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Introduction My self

Its honor for me be here to deliver my personal data to you all, before telling more about
my identity, id like to deliver my respect to all participants especially to the instructor of english
who has kindly invited me. So that I can standing here now.

My name is Muhammad Hanif, and you can call me Hanif, I was born in Kendal 31 of
january 1999. Im 20 years old. My religion is moslem, and My hobbies are paint andwatching
movie. Im student of Senior High school 1 of Kendal. My class in XII Mipa 1, I live with my
parent at Karangtengah Village of Kaliwung, Kendal.

Okay now about me and my family,I was third child of four brother ,so I had two older
brother and one young sister. My first brother had worked as an elementary school teacher. My
second brother is continuing his studies at Polines in mechanical engineering. And my young
brother is still in sevent grade in Junior High School one of Brangsong. My parents name are
Markani and Kurniasih. My fathers job is a official employee in Pt. Asia Pacific Fibers. While
my mother is elementary school teacher at my village.

When I graduated from this Senior High School, I wanted to continue my study to
university in architecture. My ambition was to make my parent happy and to be a helful person
for other people.

Cara mendeskripsikan seseorang

Appearance ( Penampilan/Rupa )

Tall = Tinggi

Small = Kecil

fat = Gemuk

slim = Kurus

young = Muda

old = Tua

beautiful / pretty = Cantik

handsome (Junge / Mann) = Ganteng


pale = Pucat

blue / green / grey / brown eyes =Mata berwarna Biru / Hijau / Abu-abu

freckles = Jerawat atau bitnik pada wajah

a beard = Jenggot

a full beard = brewok atau jambang

a moustache = Kumis

a goatee = Janggut menggantung

blond hair = Rambut Pirang

red hair = Rambut merah

brown hair = Rambut coklat

black hair = rambut hitam

dyed hair =rambut kehijauan

blond highlights = rambut pirang hitam

short hair = rambut pendek

long hair = rambut panjang

straight hair = rambut lurus

curly hair / curls = rambut keriting

a bald head = berkepala botak

a square / round / triangular / oval face = Berwajah kotak / bulat/ segitiga / lonjing

a big / small / long nose = berhidung besar/ kecil/ mancung

big / small ears = Bertelinga besar/ kecil

Contoh Kalimat :

1. I have a beard. ( aku memiliki jenggot )

2. She has blond hair. ( Dia berambut pirang )

3. My uncle has bald head. ( Pamanku berkepala botak )

4. My mother is fat.

Clothing and Accessories ( Pakaian dan Aksesoris )

Glasses = Kacamata

contact lenses = Kontak lensa

Earrings = Anting-anting

a necklace = Kalung

a wristband = Manset t

a bracelet = Gelang

a cap = topi

a red scarf = sal merah

a tie = dasi

Contoh Kalimat :

1. I wear glasses.

2. My mother wears earrings.

3. She wears a gold necklace.

(Character) Karakter atau Sifat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Shy = Pemalu

Quiet = Pendiam

Lively = Lincah

Active = Aktif

Easygoing = mudah bergaul

Outgoing = Ramah

Nice = Baik

Friendly = Ramah

Funny = Lucu

Happy = bahagia

Annoying = mengganggu

Sad = sedih

Aggressive = agresif

a little chatter box = cerewet

sassy = cerewet

Contoh Kalimat:

1. She is sassy girl.

2. He is very funny.

3. He is very annoying.

Descriptive Text

Borobudur Temple
Borobudur is a Buddhist temple. It was built in the ninth century under Sailendra dynasty of
ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.

Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the Gupta
architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 meter high and consists of eight
steps like stone terrace. The first five terraces are square and surrounded by walls adorned with
Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of
bell shape-stupa. The entire upper structure is crowned by a large stupa at the center of the top
circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and stairways.

The design of Borobudur symbolizes the conception of universe in Buddhist cosmology. It is

believed that the universe is divided into three spiritual spheres, kamadhatu, rupadhatu, and
arupadhatu. The first sphere, kamadhatu, represents respectively the sphere of desires where we
are bound to our desires; the second sphere, rupadhatu, represents forms where we abandon our
desires but are still bound to name and form; and the last sphere, arupadhatu, represents
formlessness where there is no longer either name or form. Borobudur temple which is
rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a valuable treasure for Indonesian people.
With its magnificent size and architecture, no wonder that Borobudur Temple includes 7
wonders of the world.


Candi Borobudur

Candi Borobudur merupakan sebuah candi Budha. Candi Borobudur dibangun pada abad ke-9 di
bawah dinasti Sailendra dari kerajaan Mataram Kuno. Candi Borobudur terletak di Magelang,
Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.

Candi Borobudur terkenal di seluruh dunia. Pembangunannya dipengaruhi oleh arsitektur Gupta
dari India. Candi tersebut dibangun di atas bukit dengan tinggi 46 meter yang terdiri dari 8
tingkat seperti teras batu. Lima tingkat pertama berbentuk persegi dengan dikelilingi oleh
dinding-dinding berhias kan ukiran dengan patung Budah di relief. Tiga tingkat di atasnya
berbentuk lingkaran. Di setiap tingkatan itu terdapat stupa berbentuk lonceng. Di bagian paling
atas seluruhnya dimahkotai oleh stupa besar di bagian tengah pada lingkaran atas. Jalan menuju
puncak candi ditempuh dengan melalui jalan dan tangga sepanjang 4.8 km.
Desain Borobudur yang melambangkan struktur alam semesta dalam kosmologi budha. Hal ini
diyakini bahwa alam semesta dibagi menjadi tiga bidang spiritual, Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, dan
Arupadhatu. Bidang pertama, Kamadhatu, mewakili masing-masing bidang keinginan dimana
kita terikat dengan keinginan kita; bidang kedua, Rupadhatu, merupakan bentuk di mana kita
meninggalkan keinginan kita tetapi masih terikat nama dan bentuk; dan bidang terakhir,
arupadhatu, mewakili fase tak berbentuk di mana tidak ada lagi nama atau pun bentuk. Candi
Borobudur yang rededicated sebagai monumen Indonesia pada tahun 1983 adalah harta berharga
bagi rakyat Indonesia. Dengan ukuran yang megah dan arsitektur, tidak mengherankan bahwa
Candi Borobudur termasuk 7 keajaiban dunia.

Candi Prambanan

Prambanan temple is the largest Hindust temple complex in Indonesia. The temple was built in
the 10th century and was dedicated to Shiva. There are 8 big temples and 8 small temples at the
main yard. There are also 222 smaller temple at the lower yard.

Inside the big temples, there are statues. There are statues of Sviva, Brahma, and Visnu. They are
the Hindust three highest Gods. There are also other statues. One of the most popular is roro
jonggrang statues. The legend tells that it was actually a girl that cursed to be a stone.

There is also relief about Ramayana at the temple wall. And we can also see Ramayana Ballet
Dance at the temple complex at night.


Candi Prambanan adalah komplek candi Hindu terbesar di Indonesia. Candi ini dibangun pada
abad ke-10 dan didedikasikan untuk Siwa. Ada 8 candi besar dan 8 candi kecil di halaman
utama. Ada juga 222 candi kecil di halaman yang lebih rendah.

Di dalam candi besar, ada patung. Ada patung Siwa, Brahma, dan Visnu. Mereka adalah tiga
dewa tertinggi agama Hindu. Ada juga patung-patung lainnya. Salah satu yang paling populer
adalah patung roro Jonggrang. Legenda mengatakan bahwa itu sebenarnya seorang gadis yang
dikutuk menjadi batu.

Ada juga relief tentang Ramayana di dinding candi. Dan kita juga dapat melihat Sendratari
Ramayana di kompleks candi di malam hari.
Curug sewu

Nature Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu is a waterfall located in Central Java. Located in District
Tawangmangu, Karangpandan regency, Central Java. Natural Attraction waterfall Grojogan
Sewu located on the slopes of Mount Lawu. Nature Grojogan Sewu is located approximately 27
km east of the town of Karanganyar. Grojogan Sewu waterfall is part of the Forest Nature
Grojogan Sewu.

Nature Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu

Grojogan Sewu means waterfall. Although the waterfall here does not amount to a thousand, but
there are several points waterfalls that can be enjoyed here. Sewu or a thousand words here
comes from a thousand halibut, or a unit of distance that is used when it is a high waterfall. One
halibut equal to one foot adults. The highest waterfall that is about 80 meters high. There is also
a waterfall that is not too high but The shower expand and establish branches. In the rainy
season, around the cliffs will be bombarded with a waterfall, but during the summer, many
waterfalls are dry.

Nature Grojogan Sewu forest has an area of 20 hectares. The forest area is overgrown with
various kinds of forest trees and inhabited by a bunch of tame monkeys. Some of the facilities
are the travel jungle Animal Park Forest, swimming pool, rest areas, food stalls, fruit stalls and
souvenirs, prayer rooms and toilets.

Nature Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu, a waterfall is very poluler in the city of Solo in because
this place does have a very beautiful natural scenery that blends with the cool mountain air
makes the visitors seemed to enjoy while in this tourist spot. The waterfall is located at an
altitude of 1,100 above the surface, and also has a height of 81 meters. Sewu Grojokan waterfall
is in Tawangmangu precisely in Karanganyar area where this waterfall is in the middle of a
protected forest in which inhabited by tame animals is several tens of thousands of monkeys.
Natural attractions in solo this one has a spacious location that is of course also very suitable for
family recreation because in these places there are various facilities for family recreation such as
swimming pools, recreational parks, temapat rest and also food stalls and souvenir shops ,


Wisata Alam Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu merupakan salah satu air terjun yang berada di
Jawa Tengah. Terletak di Kecamatan Tawangmangu, Kabupaten Karangpandan, Jawa Tengah.
Air terjun wisata Alam Grojogan Sewu terletak di lereng Gunung Lawu. Wisata Alam Grojogan
Sewu terletak sekitar 27 km di sebelah timur Kota Karanganyar. Air terjun Grojogan Sewu
merupakan bagian dari Hutan Wisata Alam Grojogan Sewu.

Wisata Alam Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu

Grojogan Sewu berarti air terjun . Meski air terjun di sini tidak berjumlah seribu, tetapi ada
beberapa titik air terjun yang dapat dinikmati di sini. Kata sewu atau seribu disini berasal dari
seribu pecak, atau satuan jarak yang digunakan saat itu yang merupakan tinggi air terjun. Satu
pecak sama dengan satu telapak kaki orang dewasa. Air terjun tertinggi yang ada tingginya
sekitar 80 meter. Ada pula air terjun yang tidak terlalu tinggi tetapi pancurannya meluas dan
membentuk cabang-cabang. Bila sedang musim hujan, sekeliling tebing akan dihujani air terjun,
tetapi saat musim panas, banyak air terjun yang kering.

Hutan Wisata Alam Grojogan Sewu memiliki luas 20 Ha. Kawasan hutan ini banyak ditumbuhi
berbagai jenis pohon hutan dan dihuni oleh sekelompok kera jinak. Beberapa fasilitas dari hutan
wisata ini adalah Taman Binatang Hutan, kolam renang, tempat istirahat, kios makanan, kios
buah-buahan dan cinderamata, mushola dan MCK.

Wisata Alam Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu , sebuah air terjun yang sangat poluler di kota Solo
di karenakan tempat ini memang memiliki panorama alam yang sangat indah yang berpadu
dengan kesejukan udara pegunungan membuat para pengunjung tampak menikmati ketika
berada di tempat wisata ini. Air terjun ini terletak pada ketinggian 1.100 di atas permukaan, dan
juga memiliki ketinggian 81 meter. Air terjun Grojokan sewu ini berada di Tawangmangu
tepatnya di daerah Karanganyar yang mana airterjun ini berada di tengah hutan lindung yang di
dalamnya di huni oleh satwa yang jinak yaitu beberapa puluhan ribu ekor kera. Tempat wisata
alam di solo yang satu ini memiliki lokasi yang luas yang tentunya juga sangat cocok untuk
tempat rekreasi keluarga karena di tempat wisata ini terdapat berbagai fasilitas untuk rekreasi
keluarga seperti kolam renang, taman rekreasi, temapat peristirahatan dan juga warung-warung
makan dan toko souvenir.


Sma 1 Kendal is one of the most favorite sma in Kendal for not performing so great
that sma 1 Kendal produce graduates who berkulitas.
The location is in the district Patebon Kendal, in dekatjalan highway newark, so that sma 1
kendal very strategic reach. This school has a very memadahi facilities, ranging from laboratory
ipa, language laboratories, and sports facilities are very complete, consists of a soccer field,
basketball, volleyball, etc.
Sma 1 kendal consists of three departments of the majors ipa, ips, and language. For now ipa
department consists of seven classes, departments ips comprises four classes and language
department consists of one class.
This school has a lot of extracurricular activities, and sma 1 Kendal always excelled in various
fields such as science, arts, sports, and others.


Sma 1 kendal merupakan salah satu sma terfavorit di kendal karena prestasinya yang sangat
hebat sehingga sma 1 kendal menghasilkan siswa lulusan yang berkulitas.
Lokasinya berada di kecamatan patebon kendal, di dekatjalan raya soekarno hatta, sehinga sma 1
kendal sangat strategis dijangkau. Sekolah ini memiliki fasilitas yang sangat memadahi, mulai
dari laboratorium ipa, laboratorium bahasa, dan fasilitas olahraga yang sangat komplit, terdiri
dari lapangan bola, basket, voli, dll
Sma 1 kendal terdiri dari tiga jurusan yaitu jurusan ipa, ips, dan bahasa. Untuk saat ini jurusan
ipa terdiri dari tujuh kelas, jurusan ips terdiri 4 kelas dan jurusan bahasa terdiri dari 1 kelas.
Di sekolah ini memiliki banyak ekstrakulikuler, dan sma 1 kendal selalu unggul di berbagai
bidang seperti bidang sains, seni, olahraga, dan lain-lain.

Lawang Sewu

Semarang is very important place in Java and the place is noted for all the attractive
tourist spots here. Lawang Sewu is a very important place in Semarang and for many years
tourists have been returning to Semarang only to have a glimpse of this amazing place here. The
Lawang Sewu is immensely popular for the famous Thousand Doors which is the ticket to
fame for the place. The place is distinguished simply for the numerous doors and windows found
here and the building was christened as the Gedung Lawang Sewu and tourists love coming here
simply because of the distinctive Dutch Symbolism and the immensely long corridors leading to
the offices on the other side.
Lawang Sewu is famous for the doors and windows. The place is famous for the Thousand
Doors and windows and the fascinating stained glass windows representing the Dutch
Symbolism of the places like The Hague and Rotterdam and also the Royal family. The building
has numerous long winding corridors which open out to the offices on one side of the office and
the other end of the building on the other hand. It is a famous landmark in the region of
Semarang and a pride for Java. The place was actually built as the main colonial office for the
Dutch and was then taken over by the Japanese government. This place was important because it
was the main military hub for the Indonesians and was used for giving shelter to the soldiers and
army men here. The place was often considered to be haunted place as many truly and sincerely
believed that the place was inhabited by spirits and ghosts and thus many people used to feel
scared to visit the place fearing the obvious. However later the place was converted in to a
heritage site and many came to visit the place during their holidays or vacations while coming to
visit the Semarang. There are other places also which deserve mention but Lawang Sewu stands
out among the rest.

Lawang Sewu is thus a very important place in Semarang and all are welcome to come and visit
the fascinating place.

Bonbin Mangkang

Kebung binatang Mangkang merupakan salah satu tempat wisata keluarga di kota Semarang.
Kebun binatang ini terletak di Jl. Walisongo KM 16, tepatnya di seberang terminal Mangkang.
Kebun binatang ini memiliki luas 9 hektare.]

Selain terdapat aneka spesies hewan koleksi Kebun Binatang Mangkang juga terdapat fasilitas
lain lain berupa becak air mini, menaiki gajah, menaiki kuda, menaiki perahu buatan dan
mengarungi danau buatan dengan pemandangan burung pelikan yang berenang dengan bebasnya
di danau tersebut. Selain itu pengunjung juga bisa menikmati water boom, museum pesawat,
flying fox, kereta mini, arena ketangkasan, museum satwa, gedung sinema satwa, outbound.

Wahana permainan air Water Boom yang mempunyai fasilitas kolam keceh, kolam pasir dan
kolam batu kesehatan. Jam operasional kebun binatang yakni setiap hari mulai pukul 08.00
hingga 17.00 WIB sedang khusus water boom buka dari pukul 09.0-17.00 WIB

Kebung Mangkang animals is one of the family attractions in the city of Semarang. The zoo is
located at Jl. Walisongo KM 16, exactly opposite the terminal Mangkang. This zoo has an area
of 9 hectares.]
In addition there are various species of animal collections Zoos Mangkang there are also other
facilities other form of mini water tricycles, ride an elephant, ride a horse, ride a boat and wade
artificial artificial lake with a view of pelicans that swim freely in the lake. In addition, visitors
can also enjoy water boom, air museum, flying fox, mini train, agility arena, museum animals,
wildlife cinema building, outbound.
Water Boom water rides have facilities keceh pool, pond sand and rock pools health. The
operating hours of the zoo every day from 08.00 until 17.00 pm having a special water boom
open from 09.0-17.00 pm

Pantai Cahaya
Tempat wisata itu adalah Pantai Cahaya Sendang Sikucing (The Sea) yang berlokasi di
Weleri Kabupaten Kendal. Beragam permainan yang memberikan suasana pantai yang alami
sejuk dan sehat bisa dinikmati bersama keluarga. Dari mulai permainan anak, rekreasi pantai,
pentas lumba-lumba, kolam berenang bersama lumba-lumba, Mini Zoo, kolam bermain untuk
segala usia dengan guyuran air waterboom dan seluncuran yang menebar keceriaan.
Kini pengunjung dimanjakan dengan fasilitas andalan Jawa Tengah ini. Salah satu
fasilitas baru disana adalah Kolam Tanding Air Terjun Niagara yang menantang pengunjung
untuk berolah raga dan menikmati pijatan sehat air terjunnya. Serta sebuah Kolam Ajaib yang
unik menarik karena mampu mengapungkan tubuh siapa saja untuk menjadi rileks dalam
suasana hati yang nyaman tentram.


Tourist attractions that are Turkish Light Spring Sikucing (The Sea), located in Weleri
Kendal. Various games are on the beach atmosphere naturally cool and healthy can be enjoyed
with the family. From the start the game, beach recreation, performing dolphins, swimming pool
with dolphins, Mini Zoo, play pool for all ages with a splash of water and a slide waterboom that
spread the joy.
Now visitors are pampered with amenities mainstay of Central Java. One of the new facilities
there is a pool Slam Niagara Falls challenging visitors to exercise and enjoy a healthy massage
waterfall. As well as a unique Swimming Magically attractive because it can float a body anyone
to be relaxed in a good mood peaceful.

Albert Enstein

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Wurttemberg Kingdom, Germany on March 14 th, 1879. His
father named Hermann Einstein and his mother was Pauline. His parents were married in
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt.

Einstein family is the family of Jewish descent. His father worked as a merchant feather bed
then switch work to become an expert on electrochemistry.

Until now, Albert Einstein is known as the greatest and the most famous theoretical physics in
the 20thcentury. He put forward the theory of relativity and give a huge contributed to the
development of statistical mechanics, cosmology, and quantum mechanics.
As a child, Albert Einstein had a quiet nature and does not like to play with his friends. He was
considered a slow learner, probably caused by shyness, dyslexia, or because of the structure of
rare and unusual in his brain (examined after his death).

In addition, to cultivate the science and also in school, Einsteins activities are just playing music
together with her mother. He really likes to play the masterpiece of Beethoven and Mozart. His
family is concern about their childs education in the field of science and music.

Although considered to be slow in learning, but it didnt demoralize him to learn. Even, in the
end, he had been granted the Nobel Prize in physics over his devotion to the physics theoretical
where to develop his general theory of relativity in 1921.

One of the most famous formula and make it widely known is that the theory of relativity
formula E=mc .

In 1984, when Einstein was 15 years old, his familys economic situation deteriorated. His
fathers business went bankrupt in electronics. This makes Einstein and his family moved to
Pavia, Milan-Italy.

Einstein stayed to finish school, and completed one semester before rejoining his family in

Albert Einstein had several times tried to sign up for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
in Zurich named Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule. But he always failed the test.

In the following year, he was sent by his family to Aarau, Switzerland, to quickly finish high
school, where he received a diploma in 1896.

In 1896, when Einstein was 17 years old, he decided to remove citizenship and prefer to not
have citizens disillusioned with the German government. At the time of the German government
is very anti to the Jews.

It also supported that after the departure of Einstein from Germany, eventually controlled by
Nazi Germany which is known to be very anti-Jewish.

During the period of 1901, Einstein discussed his interest in the world of science to his close
friends, including Mileva. Then he falls in love with Mileva Einstein, and they were both in a

Right up in January 1902, Einstein and Mileva blessed with a daughter named Lieserl. However,
Lieserl Einstein at the time was considered illegal because her parents are not married.
In the end, Einstein and Mileva were married on January 6 th, 1903. From this marriage, they
were given another child named Hans Albert Einstein. Hans was born on May 14th, 1904.

On April 17th, 1955, Albert Einstein experienced internal bleeding. Surgery performed by Dr.
Rudolph Nissen in 1948 suffered damage, where the rupture of Einsteins abdominal aortic

When medical actiond be taken, Einstein refused to do surgery. He said lowliness:

I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is
time to go. I will do it elegantly.

He died at Princeton Hospital, in the morning, at the time he was 76 years old. During the
autopsy, Thomas Stoltz Harvey, the pathologist of Princeton Hospital, delete Einsteins brain for
preservation without the permission of his family.

This is the hope that in the future neuroscience will be able to discover what made Einstein so
intelligent. Einsteins remains were cremated and his ashes scattered in a location that is still
kept secret.

Lionel Messi

his name is lionel messi

he was born on 24 june 1987 in rosario,argentina
he has white skin
he has oval face
he has short,straight,blond hair
he has sharp nose
he has black eyes
he has a good personality
he is a football player
he plays for FC BARCELONA and ARGENTINA national team.
he clever in playing football
he can dribble the ball well like dancing
he can run very fast altoungh his body is too short for a football player
he often makes goals in every football match and help his team winning a game.
he has ever won the best football player in the world 3 time in 2010,2011,2012.
Ahmad Dhani
Ahmad Dhani is a famous Indonesian singer and musician. He was born on 26 May 1972
in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

Dhani married to Maia Etanti (now divorce) and has 3 Children. They are Al (Ahmad Al
Ghazali), El (El Jalaludin Rumi), Dul (Ahmad Abdul Qodir Jaelani).

Dhani's body is tall and well built. He has beard, pointed nose, and thick lips. His hair style
changes sometimes. Now, he usually appears on TV with bald hair.

Dhani is a very talented person. He can sing. He can also write a song very well. Songs he
makes are always very popular. He is a good leader. There are many musical groups he manages,
Dewa, Triad, The Rock, Mahadewi, The Virgin for instance.


IR. h. Joko Widodo or the more familiar greeted Jokowi (born in Surakarta, Central Java, 21
June 1961; age54 years) was the 7th President of Indonesia who took office on October
20, 2014. He was elected along with Vice President Jusuf Kalla in the 2014 presidential
election. Jokowi served as the Governor of DKI Jakarta since 15 October 2012 up to 16
October 2014 accompanied Basuki Tjahaja full moon as DeputyGovernor. Previously, he was
the Mayor of Surakarta (Solo), since July 28, 2005 and ended on October
1,2012 accompanied F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo as Deputy Mayor. the two years of his second
period became the Mayor of Solo, Jokowi was appointed by his party, the Indonesia Democratic
Party of struggle (PDI-P), to fight in the election of the Governor of DKI Jakarta to pair
with Basuki Tjahaja full moon (Ahok).
Joko Widodo came from a simple family. In fact, his home was once condemned as
much as three times, when he was a child, but he was able to complete his studies in the Faculty
of forestry University of GajahMada. After graduation, he was practicing his
profession as a furniture businessman. his political careerbegan with being Mayor
of Surakarta in 2005. he is best known is considered successful after changing the face
of Surakarta city became a city of tourism, city of culture, and the city of batik. on September
20,2012, Jokowi won the election in Jakarta. His victory reflects popular support for was
considered a leader ofthe young and clean, although he was more than fifty years.
Since being elected as Governor, his popularity continued to soar and became the spotlight
of the media. as a result, emerging discourse to make a presidential candidate for the general
election of the President ofIndonesia, 2014. in addition, the survey results indicate, the
name Jokowi continues to Excel. at first, theGeneral Chairman of the PDI-P, Megawati
Sukarnoputri declared that he would not announce a presidential candidate of the PDI
Perjuangan until after the legislative elections of 9 April 2014. However, on March
14,2014, Jokowi received a mandate from Megawati to advance as a presidential
candidate, three weeks before the legislative elections and two days before the campaign.


IR. h. Joko Widodo atau Jokowi menyapa lebih akrab (lahir di Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, 21 Juni
1961; umur 54 tahun) adalah Presiden 7 Indonesia yang mulai menjabat pada 20 Oktober
2014. Ia terpilih bersama dengan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla dalam pemilihan Presiden tahun
2014. Jokowi menjabat sebagaiGubernur DKI Jakarta sejak 15 Oktober 2012 ke 16 Oktober 201
4 disertai Basuki Tjahaja purnama sebagaiDeputi Gubernur. Sebelumnya, ia adalah Walikota Sur
akarta (Solo), sejak Juli 28, 2005 dan berakhir pada 1Oktober 2012 disertai F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo
sebagai Wakil Walikota. dua tahun masa kedua menjadi walikotaSolo, Jokowi diangkat oleh part
ainya, Partai Demokrasi Indonesia perjuangan (PDI-P), bertarung dalampemilihan Gubernur DK
I Jakarta untuk memasangkan dengan Basuki Tjahaja purnama (Ahok).
Joko Widodo berasal dari keluarga sederhana. Pada kenyataannya, rumahnya sekali dikutuk
sebanyak tiga kali, ketika ia masih kecil, tapi ia mampu menyelesaikan studinya di Fakultas
Kehutanan Universitas Gajah
Mada. Setelah lulus, ia berlatih profesinya sebagai seorang pengusaha mebel. Karier politik dim
ulai denganmenjadi walikota Surakarta pada tahun
2005. ia paling dikenal dianggap berhasil setelah mengubah wajahkota Surakarta menjadi kota p
ariwisata, kota budaya dan kota batik. pada tanggal 20 September 2012,Jokowi memenangkan p
emilu di Jakarta. Kemenangannya mencerminkan dukungan rakyat untuk dianggapsebagai pemi
mpin muda dan bersih, walaupun dia lebih dari lima puluh tahun.
Sejak terpilih sebagai Gubernur, popularitasnya terus melambung dan menjadi sorotan media. s
ebagaiakibatnya, muncul wacana untuk melakukan calon Presiden untuk pemilihan umum Presi
den Indonesia2014. Selain itu, hasil survei menunjukkan, nama Jokowi terus Excel. pada awalny
a, Ketua Umum PDI-P,Megawati Sukarnoputri menyatakan bahwa ia tidak akan mengumumkan
calon Presiden PDI Perjuangansampai setelah pemilihan umum legislatif 9 April 2014. Namun,
pada tanggal 14 Maret 2014, Jokowimenerima mandat dari Megawati untuk maju sebagai calon
Presiden, tiga minggu sebelum pemilihan umumlegislatif dan dua hari sebelum kompetisi.

Traffic jam
these days many there is congestion on the streets, especially Jakarta. Why did it happen?
all this because public transport is less feasible. Like the train, or Trans Jakarta Busway and all
other public transportation is considered inadequate. Therefore, many people are opting to use
private vehicles. Plus DP vehicle that is affordable. This allows a person untukmemiliki private
vehicles even more than one. Just imagine the vehicle increases every day, while the streets are
very terbatas.Dengan muatanya so congestion will not escape.
It is hoped the government could deal with the problem - a problem like this, probably by
improving facilities existing facilities in public transport, widen the road, and raise the price of
the vehicle, then people would think twice about having a vehicle. And people - people can feel
how convenient to use public transport, road - the road was free of congestion

dewasa ini banyak terjadi kemacetan di ruas-ruas jalan terutama daerah Jakarta. mengapa
itu bisa terjadi?
semua ini karena transportasi umum yang kurang layak. Seperti Kereta api, Busway atau trans
Jakarta maupun angkutan umum lainya semua di anggap kurang memadai. Oleh karena itu
banyak orang yang memilih untuk menggunakan kendaraan pribadi. Ditambah lagi DP
kendaraan yang sangat terjangkau. Hal ini memudahkan seseorang untukmemiliki kendaraan
pribadi bahkan lebih dari satu. Bayangkan saja kendaraan bertambah setiap harinya, sedangkan
jalanan yang muatanya sangat terbatas.Dengan demikian kemacetan tidak akan lepas.
Diharapkan pemerintah dapat menangani masalah - masalah seperti ini, mungkin dengan
memperbaiki fasilitas fasilitas yang ada dalam transportasi umum, melakukan pelebaran jalan,
dan menaikan harga kendaraan, maka orang orang akan berfikir dua kali untuk memiliki
kendaraan. Dan orang - orang dapat merasakan betapa nyaman untuk menggunakan transportasi
umum, jalan - jalan pun terbebas dari kemacetan.

student brawl

currently emerging discussed about student brawls, indeed there is always a student brawls in
various areas. Actually triggered the student brawls is trivial, because of the nature of teenagers
who easily upset so they brawl and some even wore a sharp weapon that is very dangerous and
can cause victims. Therefore a lot of lives of students died in vain because of the brawl.
Therefore to overcome it, to institute a school continues to improve science education to
students and to the rules tightened, so siswatidak can do as they wish, and to students should use
his youth to study to be a bright future

saat ini sedang marak diperbincangkan tentang tawuran pelajar, memang tawuran pelajar
selalu ada di berbagai daerah. Sebenarnya yang memicu terjadinya tawuran pelajar adalah hal
hal sepele, karena sifat dari remaja yang mudah marah jadi mereka tawuran bahkan ada yang
memakai senjata tajam yang sangat berbahaya dan dapat menimbulkan korban. Maka dari itu
banyak nyawa pelajar mati sia sia karena tawuran. Maka dari itu untuk menanggulangi itu, untuk
lembaga sekolah terus tingkatkan pendidikan ilmu kepada siswa dan untuk peraturannya
diperketat, sehingga siswatidak bisa berbuat semaunya, dan untuk pelajar sebaiknya
menggunakan masa mudanya untuk belajar agar masa depan cerah

Long Drought
indonesia adalah negara yang sangat subur dengan iklim tropis tetapi sekarang sering
terjadi kekeringan, manurut saya itu semua karen pemanasan global yang membuat iklim
semakin tidak normal dan suhu menongkat drastis, untuk menangani masalah ini kita bisa
membuat waduk sebagai persediaan air, untuk rakyat sebaiknya mulailah lebih mencintai
lingkungan jangan menebangipohon, karena daerah resapan air sangat penting untuk mengatasi


Indonesia is a country that is very lush with tropical climates, but now frequent droughts, I think
it's all because of global warming makes the climate more and more abnormal and temperature
menongkat drastic, to deal with this problem we could make the reservoir as a water supply, to
the people you should start over love the environment do not cut the trees, because the water
catchment areas is essential to cope with drought

Narkoba merupakan obat obat terlarang yang disalahgunakan, karena efeknya terhadap
tubuh yang tidak baik, saat ini masih banyak di daerah indonesia kasus mengenai narkoba,
penggunanya dari artis hingga para remaja. Untuk para remaja sendiri sebaiknya hindarilah
narkoba karena masa depannya masih cerah, pihak sekolah harus berusaha mengadakan
sosialisasi tentang bahaya narkoba sehingga para siswa tidak mendekati narkoba, diperketat
peraturan di sekolah, dan bagi orangtua awasi terus pergaulan anaknya.


Drugs are drugs abused illicit drug, because of its effect on the body is not good, there are still
many areas in Indonesia on drug cases, users of the artist to the teens. For the teenagers
themselves should avoid drugs because his future is still bright, the school should try to establish
socialization about the dangers of drugs so that the students do not approach the drug, tightened
the rules in school, and for parents to keep an eye on their interaction

Kenakalan remaja/ jouvenille delinqueny

Saat ini kenakalan remaja sering tejadi, banyak para remaja yang melakukan kenakalan
seperti narkoba, tawuran, minuman keras, dan lain lain, padahal masa depannya masih cerah,
ada yang mengatakan ingin mendapatkan pengalaman, bagimana kalau mati dini apa itu
pengalaman, lebih baik belajar sungguh sungguh sesuai kemampuan di bidangnya sehingga
dapat mengharumkan bangsa indonesia dengan prestasi


Currently juvenile delinquency often happens, many of the teens who do mischief such as drugs,
fights, liquor, etc., but its future is still bright, some say want to gain experience, how if you die
early what it experiences, better study hard indeed according to their ability in the field so that it
can scent the Indonesian nation with achievement

Banjir di indonesia sering terjadi pada musim penghujan dikarenakan curah hujan yang
tinggi dan kurangnya daerah resapan air, pemerintah kota harus pandai mengatasi masalah ini
seperti pembangunan waduk, irigasi, penanaman pohon sebagai daerah resapan air, dan untuk
rakyat sendiri mulailah hidup sehat, jangan membuang sampah di sungai, dan jangan
menebanagi pohon sembarangan


Floods in Indonesia are common in the rainy season due to high rainfall and a lack of water
catchment areas, the municipality must be good at overcoming this problem such as dam
construction, irrigation, tree planting for water catchment areas, and to the people themselves
begin to live a healthy life, do not throw garbage on the river, and do not menebanagi trees

Kebakaran hutan
Banyak orang orang di indonesia memperlakukan hutan secara sembarangan, seperti
untuk melebarkan ladang mereka membakar hutan secara sembarangan. Sebaiknya pemerintah
mengambil sikap tegas seperti pelanggaran bagi pelaku kejahatan, dan memperketat ijin
melakukan perkebunan. Sebaiknya hutan jangan dibakar sembarangan karena didalamnya
terdapat ekosistem yang beragam, apabila dibakar hilang semua ekosistem didalamnya dan
terjadi kepunahan pada spesies hewan tertentu.


Many people in Indonesia treats forests in vain, as to widen their field of forest burned in vain.
The government should take a firm stance for perpetrators of such violations, and to tighten the
license to do the plantation. Burned forest should not be arbitrary because inside there are
diverse ecosystems, when burned therein lost all ecosystems and the extinction of certain animal


Smog is a term combination of smoke (smoke) and fog (fog), the fog inviting air contaminants.
Smog is composed of a mixture of carbon monoxide or nitrogen chemicals that stimulate the
neck and nose, causing disease in the respiratory system. In London where the origins of the
industrial revolution, on December 5 to 10 in 1952, 8,000 people died due to this smog


Smog adalah istilah gabungan antara asap (smoke) dan kabut (fog), yaitu kabut yang
mengundang zat-zat pencemar udara. Smog terdiri dari karbon monoksida atau campuran
kimia nitrogen yang merangsang leher dan hidung, sehingga menimbulkan penyakit pada
organ sistem pernapasan. Di London tempat asal mulanya revolusi industri, pada tanggal 5-10
Desember 1952, 8.000 orang meninggal duniadisebabkan fenomena smog ini

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