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20/07/2010 The Rare Coin Company

For the Investor / Advanced Collector For the Collector - Latest Re lease
W e spe cia lise in providing ra re coins a nd bank note s for priva te inve stors For the colle cto r we offe r a fine choice of Australia n coins a nd ba nknotes,
a nd se lf-m ana ged supe r funds, a n inve stm e nt with a ve rage re turns of 13- officia l P erth Mint a nd Roya l Australia n Mint re lea se s and a com pre he nsive
15%* com pounde d ove r the pa st 43 yea rs on se lected raritie s. range of popular num ism a tic book s a nd a cce ssorie s.

Ra re ~ 1993 Fra se r / Eva ns Ten Do lla r Type 4 P rice : $86,500.00 The 2010 100 Ye a rs of Australia n Coinage P rice : $65.00
Sp ecim e n Ba nk note ~ P re m ium quality a nd More... Me lbourne P rivy Ma rk $1 Silver P roof C oin ~ More ...
highly sought a fte r! O nly 2,000 Minted!

Introduction into 1906 The National Bank of Australasia Ltd 1918M George V Slabbed Threepence
Num ism atic Inv estm ent One Pound Issued Banknote VF

Thinking about investing in

rare coins and banknotes?

Find out m ore ... Price: $60,000.00 More... P rice: $1,200.00 More ...

2010 150th Anniv. Burke & Wills Two

Coin Proof Year Set

P rice : $45.00 More ...

Download Ou r Inv estor / Adv anced Collector Catalogue

Do wnloa d Essentia lly Mone y July
Do wnloa d our late st e dition of 2010
Esse ntia lly Money fe aturing
e xclusive inve stm e nt opportunitie s
for we a lth cre a tion.

Download Ou r Collector Catalogue

Do wnloa d The C olle ctors Choice
Do wnloa d the ne w e dition of The July 2010
Colle cto r's C hoice fe aturing the
la test Mint rele a se s and colle ctable 1/2
20/07/2010 The Rare Coin Company
coins and ba nk note s.

Becom e a Mem ber

Re ce ive our fre e cata logue , re ports and investm ent offers on va rious a spects of the num ism a tic m a rk et

Enter your email address:

News & Ev ents

RSVP for David Burton A ustralia's Premier

seminar now! Collectables Event
m ore... m ore...

More Ne ws & Eve nts

For assistance please call 1800 641 633 or contact us in Albany, Perth, Sydney or Melbourne.

* Pa st pe rform ance is no guara ntee of future returns. E&O E 2/2
20/07/2010 Coins & Banknotes - Rare Coin

All Coins & Banknotes

1933 George V Riddle/Sheehan Ten Shilling 1852 Adelaide Slabbed Gold Pound Type 2
Specimen Note

P rice : $320,000.00 More ... Price: $240,000.00 More...

1927 George V Kell/Heathershaw Five

Pound Banknote Unc

P rice : $140,000.00 More ...

1954 Elizabeth II Coombs/Wilson Ten 1993 Fraser/Evans Ten Dollar Type 4

Shilling Last Prefix Star Banknote Unc Specimen Banknote Unc

P rice : $88,000.00 More ... Price: $86,500.00 More...

1927 George V Riddle/Heathershaw Ten

Pound Banknote aUnc

P rice : $72,500.00 More ...

1945Y George VI Proof Penny FDC 1952 George VI Coombs/Wilson Ten Pound
Banknotes - Consec Pair Unc

P rice : $64,000.00 More ... Price: $63,500.00 More... 1/3
20/07/2010 Coins & Banknotes - Rare Coin
1906 The National Bank of Australasia Ltd
One Pound Issued Banknote VF

P rice : $60,000.00 More ...

1924 George V Kell/Collins Five Pound 1951PL George VI Proof Penny FDC
Banknote EF

P rice : $60,000.00 More ... Price: $59,000.00 More...

18-- Commercial Banking Company of

Sydney Ltd Ten Pound Specimen Banknote

P rice : $48,500.00 More ...

1984 Johnston/Stone One Hundred Dollar 1974 Phillips/Wheeler Ten Dollar Type 3
Type 4 Specimen Banknote Unc Specimen Banknote Unc

P rice : $47,500.00 More ... Price: $44,500.00 More...

1974 Phillips/Wheeler Two Dollar Type 3

Specimen Banknote Unc

P rice : $44,500.00 More ...

1 2 3 ... 66 67 68

For assistance please call 1800 641 633 or contact us in Albany, Perth, Sydney or Melbourne. 2/3
20/07/2010 Investors - Rare Coin


Ra re coins a nd ba nk notes offe r yo u an a lternative inve stm ent option with prove n re turns a vera ging 14-17%* pe r a nnum com pounde d ove r the pa st 41 ye a rs on
se lected raritie s.

W e provide a Ce rtificate of Gua rante e for a ll inve stm e nt ite m s we se ll, which m ea ns we a re pre pa re d to stand by the quality a nd ra rity of the item s we recom m end
to yo u.

This certifica te of Gua ra nte e a ssures the Authe nticity a nd Grading of your num ism a tic inve stm e nt and provide s a 30 da y full right of re turn.

O ur Liquidation Guara ntee assure s the future re sa le of your ra re coin a nd ba nk note investm ent at yo ur reque st by eithe r consignm e nt a t m a rk e t va lue , through
a uction on yo ur be ha lf or dire ct re-purcha se (stock le ve ls perm itting).

Benefits of Inv esting in Rare Coins and Banknotes

Suitable for pe rsona l inve stors and se lf m ana ged supe r funds.

O ver the past 41 ye a rs, a se le cte d portfolio of ra re coins a nd bank notes has a ve ra ge d re turns of 14-17%*pa , m a king the m a highly com pe titive a lternative to

m a ny othe r form s of inve stm e nt (see a bove gra ph for de tails).

No entry or ex it fe e s.

No m inim um purcha se re quire d.

Non-ta xa ble while he ld.

Your inve stm e nt is e asily portable a nd can be m ove d and store d a nywhe re in Australia or ove rse as.

Strong de m and within Austra lia a nd interna tionally m ak e s it e a sie r to liquidate we ll-chosen raritie s.
You can liquida te a portion of yo ur portfolio a s nece ssary without pe nalty.

Your Inve stm e nt is discre e t a nd confidentia l a s the re a re no de e ds or ce rtifica te s which have to be lodged with a uthoritie s.
Stora ge Fa cility a va ila ble with The Ra re C oin Com pa ny.

C om ple m e ntary annual re va lua tions for portfolios va lue d ove r $5,000.

(*Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. E&OE)

For assistance please call 1800 641 633 or contact us in Albany, Perth, Sydney or Melbourne. 1/1
20/07/2010 Collectors - Rare Coin


A personal m essage from Rob and Barb Jackm an, Founders an d Directors of T he Rare Coin Com pany
Throughout the 26 ye a rs since first e stablishing our com pa ny in W .A. in 1982, k nowle dge , ex pe rie nce and pa ssion ha s provide d us a re warding re spe ct a nd
a ppre cia tion for ra re Austra lia n coins a nd ba nknotes which we wish to sha re with yo u.

As pa rt of our ongoing com m itm e nt to prom oting the significa nt be nefits of num ism a tics to the colle cting public, we offe r our fine st se rvice s online through our
website , by dire ct m a il with our regula r ca ta logue s or in pe rson a t our profe ssiona l showroom s a nd consultancy offices in Alba ny, P e rth, Melbourne and Sydne y.

O ur product ra nge cove rs ra re Austra lia n coins a nd ba nknotes, se lected world coin a nd ba nknote raritie s, O fficia l Mint re lea se s from The P e rth Mint a nd The Roya l
Australian Mint plus a com pre he nsive range of popular num ism atic book s a nd colle cting a cce ssorie s.

As founding a nd curre nt m e m be rs of ANDA (Australian Num ism a tic Dea le rs Association), we are proud to continue to pla y a le a ding role in the de velopm e nt of the
Australian num ism atic industry.

Perth Mint Roy al Australian Mint Browse Products Pre-Decim al Notes

W e a re a n authorise d distributo r of W e a re a n a uthorise d distributor of View our coin and ba nk note ra ritie s
View our la rge ra nge of highly
P e rth Mint products. R oya l Austra lia n Mint products. curre ntly ava ila ble for purchase .
colle cta ble P re -De cim al Notes

Pre-Decim al Coins

View our la rge ra nge of highly

colle cta ble P re -De cim al C oins

Decim al Notes World Bank Notes World Coins

View our la rge ra nge of highly Vie w our la rge ra nge of highly Vie w our la rge range of highly
colle cta ble De cim a l Notes collectable W orld Ba nk Note s colle cta ble W orld Coins


View a ll of our e sse ntial Num ism a tic

Acce ssories 1/2
20/07/2010 About Us - Rare Coin

About Us

Passion. This single word de scribe s our a ttitude a nd pursuit of e x ce lle nce in providing ra re coins, ba nknotes a nd colle ctable s for our inve stors a nd colle cto rs.

Ou r Serv ices
Through our k nowle dge and ex pe rie nce gaine d by m ore tha n 26 ye a rs in the num ism atic industry we:

Buy and se ll ra re Austra lia n coins a nd bank note s and se lected world coin a nd ba nk note raritie s for inclusion into yo ur priva te inve stm e nt portfolio or se lf
m a na ge d supe r fund.

Se ll officia l P erth Mint a nd Roya l Australia n Mint relea se colle ctable s, a com pre hensive range of popular num ism a tic book s a nd colle cting a ccessorie s.

P rovide a secure online shopping se rvice whe re yo u can purcha se inve stm ent leve l rare coins a nd ba nknotes a nd a wide ra nge of ne w a nd pa st issue
collectable s.

O ffe r yo u fre e ne wslette rs a nd re ports on various a spe cts of the num ism a tic m ark e t.

Y our Portfolio
O ur a im is to a ssist yo u to build we a lth a nd se curity through the inclusion of ra re coins a nd bank note s. W e do this by:

P roviding yo u with a professiona l Num ism a tic Consultancy se rvice to guide you in sele cting ra re coins a nd bank note s for your investm ent portfolio.

P roviding yo u with a com plim enta ry a nnua l written re-evalua tion of yo ur inve stm e nt portfolio (a pplica ble to portfolios va lue d ove r $5,000).
O ffe ring yo u a secure , com prehe nsive ly insured sto ra ge se rvice so yo u ca n ha ve pe a ce of m ind tha t yo ur ra re coin and ba nk note portfolio will be m ainta ine d in

its origina l purcha se condition.

O ur Gua ra ntee of Authe nticity m e ans tha t you ca n be assure d of the qua lity a nd ra rity of the inve stm e nt ite m s yo u purchase from us.

O ur Liquida tion Gua rante e a ssure s the future re sale of yo ur ra re coin and ba nk note inve stm e nt a t yo ur re que st by e ither consignm e nt at m a rk et va lue ,

through a uction on your be ha lf or dire ct re -purchase (sto ck le vels pe rm itting).

P rovide com plim e nta ry colour copies of yo ur inve stm e nt portfolio ite m s.

Ou r Recent Achiev em ents

Testa m e nt to de sire to re m ain Australia's fine st num ism atic organisa tion, we continue to se t ne w be nchm a rk s in Australia 's num ism atic industry:

In Ma rch 2008 Robe rt Ja ck m a n, co-founde r of The Ra re C oin Com pa ny, wa s nam e d the 2008 AC CI Te lstra Country Wide Busine ss P erson of the Ye a r. This

pre stigious awa rd wa s in recognition of R ob's significa nt a chie vem e nts within the Australian Num ism a tic Industry ove r the pa st 26 ye a rs.

O n 22 Nove m be r 2007, The Ra re Coin Com pa ny se t a ne w world record for the price pa id for a ba nknote a t a n Australia n auctio n whe n it purcha se d a n
Austra lia n 1924 George V O ne Thousa nd P ound ba nk note . The purchase repre sente d a significa nt m ile stone for the Austra lia n Num ism a tic Industry, a s this

wa s only the se cond k nown tim e in Austra lia 's histo ry tha t the $1 m illion dollar price ba rrie r ha s e ver bee n re a che d for a single item .

Find out m ore about


O ur Pe ople
C onta cting us

For assistance please call 1800 641 633 or contact us in Albany, Perth, Sydney or Melbourne. 1/1

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