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Berthoud High School

Pre AP English 9

Unit: Shakespeare and Love

Day: 1 Introduction

CCSS Standards:

2.1.e.i. Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work (e.g.,
how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the Bible or how a later author draws on a
play by Shakespeare).

3.3.a.ii. Distinguish between phrases and clauses and use this knowledge to write varied, strong,
correct, complete sentences.

4.1.b. Integrate information from different sources to form conclusions about an author's
assumptions, biases, credibility, cultural and social perspectives, or world views.


Who Shakespeare was and why we read him in our class.

Inquiry Questions:

Who was Shakespeare? Why was he important?

Evidence Outcomes:

Learning Target: To access and build on background knowledge we possess as a class about
Shakespeare and his work.

Success Criteria: Each student will complete the Shakespeare, Pre-Assessment and we will
discuss the answers as well as learn more about the bard as a class, also students will expand
their knowledge by completing a Web Quest.

List of Assessments:
- Shakespeare Pre-Assessment
- Discussion
- Post-Assessment: Sonnet Annotations
- Shakespearian Insult
- Web Quest Google Doc
- Web Quest Packet
- Shakespeare Insult Examples
- Shakespeare Insult Pats
- Hat
- Pre-Assessment
- Google Form

Time: 90 minutes
I. Warm Up (7 minutes)
a. Note: No Quote or Grammar (for time)
b. Vocab: valiant| adj, boldly courageous; brave; stout-hearted | To move is to stir,
and to be valiant is to stand. (1.1: 9)
c. Root Word: Phil, to love
II. Anticipatory Set (7 minutes)
a. Romeo and Juliet Trailer:
b. Discuss reactions
c. Transition: point out that to read Romeo and Juliet at a level that is as interesting
and exciting as that trailer looked, we need to learn more about how to read
III. Pre Assessment (10 minutes)
a. Students take pre-assessment
b. Collect pre-assessment when students are finished
IV. Discuss Pre-Assessment (15 minutes)
a. Go over the questions on the pre-assessment
b. Discuss the more opinionated questions, and explain the questions that are more
straight forward.
V. Shakespearian Insult Game (17 minutes)
a. In the grammar part of the warm up, review parts of speech (pronoun, adjective,
and noun) and identify them in an example of a Shakespearian insult. (2 minutes)
b. Students draw parts of an insult out of a hat and have five minutes to move around
the room and create and copy as many insults as they can with the word they
draw. (5 minutes)
c. Students then get into pairs and insult each other while trying to keep a straight
face (Honey, I love you, but I just cans smile style). (5 minutes)
d. Pairs then choose the best insult between the two of them and share it with the
class. (5 minutes)
VI. Web Quest (30 minutes)
a. Students use the links provided in the google doc to find the answers to the
questions in their web quest packet.
VII. Homework
a. Reading preference Google Form, Due Friday 24th
b. If students finish their we quest they can fill out the form.

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