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1. Unit penalty applies in parts (a) and (b).

75 5
(a) 3 cm3 (M1)(M1)
Notes: Award (M1) for correctly substituted formula of a
sphere. Award (M1) for multiplying their volume by 75.
If r = 10 is used, award (M0)(M1)(A1)(ft) for the answer
314000 cm .
UP 39300 cm (A1) (C3)

(b) 3 202 h = 39300 (M1)(M1)
Notes: Award (M1) for correctly substituted formula of a
Award (M1) for equating their volume to their answer to
part (a).
UP h = 93.8 cm (A1)(ft) (C3)
Notes: Accept the exact value of 93.75
Follow through from their part (a).

2. Unit Penalty applies in parts (a) and (d) and Financial Penalty applies in parts (b)
and (e).
2 2 2
(a) BD = 190 + 120 2(190)(120)cos75 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substituted cosine formula, (A1) for
correct substitution.
UP = 197 m (A1)(G2)
Note: If radians are used award a maximum of (M1)(A1)

(b) cost = 196.717... 17 (M1)

FP = 3344 USD (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Accept 3349 from 197.

sin(ABD) sin(115 )

(c) 70 196.7 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substituted sine formula, (A1) for
correct substitution.
= 18.81... (A1)(ft)
= 18.8 (AG)
Notes: Both the unrounded and rounded answers must
be seen for the final (A1) to be awarded. Follow through
from their (a). If 197 is used the unrounded answer is

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 1

(d) angle BDA = 46.2 (A1)
70 (196.717...) sin( 46.2)
Area = 2 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substituted area formula, (A1) for
correct substitution.
UP Area of ABD = 4970 m (A1)(ft)(G2)
Notes: If 197 used answer is 4980.
Notes: Follow through from (a) only. Award (G2) if there
is no working shown and 46.2 not seen. If 46.2 seen
without subsequent working, award (A1)(G2).

(e) 4969.38... 120 (M1)

FP = 596 327 USD (A1)(ft)(G2)
Notes: Follow through from their (d).

(f) 300 000 100 = 600 000 or equivalent (A1)(M1)(A1)
Notes: Award (A1) for 600 000 seen or implied by
alternative formula, (M1) for substituted CI formula, (A1)
for correct substitutions.
r = 4.73 (A1)(ft)(G3)
Notes: Award G3 for 4.73 with no working.
Award G2 for 4.7 with no working.

2 2 2
3. (a) BD = 15 + 20 2 15 20 cos 110 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for using the cosine rule,
award (A1) for correct substitution.
BD = 830.212
BD = 28.8 (A1)
BD = 28.8 (G3) 3

28.81 22

(b) sin C sin 30 (M1)(A1)
C = 40.9 (G1)
C = 40.9 (G3) 3

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 2

(c) BD = 30 (A1) 1

30 22

(d) sin C sin 30 (M1)
C = 43.0 (A1)
C = 43.0 (G2) 2

43.0 40.9
(e) Percentage error = 40.9 100 (M1)(A1)
= 5.13% (A1) 3

4. Unit penalty applies in parts (b) (c) and (d).

(a) Angle ABC = 50 (A1)

AC 25

(b) sin50 sin 55 (M1)(A1)(ft)
Notes: Award (M1) for substitution into the correct
formula, (A1)(ft) for correct substitution. Follow through
from their angle ABC.
UP AC = 23.4 m (A1)(ft)(G2)

(c) Area of ABC = 2 23.379... 25 sin 75 (M1)(A1)(ft)
Notes: Award (M1) for substitution into the correct
formula, (A1)(ft) for correct substitution.
Follow through from their AC.
29.479... 19.151...
Area of triangle ABC = 2 (A1)(ft)(M1)
Note: (A1)(ft) for correct values of AB (29.479) and CN
Follow through from their (a) and /or (b).
Award (M1) for substitution of their values of AB and CN
into the correct formula.
UP Area of ABC = 282 m (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Accept 283 m if 23.4 is used.

25 sin 50
(d) NM = 2 (M1)(M1)

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 3

Note: Award (M1) for 25 sin 50 or equivalent for the
length of CN, (M1) for dividing their CN by 2.
UP NM = 9.58 m (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Follow through from their angle ABC.
Notes: Premature rounding of CN leads to the answers
9.60 or 9.6.
Award at most (M1)(M1)(A0) if working seen. Do not
penalize with (AP).
CN may be found in (c).
Note: The working for this part of the question may be in
part (b).

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 4

(e) Angle NCB = 40 seen (A1)(ft)
Note: Follow through from their (a).
From triangle MCP:
2 2 2
MP = (9.5756...) + 12.5 2 9.5756... 12.5 cos (40) (M1)(A1)(ft)
MP = 8.034... m (A1)(ft)(G3)
Notes: Award (M1) for substitution into the correct
formula, (A1)(ft) for their correct substitution. Follow
through from their (d).
Award (G3) for correct value of MP seen without working.
From right triangle MCP
CP = 12.5 m seen (A1)
2 2 2
MP = (12.5) (9.575) (M1)(A1)(ft)
MP = 8.034m (A1)(G3)(ft)
Notes: Award (M1) for substitution into the correct
formula, (A1)(ft) for their correct substitution. Follow
through from their (d).
Award (G3) for correct value of MP seen without working.
From right triangle MCP
Angle MCP = 40 seen (A1)(ft)
12.5 = sin (40) or equivalent (M1)(A1)(ft)
MP = 8.034... m (A1)(G3)(ft)
Notes: Award (M1) for substitution into the correct
formula, (A1)(ft) for their correct substitution. Follow
through from their (a).
Award (G3) for correct value of MP seen without working.
The goat cannot reach point P as MP > 7 m. (A1)(ft)
Note: Award (A1)(ft) only if their value of MP is compared
to 7 m, and conclusion is stated.

(12 2 5 2 )
5. (a) (i) AF = = 13 (A1)

(13 2 10 2 )
(ii) AM = = 16.4 (M1)(A1) 3

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 5


A x
N (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct angle.

sin 16.4 (M1)

A = 17.8 (A1) 3

6. (a)

600 m (M1)
tan 3 = 600
x = 600 tan 3
x = 31.4447
x = 31.4 m (A1)
Therefore, height = 40 m + 31.4 m
= 71.4 m (A1) 3

(b) (i)



x (A1)
Note: For (A1) the candidate must have the 40, the 92
and the 4 in the appropriate places.

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 6


x (A1)
tan 4 = x (M1)
x = tan 4
x = 743.6346453 = 744 m (A1) 4

(c) (i)

600 m 110
744 m

2 2 2
BC = 600 + 744 2 600 744 cos 110 (M1)
BC = 1218891.584 (or 1218198.119) (A1)
BC = 1104.034231 (or 1103.720...)
BC = 1104 (to the nearest metre) (A1)

sin c sin 110

(ii) 600 1104 (M1)
600 sin 110
sin c = 1104 (M1)
c = 30.710635
c = 30.7 (3 s.f.) (A1)

(iii) area = 2 600 744 sin 110 (M1)
= 209739.393
= 210000 m (3 s.f.) (A1) 8

7. Unit penalty applies in parts (a) and (b)

(a) AG = 0.8 2 0.5 2 (M1)

UP AG = 0.943 m (A1) (C2)

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 7

(b) AF = AG 2 1.80 2 (M1)
UP = 2.03 m (A1)(ft) (C2)
Note: Follow through from their answer to part (a).

F 0.943(39...)
cos GA
(c) 2.03( 22...) (M1)
GA = 62.3 (A1)(ft) (C2)
Notes: Award (M1) for substitution into correct trig ratio.
Accept alternative ratios that give 62.4 or 62.5. Follow
through from their answers to parts (a) and (b).

8 2 8 2 128
8. (a) AH = (or 11.3 or 8 2 ) (M1)
For use of Pythagoras theorem then for correct answer.

2 2 2
H 10 10 ( 128 )
cos AC
(b) 2 10 10 (M1)

2 2
128 = 10 + 10 2 10 10 cos ACH
For use of cosine rule (M1)
with correct values substituted (A1)(ft)
AC = 68.9 (6854) (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Allow 68.8 (68 48) following through with AH
=11.3 from part (a).

Triangle ACH is isosceles. Let M be the midpoint of AH.

M 4 2
sin AC M
10 , hence AC = 34.45
For use of sine rule in appropriate triangle (M1)
with correct values substituted (A1)(ft)
AC = 2 34.45 = 68.9 (6854) (A1)(ft)(G2)

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 8

10 2 8 2 6
(c) Height AB (or equivalent) = (A1)
Award (A1) for 6 seen.
Area = 2 (8 8) + 4 (6 8) (M1)(A1)
= 320 cm (AG)
Notes: Award (M1) for sum of 2 faces and 4 faces.
Final (A1) must result in an answer of 320.
If candidate starts with 320 and works backwards to find
height of 6, award (M1)(A1). Only award final (A1) if the
candidate comments or proves that the height of 6 is
consistent with the dimensions of the prism.

88 6
(d) Volume = 2 (M1)(M1)
Notes: Award (M1) for correct numerator and (M1)
for division by 2 Follow through value for height from (c).
=192 cm (A1)(ft)(G3)

9. (a) pR = 36p so R = 6 cm (M1)(A1) (C2)

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 9

2 2 2
(b) Use cosine rule. AB = 6 + 6 2 6 6 cos (110) (M1)(A1)(ft)
AB = 96.6
AB = 9.83 cm (A1)(ft)
6 AB

sin (35) sin (110 ) (M1)(A1)(ft)
AB = 9.83 cm (A1)(ft)
sin (55) = 6 (M1)(A1)(ft)
AB = 9.83 (A1)(ft) (C3)
Note: If this method is used, then the 2 AB must be
evident to obtain the (M1) and the
first (A1) requires the 55 and the 6 to be correct.

(c) L= 36 or 6 or 10.6 cm (A1) (C1)


10. (a) For using tan (M1)

h = 12.3 tan 63 For using tan something (A1)
h = 24.1 (A1) (G3)

(b) 24.1 = 4.9t For substituting for h in the formula and attempting to
solve (M1)
For taking a square root (can be implied) (M1)
2.22 sec (A1) (C3)

11. Unit penalty (UP) applies in parts (a), (c) and (e).
2 2 2
(a) AB = 10 + 8 2 10 8 cos 150 (M1)(A1)
UP AB = 17.4 km (A1)(G2)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution into correct formula,
(A1) for correct substitution, (A1) for correct answer.

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 10

8 17.4

sin CA sin 150
(b) (M1)(A1)
CB = 13.3 (A1)(ft)(G2)
Notes: Award (M1) for substitution into correct formula,
(A1) for correct substitution, (A1) for correct answer.
Follow through from their answer to part (a).

UP (c) AD = 8.70 km (8.7 km) (A1)(ft)

Note: Follow through from their answer to part (a).

(d) DT = tan(13.29...) 8.697... = 2.0550... (M1)(A1)

= 2.06 (AG)
Notes: Award (M1) for correct substitution in the correct
formula, award (A1) for the unrounded answer seen. If
2.06 not seen award at most (M1)(A0).

UP (e) 8.70 2 2.06 2 + 8.70 + 2.06 (A1)(M1)

= 19.7 km (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Award (A1) for AT, (M1) for adding the three sides
of the triangle ADT, (A1)(ft) for answer. Follow through
from their answer to part (c).

(f) 70 60 + 10 (M1)(M1)
= 26.9 (A1)(ft)
Note: Award (M1) for time on road in minutes, (M1) for
adding 10, (A1)(ft) for unrounded answer. Follow through
from their answer to (e).
= 27 (nearest minute) (A1)(ft)(G3)
Note: Award (A1)(ft) for their unrounded answer given to
the nearest minute.

C sin 30
sin AB

12. (a) 13.4 6.7 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substituted formula,
(A1) for correct substitution.
AB = 90 (A1)

ACB = 60 (A1)(ft) (C4)
Note: Radians give no solution, award maximum

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 11

29 30
(b) 30 100 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into
correct formula.
% error = 3.33 % (A1) (C2)
Note: Percentage symbol not required.
Accept positive answer.

13. Note: Unit penalty (UP) applies in part (a)

40 2 40 2 800
(a) PB = 2 = 28.28 (28.3) (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitutions, (A1) for
correct answer.

UP OB = 40 2 28.28 2 = 49.0 cm ( 2400 cm) (M1)(A1)(ft) (C4)

Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution, can (ft) from
any answer to PB.

sin 1
(b) 49
cos 1

tan 1
28.28 (M1)
= 54.7 (54.8) (A1)(ft) (C2)
Note: Award (M1) for any correct trig. ratio.
In radians = 0.616, award (M1)(A0).
2 2
Note: Common error: (a) OB = 40 20 = 44.7 cm.
Award (M0)(A0)(M1) (A1)(ft), and (b) angle
OBP = 63.4 (63.5)(M1)(A1)(ft).

14. Unit penalty (UP) is applicable in (a), (b)(ii) and (d)

2 2 2
(a) AC = 9 + 4.2 2 9 4.2 cos 95 (M1)(A1)
UP AC = 10.3 m (A1)(G2)
Note: (M1) for correct substituted formula and (A1) for
correct substitution If radians used answer is 6.59. Award
at most (M1)(A1)(A0)

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 12

(b) (i) = 25 (A1)

AB 10.258...

(ii) sin25 sin 130 (M1)(A1)
AB = 5.66 m (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: (M1) for correct substituted formula and (A1) for
correct substitution. (A1) for correct answer.

Follow through with angle BCA and their AC.
Allow AB = 5.68 if AC = 10.3 used.
If radians used answer is 0.938 (unreasonable answer).
Award at most (M1)(A1)(A0)(ft)
Using that ABC is isosceles
cos 25 = AB (or equivalent) (A1)(M1)(ft)
UP AB = 5.66 m (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: (A1) for 2 of their AB seen, (M1) for correct
trigonometric ratio and correct substitution, (A1) for
correct answer.
If 2 AB seen and correct answer is given award (A1)(G1).
Allow AB = 5.68 if AC = 10.3 used.
If radians used answer is 3.32. Award (A1)(M1)(A1)(ft).
If sin65 and radians used answer is 3.99. Award (A1)(M1)

1 1
(c) Area = 2 9 4.2 sin 95 + 2 (5.6592...) sin 130(M1)(M1)(ft)(M1)
UP = 31.095... = 31.1 m (correct to 3 s.f.) (A1)(AG)
Note: (M1)(M1) each for correct substitution in the
formula of the area of each triangle, (M1) for adding both
areas. (A1) for unrounded answer.
Follow through with their length of AB but last mark is lost
if they do not reach the correct answer.

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 13

(d) Volume of sand = 3 (31.09... 0.4) (M1)(M1)
= 4.15 m (A1)(G2)
Note: (M1) for correct formula of volume of prism and for
correct substitution, (M1) for multiplying by 3 and last
(A1) for correct answer only.

15. UP applies in this question

UP (a) XM = 5 cm (A1)

2 5 2
(b) VM = 5 + 8 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct use of Pythagoras Theorem.

UP VM = 89 = 9.43 cm (A1)(ft)(G2)

(c) tan VMX = 5 (M1)
Note: Other trigonometric ratios may be used.
VM = 58.0 (A1)(ft)(G2)

16. UP applies in this question

2 2 2
(a) l = 290 + 550 2 290 550 cos 115 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substituted cosine rule formula,
(A1) for correct substitution.
l = 722 (A1)(G2)
UP = 720 m (A1)
Note: If 720 m seen without working award (G3).
The final (A1) is awarded for the correct rounding of their

(b) Area = 2 290 550 sin 115 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substituted correct formula (A1) for
correct substitution.

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 14

UP = 72 300 m (A1)(G2)

180 230

(c) sin B sin 53 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substituted sine rule formula, (A1)
for correct substitution.
B = 38.7 (A1)(G2)
AC = 180 (53 + 38.7)
= 88.3 (A1)(ft)

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition 15

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