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A Altura da onda - Swell height, height of swell.

Abalroamento - Collision. Coliso.
Abandonado - Abandoned. Altura da vaga - Height of wave.
Abandonar o navio - To abandon ship. Altura metacntrica - Metacentric height.
A barlavento - Aweather, a - weather, to Altura metacntrica longitudinal - Longitudinal
windward, to the wind. metacentric height.
Abastecer - To supply. Altura metacntrica transversal - Transverse
Abastecimento - 1. Supply; provision. 2. Stock. metacentric height.
Abastecimento de munies - Ammunition Alvo - 1. Target. 2. Annunciator.
supply. Amantilho - 1. Topping lift. 2. Lift.
Abastecimento do navio de combustvel - Ship Amarrar - To land on water, to alight on the sea, to
fuelling. land.
Abita - Bitt, bitts. Amarrao a dois ferros - Mooring, mooring with
Abitar a amarra - To bitt the cable. anchors ahead.
Aboar a amarra - To stop the cable. Amarrao com volta redonda - Hawse with
Aboo de lais de guia - Bowline bend. round turn.
Abotoar (com voltas falidas) - To rack. Amarrao fixa a dois ferros - Two arm
Abrigar - To shelter, to cover. mooring, two leg mooring.
Acima do convs - Above decks; above board. Amarrao fixa de bia - Buoy mooring.
Adria - 1. Halliard, halyard, haulyard. 2. Tricing Amarra de ncora - Anchor cable, anchor chain.
line. Amarra de corrente - Chain cable.
Adria da bandeira (nacional) - Ensign halyard. Amarra do navio - Ships anchor cable.
Adria da boca - Throat halyard. Amarrar bia - To secure to the buoy, to make
Aducha inglesa - Flemish fake, french fake, fast at buoy, to make fast to a buoy.
long fake. Amarrar a dois ferros - To drop moor, to moor a
Aducha de cabo - Fake of rope. cable each way, to moor with two anchors.
Aduchar - To coil. Amarrar com anilho - To moor with swivel.
guas costeiras - Coastal waters. Amarrar um navio - To moor a ship.
guas territoriais - Territorial waters, territorial Amarreta - Cablet.
sea. Amura ( vela) - Tack.
Agulha de palombar - Bolt rope needle, lolly ncora - 1. Anchor. Ganchorra. 2. Slang. Pick.
needle, roping needle, short spur needle. Agulha ncora a olho - Anchor in sight, anchor awash.
de entralhar. ncora a pique - Anchor apeak, anchor up-and-
Agulha giroscpica - Gyro-compass, gyroscopic down.
compass. ncora da popa - Stern anchor.
Agulha magntica - Magnetic compass. ncora da proa - ncora da roda.
Alar de leva arriba - To haul on the run, to run Ancorado - Anchored, at anchor, brought up.
away, to walk away. Ancoradouro - Anchorage place, anchorage,
Alar e agentar o socairo - To heave and hold. anchoring place. Surgidouro.
Alarme geral - General alarm. ncora flutuante - Drift anchor, sea anchor, drag
Alcance mximo - Maximum range. anchor, driving anchor, water anchor, floating
Alcance sonar efectivo - Effective sonar range. anchor, drag sheet, drogue, drift sail, road anchor.
Alcatroar um cabo - To pay a rope. ncora pelos cabelos - Anchor a-cockbill,
Alijamento - Throwing overboard. anchor by the hair.
Alimentao - 1. Power supply. 2. Feed, feeding. ncoras do navio - Ships anchors.
3. Supply. 4. Power (Elect.). ncora sem cepo - Stockless anchor, swinging
Almirantado - Admiralty. fluke anchor, double fluke anchor.
Alquebramento - Hogging. Andorinho - 1. Stirrup. 2. Life line.
Alta-tenso - High tension, high voltage. ngulo de guinada - Angle of yaw.
Alterar o rumo - To alter course, to change ngulo de leme - Algle of helm.
course. Antepara - Bulkhead.
Altitude - Altitude; height. Antepara estanque - Watertight bulkhead.
Altura da mar - Height of the tide, amount of the Antepara longitudinal - Longitudinal bulkhead.
tide. Antepara transversal - Transverse bulkhead.

Aparelho de escape - Disengaging gear, Boa (de amarra) - Stopper, slip.

releasing gear, disengaging apparatus, detaching Boa da embarcao - Boat painter, painter, bow
apparatus, dropping gear (anchor). painter, bows painter.
Aparelho de governo - Steering gear, steering Bia - Buoy.
apparatus, steerer, helm. Bia cega - Blind buoy, unlight buoy.
Apito - Whistle. Bia de ancouradouro - Anchorage buoy.
Arfar - To heave, to heave and set, to scend. Bia de arinque da ncora - Anchor buoy, cable
Movimento vertical (da gua, navio). buoy.
Arganu - Ring. Argola. Bojo (de vasilhame, navio) - 1. Bilge. 2.
Arqueao - Measurement, measure, Contracarena.
admeasurement. Bolina - Bowline.
Arrebm - Junk. Bomba de poro - Bilge pump.
Arreigada - Standing part. Bomba de profundidade - Depth charge bomb,
Arriar a embarcao - To lower the boat. ash can, depth bomb, depth charge.
Arriar amarra - To lawer cable. Bomba de servio geral - Water service pump,
Arriar a meia adria - To dip. general service pump.
Arriar sob volta - To slack away, to slack off. Bomba do lastro - Ballas pump.
Arribada (a um porto) - Putting in, putting into. Borda do navio - Shipboard.
Arribada (ao porto de partida) - Putting back. Borda-falsa - 1. Bulwark. 2. Wash strake.
Arribar - 1. To pay off. 2. To fall off. 3. To put
Borrifo - Spray, sprinkle.
back. 4. To put in, to put into. Entrar por arribada.
Boto - 1. Seizing. 2. Knob.
Arvorar (bandeira) - To bear, to fly, to hoist.
Boto de voltas falidas - Racking seizing.
Arvora remos! - Up the oars! Oars up! Toss your
Boto em cruz - Half crown seizing.
Boto redondo - Round seizing.
A sotavento - Alee, a-lee, on the lee, leeward,
Braa - Fathom.
under the lee, under the wind.
Bujo (de boeira) - Plug.
A sotavento de - Lee gauge.
Aterrar - To make the land, to stand in shore. Bujarrona - Jib.
Autoridade naval - Naval - Naval authority. Busca-vidas - Grapnel, creeper.
Autorizao concedida - Permission granted. Buzina de reboque - Stern pipe, stern chock.
Autorizar - To warrant
Auxlio navegao - Aid to navigation,
navigational aids.
Avaria de mquina - Engine failure.
Avarias - Damages; sufferances.
Cabeo - Bollard.
Cabo claro - Clear rope.

B Cabo colhido em pandeiro - Coiled rope.

Cabo de ao fundido - Cast-steel rope, crucible
steel rope.
Cabo de alar para fora - Outhaul, outhauler.
Balano - 1. Rolling; pitching. 2. Balance. Cabo de massa - Cable-laid rope.
Balaustrada - 1. Guard rail, accommodation rail. Cabo no alcatroado - Untarred rope, white
2. Rails and stanchions. rope. Cabo branco.
Baliza - 1. Beacon, mark. 2. Frame timber, rib. Cabrestante - Capstan, Kempstock.
Balsa salva-vidas - Life raft, pontoon raft. Cabrilha - Sheers, shears.
Balso - Marine chair. Cadernal de trs gornes - Triple block, treble
Balso de calafate - French bowlinw. block, threefold block.
Bandeira a meia adria - Flag at half mast. Cadernal inferior do lambareiro - Fish block.
Barbela - Mousing, mouse. Calado - Draft, draught, draught or draft of water,
Barlavento - Wind side, windward, weather side, gange. Tirante de gua.
weather, luff. Calado a r - Draft of water aft, aft draft or
Batelo - Lighter, hoy. draught, draft or draught of water afore or forward.
Beta (de amante) - Jig. Calado de Inverno - Winter draught.
Boca - 1. Breadth, beam. 2. Mouth. 3. Muzzle. Calado de Vero - Summer draught.
Boca-de-lobo (cabo) - Twist. Calado leve - Light draft ou draught light water
Boca do navio - Beam of the ship, breadth of the draught.
ship. Calado mximo - Extreme draft, keel draft,

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maximum draught, deep load draught.

Calado mdio - Mean draught, mean draft.
Calado normal - Normal load draught.
Caldeira de vapor - Steam boiler.
Caldeira martima - Marine boiler. Dar volta de encapelar - To make fast.
Camarote - Cabine, cabane, caban. Desbolinar - To take out the kinks, to take the
Cana de leme - Rudder tiller, tiller, helm, hand turns out, to unlink, to thoroughfoot the rope, to
tiller, boat tiller. Barra do leme. remove the kinks.
Canal dragado - Improved channel, dredged Descochar - To unlay.
channel. Desmanilhar - To unshackle.
Cantoneira - 1. Angle bar, angle iron. 2. Destalingar - To unbend.
Cantilever, bracket, knee plate. Direo de velocidade da corrente - Set and
Carangueja - Gaff. drift.
Carga de ruptura - Breaking load, ultimate load. Direo do vento - Wind direction, direction of
Carga de segurana - Working load. the wind; eye of the wind.
Carta-partida - Charter-party, charter-party of Dispositivo de reboque - Towing gear.
affreightment charter. Contrato de afretamento, Duplo fundo - Double bottom, water bottom.
carta de afretamento.
Caturrar - To scend.
Cavalo-vapor - Horsepower, H.P.
Cavername de madeira - Ribs.
Cavername (metlico) - Frames, framing.
Cavername do navio - Ships frame. Embandeirado em arco - Dressed full, dressed
Caviro - Toggle. over-all, dressed raibow fashion.
Cavitao - Cavitation. Embandeirado nos topes - Dressed with
Cesto de gvea - 1. Top, round top. masthead flags.
Chanfrado - Chamfered, snape. Embandeiramento - Dressing, dress.
Chapa de ao - Steel plate.
Embandeiramento do navio - Dressing of ship.
Chapas - Plating, plates.
Embarcao - Boat.
Chumaceira - Bearing, bushing, bush, bouching.
Cochar - To lay, to twist, to lay up. Embotijo - Coach whipping, cross pointing.
Construo diagonal - Diagonal built. Embotijo de gaxeta redonda - Coach whipping,
Construo topo a topo - Carvel-built. cross whipping.
Construo transversal - Transverse framing. Encapeladura - Collar knot.
Construo trincada - Clinker built, clincher Encapelar - To bitt.
built, clencher built, lapstrake built, clinker work. Encepar - To stock.
Convs - Deck. Enfrechate - Ratline.
Convs sem castelos - Convs corrido. Engaiar - To worm, to snake.
Costa de barlavento - Weather shore. Engaiar um cabo - To worm a rope.
Costa de sotavento - Lee shore. Enviar um relatrio - To send in a report.
Costado de bombordo - Port side. Enxrcia - Rigging, shrouds and their ratlines.
Costado de estibordo - Starboard side. Escada do portal - Accommodation ladder,
Costado do navio - Ships side. gangway ladder.
Costura a ponto de bigorrilha - Round seam. Escada volante de costado - Jumping ladder.
Costura a ponto de peneira - Monkey seam, Escarva - Scarph, scarf, boxing, clamp.
prick seam, middle stitching, middle seaming, Escoa - Stringer.
monk seam.
Escota - Sheet.
Costura a topo - Butt seam.
Escotilha de carga - Cargo hatch.
Costura de boca-de-lobo - Span splice, horse
shoe splice, cut splice. Escotilha de emergncia - Escape hatch.
Costura de laborar - Long splice. Escotilha de poro - Ceiling hatch.
Costura redonda - Short splice, sailmakers Escotilha principal - Main hatch, principal hatch.
splice. Escovm - Hawse hole.
Coxim - Mat. Esgoto - Pumping; drainage, drain.
Coxim de tear - Sword mat, woven mat. Espia - Hawser.
Cravao - Riveting. Espia de arame - Wire hawser.
Espia de atracao - Berthing hawser.
Espia de reboque - Towing hawser.
Estabilidade - Stability.
Estai - 1. Stay. Escora. 2. Tore-and-aft stay,
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forestay, prop. sennit.

Estanque gua - Watertight, water proof W. T. Gaxeta simples de trs cordes - Three-ply
Estralheira dobrada - 1. Threefold purchase, sennit, common sennit.
treble purchase, triple tackle. 2. Reversed triple Girar - To turn, to pivot.
tackle. Girar com a proa - To swing.
Estralheira singela - Gin or gyn tackle, three- Goivado (do poleame) - Score.
and-two tackle, five part tackle. Gorne (do poleame) - Swallow, jaw, block sheave
Gualdropes do leme (de embarcao) - Yoke

F lines, yoke lanyards, leading strings.

Guarda do hlice - Propeller guard.
Guarnio (de navio de guerra) - Crew.
Falcaa - Whipping. Guarnio do navio - Ships crew, hands,
Falcaar um cabo - To whip a rope. people.
Faris de aterragem - Landing lights. Guinada de emergncia - Emergency turn,
Faris de navegao - Navigation lights, running sheer.
lights. Guinar a afastar-se - To haul off.
Faris de posio - 1. Steaming lights, masthead Guincho - Winch.
lights, range lights. 2. Position lights. Guinda do mastro - Mast height.
Guindaste - Crane.
Fateixa - Grapnel, grapple, grappling hook.
Guindola - Jury mast.
Fiada - Row; tier. Srie.
Gurups - Bowsprit, boltsprit.
Forqueta - 1. Critch. 2. Gallows.
Forqueta de embarcao - Boat, crutch.
Forqueta de esparrela - Steering crutch.
Fundeadouro - Anchorage, anchoring place.
Fundear - To come to an anchor, to single anchor,
to anchor, to bring to an anchor. Hlice - propeller, screw propeller, propelling
Fundo de areia e pedra solta - Sand and screw, screw.
pebbles bottom. Hlice de passo varivel - Variable pitch
Fundo de areia fina limpa - Fine clear sand propeller, feathering screw.
bottom. Helicptero - Helicopter, pinwheel.
Fundo de argila - Clayed bottom. Helicptero anti-submarino - Anti-submarine
Fundo de boa tena - Good holding ground. helicopter.
Fundo de pedras - Stony bottom. Homem do leme - Wheelman, helmsman,
Fundo de rocha - Rocky bottom. steersman, wheelman. Timoneiro, marinheiro do

G Honras ao portal - Side honours.

Honras passagem - passing honours.
Honras fnebres - Funeral honours.
Galhardete - Pennant, pensant, triangular flag. Hora estimada de chegada - Estimated time of
Gato - Hook. arrival (ETA).
Gato de escape - P. V. easing out hook, slip hook, Hora estimada de partida - Estimated time of
pelican hook, tripping link. departure (ETD).
Gato de sapatilho - Thimble hook.
Gato de tesoura - Sister hooks, clip hook, claso
hook, clove hook, sister clip, match hooks, calliper
hoop, clip hoops.
Gato de tornel - Swivel hook.
Gvea (mastaru, verga) - Topsail. Ia embarcaes! - Up boats!
Gaxeta de amianto - Asbestos gasket. Iar - To hoist; to heave up; to sway, to sway up.
Gaxeta de rabo de cavalo - Braided rope. Iar a ncora a beijo - To cat the anchor.
Gaxeta de redondo - Gasket. Iar a bandeira - To fly the flag, to hoist the flag.
Gaxeta inglesa espalmada - English sennit, flat Iar tira-vira - To parbuckle.
sennit. Iar o sinal - To fly the signal.
Gaxeta quadrada - Square sennit.
Gaxeta simples de quatro cordes - Four ply

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Jato de ar - Air blast.
Jato de areia - Sand blast. Macaco - Jack.
Junta (de tubos, chapas) - JOint. Macete de bater - Heaver, stitch mallet, rubber,
Junta a topo - 1. Butt joint. 2. Butt seam. splicing hammer, heaving mallet.
Junta de anel - Ring joint. Macete de forrar - Serving mallet, serving board,
Junta de anel de vedao - Seal ring joint. service board.
Junta de manilhas - Flanged union, flanged joint. Madre (de cabo) - Heart, core, strand heart.
Junta em T - Tee joint. Malagueta - 1. Belaying pin, jack pin. 2. Spoke.
Junta sobreposta - Lapped joint, lap joint. Manilha - 1. Shackle. 2. Shot.
Junta trincada - Butt lap, end lap. Manilha de amarra - Cable chackle, joing
shackle, joiner shackle, connecting shackle.
Manilha de quartelada, manilha de ligao.

L Manilha de patente - Kenter shackle, lugless

shackle. Manilha universal.
Manilhar - To shackle.
Manobra do navio - Ship handing.
Lais de guia - Bowlinw knot, bowline hitch.
Lais de guia pelo seio - Bowline on the bight. Manobrar - To manoeuvre, to manouever (U.S.);
Lambaz - Mop, swab, deck swab, seamans mop, To handle.
hand swab. Manobrar um navio - To handle a ship.
Lanante (cabo) - Spring. Mquina auxiliar - Auxiliary engine.
Lanante da alheta para r - After quarter Mquina de vapor - Steam engine.
spring. Mquina do leme - Steering engine.
Lanante da popa - Stern line, stern rope, stern Mquina principal - Main engine.
fast. Proiz de r. Mar cheia - Full tide, full sea.
Lanante da proa - Bow line, bow rope, bow fast, Mar de vazante - Ebb tide.
head fast. Proiz. Marinheiro - 1. Mariner, shipman. 2. Seaman,
Lanar bia de arinque - To stream a buoy. sailor, sailorman. 3. Tarry trousers, tarpaulin,
Larga ncora! - Let go anchor! Drop anchor! swabbie, jack tar. Marujo.
Cast anchor! Massame - 1. Ropes. 2. Cordage. Cordame. 3.
Largar - 1. To drop. 2. To dump. 3. To cast off, to Rigging.
cast loose. 4. To get underway, to sail out. 5. To Mastaru - Upper mast.
loose, to unfurl. 6. To trip. 7. To release. 8. To turn Mastreao - Masting, masts. Mastros, arvoredo.
out. Mastro - 1. Mast, stick.
Largar a amarrao - To unmoor. Mastro de antena - Aerial mast.
Largar ncora - To let go anchor, to drop anchor, Merlim - Marline.
to let go a single anchor, to come to an anchor, to Mestre - Foreman.
bring to an anchor. Largar ferro, lanar ferro ou Mestre de embarcao - Skipper.
ncora. Metacentro - Metacentre, shifting centre,
Largar a bia - To slip the buoy, to cast off from metacenter (U.S.)
the buoy. Metacentro longitudinal - Longitudinal
Largar ferro a p de galo - To drop anchor under metacentre.
foot. Metacentro transversal - Transverse
Lastro - Ballast, lastage, dead cargo. metacentre.
Leme - 1. Rudder. 2. Tiller. Meter dentro rapidamente - To haul in quickly, to
Leme a meio! - 1. Helm amidships! Midships! rally in.
Right the helm! Meio! 2. Wheels amidships! Meter dentro uma embarcao - To hoist in a
Amidship! boat, to hook in a boat.
Leme compensado - Balanced rudder, equipoise Meter dentro um cabo - To take in a rope.
rudder. Misso - Task, mission, commission.
Licena - 1. Leave, liberty. 2. Praa de licena. Moito - Block, single block.
Ligar por manilha - To shackle. Moito alceado - Stropped block, strapped block.
Linha da quilha - Keel line. Moito de tornel - Monkey block.
Linha de gua - Level line; water line. Moito fixo - Standing block.
Longarina - Longitudinal, girder. Longitudinal Moito mvel - Moving block, running block.

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Morder a talha - To choke the luff. Oficial mais antigo - Senior officer.
Munio - 1. Ammunition. 2. Munition. Ogiva (de projtil) - Head.
Munio de exerccio - Dummy ammunition. Ogiva de combate - Warhead.
Ogiva de combate do torpedo - Torpedo

N Ogiva de combate nuclear - Nuclear warhead.

Ogiva de granada - Shell head.
Olho-de-boi - 1. Deadlight, bulls eye, fixed light.
Na alheta - On the quarter. 2. Ox-eye.
Na amura - On the bow. Onda - 1. Wave.
Nada para BB (EB)! - Nothing to port (starboard)! Operaes areas - Air operations.
Mind your port (starboard) helm! Operaes anfbias - Amphibiuns operations.
Na proa - Ahead. Orar - 1. To luff. 2. To round to.
Naufrgio - Wreck, shipwreck, shipbreach. Orar em vento - To shoot.
Navio - 1. Ship; bottom; man; board. Ordens de governo (do leme) - Steering orders,
Navio afilado - Lean ship. wheel orders, helm orders, steering commands.
Navio afretado - Chartered ship.
Navio alvo - Target ship.
Navio de desembarque - Landing ship,
amphibious ship. Navio anfbio.
Nvel do mar - Sea level, level of the sea.
N (cabo) - Knot. P do hlice - Propeller blade.
N (unidade de velocidade) - Knot. Milha por Paixo da amarra - Cable clench, clech plate,
hora. cable hod fast, cable clinch.
N de adria - Slippery hitch. Palamenta - de embarcao - Boat outfit, boat
N de correr - Slip knot, running knot, running gear.
hitch, slip bend, snowball hitch. Palomba - Hank, skein.
N de encapeladura - Collar knot. Palombar - To sew boltrope.
N de escota dobrado - Double sheet bend, Pandeiro (de cabo) - Coil.
double bend becket bend. Pandeiro sobrado - Tier.
N de escota singelo - Sheet bend, becket bend, Pra as mquinas! - 1. Stop both engines! 2.
single sheet bend, signal halyard bend, single Stop all engines.
bend, common bend, swab hitch, weavers knot, Passar barbela - To mouse.
single becket bend. Passar barbela a um gato - To mouse a hook.
N de fiador - Bag knot, bottle knot, beggermans Passar um cabo - To pass a line.
knot, sword knot. N de botija. Passar um estropo - To strop, to put a strap on.
N de pescador - Double overhand knot, sliding Passo - 1. Step.
double overhand knot. Passo varivel - Variable pitch.
N direito - Right knot, flat knot, square knot, reef Patarrs - Guy, after guy.
knot. N de riz. Patesca - Snatch block.
N direito de correr - Slippery reef knot, half bow Patola (de embarcao) - Holding down gripe.
knot. Pau-de-carga - Cargo boom, derrick.
Pau-de-carga de embarcao - Boat hoinsting

Pau do jaque - Jack staff. Pau da bandeira do
Pau de surriola - Boat boom, guest warp boom,
Oficial de convs - Deck officer.
riding boom, lower, studdingsail boom, swinging
Oficial de marinha - Naval officer.
boom, lower boom.
Oficial de quarto - Officer of the watch.
Pau do toldo - Awning stanchion.
Oficial diretor do exerccio - Officer conducting P-de-carneiro - Stanchion, pillar.
the exercise, OCE. Peia - Gripe.
Oficial do navio - Ships officer. Oficial de bordo. Peito-de-morte - Cross seizing, right angle
Oficial fuzileiro naval - Marine officer. seizing. Boto cruzado.
Oficial-general - Flag officer, general officer. Pinha - knot.
Oficial imediato - Executive officer, first officer, Pinha de boa singela - Single crown knot.
chief oficer, commander. Pinha de colhedor - Matthew walker knot.

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Pinha de colhedor dobrada - Double matthew Quartis - Quarters.

walker knot. Quarto de alva - Morning watch, daybreak watch.
Pinha de colhedor singela - Single matthew Quilha bulbosa - Fin keel.
walker knot. Quilha chata - Flata keel, flat plate keel, plate
Pinha de estropo - Strop knot. keel.
Pinha de rosa - Rose knot.
Plano de carga - Stowage plan, cargo plan. Plano
de estiva, plano de capacidade do poro.
Plano de flutuao - Waterplane.
Poo (de embarcao) - Cockpit, steering well.
Poleame - Blocks. Rabear com a mar - To swing to the side.
Poleame alceado - Stropped block, strapped Rabicho - pointing, point.
block. See Fazer rabicho.
Poleame de laborar - Block, blocks. Rabicho (do poleame) - Tail.
Poleame fixo - Standing block. Rajada de vento - Squall.
Poleame surdo - Blind block, dead block, dumb Reabastecer - To replenish, to refuel, to refill.
sheave block. Reabastecer de combustvel - To refuel.
Ponto de palomba - Boltrope stitch. Rebitar - To rivet.
Ponto de peneira - Flat seam. Rebite - Revet.
Ponto de reunio - Rallying point, assembly Rebite de cabea chata - Panhead rivet.
point, rendezvous, meeting point. Rebocado - Towed.
Ponto de rotura - Breaking point. Rebocador - Tug boat, towboat, tug.
Ponto em cruz - Cross - Cross stitch. Rebocar - To tow, to tug. Tomar a reboque.
Ponto estimado - dead reckoning position. Rebocar para - To tow in to.
Ponto mdio de impacto - Mean point of impact. Rebocar para fora - To tow off.
Porta-avies - Air-craft carrier, C.V., airplane Rebocar pela popa - To tow astern.
carrier, flat top. Reboque - Tow, towing, towage.
Portal - Gangway, port gangway. Reboque pela popa - Tow astern.
Portinhola de tempo - Portinhola de mar. Recolher nufragos - To pick up shipwrecked.
Postos de abandono do navio - Abandon ship Recoser - To anneal.
stations. Rede de carga - Cargo net, net sling. Linga de
Postos de combate - Action stations, battle rede.
stations (U.S.) Regeira - Warping line, warp, backspring, spring.
Postos de fundear - Anchor stations. Regras para evitar abalroamentos no mar -
Prancha de descarga - Skid. Rules of the road, rules of navigation.
Preo da fbrica - Prime cost. Reparar - To repair, to refit, to recondition, to
Proa - 1. Head, prow, bow, nose, snout. 2. make good, to fix.
Heading. Reparar avarias - To repair damages.
Proa de clper - Clipper bow, fiddlle bow, cutwater Retaguarda - Rear.
bow, knees bow, overhanging bow. Roar pelo fundo - To graze sea bottom, to graze
Proa do navio - Ships head, eyes of her. the bottom.
Proa no vento - Head to wind. Aproado ao vento. Rocega - Sweep, sweeping; drag.
Proa redonda - Bluff bow, bluff bowed, rouded Rocega e busca-vidas - Sweeping and creeping.
bow, broad bow, full bow, bold bow. Proa cheia e Rocegar - To sweep, to drag.
vertical. Rocegar com busca-vidas - To creep.
Pronto - Ready; on the line; stand by. Roda a roda - Dead ahead, right ahead, dead on
Pronto a largar (a vela)! - About sail! end, head and head.
Pronto para combate - Read for action. Roda do leme - Steering wheel, rudder wheel,
Proprietrio - Owner. wheel. Roda do governo.
Roldana - Sheave, shiver.
Rumo - 1. Course. 2. Rhumb, rhomb. Ar de

Q Rumo base - Base course.

Rumo verdadeiro - True course, true heading.

Quarta da agulha - Compass point, by-point,

forced point.

VI - 7

S . T
Safar - To clear, to get ready, to get clear, to Talha - Tackle, pulley.
desintagle. Talhadeira - Chisel, splitting tool.
Safo - Clear, free, disentagled. Talha dobrada - 1. Double luff, double luff tackle,
Sair do porto - To leave the port, to go out of twofold purchase, double purchase. 2. Double
harbour. purchase rove to advantage.
Salto (de cabo) - 1. Backlash. 2. Start. Talha singela - 1. Watch tackle. 2. Luff tackle. 3.
Salvamento - Rescue, salvage, salvaving. Hand billy. 4. Jigger.
Salvamento de guerra - Military salvage. Talingar a amarra - To shackle the chain, bend
Salvamento de nufragos - Survivors rescue. on the cable, to bend shackle.
Salva-vidas - Lifeboat. Embarcao salva-vidas. Talvegue de rio - River channel.
Sanefa - Screen, curtain. Tamanca - Chock.
Sapata - Heart. Tampa de escotilha - 1. Hatch cover. 2. Scuttle
Sapata de laborar - Clump block, mortised block. hatch, scuttle hatch cover.
Sapatilho - Thimble. Tanque de descarga - Exhaust tank.
Sapatilho cheio - Solid Thimble. Tanque de lastro de gua - Water ballast
Sapatilho de bico - Heart-shaped thimble, pear- compartment.
shaped thimble, heart thimble. Tarefa - Task.
Sapatilho de colhedor - Lanyard thimble. Taxa de arqueao - Tonnage dues, tonnage tax,
Sapatilho de espia - Hawser thimble, lizard. harbour tonnage dues. Direitos de tonelagem.
Sapatilho redondo - Round thimble. Taxa de reboque - Towage dues, towage fees,
Sapatilho redondo aberto - Round open thimble. towage.
Sapatilho redondo fechado - Round welded Temporal - 1. Storm. Tempestade, borrasca. 2.
thimble. Vento de fora 10.
Sarilho - Crab. Tenente - Lieutenant.
Segurar com gato - To hook. Teque - Double whip.
Seguro - Insurance, safe. Terceiro pavimento - Third deck.
Seguro e frete - Insurance and freight. Tesar - To set up, to heave tight or taut, to haul
Sem couraa - Unarmoured. down taut.
Sem duplo fundo - Single bottom. Tesar pelo seio - To swing, to swig upon, to
Sem falcaa - Unwipped. swigg off.
Sem seio (cabo) - Without slack, withot bight. Tirador - Hauling part.
Sem seguimento - Way off, with way off. Tirante - Rod, crank, link.
Sem velas - Sailless. Toda a velocidade - Full speed. Toda a fora.
Servio de salvamento - Salvage service. Toda a velocidade a r! - Full speed astern!
Servo-motor - Booster. Toda a velocidade a vante - Full speed ahead.
Sistema de compartimentagem celular - Todo (leme) - Hard.
Cellular system. Todo a bombordo (estibordo)! - Hard a port
Sobreestadia - Demurrage. (starboard)!
Sobrequilha - Keelson. Toleteira - Rowlock, oarlock.
Sol - Sun. Tornel de amarra - Chain swivel.
Solda - Weld; solder. Trajetria - Trajectory; flight; ballistic curve.
Soldar - To weld; to solder. Curva balstica.
Solecar - To surge, to check. Trajetria tensa - Flat trajectory.
Sonda de tanque - Tank gauge, tank stick. Tralha - Bolt rope, roping.
Sotavento - Lee. Transportador - Carrier.
Surdo (poleame) - Dumb. Transportador de carga - Cargo carrier.
Suspender - To heave, to rise up, to weigh. Trapa - Steadying span.
Suspender pelo arrinque - To trip the anchor. Trapear - To slat, to flap.
Suspender pelos cabelos (ncora) - To cockbill. Travs - Beam.
Tripulao - Crew.
Tubo - Pipe; nozzle.
Tudo pronto - All ready.
Turbina de vapor - Steam turbine.

VI - 8

Turbina hidrulica - Hydraulic turbine, water wind upon the beams.

turbine. Verdugo (de embarcao) - Rubber, rubbing
Turbo-geradora - Turbo generator. wale.
Turco - Davit. Verga - Yard.
Vergueiro - 1. Jack rod. 2. Jackstay.
Viga - 1. Beam, girder. 2. Rafter.

U Vigia - 1. Look out, look out man. 2. Watch.

Guarda. 3. Porthole, air port (U.S.), side light,
Unhar - To bite ground, to hold in ground, to take Virador - Hawser.
hold, to grip, to grip in. Fazer presa (ncora). Volta da ribeira - Timber hitch.
Uniforme - Uniform; dress. Voltas exteriores - Outer turns.
Uniforme branco - White uniform.
Uniforme de campanha - Service dress.
Uniforme de combate - Battle dress.

Vaga - Wave.
Vagalho - Hight wave.
Vlvula - Valve; tube.
Vapor - Steam.
Vau - Beam.
Vela - 1. Sail.
Vela da contramezena - Jigger.
Vela da gata - Mizzen course, crossjack sail.
Vela da mezena - 1. Mizzen, mizzen sail. 2.
Spanker. 3. Driver. 4. Mutton spanker.
Vela da gvea - Topsail, square topsail. Gvea
Vela de joanete - Topgallant sail.
Vela de traquete - Foresail.
Vela latina - Fore and aft sail.
Velejar - To sail.
Velejar por diverso - To go for a sail.
Velocidade - velocity, speed.
Velocidade (de corrente martima) - Drift.
Velocidade de reboque - Towing speed.
Velocidade econmica - Economic speed;
endurance speed.
Velocidade em relao ao fundo - Speed made
good. Velocidade verdadeira.
Velocidade em milha medida - Speed on
measured mile.
Velocidade normal - 1. Commercial speed,
normal speed, service speed.
Velocidade reduzida - Slow speed.
Vento da cauda - tail wind.
Vento da popa - Stern, wind, tail wind.
Vento de fora 10 - Hard gale, heavy gale, whole
gale, stiff gale. Temporal.
Vento de fora 5 - Topsail breeze.
Vento de fora 7 a 8 - gale.
Vento de proa - head wind.
Vento de travs - Beam wind, wind on the beam,

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