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According to Freud, every individual creature is not really free, but an organism whose
behavior is determined by a number of determinant of human behavior is derived from the
individual itself (instinct or impulse). Each individual is only able to understand if the
individual seen and studied as a totality are intact. Individual personality is determined by the
experience of early childhood and will not change throughout the life of the individual.Freud
believed that all behavior is the attitude to survive (to defend themselves). But not everyone
uses the same self-defense. We are driven by the same impulse id, but not all humans have a
tendency ego and superego alike. Although these things have the same functionality, but there
are many kinds of people, because they are formed by the experience and never mind no two
people are exactly the same in his experience even though they grew up in a house.
The third structure of personality according to Freud is the id, ego, and superego. First, id is
an original personality system, whereby when the man was born he has only id, because it is
a major source of psychic energy and the emergence of instinct. Id is controlled by the
pleasure principle and the primary process. Second, ego made contact with the world of
reality that exists outside of it. He acted as a mediator between instincts with the world
around him. Third, the superego is the holding justice or as a filter of the second personality
system, so that it knows right and wrong, good-bad, may-not, and so on. Here superego acts
as an ideal, in accordance with moral norms of society.

Background of Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud is a German Jewish descent born in Freiberg, Moravia, May 6, 1856. His
father was a merchant unsuccessful at that time. When his father's business failed in Moravia,
Freud family moved to Leipzig, Germany. When Freud was 4 years old the family moved to
Vienna and stayed there for about 80 years. After the Nazis came and conquered Austria, he
moved to London where he eventually died.
Freud was the eldest of seven brothers, nevertheless, he is a favorite of her mother, who was
proud of myself Freud's birth. His father was the rampart and authoritarian cause childhood
Freud less fun, the opposite of the protective and loving mother. Causing Freud passionate
and interested in her. The attraction was the basis of the concept of the Oedipus complex,
which is an important part of the system of Freud and reflection of childhood.
Freud looks smarter than small compared with children his age. He went into the school one
year earlier than others. He speaks German, Greek, Latin, French, English and Italian. He
began to read Shakespeare than 8 years. After that, Freud entered the University Of Vienna
Department Of Medicine in 1873 at the age of 17 years and completed eight years later.
Freud gave special attention to the science of neurology who encouraged him to hold
specializes in treating people who suffered a nervous breakdown. In 1881, he opened a
practice for people who are experiencing mental and emotional disorders. The urge to open a
practice come from his wife named Matha Bernays. To deepen their knowledge, Freud
studied at Jean Martin Charcot, a renowned psychiatrist in France at that time. Jean uses
hypnosis to treat patients which Freud was not too satisfied with it. When he heard about
Joseph Breuer, a doctor in Vienna who use other theory is a way to invite patients to talk
about the symptoms they experienced better known as the theory of free association,
commonly called catharsis. Breuer implement this on a patient named Anna.O. Which in turn
makes Freud and Breuer cooperate in writing the book Studies in Hysteria. But they were
soon contradicted when Freud considers the causes of hysteria are sexual conflicts.
After that he still publish some works such as the Psycho-Pathology of Everyday Life in 1904
and Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality in 1905. People questioned his theory because
he was a neurologist and why he even talks about sexuality. In 1896, Freud was convinced
that conflict is the basis of sexual neurosis causes, most of the women patients reported
sexual traumatic experiences during childhood.
During 1920-1930, Freud achieve success but his health has declined. This is due to Freud
bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and taking drugs. After that his daughter Anna Freud
died, Freud moved to London, Freud declining health and died in London on 23 September

Growth stage
In a person's development can be seen in psychosexual theory introduced by psychologist
Sigmund Freud. According to Freud the development of each individual is divided into five
levels and each level is valid for the order and the developments taking place in each level
will have a major impact on the formation of personality.

Oral stage (0- 18 months)

This stage starts from birth up to 18 months. At this stage the mouth and lips are highly erotic
zones active. At this age, babies only concentrate on breastfeeding and this activity is a
source of fun for the baby. Divided into two oral incorporative namely, the early stages of
breastfeeding until their baby teeth grow. While the second tier, where oral aggressive
children often bite the nipple. During this stage the baby's physiological needs must be met
with compassion. Babies who do not feel satisfaction in the mouth and lips will cause a
negative effect when they grow up.

Anal stage (18 months - 13 years)

Children were ready and control biological functions such as urination. Satisfaction not
through activity but through waster unclean mouth. Children will pay more attention to the
control of urination and so received and given by a parent.

Falik stage (3-5 years)

Children have started to have feelings for the parents themselves. Boys of her own mother
and Oedipus conflict while girls Elektra conflict. Therefore parents must play an important
role in controlling and fulfilling feeling that conflicts do not occur.

Latency Stage (5-11 years)

At this stage of love and courage has turned to peer. Children who manage to overcome and
control these feelings can be a good person. Children are given the opportunity to mix in
order to meet their social needs. Parents just need to observe the activities of the association
and do not worry if the child concerned friend. For Freud, this stage is ranked relatively quiet.

Genital stage (12-18 years)

When children reach the age of 12 years, they have entered adolescence and puberty has been
mostly. At this stage, children begin to take an interest in peers. In terms of mixing children
will find friends of the opposite sex. They do not like being treated like children and adults.
At the moment is the beginning of an era of love and the love working because through love
and work they get kepuaasan. Therefore parents should understand that the process of
psychosexual development is not scratched. If it happens it will cause negative effects when
they reach adulthood stage.
According to Sigmund Freud Personality Structure
The concept of Conscious and Unconscious
In psychoanalytic theory stated that most of the behavior is influenced by the power of the
unconscious and the physical energy that we have also been used to find appropriate
expression in the unconscious.
Sigmund Freud divided the personality into three levels of consciousness:
Conscious (conscious)
We are aware of everything that is around us that we can see and feel. Includes all sensation
and experience we realize. Freud considers the aspects of consciousness are limited because
only a small portion of thoughts, sensations, and memories that stand in consciousness. It
connects mind to an iceberg where consciousness was at the end of the floating ice.

Natural pre-conscious (preconscious)

Part of which we can be aware if we bring it. The time required to bring the information to
the conscious level of what is called the preconscious.
A storehouse of memory, perception, and our minds that we are not conscious, alert every
time but we can easily call to consciousness.

Subconscious (unconscious)
Mental processes that occur without conscious or may occur in the presence of a specific
focus of psychoanalytic theory. Large part on the basis of an invisible iceberg that is the home
of instinct, hope and passion that drive our behavior and storage of power that we cannot see
and control.

Psychoanalytic theory focused more on unconscious desires because that is stimulating. The
idea in psychoanalysis state that we have a goal to protect themselves from the desires and
thoughts associated with pleasure, and we achieve this by keeping these ideas out of
consciousness, store it deep in the unconscious. Unconscious is logical (absurd), ignoring the
space and time.

The Motivated Conscious

The theory that most of our behaviours is determined by conscious influence. If the desires
that we have not channelled, then there will be discomfort and sadness. And to avoid it all, we
remove these thoughts from the unconscious. Some thoughts that can cause distress will be
removed from consciousness as a traumatic memories, jealousy, hostility or desire for sexual
intercourse with a person to be feared, and wanting to hurt someone you love.
What evidence supports that there is in the unconscious part of the mind? Starting from the
observation that made Freud, unconscious after he realized the importance of observing the
phenomenon of hypnosis. In hypnosis, they show behaviours under command without the
"known" by the conscious. Therefore, Freud went on study therapy. He found that memory
and expectations occur not only because it is part of consciousness but "forgotten
intentionally" in our unconscious. All our behaviours, according to Freud stem from impulses
that lie deep in the unconscious. Therefore, Freud Psychology is also called the (Depth
Psychology). In addition, Freud's theory is also called partially psychodynamic theory
(Dynamic Psychology), because it emphasizes the movement promoted or pushed from the
impulses of the unconscious into consciousness. Differences psychodynamics of Freud and
Lewin is that Freud emphasizes movement impulses in yourself, while Lewin emphasizes the
movement of forces outside themselves (objects in the environment) are mutual attraction
because each has a positive or negative value against individuals, even exactly Lewin
recognizes also the dynamics within the individual that caused the powers of the elements
that exist within the individual (Example motivation).

Id, Ego, and Superego

In 1923, Freud developed a more formal structural model for psychoanalysis. Freud
introduced three basic structures in the anatomy of personality that each has a different
function, namely:

1. Id
Id is a place where instinct and libido. Id is a strong structure of personality as id provide
energy for the two other components. The instincts are directly related to physical needs and
strive to meet them. Id operates by the principle of pleasure (pleasure principle), id function
is to achieve pleasure and avoid dissatisfaction. Id struggled to achieve satisfaction, fast and
does not tolerate the delay to the satisfaction for any reason. Id very selfish, pleasure-seeking
structure, primitive, immoral, coercive, and in a hurry.
Id have no preparedness to reality. The only way id to try to meet their needs is by reflex
action and hope the experience hallucinations or delusions Freud called primary thought
process where reality and fantasy are indistinguishable. Aspects of primary thought process is
seen in a dream, where the characteristics of people and different objects combined, events
happened quickly.
Someone should try to learn to delay the fulfillment of id to avoid the consequences of
compliance id by means of rational thinking to the outside world to develop the power of
perception, recognition, assessment, and memory Freud called secondary thought process.
Summing the characteristics of rationality will be incorporated into the structure of Freud's
second personality, the ego.

2. Ego
Ego has a tendency to be alert reality. Ego has the ability to understand and manipulate their
environment in a practical way and run it with the principle of reality (reality principles).
Ego is the most rational of the personality. The goal is not to prevent id impulses but to help
id to reduce the tension of the id. Therefore be alert reality ego, ego decides when and how
the instincts of the id can be satisfied. He decided to conduct a suitable and acceptable to the
public, time, and place and object that can satisfy id impulses. Ego does not prevent id to be
satisfied. Ego only delay, steer in the desired condition by reality. In this way the ego to
control impulses id. Control and delay functions of the ego must often be trained constantly.
Or impulse id will dominate and are not controlled by the rational ego.

3. Superego
The third principle is the superego which contains the unity of moral values and beliefs that
we can during childhood. Our idea of where the bad and the good. Moral side of this
personality usually learned as we aged 5-6 years. Consists of a set of rules derived by our
parents. Passing sentence, praise and also examples, children learn behaviours which are
considered good and bad by their parents. Behaviour which is punished form the
"conscience", a part of the superego. The second part of the superego is the ego-ideal, which
includes about good behaviour and correct where children are praised.
In this way children learn rules generate acceptance or rejection of their parents. Over time
this teaching will be internalized, and reward and punishment become a law unto himself.
Control of the parents will be replaced with the control of yourself. We become more or less
behave the way you want people around us to be guided by moral invested earlier. The results
of the internalization of this, we feel guilty or embarrassed when we do or think of behaviour
contrary to the code of conduct.
The purpose of the superego is not to postpone the pleasure seeker but to prevent them. The
superego is not striving for pleasure such as id or thinking about a realistic goal like ego. Id
pressing satisfaction, ego and superego try to postpone it glorify morality above all. Such as
id, superego refused to compromise with his wishes

Personality dynamics According to Sigmund Freud

A. instinct (Driving Force of Personality)
Freud defines instinct as a mental representation of the stimulus that go naturally in the body,
such as hunger and thirst that drives someone to do something. Instincts are the most basic
elements of personality that motivates behaviour and redirect the behaviour.
Instinct is a certain amount of energy that transform energy or physiological needs of the
body with our expectations, such as when someone is hungry, he will act to satisfy their needs
when they see food. Freud's theory of the so-called homeostatic (homeostatic approach) that
is a motivation to improve or maintain a steady state for our bodies free from pressure. Freud
said that someone was just put the fun and most of Freud's theory is speaking about the
necessity to resist or suppress our sexual desires.
Freud classify instincts into two categories:
Instinctual life (life instincts)
Instinctual life stated goal of life of an individual and the species is to meet needs such as
food, water, and the need for sex. Instinct of life oriented to growth and development. Forms
of psychic energy used in the life instinct is libido is directing someone to the thinking and
behavior with the pleasure principle. Libido can be realized in the form of objects and
concepts according to Freud called "cathexis".
Freud said that the most important thing of personality is sex. He does not claim that sex is
something erotic but it is all enjoyable behavior. Moreover, Freud also thinks that sex is the
primary motivation. In our bodies there are some erogen areas such as the mouth, anus and
sexual organs.2. Instinct of death (death instincts)
As opposed to the instinct of life (life instincts), Freud suggests death instincts. Appropriate
learning biology, he suggests the obvious fact that all of life can be damaged and die, come
back basically dead, and he argued that humans have no conscious desire to die. One of the
components of the death instincts is the encouragement of aggression, coercion to crush,
desire for power, and killed.
Actually Freud did not develop the idea of the death instinct until the end of his life. But
when bad events occur as the disease (cancer) deteriorate and affect the child's death Freud,
then he made the death instinct and aggression as a major theme in his theory. However, the
concept of death instinct cannot be accepted by most people, including a faithful follower of

B. Anxiety (Threats against Ego)

Basically, anxiety is not the same with fear, even though we may realize that we fear.
Freud describes anxiety as a whole without the object because we cannot point to the source
of fear or to a special object that caused such fear.
Freud looked at anxiety as a necessary part of the theory of personality he had made,
he also considered that the anxiety is fundamental to the development of neuritis and
psychotic effect. Freud revealed that the prototype of all anxiety is birth trauma. The fetus in
the womb is the most stable world where every need is satisfied without delay. However, the
moment of birth, the organism pushed into a hostile environment. Sudden infant are starting
to adapt to the reality because instinctual demand is not always immediately be met.Freud
distinguishes three kinds of anxiety, namely:

Anxiety objective or reality

Anxiety objective is a fear of a genuine danger in the real world. Examples of objective
anxiety earthquakes, hurricanes and similar disasters. Anxiety reality gives positive goals to
guide our behaviour in order to protect and save ourselves from the actual dangers.

Anxiety neuritis
Is a fear that comes from childhood in a conflict between instinctual satisfaction and reality
involves a conflict between the id and the ego. Children are often punished for expressing
sexual and aggressive impulses excessive.At this stage, these concerns are in the nature of
consciousness, but later, it will be transformed into nature unconsciousness.

Moral anxiety
Moral Anxiety is a fear as a result of the conflict between the id and the superego. Moral
anxiety is the fear of a person's consciousness. When a person is motivated to express an
instinctual impulse which is contrary to the moral patterns, superego would get revenge by
making us feel ashamed or guilty.
Moral anxiety is based also on the reality. Children convicted of violating the moral code of
his parents and adults convicted of violating the moral code of society.
Anxiety gives signals to the individual that the ego is threatened, and if no action is taken,
then the ego will fall. How the ego can protect or defend himself?
There are a number of options, namely:
Running away from a threatening situation.
Barring the emergence of the impulsive need for a source of light.
Comply with the conscience of consciousness.

Mind by Sigmund Freud

Psychoanalysis flow, founded by Sigmund Freud. Freud expressed in the human mind is
divided into 3 parts:

the conscious mind, subconscious mind, subconscious

nature mentioned above, cannot be seen by the naked eye but this study can be developed and
explored. Here we will look at the breakdown:

Environmentally conscious: where all human knowing what actions are being performed.
according to psychoanalytic approach that is environmentally conscious in man is too small.
Natural subconsciously: the occurrence of a natural transition between the conscious and the
subconscious. For example: if we are eating rice, we are aware of the act but we are not quite
sure how many grains of rice that we eat.

The subconscious where most people experience it and if dilhat this nature is most effective.
The subconscious is a human experience that it either from the point of perception, sensation
and other forms knowingly. Therefore, ways of thinking, feeling, perception and intuition we
are all influenced by this thinking.
concepts such as the id, ego and superego are highlighted to view individual personality. In
general, the approach of psychoanalytic theory is relevant in psychology. In 1935, Freud
classifies human brain function. This is known as the theory of 'iceberg' Freud:
ID-a biological urge. act to do whatever they want. it is to meet the needs of human nature.

Superego- Superego is divided into 2 parts conscience and ego ideal. it is the moral value of
every human being are upheld.

Ego is a consideration between id and superego. Personality structure that will find a way
where id fulfilled. example: a little baby, he's hungry need food, but do not know how to get
food. The best way to get attention is to cry.

in short, can be categorized or synonymously Psychoanalysis as a method for treating

individuals suffering from emotional disorders. Freud believed that man is born with a natural
impulse. Teachers need to understand the theory of psychoanalysis is important because the
goal of psychoanalysis is to overcome the feeling of tension. By applying this theory, teachers
can reduce the stress experienced by students. But Freud admit that this theory is not the best
way to deal with individual problems. It is up to the individual's own ability to change it.
This theory is only as guidelines to find the cause of the problem of human adaptation.

Although the theory proposed by Freud has received various criticisms, but it is undeniable
that his theory as the latest approaches and a clear human development. According to Amir
Awang (1987) theory is too abstract and difficult to apply in the world of the dead, but we
must appreciate the contribution in terms of:
* Understanding that was given to us about the dynamics that often interact in our souls that
lead to anxiety
* The method presented can help in understanding the detention, the importance of the
relationship between the counselor and counseling, transfer values, and hauling martial.
* The nature of man is often driven by instinct towards gratification alone.
Through understanding set out by Freud a lot that can be utilized by the world psokoterapi.
However, it can not be denied that not all opinions are accepted by psychologists.

Bertens, K. Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006.

FANDRIAN, R. (2014, June 2). Hakekat Manusia Menurut Sigmund Freud. Retrieved from

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Liani, S. S. (n.d.). Psikologi kepribadian. Retrieved from http://psikologikepribadianfkep-

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