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Measurement of pyroceramic thermal conductivity

I proceed to choose the reference material testing, in this case I picked pyroceramic
and had the following results:
Table 1. Results obtain using TCi

As we can see in table 1, the error is a factor that is been reducing during the past
of time. A possible explication is that the system didnt get to steady state in a few
seconds as the manual said.
Considering other methods for measure the thermal conductivity, for instance, an
apparatus constructed following ASTM C177, it is required to get to steady state.
In the laboratory where is the assembled equipment TCi, the ambient temperature
is 27.5 1 C during the time of measurements. However, the measurement of both
temperature: ambient and at the surface of the sensor T136 is very high, for
example in this case the mean temperature is 41C and 38C respectively.

As I mentioned lines before, the temperature measured by the sensor T136 is high,
so I checked this results using the diagnostic tool, and had the followings results:
Graph 1. Sensor ambient temperature

Effectively, the thermal sensor provides measurements that are no accord to the
Measurement of wood
To conclude, I measured the thermal conductivity of wood. I picked ceramic
test method because the expected wood thermal conductivity is in the range
of ceramic thermal conductivity.
Table 2. Measurements for wood

Table 3. Measurements for the opposite face

In this case, the behavior of temperature provide by the sensor continues

high, 34 C in the first one and 38 C in the last. When I started with the
second measurement, the temperature raised and not get lower.

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