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Teacher Candidate: Rachel DeCarlo Date: ____3/13/17______

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 45 mins Grade Level___2nd ______

Subject or Topic: ________Unit Test review_________________

Developmental Lesson Plan

Common Core/PA Standard: Have you identified integration of multiple content standards?

S.K-2.B.1.1.1- describe basic external structures of animals and plants.

3.1.2. A3- Identify similarities and differences in the life cycles of plants and animals.

4.1.2.D - Identify differences in living things (color, shape, size, etc.) and describe how adaptations are
important for survival.

S.K-2.B.1.1 Identify living things and their life processes.

S.K-2.B.1.1.2 Identify a plant or animal based on a given life cycle stage (e.g., butterfly, frog, seedproducing

Learning Targets/Objectives:

The second grade students will be able to discover the different parts of flowers by review and
The second grade students will be able to distinguish the different parts of a flower by review
and test.
The second grade students will be able to determine whether their flower is a perfect flower or an
imperfect flower by review and test.
The second grade students will be able to recall what petals are on the flower by review and test.
The second grade students will be able to explain why flowers are colorful by review and test.
The second grade students will be able to identify why pollination is important and 3 types of
pollinators by group discussion
The second grade students will be able to identify the three parts of a seed by review and test.
The second grade students will be able to discuss what seeds need to grow by review and test.
The second grade students will be able to predict how their plant will grow by review and test.
The second grade students will be able to classify the different ways of seed dispersal by review
and test.

Assessment Approaches:


Teacher will be watching and observing during review game.

While watching the students answer questions from review game

Assessment Scale

Subject Matter/Content:


Pigment- the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue

Animal Pollinators- An animal that moves pollen from flower to flower.
Wind Pollinated flowers- Wind that moves pollen from flower to flower.
Pollen- A fine powdery substance that comes from the discharge of the male part of the flower.
Anther- the part of a stamen that contains the pollen.
Stigma- the entrance for pollen and adapted to trap pollen with hairs, flaps and other surfaces
Pollen tube- is the tube through which sperm from the pollen reaches the egg cell, and fertilizes the
plant to form seeds.
Style- The narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma.
Perfect Flower- a flower with all reproductive parts
Imperfect Flower- a flower with either just male or female reproductive parts
Stamen- male fertilizing organ, contains anther and filament
Pistils- female organs of a flower, contains stigma, style, and ovary.
Petals- modified leaves that surround the reproductive parts of flowers
Sepal- leaves that for around the bottom of the flower to protect developing flower and keep it from
drying out
Embryo- the baby plant in the seed
Seed- the first step in becoming a plant, under right conditions grows into the plant
Seed dispersal- the movement or transfer of seeds from the mother plant.

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies create clear lesson goals. May include:

Have the room set up ready to go for the review game.

Have lines on the floor set up for 1 point, 2 points and 3 points.
Have the song space Jam playing as they walk in.
v=J9FImc2LOr8, getting the students excited to play.

Development/ Teaching Approaches may include:

Have students come in the room and sit down in their seats.
Tell them that they will be playing a review game to get ready for the test that is going to be tomorrow.
Tell them that they will be playing trashket-ball and have them spilt in to two teams just by split the
room in half.
Have the students create their own cool team names for the game.
After team names have been picked, start to explain the rules for the students.
Start the power point that has the rules written on it and explain it to the students.
The room is put into teams, Left side is one team, and the right side is another team.
We will start with the flip of a coin to decide which team gets to answer the question first.
Each team will get questions and the object is to get all the questions correct! If correct, one member
from your team (different every time) will shoot a paper ball into the trash can!
There are lines on the ground, you can either take a 1 pt shot, 2 pt shots, or a 3 pt shot.
Those points scored by shooting will be how your team get points.
After reading what is on the power point, flip a coin to decide who gets the first question.
When the coin is flipped, start the questions. If the students answers the question correctly they can
shoot, but if they answer it they do not get to shoot.
If a team gets a student wrong, make sure to take time and go over it.
Each time a team gets a question right, one person from that team comes up and shoot. Make sure
everyone gets a turn that wants to go before anyone goes twice.
Play the game the rest of the time.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies approaches may include:

Hand out study guide sheet and tell them it is practice for the test tomorrow. Tell
them to do it at home for practice.
Ask students if they are still confused about anything or have any questions that
they would like answered.


Visual Impairment:
Have the slides that our going to be shown printed out and given to the student.
If needed, give the students a closer shot, but for the same amount of points as the others.


Trash can
Paper balls
3 tape lines
Power point with questions, space jam song

Reflective Response:

Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels:

Remediation Plan

Personal Reflection

Did the student enjoy the game?

Did I explain the game well enough?

Additional reflection/thoughts can also be included.

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