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Dinas Speaking Feedback

Fluency and coherence

Fluency and coherence is about how naturally you speak and how well you express your ideas.
Discourse markers are important (I would say that, I believe, on the other hand etc) so it is a good
idea to show a range of them.
Dina uses some discourse markers but often inaccurately. She repeats I can say instead of I
would say Other examples include the phrase as I told (before), corrected to as I said
Rather than repeating connectives like and then we can use also, after, before, following
When expressing opinion, she often uses the phrase I love that. We should try expressing
opinion in other ways too: I think thats great. I really enjoy it. Its one of my favourite things.
to show we have flexible (high band) language.
Dina could also improve her band score here by improving her referencing; she often uses this
and that: I love that (the village). A higher band student might say I love spending time there
(in the village).
In part three Dina could improve her answer by including examples to support her opinion. To
the question Can tourism damage local culture and tradition? Dina replied Its depends on the
person. A more complete answer would be It depends on how a culture deals with tourism. In
some places such as Bali in Indonesia, western tourism influences local people to adopt western

Lexical Resource
Lexical resource refers to vocabulary. To get a high band we need to use a range of vocabulary
Dina has some good vocabulary items: nature, keep in touch, proud of yourself, police stand
by but had difficulty in part three of the test. This is common because the more abstract/difficult
questions often ask for answers that need specific vocabulary.
Occasionally her word choice made her answer difficult to follow: (Governments should) give a
peace of the foreign that come to visit the country should be Governments should make sure
their countries are peaceful and safe for tourists.
Its a good idea to reduce repetition of words. At the end of part three Dina said. The tourists
have to think also about the placePut the plastic bottle in the place, not just stuck everywhere
and then the government need to clean the place. To show a wide vocabulary, we might say
Tourists should think about the environment. They should be reminded to put plastic bottles in
a suitable place, while the government need to employ staff to keep holiday destinations clean.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

To achieve a good band for grammar, we should use a range of simple sentences (with a subject
and a verb), compound sentences (that often include for, and, but, or, so) and complex
sentences (that can include after, as, because, before, if, since, until, when, while etc.).
Dina attempts complex sentences but with frequent mistakes. Most of her sentences are simple.
She makes many mistakes with nouns, including:
Article mistakes (the village) have has a rice fields, No have aThere arent any big buildings,
Go out for the a drink
Verb mistakes How is are the people outside from you

Her other verb mistakes include misuse of be (You are proud of yourself, thats will be good
to stay, I am going to talk about) and forgetting to use past tense verbs (To answer the question
What subjects did you enjoy studying the most? Dina answered (Mathematics because)
sometime he just give gave us an example where when we are could not understand.). There
are many examples of this common mistake so see if you can find them in the audio.

Dinas pronunciation is one of her stronger skills. She is generally easy to understand. She can
link words well and individual sounds are usually clear.
To improve she can practice her th sounds (so that the doesnt sound like da) and unvoiced
sounds at the end of words tha that, sel self.
Lastly because of her first (original) language influence, she often doesnt use word stress
correctly. In the word mathematics there are four sounds, but only one (ma) is stressed (louder
than the others): Mathematics. This is just one example of word stress, but word (and sentence)
stress is important to sound natural.

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