych parkachw przyszlo5ci,gdybybyly

4. Z ktlrych z poniizszych
onedostgpne?Proszgztznacry( wszystkiepasui4ceodpowiedzi.
mo2liwoS6 zabawy z psem na
x wybiegu dla ps6w
koszyk6wka nauka sportu dla dzieci l-l
uprawianie ogrodu spolecznego
^ jazdana rowerze ligi sportowe kompostowanie
ptywanie lodzi4lkaj akiem podziwianie widoku wody chodzenie z dziecmina plac zabaw
krykiet koncerty programy dla dzieci na temat nauki
- tutbol - tarice * lub Srodowiska

pilka no2na - filmy festiwale dzielnicowe

X plywanie urzqdzanie piknik6w lub grilowanie

tenis \( ogQdaniesztuki lub rzeib inne (iakie)


5 . Te 7 milion6w USD moina wydai na wiele r6inych sposob6w, ale nie zakupi sig za nie wszystkiego, czegomoglyby chciei grupy
spoleczno6ciowe. Trzeba dokonad wyboru. Proszg ustawii podane niZej mo2liwe sposoby wykorrystania tych funduszy w
preferowanej przez Padstwa kolejnoSci, pamigtaj4c, Le I oznacza najwailniejszy, e 9 oznacza najmniej wainy spos6b
wykorzystania tych funduszy.
>10 zakJadanienowych park6w
A renowacja istniei4cych park6w

3 dodutto*e wyposaZenieistniej4cychpark6w w obiekty sportowei place zabaw

t l
Ll zaKadanie i konserwacja ogrod6w spolecznych
n rOu owanie i zajgciaw parku (takie jak sztuki, imprezy sportowe i edukacyjne)

{ nrorru-owanie i zajpciananabrzehuiw okolicy (takiejak ptywanielodzi4,lowienieryb i ptywanie)

/ *y"Uunie lepszegodostgpudo nabrzeLa
I ,udr"rrie i konserwacja drzew w parkach i na ulicach

].- gospodarkawod4 deszczow4

,PS o
teraz? VnooU.t
6 . Co chcieliby Pafstwo m6c robii w swoich okolicznych parkach, czego nie moLnarobi(c teraz? j
7 . Proszp podai sw6j domowy kod pocztowyl tt'b*lX Sz,ow+e** S, tlWtov'(3
Proszgodesla6ankietg do 14 lipca na poni2szyadres:
Partnershipsfor Parks
830 Fifth Avenue
New York,NY 10065

Je$li interesuje Paristwa wigksze zaangaLowanie sig w to przedsigwzigcie, prosimy o podanie informacji kontaktowych.
Ta czgSi ankiety jest Nl DOBOWI MKOWA. A*ietg moilna wypelnii anonimowo.

Imig i nazwisko vlXtteu- atUW

ulica i nr domu/mieszkania 6l q( SA ,{VL

miejscowoSi, stan Yulft!,afi1 4'Y \lVjq

adres e-mailowy

Wydzial Ochrony Srodowiska (DEC) Stanu Nowy Jork udostgpnia 10 milion6w USD spoteczno$ciomnajbardziej dotknigtym
op6lnieniamiw budowieoczyszczalniSciek6wNewtownCreekWastewaterTreatmentPlant.Trzy inst5rtucje
bpdakorzystadz tych
spoleczno6ciowymi:stanowaagencjazwanaNYSERDA, HudsonRiyerFoundation (FundacjaRzeki
Hudson) oruzCity ParksFoundation(FundacjaPark6wMiejskich).

Funduszezostan4wydanena okolice, na kt6re oczyszczalniama najwigkszyvrptyw, amotna je wydadna kilka r6inych sposob6w.
Nirtiejsza ankieta,opracowanapruezFundacjpPark6wMiejskich, jest okazj4do wniesieniaswegowkladu w tej kwestii.

Je6lichcieliby Paristwobardziej zaangailowadsigw to przedsigwzigcie,proszenampodai swoje infonnacje kontaktowena koricu tej

ankietyi/lub doQczyi do nasila naszymnastgpnymspotkanius4siedzkim w Srodg,28 lipca, o godz.18:30w NewtownCreekVlsltor
Center. Wigcej informacjimoZnauzyskai pod nr telefonu: 212.360.13I 0.

1. Czy budowa oczyszczalniScie!{ewtown CreekWastewaterTreatmentPlant dotknglaPafstwa w jakiS spos6b?

(proszgzakre(li6jedno) (TAK) ME
Je2elitak, proszgopisaijak.
4t r'A{-D>lX1p (o u,:it*t.

2. Kt6ry z tych park6w Paristwoodwiedzaj4i jak czgsto?(proszgzaznaczytodpowiednislupek przy r,az'r,iekaidego

codziennie raz w tygodniu kilka razy raz w miesi4cu nigdy
PARKI NA w lub
ManhattanAvenue StreetendPark


Bushwick Inlet Park

Nature Walk at Newtown CreekPlant

& Tunnel Park

John Andrews


$4 Park nle


(nazwaparkui dzielnicy)

.t6re z poniZszych czynnoSciwykonywali Pafstwo lub Paristwadomownicy w tych parkach w ci4gu ostanich 12 miesigcy?
froszg zaznaczyd wszystkie pasuj4ce odpowiedzi.
_ rekreacjaaktywna _j rekreacjabierna -- chodzeniez dzieimi na plac zabaw
(iwiczenia,j azdana rowerze,itp.) (relaks,czytanie,itp.) -- spaceryz psem
jNPoq udzialw imprezach _ urz1dzaniepiknik6w lub grilowanie
((siatk6wkal baseball,pilka noZna,itp.) (koncerty,filmy, ip.) _ inne fiakie)

4. Zkt6rychzponiiLszychzajgdchcielibyParistwolub Paristwadomownicyskorzystaiw tych parkachw przyszlo$ci,gdybybyly

one dostgpne?Proszgzaznacrycwszystkiepasuj4ceodpowiedzi.
mo2liwo$i zabawyz psemna
baseball siatk6wka
wybiegudla ps6w
koszyk6wka nauka sportu dla dzieci
h jazdanarowerze Ligi sportowe
plywanielodziq/kajakiem podziwianie widoku wody
chodzeniez dzieimi na plac zabaw
krykiet koncerty progamy dla dziecina tematnauki
- tutbol - tarice lub Srodowiska
pilka noina -- filmy festiwaledzielnicowe
plywanie urz4dzaniepiknik6w lub grilowanie

XJ tenis oglfdanie sztuki lub rzefb inne (iakie)

5. Te ? milion6wUSD moinawydadnawieler62nychsposob6w,alenie zakupisigzanie wszystkiego,czego moglybychciei grupy

spolecznoSciowe. Trzebadokonai wyboru. Proszgustawii podaneniiej moZliwe sposobywykorzystaniatych fundusry w
preferowanejprzez Pafstwa kolejno$ci,pamigtajqc,2e I oztraczenajwainiejszy, a 9 ozrraczanajmniej wa2ny spos6b
, wykorzystaniatych funduszy.
;l zakladanienowych park6w
) r"no*acjaisniej4cychpark6w
'/, t
dodatkowe wyposaienie istniej4cych park6w w obiekty sportowe i place zabaw
'li '
zakladanie i konserwacja ogrod6w spolecznych
(l progru-owanie i zajpciaw parku (takie jak sztuki, imprezy sportowe i edukacyjne)

1 . progru^owaniei zajpciananabrzeiui w okolicy (takiejak plywanielodzi4,lowienieryb i plywanie)

tl uzyskanie lepszegodostgpu do nabrzeia

]_ sadzeniei konserwacja drzew w parkach i na ulicach

{-{ gospodarkawod4 deszczowq

Je6li interesuje Paristwa wigksze zaangaLowtnie sig w to przedsigwzigcie, prosimy o podanie informacji kontaktowych.
Ta czg66ankiety jest Nz{DOBOWI$ZKO}I.A. Ankrerp moana wypelnid anonimowo.

Lnip i nazwisko (=g'LiaK (t r+tee

ulica i nr domu/mieszkanra $\r ''St-
miejscowo6i, stan $1 t,??
adres e-mailowy

Wydzial Ochrony Srodowiska (DEC) Stanu Nowy Jork udostgpnia l0 milion6w USD spoleczno6ciom najbardziej dotknigtym
op6lnieniami w budowie oczyszczalni Sciek6w Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Trzy inst5rtucje b9d4 korrystat z tych
funduszypokonsultacjizgrupami spoleczno6ciowymi: stanowaagencjazwanaNYSERDA, HudsonRiverFoundation (FundacjaRzeki
Hudson) oraz City Parks Foundation (Fundacja Park6w Miejskich).

Fundusze zostan1wydane na okolice, na kt6re oczyszczalniama najwigkszy wplyw, amolna je wydai na kilka r62nych sposob6w.
Niniejsza ankieta, opracowana przez Fundacjg Park6w Miejskich, jest okazj4 do wniesienia swego wkladu w tej kwestii.

Je6li chcieliby Paristwo bardziej zaangaLowafsig w to przedsigwzigcie, proszp nam podad swoje informacje kontaktowe na koricu tej
ankiety i/lub dol4czy( do nas na naszym nastgpnym spotkaniu sqsiedzkimw Srodpi 28lipca, o godz. 18:30 w Newtown CreekVisitor
Center. Wigcej infonnacji moinatryska( pod nr telefonu: 212.360.1310.

1. Czy budowaoczyszczalni$cielg2r{ewtown CreekWastewaterTreatmentPlantdotknglaParistwaw jakiS spos6b?

(proszgzakre6lidjedno) NIE
\-/ f, ./1
Je2elitak,proszeopisacjak. TOrUt€T?2-

2. Kt6ry z tych park6w Paristwoodwiedzaj4i jak czgsto?(proszgzaznaczy€,

odpowiednistupekprzy nazwiekaZdego
wymienionego parku)

codziennie raz w tygodniu Y,tlkarazy raz w miesiqcu nigdy

PARKI NA lub cze$ciei w lub
Newtown "tt

American Pl

McGolrick Park
Bushwick Inlet Park

EastRiver StatePark
Walk at Newtown Creek

Hunter's Point Park
John Andrews

Plaza State Park

)C princi

(naz-vraparku i dzielnicy)

Kt6re z poni2szych czynnoSci wykonywali Paristwo lub Paristwa domownicy w tych parkach w ci4gu ostanich 12 miesigcy?
Proszg zaznacry 6 wszystkie p asuj 4ce odpowiedzi.'
-?I rekreacja aktywna )<r rekreacja bierna _{ chodzenie z dzie(mi na plac zabaw
(iwiczenia, jazdanarowerze, itp.) (relaks, czytanie, itp.) spacery z psem
sporly udzial w imprezach urzqdzanie piknik6w lub grilowanie
(siatk6wka, baseball, pilka noZna, itp.) (koncerty, filmy, ip.) inne ffakie)

4. Zkt6rychzponilszych zajgi chcieliby Paristwo lub Paristwa domownicy skorzystai w tych parkach w przyszloSci, gdyby byly
one dostgpne?Proszg zazntczyt wsrystkie pasuj4ce odpowiedzi.
mo2liwoSi zabawy z psem na
baseball siatk6wka wybiegu dla ps6w
koszyk6wka nauka sportu dla dzieci uprawianieogrodu spolecznego
jazdana rowerze ligi sportowe kompostowanie
plywanie lodzi4lkaj akiem podziwianie widoku wody chodzenie z dzietmi na plac zabaw
krykiet koncerly programy dla dzieci na temat nauki
- tutbol - tafce lub Srodowiska

pilka noZna filmy festiwale dzielnicowe

plywanie teatr urz4dzanie piknik6w lub grilowanie

X tenis ogl4danie sztuki lub rzeZb inne (akie)

5. Te 7 milion6w USD moZnawydai na wiele r62nych sposob6w,ale nie zakupi sig za nie wszystkiego, czego moglyby chciei grupy
spolecznoSciowe.Trzeba dokonai wyboru. Proszg ustawi6 podane ni2ej moZliwe sposoby wykorzystania tych funduszy w
preferowanej ptzez Pansfi'ra kolejnoSci, pamigtaj4c, Le I oznacza najwalniejszy, a 9 oznacza najmniej waLny spos6b
wykorzystania tych funduszy.
-X zakladanienowychpark6w
renowacja istniej4cych park6w

J zakladanie i konserwacja ogrod6w spolecznych

l' nroeramowanie i zaigcia w parku (takie jak sztuki, imprezy sportowe i edukacyjne)
* programowanie i zajgcia \e \abrzeLu i w okolicy (takie jak plywanie lodzi1,lowienie ryb i plywanie)
uzyskanie lepszegodostgpu do nabrzeia

. sadzeniei konserwacja drzew w parkach i na ulicach

- gospodarkawod4deszczow4
rig ww M{J24, rrraNv',t:>, pr,"e6 o' >0^6P('Lu&
6. Co chcieliby Paristwo m6c robii w swoich okolicznych parkach, czego nie moina robic teraz?

7. Proszg poda6 sw6j domowy kod pocztowy: llrS E-, eol'it,tis ftWh,
Proszg odeslad ankietg do 14 lipca na poniiszy adres:
Newtown Creek Project
Partnerships for Parks
830 Fifth Avenue
New York. NY 10065

Je6li interesuje Paristwa wigksze zaanga2owaniesig w to przedsigwzigcie, prosimy o podanie informacji kontaktowych.
Ta czgfi( ankiety jest Nz4DOBOWI\ZKOWA. Ant'tetq molna wypelnii anonimowo.

Imig i nazwisko ItilCo(+ su)bq

ulica i nr domu/mieszkania v
miejscowoSi,stan l"tpqgctr". NF \[3I
adres e-mailowv

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