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Domestic Violence

By: Kendell Porter, Avery Brown, Adam Chase, Micheal Holmond

How can a speaker's language affect the audience?
-According to James Paul Gee, language is not what you say but how you say it. This
can be applied to Domestic Violence activists. When they speak, sometimes it is the way
they say things that can affect the people in the audience rather that what they say. The
way they use impactful statistics or tell powerful stories will move the audience more or
less depending on the way they are speaking.
- Two speakers can say the same thing but can affect the audience in different ways
just based on how they say what they say.
Can a speaker's language persuade people to act in a certain way?
- According to Andrew Arno persuasion is both a source and instrument of power that can be used to
influence the behavior of others.

- This can be applied to Domestic Violence activists because many activists use persuasive language
to encourage people to take action when they know someone is in an abusive relationship. Many
speakers encourage people to stand up and speak out against domestic violence when they know
that it is going on instead of just being a bystander.

- These activists can use persuasive language as a tool to try to get other people to join the fight
against domestic violence.
Tony Porter
Tony Porter is an Domestic Violence activist that focuses on preventing domestic and
sexual violence through promoting healthy manhood.

-He has a very deep voice that sort of demands your attention

- He tells stories about his children as well as stories about his own childhood that are powerful and

-He is very direct

-When the camera points at the audience you can tell that they are hanging onto his every word.
Leslie Morgan Steiner
Leslie Morgan Steiner is a survivor of domestic violence who delivered a powerful Ted
Talk in 2013

-She tells the story of her abusive relationship and captivates the audience

-From the way that she tells her story, you can put yourself in her shoes

-She paints a great picture of her relationship and makes you really understand what someone in an abusive
relationship is going through.

-You can tell that what shes saying is impacting the audience.
Annotated Bibliography
Works Cited
Arno, Andrew. "Impressive Speeches And Persuasive Talk: Traditional Patterns Of Political Communication In Fiji's Lau Group From The
Perspective Of Pacific Ideal Types." Oceania 56.2 (1985): 124-37. Web.
This source was okay for this topic but I just pulled a couple of points that he made and used it to relate to what I was analyzing about my discourse
community. He wasnt writing about domestic violence activists but I thought he made a couple points that could be applied to domestic violence

Gee, James Paul. "Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction." Journal of Education. N.p., 30 Nov. 1988. Web. 03 Apr. 2017.
This source was great for this topic because language was clearly defined and thoroughly explained. This article served as a good starting point for
this project. I feel like the first step to me analyzing the language of Domestic violence activists was to get a good understanding of the definition of

Porter, Tony. "A Call to Men." Tony Porter: A Call to Men | TED Talk | N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2017.
This video was a good source for this topic because it is an example of the part of this discourse community that I am analyzing.
I was not analyzing his specific message, instead I was analyzing his language and how he got his point across. I think this Ted Talk is great example
of how the way a speaker says things can impact an audience.

Steiner, Leslie Morgan. "Why Domestic Violence Victims Don't Leave." Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why Domestic Violence Victims Don't Leave | TED
Talk | N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2017.
The annotation for this source is the same as the one from above. They are both Ted Talks and I used them both for the same reason.
Why do men turn a blind eye to these women domestic violence activists?

- Men do not think that domestic violence is not a problem.

- Men think that since it is not really happening to them, then it does not need to be changed.
Why are most domestic violence activists women?

- The majority of domestic violence cases are about the women.

- Most of the time women are the victims of these domestic violence calls.
Annotated Bibliography
Barrier, Patricia. Domestic violence. Mayo Clinic Proceedings;Rochester. Vol. 73, March 1998, pp.271-274

The peer-reviewed article above was about the statistics of how many women would come into the hospital about a domestic violence
dispute and would talk about the men as being the perpetrators of the incidents. The article would also talk about how to spot people
who have been domestically abused or who are in a relationship with an abusive partner.

Dziegielewski, Sophia. Domestic Violence. pp. 9-23, web. 23 Sep. 2008.

The peer-reviewed article above talks about the different laws placed on domestic violence and how it helped out women. The article
also talks about the reasons why women and children did not leave after the domestic violence happened. The article talks about how
domestic violence was at the time it was published. The article talks about how men never saw domestic violence as a problem until
laws were passed forbidding hitting your family members.
What races are these activists and does that affect their message they are trying to

Going to many of these organizations websites can show the variety of people working in these activists groups.

Most people that work in these groups tend to be either white or black, however more groups supporting other
races have started showing up.
Has the issue of race in domestic violence cases become as prevalent as the gender

When domestic violence was first becoming a big issue in society it was mostly focused on gender.

More well-known cases such as the O.J. Simpson case has brought the issue of race into the spotlight when talking
about domestic violence.
Annotated Bibliography
NewComer, Laura. "20 Standout Groups Stopping Domestic Violence." N.p., Oct. 2013. Web. 3 Apr. 2017.

Just a small article highlighting some of the major activist groups trying to stop domestic violence. This was used to see all of the different
groups and if they supported specific ideas or a certain type of person. Overall the amount of information on this article was very little.
My main reason for using it was to see the different kinds of people that work for these activist groups.

Locke, L.M. & Richman, C.L. Sex Roles (1999) 40: 227. doi:10.1023/A:101889892156

This article is about how the effects of gender and races come into play when dealing with domestic violence cases. This article helps
when trying to answer the question about has race become as prominent as the gender issue. Also this source could be good to
answer questions about topics on gender.

"Violence and Safety Full Section." Women in the States. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2017.

Website about how women in the states are affected by domestic violence. Good source for those who want to know more about how
women are affected.
What kind of laws were put in place to protect domestic violence

- During the 19th century domestic violence became an issue throughout the
country and laws began to be established for the protection of mainly married
women against the physical abuse of their husbands. An example of this was
a law declared in the Massachusetts in that banned married men to strike
their wives in the Massachusetts Body of Liberties. As time went along
Tennessee became the first state to ban the use of the possession of firearms
of an offended domestic violence abuser.
Before historically recent judicial creation and revision of laws
concerning domestic violence, how did history handle this issue?

- Before the tremendous efforts were put to protect people from domestic
violence, men were allowed to beat women. In Milwaukee, Minnesota the city
held an experiment that monitored the deaths of victims before and after the
the abuser was warned. The Womens Movement in the 70s helped enforced
more laws to specifically women and even some to protect the children or
other family in the Family Violence Prevention Act. Additionally,here were
three Violence Against Women Acts enforced in 1994, 2000, and 2005.
What does the stratification of domestic violence supporters around the
U.S say about those regions?

- Domestic Violence has not been an issue just in the United States. Around
the world, women are mainly the victims of physical abuse. A trend around
the physical security of women is in less developed and economically
advanced parts of the world, the rates of the abuse of women is higher in
comparison to more developed parts with legislature to protect the victims.
While women arent the only victims of domestic violence, the ratio of that to
men is higher.

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