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Year 4 Newsletter

Summer Term (1) 2017

Welcome back after our Easter break. We do hope you havent eaten too many eggs Mrs A did after a
long lent of no chocolate!
As always, we have a busy and exciting half term ahead and listed below are some of the things Y4 will
be learning about during the next half term.


Mrs Hunt is completely her unit on persuasive writing about film scripts and
posters. Following that she will teach a unit on narrative verse based on The
Bogeyman and the Trolls next door.

Mrs Allonby will be teaching a unit called Evaluating Evidence, which is fiction
unit based upon a play script called The Fly and the Fool. This unit will require
good recollection and comprehension skills. Help your child at home by asking
them questions about what they have just read to you, what can they infer?
We will also continue to tackle the dreaded apostrophe and aim to use those
adverbial sentence starters in our writing..yikes!
Ways to help
Remember to read at home with your child as often as you can house points are on offer! Try to
look at understanding a poem together.
Spot misused apostrophes they are everywhere! Send a photo of any you spot to Mrs Allonbys
email address for an extra house point.
Encourage your child to write at home, maybe keep a diary think the sentences first can they be


We will begin the term by consolidating place value, rounding and how Roman
numerals work. We will move into formal addition methods, using inverse
operations to double check our answers. We will use our addition work to calculate
money and try to understand why the decimal point is important. We will revisit
shapes and learn new geometrical properties. Multiplication of bigger numbers is
on our agenda as too are fractions.

Ways to help
Counting money pay attention to pounds and pence and how they are written. That 10p is one
tenth of a 1 etc.
Times table practice again this is very useful in all areas of math please use the apps available
on iPads etc old rote learning pays dividends!
Can your child tell the time to the nearest minute?

This half term we are learning about Teeth and the digestive System
We will be looking at how teeth work, what they are made of, how
teeth can be damaged and ways to prevent this.
During our digestive system topic we get to visit Broughton High
School and learn with Mrs Newton how to prepare food that are good
for us.
Ways to help
Remind those children to brush twice a day! Are we brushing for two
Look closely at the drinks you choose will they be bad for your
Can you walk with us on one of our afternoons to BHS? Help to
keep us safe? Let us know!

Creative Curriculum Art Attack

History- Romans
Computing Databases
RE Christianity- Sacrifice
Art Sculpture
PE- Basketball being coached by Coach Gunn, basketball specialist.
French and PSHE Will be taught by Mrs Procter during PPA sessions.


Homework is handed out on Tuesday and should be handed in by the following Monday.
Spellings are given out on Friday for a test the following Friday.
PE continues to be on Monday each week and also a Friday. Please ensure your child has full PE
kit in school, long hair is tied back and any earrings are removed.
Reading books should be in school every day. Please record any independent reading done at
home, which can be other books/magazines.
Dont forget to visit our class blog with your child to have a look at some of the things we have
been up to! This can be found at

Thank you for your continued support, please do not hesitate to contact either of us if there is
something you wish to discuss either in person, by phone or via email at

Kind Regards
Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Allonby

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