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Year 5 Newsletter

April 2017
Welcome back! I hope you have had a relaxing Easter break. Hopefully we have not
eaten too many chocolate eggs and are ready for a busy and exciting Summer

This half-term we will begin by exploring stories from other cultures. We will learn
how different authors use language and how different cultures embed cultural
traditions within their stories. We will continue to develop our reading skills,
vocabulary and understanding of the Year 5 grammar terms through Grammar Time.
We will then move onto drafting and writing longer, more complex passages using
dialogue to help convey a characters personality to the reader.
Ways to help
In lessons, we will be focusing daily on an area of grammar. Please use the links on the blog site to
help support your child in remembering the different grammar terms.

We will be starting this half term by revisiting place value and begin to investigate
decimals and sequences using decimals. Next we will move onto understanding
fractions further and finding fractions of measurements and statistics as well as
adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions. Following this we will then focus on
statistics and interpreting data and converting between analogue and digital time and problem solving
using these skills. We will continue our focus on arithmetic and problem solving skills this term, with two
sessions a week to practise our skills.
Ways to help Continue to practice instant recall of all multiplication tables. Please talk to your child
when they are completing their homework and ask the children to explain how they have calculated an
answer or solved a problem. Consistently reinforce key mathematical vocabulary such as multiples,
factors, prime numbers and digits to assist children with their independent problem solving.
Science: How do forces help us every day?
We are going to begin this topic by learning about gravity and understanding the
difference between weight and mass. Next we are going to research Sir Isaac
Newton and investigate balancing forces using a range of PE equipment and then
progress onto learning about friction, water resistance, air resistance and
mechanical devices. Finally the children are going to use their knowledge from this
topic to making moving toys which links with our DT topic.
Ways to helpInvestigate different forces around the house. Understand the forces acting against
an object as well as the ones acting with the object.
Creative Curriculum
History The Battle of Britain
Computing Analysing Data
RE Hinduism
Art and Design Moving Toys
PE- Striking & Fielding. PE lessons will take place on a Monday and Thursday afternoons.
French Clothes
Music Mrs Holt on a Tuesday afternoon.
PSHE Wellbeing & Lifestyle and drugs.

In year 5 this term there are two pieces of homework per week both set on Fridays and due
back in and marked on the following Thursday. Spellings and times table practice sheets will also
be set on a Friday for a test the following Friday. The spellings for each week can be found at: We do expect all children to read at home for at least 15
minutes every day, please sign and leave comments in your childs reading record.

Thank-you for your continued support, please do not hesitate to contact me if there is something you
wish to discuss either in person, by phone or via email at

Kind Regards,

Mr Groom

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