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Criteria A-Investigate

Introduction- Design Task


KC- communication
RC- innovation, collaboration
GC- scientific and technical innovation
SOI- communication is an effective way to broadcast news using scientific and
technical innovation
Role: cameraman

Task Specific Clarification

Design cycle:
Inquiring and Analyzing

Identify the problem/issue/topic you will inquire?

In this unit we will be broadcasting information in different medians to gain large
audience. The purpose of media is to spread awareness about national,
international happenings in the society.

Task 1-Design Need

Justify the need for a solution to this problem? Explain your point of view Specify
your client/target audience.

According to our problem we decided to make a news media that can achieve its
purpose of giving different audiences information that will not only satisfy their
surveillance uses and gratification. Objective of our unit is to assess students on
their language, computer skills, organization, information, critical thinking and
teamwork. It gives real life learning to students confidence, autonomy and

Students working in groups are responsible for ceiling news to broadcast so they
will hunt for the latest news. Students will do edit in form of newspaper or videos.
Our target audience is the society and school community.

Task 2-Research Plan ( past Mind map)

State a research plan to develop a solution to the problem.

Our research plan is to develop a solution as follows-

Step1- we will create a survey to get to know the opinion of the audience.
Step2- we will hunt for news
Step3- we will visit similar websites to get new ideas
Step4- After visiting all the similar websites we will start summarizing the
analysis in the form of analysis report.

Primary Research Secondary Research

Survey Inquiring

Search similar websites Visiting similar websites




Available on Internet

What you liked newspapers

Task 3 Existing Solutions

List the existing products you are aware of and analyze them -

Two best products that I choose

Survey Questionnaire

1.What is the meaning of news to you?

2. What kind of news do you have interest to read/listen?

3. In what form do you prefer to get news ?

From others

4. What is the most popular new channel that you watch?

5. How much time do you spend on various sources of news?

10 - 30 minutes
30 minutes - 1 hour
More than 1 hour

6. What time of the day do you prefer to watch/ hear/read news?


7.Do you prefer to read/ listen to news in a local language or english?

Local language

8. Personal information - name/ age/ gender/ education

Inquiry Questions

What are the different forms of media?

Print The written word, including digital words like the ones you are reading right
now. This includes still photography and all the flat kinds of art.

Audio Spoken words, music, and other kinds of sound regardless of distribution

Video Moving pictures regardless of the distribution mechanism.

Software Pretty much anything where you are interacting with an automated
system. This became a mass media with the personal computer revolution.
Physical Somebody drops a hunk of dead tree on your doorstep or you buy a
movie on physical media at a store and carry it home.

Radio An analog or digital signal using radio waves.

Land Line An analog or digital signal travelling down a wire or hunk of optical

Internet This actually happens on top of land lines and radio, but it abstracts
away all of that so well that it probably deserves to be its own distribution

Undistributed Live performances or one-of-a-kind artifacts. The consumer has to

physically go somewhere to experience things that are transferred this way.

What is the importance of media?

For many community groups and organisations, gaining positive and consistent
coverage in the media can have an incredible impact on the work they do.It can have a
multiplier effect on the good work that groups are doing. If people know what you have
achieved and what you do, they are more likely to support your group. The more
support you get, the more likely you are to have a bigger impact. While it is important
that groups don't become obsessed about getting media attention as a bigger priority
than actually doing the work they do, it can make a difference.

What is news broadcasting?

News broadcasting is the medium of broadcasting of various news events and other
information via television, radio or internet in the field of broadcast journalism. The
content is usually either produced locally in a radio studio or television studio
newsroom, or by a broadcast network. It may also include additional material such as
sports coverage, weather forecasts, traffic reports, commentary and other material that
the broadcaster feels is relevant to their audience.

What does a broadcast journalist do?

Broadcast journalism is a type of news reporting presented to the public electronically or

by radio instead of being published in newspapers. Media in broadcast journalism
include television, radio and the Internet.
Task 4 Design Brief

Design problem Design brief

Increasing junk food among children. Educate children about healthy eating
Children are becoming obese
I should Educate children about the
The government is banning certain health hazards caused by eating junk
junk food such as maggi noodles food.
Is junk food to be blamed?? Educating children about why is
exercising good for health and how to
Examples of junk food-
avoid obesity.
Candy,soda,fast food etc.
Educating children about how to read
the back of the packet food they eat
and make healthy choices.
Understanding of Inquiring and Analyzing:

investigation is an essential stage in the design cycle. Students are expected to

identify the problem, develop a design brief. Students are expected to acknowledge
the sources of information and document these appropriately.
Achievement level
Level descriptor
Task specific clarifications
The student did not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
The student stated the problem.
The student investigated the problem, collecting information from few sources.
The student listed some specification points.
The student described the problem, mentioning its relevance.
The student investigated the problem, selecting and analysing information from some
acknowledged sources.
The student described a test to evaluate the product/solution against the design
The student explained the problem, discussing its relevance.
The student critically investigated the problem, evaluating information from a broad
range of appropriate, acknowledged sources.
The student described detailed methods for appropriate testing to evaluate the
product/solution against the design specification.


I would like to get 6 (six) marks because I explained the problem relevantly and
for the design brief I wrote a real problem I faced and I actually stopped eating
colour,sugar and candy. I also started reading the back of the packet to see how
much sugar,calories,colour content it has.

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