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Cognate Proposal:

Description of proposed activity

Proposed Activity

For my activity/ project, I would like to pursue creating 3 text-sets for first year college students

entering beginners English courses. I do not currently teach as I came into my masters straight

from my undergraduate studies at Long Beach State. These test-sets being created will be

projected for when I become a professor at a college. The first text-set I have was created in

previous courses such as: EDTE 542, EDRL 524 and EDCT 585. The first text-set was based on

the theme resilience. This was inspired because it is relatable for students who are entering

college as a first-year student.

All students come from various backgrounds and have experienced resilience in some shape or

form. Starting the semester with these themes will help them better understand that there are

challenges in all areas of life and they too, are capable of being resilient and can conquer what

they set their minds to. The idea, is essentially, students will start my course with this text-set

that accompanies mini lessons throughout the first section of the semester.

The second text-set, will be themed on students advocating health for themselves. Enabling

students to make a stand for their mental, physical and emotional health is key to a positive

experience in life and education. If one does not have their health as a priority, other aspects of

life fall behind. Not all students are aware of their resources and tools available to them through
universities and how to take control of their life and health. This text-set will bring awareness to

the students and hopefully enable them to advocate for themselves and others.

The last text-set has been themed on community and collaboration. Many students do not realize

that a sense of community is empowering. Working together with others to better appreciate the

process, journey and outcome can be beneficial and allow students to grow personally and

professionally. Text-sets are built to give students diverse options in learning about a theme or

topic. They are able to relate to the idea in some form, and work with the materials which will

illustrate the process. Showing that they understand the theme will capture their outcome result.

Educational Significance

Text-sets are a fun way to provide information, learn and grow, especially for first-year students

who may feel uneasy about literacy and writing. This mini text-set program will highlight my

philosophies grown over the course of my M.A. program and embody what I hope to share with

future students. From this activity, I will learn how to thoroughly and efficiently put together a

text-set with materials and lesson plans. This will better my understanding of curriculum,

students needs and mine as well. I will also be contributing as a professor to the community by

sharing this text-set and making it available for others to use in their classrooms. We build

ourselves as educators through the experience and crafting, as it is an evolving world when it

comes to education. Building this curriculum will evolve me as a future educator.

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