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Editor - Mihai Stan

Coperta - ll&ffotttaca, dupS o idee a autoarei Procesare text - loana Munteanu, Andreea lire Tehnoredactare -
km Anghel

Deacrierea CIP a Bibliotecit Nafionale a Rom^niei WACONESCU, CARMEN

Gramatica practice a limbii engleze / Carmen Diaconeacu. * Tdrgovt$te Bibiiotheca, 2013
ISBN 978-873-712-619-5 811.111
Adjectivele sunt cuvinte care arata o tnsuire a unui substantiv sau a unui verb de
leg&turii. Locul lor este in fa}a substantivului i dupa verbul de iegatura pe care il determinl
!n fa{a unui substantiv Dupa un verb de leg5tur
- Mary's got a new joh. ~~ Mary's car is new. * It was a cold day - It was getting
- This is good tea. - This tea tastes good

Alte verbe de leg&turfi care sunt urinate de adjective in limba engleza sunt: appear, be,
become, feel, get, look, seem, smell, stay, taste.
This is good tea, This tea tastes good.

Alte verba de leg&tur& care sunt urmate de adjective in limba engleza sunt: appear, be,
become, feel, get, look, seem, smell, stay, taste.

Ordinea adjectivelor intr-o propozitie

In Hmba engleza adjectivele sunt ordonate in functie de sensui lor. Ordinea norrnala este:
Grup 6. Origine (de unde?)
1. Opinie (cat de bun?) Exemple nice, great, terrible,
2. Marime (cat de mare?) wonderful long, tall, large, short, high soft, famous,
angry, quiet, fast new, old
3. Alte calitati black, yellow, red, green, blue American, Italian, British
4. Varsta nrsnor nlnnfif*
".;*--shfcn kmS**!?

5. Culoare
Ordinea adjectivelor ii*tr-o propozifie
In limba engleza adjective!e sunt ordonate in functie de
sensul lor. Ordinea normals este:
Grup Exemple
7. Opinie (cat de bun?) nice, great, terrible, wonderful
8. M&rime (c&t de mare?) long, tall, targe, short, high
9. Ate cali&fi soft, famous, angry, quiet, fast
10. Virata new, old
11. Culoare black, yellow, red, green, blue
12. Origine (de unde?) American, Italian, British
13. Material stone, brick, paper, plastic
14. Tip (ce fel?) an electric boiler, road transport
15. Scop (pentru ce?) a bread knife, a bath towel

Gramatica practicd a limbii engleze

- red Spanish leather riding boots
- a soft new hair shampoo
- valuable Italian postage stamps
- a small wooden coffee table

Adjective fara substantiv

In limba engiezH, pentru a denumi anumite grupuri sociale se folosete expresia the +
adjectiv (f5r& substantiv) cu sens de plural.
- the old (cei in varsta, b&trfinii)
- the sick (cei bolnavi, bolnavii)
- the young (cei tineri, tinerii)

- A mau wooden coffee table

Adjective fara substantiv

In limba engleza, pentru a denumi anumite grupuri sociale se foloseste expresia the + adjectiv
(fara substantiv) cu sens de plural.
- the old (cei in varsta, batranii)
- the sick (cei bolnavi, bolnavii)
- the young (cei tineri, tinerii)
- the blind (nevazatorii)
- the rich (cei bogaji, bogatii)
- the deaf (surzii)
- the poor (cei saraci, saracii)
- the homeless (cei fara adapost)

- They are collecting money for the sick.

- This new Braille programme is for the blind. nru^ frtiimvina government steps are for the young.
jjecuv (tara substantiv)
sens de plural. - the homeless
- the old
- the sick (cei in varsta, batranii)
(cei bolnavi, bolnavii)
- the young (cei tineri, tinerii)
- the blind (nevazatorii)
- the rich (cei bogati, bogafii)
- the deaf (cei saraci, saracii) (cei
- the poor far& adapost)
- They are collecting money for the sick.
- This new Braille programme is for the blind.
i The following government steps are for the young.
Carmen Diaconescu

1. a) Comparatia
Adjectivele scurte (1-2 silabe) primesc -er than la
gradul comparativ.
Adjectivele lungi iau forma more + adjectiv + than.
- Her computer is cheaper than mine.
- This course is easier than the other one.
- An armchair is more comfortable than a chair.
- The book is more interesting than the film.

b) Limba englezS folosete comparative duble pentru

- The book is more interesting than the film.
b) Limba engleza folosete comparative duble pentru
situafii in schimbare.
- It's getting warmer and
warmer, 1 He drove faster
and faster.
- Bread is getting more and more expensivfjjj|

e) Comparatia the + adjectiv + er... the + adjectiv + er

este folosita pentru a spune ca lucrurile se schimba.
- The older I get, the wiser I am.
- The more money she makes, the more thinks she
- The more I get to know you, the less I understand
d) Expresia as + adjectiv + as este folosita pentru a spune
cS oamenii sau lucrurile sunt egale intr-o anumita
^w^ v* ^ opuut l uui uni c se scmmoa.
- 7%e older I get, the wiser I am.
- m0r< money she makes, the more thinks
she buys.
- The more I get to know you, the less I understand

d) Expresia as + adjectiv + as este folosita pentru a spune

ca oamenii sau lucrurile sunt egale intr-o anumita
- She is as tall as her sister.
- They speak French as well as the natives.
- This park is as beautiful as the other one.

Expresia mai are i sensul de: pe atat
- She is beautifixl as well as she is intelligent, (pe cat
e de frumoasa pe atat e de inteligenta)
- Does he run as well as he jumps? (alearga la fel de
bine pe cat sare?)
- Does he think as well as taU|f(i gandete i
vorbete?; in acest caz as well as tnseamna $i)
- Does he write as welll(\ scrie?)

e) Alte structuri folositoare:

- She hasn't got as much money as she thought. ~ A
<. wnanv students as possible.
Does he think as well as talk?(i gandete i vorbeste?; in
acest caz as well as inseamna i)
- Does he write as we/f?(i scrie?)

e) Alte structuri folositoare:

- She hasn't got as much money as she thought.
- They need as many students as possible.
- He owns twice as much land as me/ as I do.
- Mary went to the same school as me/ as I did.
Dupa not limba engleza foloseste in loc de asas.
- She is not so successful as her brother.
Gramatica praciica a limbii engleze
- They are not so rich as their relatives.

f) Se folosesc like i as pentru a spune ca lucrurile sunt

* mm ^ *%t%^7tfip folosita in fa(a unui

She is not so successful as her brother.

- They are not so rich as their relatives.

f) Se folosesc like i as pentru a spune cS lucrurile sunt

asem&n&toare. Like este o prepozijie folosita in fa{a unui
substantiv sau a unui pronume. As este o conjuncfie care
apare in fa|a unui subiect urmat de verb.
- My pen is like yours.
- She looks like her mother.
- Nobody sings as she does.
- They left as they came, silently.
Carmen Diaconescu

g) Comparativele latine: inferior, superior nu se folosesc cu

than ci cu to.
- This is superior to the other.
- This level is inferior to all other levels.
h) Determinantul a sau an in comparative:
- This is a more interesting book than the others I have read
so far. Sau:
- This is more interesting a book than the others I have read
so far.
- This is a better idea than the other.
- This is as interesting an engine as any other I have seen.
Superlative!I adjectivelor
La superlativ adjectivele scurte(l-2 silabe) primesc the +
adjectiv + est.
Adjectivele lungi fac superlativu! cu the most + adjectiv.
(of all)
- This is the smallest i-Phone I have ever seen.
- They live in the safest environment possible.
- Alexandre III is the most beautiful bridge in Paris.
- She is the most intelligent person I have met.
Tabelele care urmeaza prezinta adjectivele care fac exceptie
de la regulile de formare a gradelor de comparafie.*
Gm&ul pozitiv Cradu? comparativ Grade! superlativ
Forme Principalele Forme Principalele Forme j Principalele
traduceri traduceri traduceri
1 2 3 4 5 6
bad rau, {Host; worse provine mai rSu/ prost the worst eel mai rau /
1 rautacios; i delaill / rautacios / provine %\ de prost/
ticalos; ticalos / la ill rautacios /
ur&t; stricat; ticaios/urSt
stricat (numai (numai
predicativ) predicativ) eel
mai bolnav mai bolnav
far tndepartat; l mai the farthest eel mai
ceialalt, farther (in)departat; (rar) the indepartat;
extrem further ceialalt; de farther-most ceialalt
(nitmai dincolo the furthest eel mat
atributiv)<|g suplimentar, (in)departat
adifional, in
plus nou;
viitor, ulterior
i (prca) putini, j mai putini; the fewest j cei mai
nu destui fewer less mat putine putini
I (provine de idem+sensuri I (+sensurile I 1 de la little)
letelajitfte j
1 actional, In (ln)departat
atributiv) plus nou; i
few (prea) pu(ini, mai pufiui; the fewest cei mai
nu destui fewer less mai putinc the least pufini
(provine de laidem+sensuri (uneori (+sensurile
little) lede la little mlocuieste pe de la little)
good bun; better mai bun, the best

eel mai bun /

minunat; superior; mai
potrivit, potrivit/
capabil /
corespunzStor capabil /
; cuminte
(predicativ) worse (predicativ) the worst (predicativ)
bolnav; (provine si mai bolnav; (provine i eel mai
(atributiv) rau delabad) (atributiv) de la bad) bolnav;
(ticalos); j mai .. '
ticalos rau(tacios) / 1 eel mai rau /
prost / ticalos prost /
smallest /wdus/
minor; de (ca marunt
mai mid tnlocuitor)
smaller mai mie /
(ca mirunt/
tnlocuitor) redus
many more (cu mai the most eel mai
| multc. pi; m numerosj; (cusg.; cu mult; cea
numerosj, subst sg. mat multc / subst. pi. mai mare
numcroase provine de mul(i; In provine de parte,
la much) plus, la many) majoritatea
muchmult(ft) more (cu mai the most eel mai
sg,; cu mult(a), In (cu sg.; cu i mult; cea plus, subst. pi. mai mare
provine de suplimentar provine de parte;
.................. , .,.
la many) la many) majoritatea

Adjective fara grad de comparatie

Cele care reprezinta superlative, adjectivele determinative, relative, cele asem&n&toare articoielor, cele referitoare la nationality, limbi, dialecte, precum si cele de mai jos
(inclusiv unele adjective adverbiale - stative" sau categorii ale starii"):
ablaze daily single
aboard double unique
abroad the former weekly
afloat the latest wooden
agape the latter woollen
aghast the least yearly
akin lesser , MllSISI*
naponaiiiaji, nmoi, aiaiecte, precum i cele de mai jos
(inclusiv unele adjective adverbiale - stative" sau categorii
ale starii',)
ablaze daily single
aboard double unique
abroad the former weekly
afloat the latest wooden
agape the latter woollen
aghast the least yearly
akin lesser alone
own aloof sheer
ashore silken

Alte adjective a c&ror schimbare de pozifie atrage modific&ri semantice sau/i functionate.*




HI for a

IB, they couldn't

] j She was a nice Hitk s a

little house

b}fSs chances of ssggpg

were little.
fefa$LfBzaft a) leprae* (-day)
" of business
is serious, f The slants
(who were) present
1 2 3 4
Adjectiv a) Sens (cflnd este b) Sens (c&nd este Exemple
folosit) atributiv. folosit) predicativ.
apparent aparent, pretins, evident a) The apparent
banuit. author/writer of th
letter was John.
b) The truth was
apparent to everyo
due cuvenit,potrivit,co- ateptat,stabilit; a) He was received wi
respunz&tor. scadent; datorit, due honour.
pricinuit. We will give it all due
b) The train is due in
few minutes.
Rent is due tomorrow
(=trebuie piatitS).
ill R&u(tacios),ticaJos. bolnav (la pat) a) His ill
i meaning/intention

was obvious.She is
rather ill bred.
b) The train is
in a few minutes*
is due tomorro
ill Rau(tacios),ticaJos bolnav (la pat) a) His 111
^ was obvious.
it ^; i rattier ill
b) He has be
if! for a
HI, they coul
little j mic(uO (ca (prea) mic, a) She was a ni
diminutiv insufficient little
cu afectiune); (nit dimtnuti v). gtrlffs a tittl
(prea) pu(fri. house
on tii e corn
b)His chances o

escape were
present actuai,contemporardefafl, prezent a) The prezent
i, din zilele day)
noastre. Situation of
t , business j
is serious.
b) The student
were) present
Carmen Diacomscu

proper potrivit cuvenit, propriu-zis a) The child must

corespunz&tor. be ~" treated with
proper care. This is
not the proper
word for it. The
house proper is
small, but the
outhouses are-
sick bolnav (la pat - cf. fngretosat; cu a) She is a sick
prod. Ill) scnzatic de woman,
voma;care vomeaza she can't work.b)
(amer. cf. atrib.) I am sick (of it
The poor child
sick on the floor
a vomat). (amer.)
He took sick last
week, ("$i-a iuat
sorry jalnic,trist,mizerabi plin a) His room was in
l doregrete/cain(&; a sorry state,
Andrei Bantas, Rodica Ciubuc, Exotrtfti de
care-ji core
traducere lam(deply/awfully)
iertare din rom&nd tn
englezS, Tipografia Universita^ii din Bucuresti, 1980.
proper i potrivit,
cuvenit, propriu-zis a) The child must be
corespunzator. treated with proper
care. This is not the
proper word for it
The house proper is
small, but die
outhouses are
side bolnav (la pat - cf. mgretosat; cu a)She is a sick woman,
pred. Ill) senzafie de she can't work.
voma;care b)I am sick (of it all).
vomeaza (amer. The poor child was
cf. atrib.) sick on the floor (=
a vomat). (amer.)
He took sick last
week. (=i-a luat
concediu medical).
sorry j alnic,trist mizerabi 1 plin de a) His room was in a
regrete/cain#; sorry state. Iam
care-i cere (deply/awfully) sorry (-
iertare teat pare foarte rau/tmi
cer scuze cu mult
" Andrei Bantas, Rodica Ciubuc, Extudfii de traducere din rom&n8 to
engfezS, Tipografia University din Bucuresti, 1980.

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