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Mr. Browder Room 408
Name _______________________________________ Block________________

PARENTS AND STUDENTS: Please read carefully so that you are well informed!

Course Description:
It is in Advanced Algebra that students pull together and apply the accumulation of learning that they have from their
previous courses, with content grouped into six critical areas, organized into units. They apply methods from probability
and statistics to draw inferences and conclusions from data. Students expand their repertoire of functions to include
polynomial, rational, and radical functions. They expand their study of right triangle trigonometry to model periodic
phenomena. And, finally, students bring together all of their experience with functions and geometry to create models and
solve contextual problems. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the
content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use
of their ability to make sense of problem situations.

Nine-week grade averages will be calculated using the following weights: GRADE SCALE
Homework 5% 90-100 A
Daily Grades 15% 80- 89 B
Quizzes 20% 70- 79 C
Tests 30% Below 70 F
Projects/Labs/Performance Tasks 30%

Students MUST take a student learning objective [SLO] and its grade MUST be counted as 20% of their final semester
average. This is a state law. The SLO will function as the Final Exam and may NOT be exempted.

The Walch Advanced Algebra textbook will be one of the resources used for this course. This resource contains many
resources on the web for those students who have internet access at home. It also contains guided examples and extra
practice problems similar to the problems we do in class.

A pencil and good eraser are essential in the study of mathematics. Assignments may NOT be written in pen / ink (this
includes erasable pen/ink)

E-mail is a very convenient method of communication between parents and teacher. Please provide your current email
address following your signature at the end of this letter if you would like to have this convenience. My email address is

Remind is another convenient method of communication between parents and teacher. Remind is a free and safe
messaging product to keep parents up-to-date with what is happening in the classroom. Teachers can choose to send quick,
one-way announcements to all parents.

Remind is safe
Personal contact information is kept private. Phone numbers are not exchanged between teachers, students, and parents.
Messages cannot be edited or deleted, so your Announcement or Chat History is easily accessible for future reference.

To become a subscriber of a Remind class, you need to be invited by a teacher, coach, administrator, or organization
leader. I will share a class code with you if you sign below to give me permission to do so. You must also provide your
cell phone number and/or email address to subscribe to remind.
Each student is responsible for his/her behavior. NO EXCUSES!! Minor class disruptions (talking, laughing, playing,
writing notes, chewing gum, etc.) will be handled in the following manner:
1) First Offense - Student conference
2) Second Offense Parent contacted
3) Third OffenseTimed Standing, Change Seating, and/or Detention
4) Fourth Offense Disciplinary Action by Administration.
***Teacher reserves the right to skip these steps if deemed necessary.
Major class disruptions will be dealt with by the administration immediately.

Every student is expected to be on time and prepared for class. Every student is expected to participate during class
discussions. Class BEGINS when the tardy bell rings.
Your first tardy results in a verbal warning, your second through fifth tardy will require the teacher to contact a parent and
the student to serve break detention, while the sixth and ALL subsequent tardies will result in disciplinary action by the
school administration.

You will be allotted six bathroom passes per semester for emergencies. Use them wisely.

It is the RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH STUDENT to make up any work missed during an excused absence. This includes any
school related or sports related field trips. Students will be afforded a choice of taking the missed test or quiz on their first
day back at school or being required to take a make-up test during the three days allowed by school policy. Being absent
the day before a pop quiz does not exempt a student from taking the quiz. Other assignments will be made up and due the
third day the student returns to school. Please see Attendance in the Student Handbook.

Students who score below 70 on an assessment have not met the standard and the following process is provided to help
them meet the standard:
1. Retesting is available only for a failing test grade. The highest grade achievable after retesting is 70%.
2. The student must initiate the request for retesting by completing the Request for Retest form.
3. The Request for Retest form must be completed and submitted to the teacher within two school days of
receiving notification of the failing grade.
4. The student must have a parent signature to retest.
5. The student must have an opportunity to review and correct the graded test prior to the retest. The teacher will
require the student to attend a tutorial or review session prior to retesting.
6. Retests may be in a different format from the original test (at the teachers discretion)
7. Students caught cheating on a test may not request a retest.
8. The retest score will replace the original score with a maximum of 70%.
9. Semester exams are not eligible for retesting.
10. Retesting requests for truancy and unexcused absences on the date of the exam or the day prior to the exam will
not be honored.

TUTORING is available through the afterschool program (3:30-5:30) with buses running (6:00) to drop-off points through-
out the county. Students not wishing to stay for buses may be picked up by a parent.

Students will be required to bring their mathematics notebook to class daily. The students are required to have their
own dividers to label the sections of their mathematics notebook. This notebook is subject to periodic graded
inspections. The dates and frequency of inspections are at the teachers digression. These grades will be averaged together
for a project grade.

Details of the requirements for the Mathematics Notebook are as follows:

All students will decorate a sheet of paper for the front of their notebook that describes them. This paper must include the
math course title, Spring 2017, the students name, and the teachers name. This paper along with the inspections rubric,
the syllabus for your mathematics class, and your grade log will be the first sheets in your Mathematics notebook (in this

The Sections (must be labeled and separated) for your notebook include:

Dividers Title Contents

1 WU/TOTD Warm-Up/Ticket Out The Door

2 Quadratics Revisited Standards, Vocabulary, Notes,
Practice, Homework, Unit Review
3 Operations With Polynomials Standards, Vocabulary, Notes,
Practice, Homework, Unit Review

4 Polynomial Functions Standards, Vocabulary, Notes,

Practice, Homework, Unit Review

5 Rational & Radical Standards, Vocabulary, Notes,

Relationships Practice, Homework, Unit Review

6 Exponential & Logarithms Standards, Vocabulary, Notes,

Practice, Homework, Unit Review

7 Mathematical Modeling Standards, Vocabulary, Notes,

Practice, Homework, Unit Review

8 Inferences and Conclusions Standards, Vocabulary, Notes,

from Data Practice, Homework, Unit Review

Students will be responsible for having pencils, paper, and erasers. We will use the TI-Nspire series graphing calculators,
scientific calculators, and Apple iPads but only during class time.


Progress reports will be sent home every Friday by your child. Please note that the nine-weeks-report card could follow a
different schedule. Parents should feel free to call the school (946-2441) and leave a message for me any time there is a
concern. I will return your call as soon as possible. I also check my email daily.

There is no excuse for getting behind. Once you have let yourself get behind, it is very difficult to catch up.
GOOD ADVICE: Dont wait until you are failing. Study! Get help! Do your homework! Learn the vocabulary! Be in
attendance and attentive! The only possible reason for failing this course is YOU!
Please Sign and Return This Sheet ONLY.

*****I have read and understand the requirements for the Re-Testing Policy

Parent signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Student Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________

*****I have read and understand the requirements for the Mathematics Notebook

Parent signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Student Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________

***** We have read and understand the above classroom expectations and policies.

___________________________ __________________________ _____________

Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date

___________________________ ___________________________ _____________

Parent Name (Print) Parent Signature Date

Parent Phone number(s)__________________________________________________________

(Number where you can be reached during the day or further instructions)

Parent email address_____________________________________________________________

(Please Print Legible)

Parent Comments:

*Syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the teacher*

[Please return the white copy to the teacher with signatures. The color copy is for student/parent records.]

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