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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology ISSN (Online):2278-5299

Volume 3, Issue 4: Page No.165-170. July-August 2014


Vineeta Kumari,1Sharad Kumar, 1Izharul Haq, 1Ashutosh Yadav,2Vinay Kumar Singh,2Zulfiqar Ali,1*Abhay Raj
Environmental Microbiology Section, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, M.G. Marg,
Post Box No. 80, Lucknow-226 001 (U.P.), India
Department of Chemistry, Integral University, Kursi Road, Lucknow, (U.P.), India

Abstract- From the Common effluent treatment plant (CETP), treated tannery effluent was analyzed for physico-chemical characteristics
and its effect on seed germination, -amylase activity and early seedling growth of mung bean seeds (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek).The
effluent had alkaline pH (8.5), high TDS (19700 mg/L), EC (671 mS/cm), BOD (650 mg/L) and COD (1280 mg/L). Germination of seed
was inhibited by 50% and prevented by 75 and 100% of the tannery effluent. No -amylase activity was recorded in seeds treated with 75%
and 100% of the effluent, suggested -amylase enzyme dependent inhibition of seed germination. No seedling growth was found in 50%
effluent even after germination. Total seedling length and root length showed an increase at 10% over the control and then there was
decreased from 25% of the effluent onwards. In contrast, compared to the control, shoot length, leaf length, -amylase activity (IU/g) and
fresh weight biomass (g/plant) of seedling found to decrease as the effluent concentration increased. The result of the present study,
revealed that CETP, Unnao treated wastewater is not suitable for irrigation purposes, even at lower concentration.
Keywords-CETP Tannery effluent, physico-chemical parameters, mung bean, seed germination, -amylase activity, zymogram

1. INTRODUCTION an activated sludge process-based plant which receives 1.9

million liters per day (MLD) of tannery wastewater from a
Tannery effluents are ranked as the highest pollutants
cluster of 21 tanneries processing approximately 47.5 tons
among all industrial wastes. India is the third largest producer
average daily raw hides. The treated effluent from CETP is
of leather in the world having about 3000 tanneries with
finally discharged in the Ganga River through drain. This
annual processing capacity of 0.7 million tonnes of hides and
wastewater is used for irrigation purposes in agricultural field
skin. The tannery industry effluent is highly toxic to flora and
on both side of drain before entering in the Ganga River.
fauna due to the presence of excess amount of dissolved
Ramteke et al. [10] assessed the efficiency of CETP and found
solids, chlorides, sulphides, chromium with a very high BOD,
a significant reduction in COD and BOD levels during the
COD and conductivity in the effluent.[1-2] Chromium
course of treatment in CETP. In a previous study, inhibition
(trivalent, Cr III and hexavalent, Cr VI) present in effluent is
of seed germination, plant growth and pigments content in
one of the most toxic pollutants. Cr VI is more toxic and
Phaseolus mungo Roxb with increasing concentration of
carcinogen than the Cr III due to its highly solubility in
CETP-treated effluent have been reported. [11] Although -
water, rapid permeability through biological membrane, and
amylase has decisive role during seed germination and
subsequent interaction with intracellular proteins and nucleic
seedling growth, information on the correspondence between
acid.[3] Tannery effluent has been reported to inhibit seed
-amylase activity and seed germination under tannery
germination, root growth and biochemical activity of crop
effluent stress is lacking. Therefore, the aim of this study was
plants.[4-7] Besides, tannery effluent induced various
to investigate the effect of diluted and undiluted tannery
chromosomal abnormalities in plant cells thereby severely
effluent on seed germination, -amylase activity and early
reducing mitotic index and root growth.[8-9]
seedling growth of mung bean seedling.
Unnao district (U.P.), India is one of the major industrial
areas especially for leather tannery industry. As most of the
tanneries in this area are in the small scale and cannot be 2.1 Wastewater Samples
afford expensive treatment plant on their own. Therefore, to
Tannery effluents were collected from outlet point of
mitigate the pollution from tanneries, a common effluent
CETP-Unnao (26.48N, 80.43), U.P. state, India during the
treatment plant (CETP) was established in 1996 having
month of February, 2013. Effluents were taken in five litres
treating capacity of 2.15 million liter per day (MLD). This is
of sterilized Jerry cane and transported to laboratory for
further analysis. The effluents were filtered through

ISSN:2278-5299 165
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology.
Whtaman filter paper No. 1 to remove solids and stored at spectrophotometer, Techcomp, Korea). The release of
4C. reducing sugars formed by enzymatic reaction was calculated
using standard curve of D-maltose. One unit of enzyme
2.2 Physico-chemical Parameters Analysis
activity was defined as the amount of enzyme that produced 1
The effluents were analyzed for various physico-chemical mol of reducing sugar/min under the condition defined. All
parameters viz., pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical measurements were performed in triplicates and the values
conductivity (EC), biological oxygen demand (BOD), are reported as mean standard deviation (n=3). All the
chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total chromium. TDS, chemicals used in this study were of analytical grade. 3, 5-
BOD and COD in effluent were determined following dinitrosalicylic acid was purchased from Sigma (St. Louis,
standard method described in APHA. [12] Effluent pH was MO, USA).
measured with digital pH meter (Metrohm, USA). EC was
2.5 Zymogram Analysis
determined by conductivity meter (Thermo Orion, model-
162A, USA). Total chromium was analysed with atomic Activity of -amylase was also detected on native
absorption spectrometer model A. analyst-300 (Perkin Elmer) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (native PAGE) zymogram
after digestion of samples (100 mL) in digestion mixture of using 10% polyacrylamide in gel.[19] Protein samples were
(5:1) of nitric-perchloric acid. [12] electrophoresed on native PAGE at a constant current of 20
mA at room temperature in a Mini-Gel Electrophoresis unit
2.3 Seed Germination Bioassay
(Microkin, Techno Source, Mumbai, India). After
The toxicity of tannery effluent was conducted using seed electrophoresis, the gel was immersed in 2% starch solution
germination bioassay. [13-15] Five test solutions (10, 25, 50, 75 (prepared in 50 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.8) for 60
and 100% v/v) prepared by diluting tannery effluent with min. After washing with distilled water, the gel was stained
distilled water were used to investigate the effect of tannery with 10 mM iodine in 14 mM potassium iodide for 5 min.
effluent on germination of mung bean seeds. Mung bean Excess iodine was washed off with cold distilled water and
(Vigna radiata L. var. K-851) purchased from local certified the gel was soaked in 1% acetic acid after visualization of
shop was chosen for the test. Seeds were surface-sterilized activity bands. The molecular weight of -amylase protein
with 0.1% HgCl2 and then washed thrice to remove all the was compared with native PAGE proteins marker (Bangalore
traces of mercury. Seed germination and seedling growth test Genei, India) after Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 staining.
on filter paper was carried out in glass Petri dishes (20 mm
2.6 Water Uptake Test
120 mm) with two layer of filter paper (125 mm in diameter,
Whatman No.1) followed by a layer of cotton bed on the Water uptake (%) by control and effluent treated seeds was
bottom. Each dish contained 10 mL of test solutions or tap determined in separately conducted experiments. The initial
water (control), and ten seeds. The Petri dishes were covered weight (W1) of seeds was taken and they were kept on wet
by lid, and incubated at 28C in dark conditions for 5 days. filter paper in petridish moisten with tap water (control)
The seed germination percentage, sprout length and - different concentrations of tannery effluent (10, 25, 50, 75
amylase activity were observed in each test solution on 24 and 100%) at 28C in dark conditions. Final weight (W2)
and 48 h intervals. The growth parameters for three plants, was recorded after 8 h of imbibition and water uptake
such as root, shoot, leaf length and fresh weight of seedling percentage was calculated:
were recorded on 5th day. The -amylase activity in seedling
Water uptake (%) = (W2-W1)/ W1*100
grew in control and different concentration of effluent was
also measured and presented in IU/g fresh weight.
2.4 Extraction and Assay of -Amylase 3. RESULTS
The control and effluent treated seeds after 48 h of Table 1 shows the CETP treated tannery effluent was
germination were homogenized in a cold mortar with 3 mL of alkaline (pH 8.5). It contained higher EC (671 mS/cm), TDS
50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.8) containing 20 mM (19700 mg/L) BOD (650 mg/L), COD (1280 mg/L) and total
CaCl2, 60 mM NaCl and 1 mM of phenylmethylsulfonyl chromium (2.41 mg/L). The value of TDS, COD and BOD
fluoride (PMSF) as protease inhibitors.[16] The homogenates values in the effluent was found to be 9.4, 5.1 and 21.7 times
was centrifuged at 12,000 x g for 10 min in a refrigerated higher than the permissible limits respectively. [20] Further,
centrifuge at 4C (Sigma 3K-30, UK) and supernatant was the values of EC, TDS, COD and BOD showed an increasing
heated at 70C for 15 min to inactivate -amylase, trend with increasing concentrations of the effluent. There
debranching enzyme, and -glucosidase. [17] The heat-treated was no significant variation in the values of pH at different
supernatant was used as the crude enzyme source. The - concentrations. Control (tap water) had pH=7.71, TDS 481
amylase was assayed by quantifying the reducing sugars mg/L and EC 7.2 mS/cm and BOD and COD values were nil
(maltose equivalent) liberated from soluble starch using (data not shown).
method. [18] The reaction mixtures consisting of 500 L crude
enzyme and 500 L of 2% starch solution in 50 mM sodium Germination was 100% in control seeds within 24 h,
whereas 80% and 30% germination was observed in 24 h in
acetate buffer (pH 4.8) were incubated at 30C for 10 min.
seeds treated with 10 and 25% effluent (Table 2). However,
The reaction was terminated by adding 1 mL of DNSA
100% germination was observed in 48 h in both 10 and 25%
reagent (3, 5-dinitrosalicylic acid), followed by boiling in
effluent treated seeds, respectively showing a delayed
water bath for 5 min. Then, it was cooled and diluted with 2
germination. At 50% effluent concentration, the percentage
mL of distilled water. The color formation was monitored at
of seed germination was 50%. Germination was prevented in
540nm with spectrophotometer (UV-visible 2300

ISSN:2278-5299 166
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology.
seeds treated with 75 and 100% effluent concentration was also detected in 50% effluent treated germinating seeds
throughout the experiment. which were 70% less than the control.
The sprout length of 48 h seeds has been showed a 4. DISCUSSION
concentration dependent reduction (Table 2). It was 2.0 cm in
The basic tool for the evaluation of complex industrial
control, 1.5 cm in 10%, 1.2 cm in 25% and 0.5 cm in 50%
waste toxicity is the physico-chemical analysis and
effluent treated seeds, respectively. At the same, no sign of
toxicological bioassay. The CETP-Unnao treated effluent
sprout development in both 75 and 100% treated effluent
contained much higher amount of EC, TDS, BOD and COD
seeds were observed till the end of the experiment.
due to extensive use of salts mainly sodium chloride, sodium
The -amylase activity in the germinated seeds after 48 h sulphate, chromium and etc. during transformation of raw
(Table 2) showed a concentration dependent inhibition. It was hide/skin into leather. The results of effluent analysis is
6.6 IU/g fresh weight in control germinated seeds and 6.0, 5.2 comparable with the previous reports.[21-22] The EC which
and 4.2 IU/g fresh weight in 10, 25 and 50% effluent treated bear direct relation with salinity affects seed germination and
seeds respectively, showed 9.0%, 21.2% and 36.4% plant growth if it is higher than 200 mS/cm.[23] The high TDS
inhibition over the control. No -amylase activity was is due to use of large quantities of salts. Salts are very much
observed in 75 and 100% effluent treated seeds. This result soluble in water and chemically stable under aquatic
suggested a -amylase enzyme dependent germination of conditions, making it effectively impossible to remove them
mung bean seed. Similar pattern was also detected on native easily from effluent. The higher TDS is toxic to aquatic lives
PAGE zymogram (Fig. 1), which again showed no -amylase by causing osmotic stress and affecting the osmoregulatory
activity band in the seeds treated with 75 and 100% effluent. function of the organisms.[24] High BOD indicates poor
Further, zymogram analysis showed presence of a single - dissolved oxygen (DO) in the effluent. On the other hand
amylase with estimated molecular weight of 67 kDa based on high COD is due to high amount of organic compounds in the
its relative mobility on native PAGE in comparison with effluent which is not affected by the bacterial decomposition.
standard proteins marker. Although, the chromium concentration in the effluent was
2.41 mg/L, but continuous discharge of chromium in effluent
The amount of water uptake by seeds through imbibition
even at low concentration can cause toxic effect to aquatic
process (absorption of water by seed coat during
life by disrupting food chain.[7, 25]
germination) showed a decreasing trend of water uptake with
increasing concentration of the effluent (Fig. 2). The control Due to presence of various chemicals in industrial
seeds showed 87% water uptake over its dry weight and wastewater, chemical and physical tests alone are not
seeds treated with effluent of different concentrations are sufficient when assessing the potential effect of wastewater in
67%, 64%, 45%, 44% and 39% at 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100% aquatic and terrestrial biota. Environmental toxicity
concentrations over their dry weights, respectively. assessment of industrial wastewater was conducted with a
range of test models encompassing bacteria, algae, plants,
The pattern of seedling growth in control and different
and fishes can be used.[12] However, the use of plant seed
concentrations of effluent after 5 days is given in Fig. 3. At
germination test to evaluate toxicity of industrial effluents
10% effluent concentration, whole seedling length was
has been considered as one of the simplest and short-term
slightly increased by 17.7 cm as compared to 17.0 cm at
methods.[13-14] During seed germination sufficient amount of
control. However, it decreased to 12.8 cm at 25% effluent.
water uptake is needed for triggering enzymatic activity.
Whereas at 50% effluent, the seedling could not established
Among these enzymes, -amylase induced under the
even after germination and remained undeveloped till the end
influence of signals transduced by gibberellins, plays an
of experiment.
important role during seed germination through hydrolysis of
The length of root, shoot and leaf for seedling grew in control stored starch into soluble one required for energy creation.[26]
and 10%, 25% effluent concentrations are presented in Table Any inhibitory substance in the growing environment can
3. The root length of seedling grew in control and 10%, 25% disturbs seed germination process.
effluent concentration was 3.0 and 5.03, 5.0 cm respectively
In present study, complete inhibition of seed germination
and showed an increase in root growth up to 67.7 and 66.7%
above 50% effluent concentrations (Table 1) was correlated
at 10%, 25% concentration over the control. Conversely, the
with less water uptake (Fig. 2) which was insufficient for
shoot length of the seedling under similar treatment
triggering -amylase enzyme in seeds (Fig. 1). All these
conditions gradually decreased as compared to control. It
physiological and biochemical changes in the seeds was
was 14.0, cm in control, 12.67 cm in 10% and 7.83 cm in
occurred due to the cumulative effect of excess amount of
25% effluent concentration respectively showing percentage
TDS, EC, BOD, COD and chromium in the effluent. This
of reduction up to 9.5 and 44.1%. A similar trend was also
observation has the conformity with the result obtained by
observed in case of the leaf length which was 1.67 cm in
Karunyal et al. [27], as they reported that the germination of
control and 1.50, 0.93 cm in 10%, 25% effluent
Oryza sativa, Acaia holosericca, and Leucaena leucocephala
concentrations respectively. Further, the seedling grew in
was totally inhibited at 75% and 100% tannery effluent.
10% and 25% effluent concentration had less fresh weight
Similar observation was observed by Calheiros et al. [28] for
than that of seedling grew in control as 0.21 and 0.19 g fresh
seed germination in Trifolium pretense at 50% effluent.
weight in 10% and 25% treated effluent respectively. The -
Therefore, it is derived that type of seed is not important for
amylase activity in 5 days old seedling was also recorded in
this type of study and any seed can be used.
similar pattern, with 3.12% and 31.06% reduction in 10% and
25% effluent concentration respectively. -amylase activity

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The inhibition of seed germination may be due to high changes in soil characteristics when the tannery effluent used
level of dissolved solids, which enrich the salinity, and for irrigation. Thus, it is needed that tannery effluents should
conductivity of the absorbed solute by seed before be properly treated to bring down their adverse effects within
germination. [29] The increased salinity decrease the osmotic tolerable limits.
potential to such an extent, which retard or prevent the uptake
of water necessary for germination or by toxic effects of ions
on embryo viability. [30] The salt content outside the seed is We gratefully acknowledge the facilities provided by Director,
also known to act as limiting factor and causes less absoption CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow.
of water by osmosis and inhibit the germination of seeds.[31] It Financial support for this study was provided by CSIR under
has been also reported that salts stress either alter metabolic INDEPTH project (BSC0111).
pattern or does not permit the synthesis of enzymes required
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Table 1 Physico-chemical characteristics of CETP, Unnao treated tannery effluent at different concentrations. The values are
mean of triplicate samples

Effluent concentration (%) pH TDS EC BOD COD Chromium

(mg/L) (mS/cm) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
10 8.39 2670 91 125 227 0.20
25 8.42 4410 149 235 427 0.52
50 8.46 11300 379 300 619 1.10
75 8.48 19600 669 390 820 1.68
100 8.48 19700 671 650 1280 2.41
ISI standard* 5.5-9.0 2100 NS 30 250 2.0
*ISI standards No. 2490 (1974); NS=not specified.

ISSN:2278-5299 169
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology.

Fig. 2 Effect of different concentrations of tannery effluent on water uptake Fig. 3 Effect of different concentrations of tannery effluent on total length of
mung bean seedling. The values are as mean SD (n=3) of triplicate

ISSN:2278-5299 170

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