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Nurul Afiqah Binte Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Writing

The kind of genres that I would be writing in my major, Information Systems (IS), are

typically, business reports, statistical reports and proposals that are either informative,

evaluative or argumentative. After taking the ES1103 module, I believe that I am more

informed of the mistakes I used to make in my past writings and I could improve my

future writings by leveraging from the skills taught in the module. I will reflect on how

the skills and experiences, gained from ES1103, is applicable to the written genres or

non-written works in my discipline, IS, and discuss my strengths and weaknesses.

One of the written genres that I will be writing in my discipline is business reports. The

skills and experiences that ES1103 have taught me will be helpful in the planning and

structuring phase of the reports and also, the usage of citation and expressing citations

in the reports. Commented [gs1]: Combine these two paragraphs to

avoid repetitive content and short, underdeveloped
ES1103 have taught me on how to analyse the prompt which helps me to plan and Commented [gs2]: has

structure the reports. I could apply this skill by finding the scoping, value, content and

instructional words; thereupon, having a clear understanding of the requirements for

the reports (Rashid, N.A., 2017d). Other than that, I also learnt from the module that

shaping the thesis serves as an anchor for the entire report so it is very important to

make it concise and yet covers the summary of the report (Rashid, N.A., 2017c).

Furthermore, the module has improved my citations and how I paraphrase, synthesize

and summarise the citations into the reports. In Week 3, I learnt these skills by using

complex sentences and complex nouns, which makes the citation concise while

integrating more information and expressing dense meanings; thus, having such a skill

would be good to apply into reports since reports have heavy cited references (Rashid,

N.A., 2017a).

Nurul Afiqah Binte Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Writing

On the other hand, for non-written works, such as presentations, the module has

taught me how to plan future presentations by using the suitable references and

making the flow more coherent. Experiences from peer feedback sessions have taught Commented [gs3]: more details?

me to be more conscious about how the presentation flows so that it would be readable

and understandable for readers (Rashid, N.A., 2017b). Commented [gs4]: Missing topic sentence for this

Not only will the module be applicable in the genres of my discipline, but it has also

made me grow strengths and realise my weaknesses in my writings. My strengths are

in paraphrasing, synthesizing, summarizing citations and using suitable progressions

and text cohesion in my essays (Rashid, N.A., 2017b). On the contrary, I am still weak

in being concise, structuring complex sentences and being evaluative in my essays

based on my problem solution essay (Rashid, N.A., 2017b).

Indeed, I feel that the skills taught are useful and applicable to the genres of my

discipline. However, despite my improvements, more can be done to fix my

weaknesses; thereupon, achieving more concise, clear and evaluative reports that will

be convincing and readable as well. Consequently, I would be able to share my ideas

easily and readers would be able to capture my ideas better.

Nurul Afiqah Binte Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Writing

Rashid, N.A. (2017a). Paraphrasing, Summarizing & Synthesizing. [e-portfolio post].

Retrieved from


Rashid, N.A. (2017b). Problem Solution Essay. [e-portfolio post]. Retrieved from

Rashid, N.A. (2017c). Reflection Essay. [e-portfolio post]. Retrieved from http://afiqah-

Rashid, N.A. (2017d). Transferring of Learning to the Discipline. [e-portfolio post].

Retrieved from


ES Portfolio Blog URL:

Critical Reflection Essay Rubric

A. Content. The writer provides:
requirements well
Very good/mostly


problems/ does
Only fair/some



meets basic


not reach

1. an analysis of the type of writing required in the writers discipline y

referring to relevant sources
more analysis can be included
2. an evaluation of the extent to which ES1103 applies to writing in the y
evaluate the skills in the ES1103 curriculum again as there are more
which are relevant to your discipline
3. an analysis of the writers own strengths and weaknesses as a writer in y
relation to the writing requirements in the discipline and in relation to
the ES1103 writing tasks
strategies for further improvements?
4. a weaving of abstract and personal evidence y

Nurul Afiqah Binte Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Writing

B. Organization. The writer provides:

1. unified paragraphs with clear topic sentences y

2. cohesion built through thematic progression, referencing, lexical y

cohesion and referencing
more cohesion between ideas required within paragraphs for a more
fluent development of content

C. Lexicogrammar. The writer:

1. uses a range of language to incorporate sources; and evaluate and link y
writing knowledge, experiences and discipline-specific writing
2. makes few or no grammatical errors y

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