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Tensile and bearing capacities of bolted

Jeffrey L. Carril

Roger A. LaBoube
Missouri University of Science and Technology,

Wei-wen Yu
Missouri University of Science and Technology,

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Carril, Jeffrey L.; LaBoube, Roger A.; and Yu, Wei-wen, "Tensile and bearing capacities of bolted connections" (1994). Center for Cold-
Formed Steel Structures Library. Paper 46.

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Civil Engineering Study 94-1
Cold-Formed Steel Series

First Summary Report



Jeffrey L. Carril
Research Assistant

Roger A. LaBoube
Wei-Wen Yu
Project Directors

A Research Project Sponsored by

the American Iron and Steel Institute

May 1994

Department of Civil Engineering

Center for Cold- Formed Steel Structures
University of Missouri-Rolla
Rolla, Missouri


Experimental studies were preformed to investigate the tensile capacity, bearing

capacity and the interaction of tension and bearing capacities of flat sheet cold-formed

steel bolted connections. The effect of bolt hole deformation on the bearing capacity of

bolted connections, was also investigated. In the experimental investigation, single shear

flat sheet connections were investigated for single bolt and multiple bolt configurations.

The intent of this investigation was to compare the current AISI and AISC

Specifications for the nominal bearing and tensile capacities and to develop appropriate

serviceability design criteria.

A review and evaluation of past research on the tensile and bearing capacity of

bolted flat sheet connections was performed and is discussed.

The test results indicated that for connections failing in bearing, the AISI

Specification correlated better with the test results than did the AISC Specification; for

tension failure, both specifications correlated similarly to the test results. An analysis

and discussion of the test results is included, as well as the development of a

serviceability limit for nominal bearing capacity.

This report is based on a thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of

the University of Missouri-Rolla in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

of Master of Science.

This investigation was sponsored by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).

The technical guidance provided by the AISI Connections Committee: M. Golovin

(chairman), R. E. Albrecht, B. Bjorhovde, E. R. diGirolamo, D. S. Ellifritt, E. R. Estes

Jr., W. B. Hall, M. A. Huizinga, A. L. Johnson, D. L. Johnson, W. E. Kile, R. A.

LaBoube, L. D. Luttrell, W. McGuire, T. B. Pekoz, C. W. Pinkham, and W. W. Yu.

Thanks are also extended to R. B. Haws, and K. L. Cole, AISI Staff, and J. N.

Macadam, former chairman of the Subcommittee, for their assistance.






LIST OF TABLES o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IX


1. INTRODUCTION ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01

Ao GENERAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bo PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

C. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

II. LITERATURE REVIEW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

Ao GENERAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

B. BEARING CAPACITY STUDIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06

Co TENSILE CAPACITY STUDIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11


CAPACITY STUDIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 14

E. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 15


Ao GENERAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 16


t. AISI Specification 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18


Table of Contents, Continued


2. AISC Specification 20

3. Canadian Standard 22

4. ECCS Recommendations 22

5. British Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23

6. Comparison of Tested to Computed Capacity . . . . . . . . . 24


1. AISI Specification 24

2. AISC Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3. Canadian Standard 26

4. ECCS Recommendations 28

5. British Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6. Zadanfarrokh's Method 30

7. Comparison of Tested to Computed Capacity . . . . . . . . . 32







I. Attachment of Test Assembly to Testing Machine 46


Table of Contents, Continued


2. Installation of Bolts 53

3. Measurement of Load and Elongation 55



B. BEARING CAPACITY EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

1. Comparison of Design Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

2. Development of Deformation or Serviceability Limit . . . . 68


1. Comparison of Design Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

2. Correlation of Design Specifications

with Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

VI. CONCLUSIONS.................................. 80


A Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The

Evaluation Of Existing Data - Type III Failure Mode 81

B Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The

Evaluation Of Existing Data - Type II Failure Mode . . . . . . . . . .. 121

C Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The

Evaluation Of Existing Data - Combination Type II & III
Failure Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

D Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The

Evaluation Of Existing Data - Combination Type I & II
Failure Mode 136

Table of Contents, Continued


E Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The

Evaluation Of Existing Data - Combination Type I & III
Failure Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

F Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The

Evaluation Of Existing Data - Combination Type II & V
Failure Mode 160

G Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The

Evaluation Of Existing Data - Combination Type I & II & III
Failure Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

H Typical Load Deflection Curves From Present Experimental

Investigation . 169




1. Failure Types Of Bolted Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2. Test Specimens Of The Available Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3. Test Specimens Used In The Present Experimental Studies 43

4. Photograph Of The Tinius Olsen Testing Machine 44

5. Typical Test Assembly (Type A Specimens Shown) 46

6. Photograph Of Grip Plates Attached To The Test Assembly And

Testing Machine (Type 1 Shown) 53

7. Detail Of Grip Plates 54

8. Photograph Of LVDT Attached To A Typical Test Assembly

(Type A Specimens Shown) 56

9. Detail Of LVDT Attached To A Typical Test Assembly

(Type A Specimens Shown) 57

10. Photograph Of A Typical Test Assembly Failing By Type II Failure

Mode (Type B Specimens Shown) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

11. Photograph Of A Typical Test Assembly Failing By Combination Type

II And III Failure Mode (Type B Specimens Shown) 67

12. Photograph Of A Typical Test Assembly Failing By Combination Type

II And V Failure Mode (Type E Specimens Shown) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

13. Photograph Of A Typical Test Assembly Failing By Type III Failure

Mode (Type E Specimens Shown) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

14. Photograph Of A Typical Test Assembly Failing By Combination Type

III And V Failure Mode (Type 0 Specimens Shown) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78


Table Page

I. Nominal Bearing Stress For Bolted Connections With Washers Under

Bolt Head And Nut 25

II. Nominal Bearing Stress For Bolted Connections Without Washers

Under Bolt Head and Nut, Or With Only One Washer 25

III. Factor C, For Bearing Resistance Of Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

IV. Summary Of Statistical Data For Type III Failure Mode From Appendix A .. 34

V. Summary Of Statistical Data For Type II Failure Mode From Appendix B 36

VI. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type II & III Failure
Mode From Appendix C 37

VII. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type I & II Failure

Mode From Appendix D . . .. 38

VIII. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type I & III Failure
Mode From Appendix E .. 39

IX. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type II & V Failure

Mode From Appendix F 40

X. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type I & II & III

Failure Mode From Appendix G 41

XI. Material Properties And Thicknesses Of Steel Sheets Used In The

Present Experimental Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

XII. Dimension And Mechanical Properties Of Test Assemblies 47

XIII. Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

XIV. Comparison Of Test Results With AISI Specification! And AISC

Specification 2 For Failure Type II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

XV. Comparison Of Test Results With AISI Specification! And AISC

Specification 2 For Combination Failure Type II & III (Bearing) . . . . . . . . . . 63

List of Tables, Continued

Table Page

XVI. Comparison Of Test Results With AISI Specification l And AISC

Specification2 For Combination Failure Type II & III (Tension, Fracture
Through The Net Section) 64

XVII. Comparison Of Test Results With AISI Specificationl And AISC

Specification 2 For Combination Failure Type II & V (Bearing) 65

XVIII. Evaluation Of Test Results For Deformation Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

XIX. Evaluation Of Test Results For Computed Tensile Capacity With

Washers (Fracture Through The Net Section) 74

XX. Evaluation Of Test Results For Computed Tensile Capacity Without

Washers (Fracture Through The Net Section) 75


In the United States, the design of cold-formed steel bolted connections is based on

the AISI Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members 1 . Prior

to the development of the design criteria, bolted connections were tested at the

University of Michigan in the 1940's and then at Cornell University in the 1950's. Since

1960, additional connections have been tested at Cornell University, University of

Missouri-Rolla, University of Wyoming and other institutions.

This previous research studied only bolted connections in flat sheets. The

structural behavior of cold-formed steel tension members has not been fully studied,

particularly for profile sections connected by mechanical fasteners. For some design

cases, particularly for structural members, Sections C2 and E3.2 of the AISI

Specification 1 for determining the tensile capacity of bolted connections may be

inappropriate. This is especially true for connections containing connected parts other

than flat sheets.

The current design provisions for the bearing capacity of bolted connections

included in Section E3.3 of the AISI Specification 1 were based on the ultimate bearing

capacities between the connected parts and the bolts. In order to reach the ultimate

bearing capacities, it may be necessary to have large deformations around the bolt hole.

Therefore, if the deformation around the hole is a critical design consideration, Section

E3.3 may be found to be unconservative.



The purpose of this investigation was to study the tensile capacity, bearing

capacity, and the interaction of tensile and bearing capacities of connected flat sheets in

bolted connections, and to develop the appropriate design recommendations.


The investigation consisted of a review of pertinent literature, an analysis of

available test data, an experimental study of bolted connections using flat steel sheets,

and an analysis of the experimental results.

A compilation of the available test data and analytical study of this data is

contained herein. The analytical study consisted of a comparison between tested failure

load and predicted failure load, where the predicted load was computed by each of the


(1) AISI Specification l

(2) AISC Specification2

(3) ECCS Recommendations3

(4) British Standard 4

(5) Canadian Standards

(6) Zadanfarrokh's Method 6

The summary of pertinent literature is contained in Section II. The experimental phase

of this investigation explored the bearing and tensile strength behavior of thin steel sheets

connected by bolts. Particular emphasis was placed on defining the influence of hole

defonnation on load capacity of a connection. The development of appropriate design

recommendations and a summary of the research findings are presented in Section V.




For this phase of the investigation, relavant publications and research reports have

been studied in detail. These publications and reports focus on the bearing and tensile

capacities of cold-formed steel bolted connections. The purpose of the literature review

was to study the previous experimental investigations on bearing and tensile capacities of

cold-formed steel bolted connections, and to utilize the data from these studies to

evaluate current design equations.

In the review of previous experimental studies, it was found that Winter7,S

observed four general failure modes in cold-formed steel bolted connections:

TYPE I Longitudinal shearing of the steel sheet along two practically

parallel planes whose distance of separation equals the bolt

diameter (

TYPE II Bearing failure or "piling up" of material in front of the bolt

(Fig. lb).

TYPE III - Transverse tearing of the sheet in the net section (Fig. lc).

TYPE IV - Shearing of the bolt (Fig. Id).

A fifth failure mode was defined by Yu and Mosby 9 as:

TYPE V - Tearing of the sheet caused by the excessive bolt rotation and

dishing of the sheet material (Fig. 1e)

Often a combination of these failure modes was observed.








Figure 1. Failure Types Of Bolted Connections lO .


During the review of previous experimental studies due consideration was given to the

following parameters which may affect the tensile and bearing capacities of bolted


a) Bolt diameter, d

b) Edge distance, e (Fig. 2)

c) Bolt spacing parallel to the direction of stress, e 1 (Fig. 2)

d) Bolt spacing normal to the direction of stress, s (Fig. 2). For a single bolt, s is

the full width of the connected sheet.

e) Thickness of connected sheet, t

t) Yield stress, Fy

g) Tensile strength, Fu

h) e/d, dlt, dis and FjFy ratios

i) Number of bolts

j) Use of washers

k) Single or double shear connections


From tests performed at Cornell Universityll, 12, 13, 14, Winter 7,8 concluded that a

type of failure by bearing will control the load carrying capacity of a bolted connection

when the edge distance of a bolt is relatively large. Tests results indicated that when the

e/d ratio is equal to or greater than 3.5, the ultimate bearing stress can conservatively be

determined by:

(Eq. 1)


(]) CD
(1) Q)

I~ s ~I l~ s -) l~ s ~l
(a) (b) (c)


s s s s
"2 s "2 "2 s s 2"

(d) (e)

Figure 2. Test Specimens Of The Available Data.

Winter's7,8 results also indicated that when the e/d ratio is less than 3.5, longitudinal

shearing of the sheet, Type I failure mode, will occur.

The following allowable bearing stress, Fp, given in the 1968 AISI Specification 15

was derived from Equation 1 by applying a safety factor of2.33:



Based on their studies, Dhalla et a1. 16,17 indicated that connections may be one of

the most critical problem areas for low ductility steels. Usings Dhalla's findings,

McKinney, Liu and Yu 18 showed that the ultimate load capacity from bearing tests for

both low and high ductility steel can be predicted using a single equation, provided the

proper ductility factor is used. The ductility factor, C 2 was determined as:

C2 = 1.0 for FjFy ~ 1.35 (Eq.3)

C2 = 1.43(F/Fy)-0.93~ 0.643 for 1.05 < FjFy < 1.35 (Eq.4)

McKinney, Liu and Yu18recommended that Equations 1 and 2 be modified to express the

ultimate bearing stress (Eq. 5) and allowable bearing stresses (Eq. 6) for any steel:

(Jb = 4.9C 2Fy (Eq. 5)

Fp = 2.1C 2Fy (Eq.6)

Yu and Mosby19 studied the effect of e/d on the bearing stress, and showed that

when e/d is equal to 3.5, the experimental values of (JJC 2F y for both single shear and

double shear connections can be predicted by Equation 5. They also showed that

Equation 5 provides a better prediction of (J JC 2Fy for single shear connections than for

double shear connections~ double shear connections gave more conservative results of

bearing strength.

The 1968 AlSI Specification 1S provisions for allowable bearing stress were based

on tests perfonned at Cornell on bolted connections with washers under the bolt head

and nut. To study the influence of washers on the bearing stress of bolted connections,

Chong and Matlock20 conducted experimental studies on bolted connections without

washers. The maximum bearing stress at failure for connections without washers was

found to be approximately 45% less than for connections with washers. The following

expression was proposed to predict ultimate bearing stress of connections without


0b = 2.7Fy for e/d > 2.5 (Eq.7)

Considering the effects of ductility on the bearing strength of bolted connections,

Yu and Mosby19 proposed the following modification to Equation 7 to account for the

affect of ductility on bearing strength:


where C2 is given by Equations 3 and 4. Using a factor of safety of2.3, Yu and Mosby19

also proposed Equation 9 to predict the allowable bearing stress of bolted connections

without washers:


From tests conducted at the University of Missouri-Rolla, Yu and Mosby found

that for single shear and double shear connections composed of thin sheets, the ultimate

bearing stress can be determined accurately in tenns of the ultimate tensile strength, Fu'

instead of the yield point of the sheet, Fy' Two separate design fonnulas were proposed

for connections with washers (Eq. 10) and without washers (Eq. 11).

0b = 3.00Fu (Eq. 10)

0b = 2.22Fu (Eq. 11)

The revised provisions for bearing stress in bolted connections in the 1980 AISI

Specification21 were based on Equations 10 and 11.

Since the diameter of the bolt to the thickness of the steel sheet, d/t, is considerably

larger for cold-fonned steel bolted connections than for hot-rolled steel connections, it

was once believed that the d/t ratio might affect the bearing strength of bolted

connections. From their investigation, Yu and Mosby19 determined that an increase in

the d/t ratio will result in a slight increase in the ultimate bearing stress for single shear

connections and a slight decrease in the ultimate bearing stress for double shear. They

concluded that the effect of d/t on bearing stress is relatively small and noted that only a

limited number of data was available in the region 9 s; d/t s; 15.


For hot-rolled steel sections it is often assumed that for the design of steel shapes

in tension, the average stress on the net section can reach the yield point of the steel.

This assumption is based on the idea that the effect of stress concentrations at bolt holes

are made insignificant by plastic stress redistribution. Based on his research, Winter7,8

concluded that for cold-formed steel bolted connections with the ratio dis 5 0.3, the

effect of stress concentrations can not be neglected. Winter"Bdeveloped the following

equation for the ultimate tension stress for single bolt connections:

(Eq. 12)

For connections with multiple bolts in the line of stress, Popowich22 found that the

sharp stress concentrations in cold-formed steel bolted connections can be significantly

relieved when more than one bolt in the line of stress is used. His test results showed

that failure in the net section for connections with two and three bolts in the line of stress

occurred at a much higher stress than for single bolts. Popowich22 developed the

following equation to predict the failure stress in the net section for single and multibolt


(Eq. 13)

where, r is the force transmitted by the bolt or bolts at the section considered, divided by

the force in the member at that section. Ifr is 1.0, Equation 13 will be identical to

Winter's equation for tension stress (Equation 12).

Yu and Mosby19 showed that Equation 12 gives a good prediction of the tensile

strength for high and low ductility single shear and double shear cold-formed steel bolted

connections. The study by Yu and Mosby19 also showed that Equation 13 gave a

conservative prediction of their test results.


The effect of ductility on cold-formed steel connections was studied by Dhalla 16 .

From his studies, Dhalla concluded that the ultimate tensile stress of cold-formed bolted

connections is not affected by ductility of the steel.

Yu and Mosby19 investigated the effect of dlt ratio on the tensile strength of cold-

formed steel bolted connections. From these studies, they showed that the dlt ratio has

no significant effect on tensile strength and suggested that more studies for combination

of dlt > 10 and dis < 0.15 be performed.

The 1968 AISI Specification 15 equations for tensile strength were based on tests

where washers were used under both the bolt head and nut. Chong and Matlock20 ,

studied cold-formed bolted connections without washers and developed the following

equation for tension in the net section:

0nct = (0.60-0.66r + 2.92d/s)Fu 5: F u (Eq. 14)

Yu and Mosby19 noted the following difference between Equation 13 and Equation 14.

Equation 13 depended on the parameter "r" and "rdls" and Equation 14 depended on "r"

and "d/s".

Yu and MosbyD studied the effect of washers on the tensile capacity of bolted

connections and developed the following allowable tensile stress equations:

for double shear with washers,

Ft = (1.0-0.9r + 3.0rd/s)0.5Fu ~ 0.5F u (Eq. 15)


for single shear with washers,

Ft = (1.0-0.9r + 3.0rd/s)0.45Fu ~ 0.45Fu (Eq. 16)

when washers are not used or when only one washer is used,

Ft = (1.0-r + 2.5rd/s)0.45Fu ~ 0.45Fu (Eq. 17)

Equations 15, 16 and 17 were included in the revised 1980 AISI Specification21 . Yu and

Mosbf3 noted a 13% strength increase in the 1980 AISI Specification21 over the 1968

AISI Specification lS for the allowable tension stress.

A study performed by LaBoube24 demonstrated that the tensile stress in the net

section is not influenced by the use of washers. In this study, LaBoube also showed that

the ultimate tensile force, PR' can be predicted by Equation 18:

(Eq. 18)

where A.e is the effective net area through the section, perpendicular to the line of force.

LaBoube24 pointed out that the data used to derive the current AISI Specification 1

provisions for tension in the net section, Equations 15,16 and 17, was from tests that

failed by tension in the net section or a combination of tension in the net section and

bearing. Therefore, Equations 15, 16 and 17 estimate the combined bearing and tension

in the net section limit state, in addition to the limit state of tension in the net section.

A study by Macadam2s indicated that a tensile failure will eventually occur in a test

specimen, following excessive bearing deformation. Macadam agreed with LaBoube24 in

that the failure mode of tension in the net section could be predicted by Equation 18.


A very limited amount of data was found on the combined failure mode of bearing

and tension in the net section. As previously mentioned, LaBoube24 pointed out that

Equations 15, 16 and 17 actually predicted the failure modes of tension in the net section

and the combination of tension in the net section and bearing. LaBoube24 studied the

combined failure mode and developed the following equation for the combined stress


(Eq. 19)

where C is taken as 1.0 when no washers are used, or when washers are used under only

the bolt head or nut. When washers are used under the bolt head and nut and the bolt

diameter is greater than or equal to 3/4 inch, C is taken as 1.2, when the bolt diameter is

less than 3/4 inch, C is taken as 1.5. LaBoube24 concluded that the sheet tearing may be

perpendicular or parallel to the direction of loading.


Internationally recognized design specifications, standards and reports have been

reviewed and studied. These specifications are as follows:


1. AISI Specification l

2. AISC Specification2

3. ECCS Recommendations3

4. British Standard 4

5. Canadian Standards

6. Zadanfarrokh's Method6

A detail explanation of these documents is presented in Section ill.




A compilation of the available test data7-9, ll-lJ, 16, 18,20, 24-27 is listed in the tables of

Appendices A through G. This data represents the results of flat sheet connections as

illustrated by Figure 2. Each table includes the following dimensions and test results for

each test specimen:

1. Dimensions

a) Single or double shear connections

b) Number of bolts

c) Use of washers

d) Bolt diameter, d

e) Thickness of connected sheets, t

t) Edge distance, e

g) Bolt spacing parallel to the direction of stress, e1

h) Bolt spacing normal to the direction of stress, s.

i) Yield Stress, Fy

j) Tensile strength, Fu

k) e/d, d/t, dis and F jF y ratios

2. Results

a) Tested ultimate tensile force of the connection, P ult


b) Calculated nominal capacity, which corresponds to the failure mode of each

specimen. The nominal capacity was evaluated for the following: AISI

Specification l , AISC Specification2, ECCS Recommendations3 , British

Standard4 , Canadian Standards and Zadanfarrokh's method6 .

c) The ratio Pw/calculated nominal capacity

d) The mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of the ratio

PuI/calculated nominal capacity.

The tables of Appendices A through G are organized according to failure mode,

connection type (single or double shear), use of washers, bolt pattern and number of

bolts per connection. Single shear and double shear connections, with and without

washers, which failed by Type III failure mode, are listed in the tables in Appendix A.

Single shear connections, with and without washers, which failed by Type II failure

mode, are listed in the tables in Appendix B; no data was found for double shear

connections failing by Type II failure mode. The tables in Appendix C are the results of

single shear connections which failed by a combination of Type II and III failure modes;

there was no data available for double shear connections failing by the combination of

Type II and III failure modes. Appendix D tables list single shear and double shear

connections, with and without washers, for the combination failure modes of Type I and

II. Single shear and double shear connections with and without washers, which failed by

the combination of Type I and III failure modes, are listed in the tables of Appendix E.

The tables in Appendix F list single shear and double shear connections, with and

without washers, which failed by the combination offailure Type II and V. Appendix G

lists single shear connections which failed by the combination of Type I, II and III; for

this combination of failure modes, no data on double shear connections was found.

A summary of the statistical data, i.e. mean and coefficient of variation, from the

tables in Appendices A through G is given in Subsection D.


The predicted nominal tensile capacity of the test specimens, identified as

exhibiting a Type III failure mode, was computed using the AISI Specification l , AISC

Specification2, ECCS Recommendations3 , British Standard4 and Canadian Standard 5 .

The following discussion summarizes these standards and specifications.

1. AISI Specification l : For the AISI Specification l , the nominal tensile force was

calculated by first determining whether yielding or fracture controlled. The allowable

yielding force, T a , is given in Section C2 as:



Tn = ~Fy (kip)

Q( = Factor of safety for tension = 1.67

~ = Net area of cross section (in. 2)

Fy = Yield stress of material (ksi)

The allowable tensile force corresponding to a fracture failure, P a' is given in Section

E3.2 as:

(Eq. 21)


Pn = ~ Ft (kip)

~ = Net area of the cross section (in. 2 )

Qt = Factor of Safety for tension on the net section

= 2.0 for double shear with washers

= 2.22 for double shear without washers

= 2.22 for single shear with or without washers

Fl = Nominal tensile stress on the net section (ksi), and is determined as follows:

When t < 3/16 inch and washers are provided under the bolt head and nut:


When t < 3/16 inch and either washers are not provided under the bolt head and nut, or

only one washer is provided under either the bolt head or nut:

Fl = (1.0-r+2.5rd/s)F u ~ Fu (Eq.23)

In Equations 22 and 23:

t = The thickness of the thinnest connected part (in.)

r = Force transmitted by the bolt or bolts at the section considered, divided by the

tension force in the member at that section. Ifr is less than 0.2, it may be taken

equal to zero.

d = Nominal bolt diameter (in.)

s = Spacing of bolts perpendicular to the line of stress. In the case of a single bolt,

s is taken as the width of the sheet (in.)

Fu = Tensile strength of connected part (ksi)

To determine if fracture or yielding controls the allowable tensile force for design,

Equations 20 and 21 were set equal:


The ratio ofFlFy was determined using Equation 24. If yielding controls, the ratio of

F/Fy will be greater than 1.33 for single shear with or without washers, and double shear

without washers; and greater than 1.20 for double shear with washers. The controlling

calculated ultimate tensile force is listed in Appendix A corresponding to a Failure Type


2. AISC Specification2 : For the AISC Specification2, the nominal tensile force was

also calculated by first determining whether fracture or yielding is the controlling failure

mode. The allowable yielding force, Ta, is given in Section D1 as:



~ = Gross cross-sectional area (in.


Fy = Yield stress of material (ksi)


The allowable fracture force, Ta , given in Section Dl is:



"' = The effective net cross section area, but is limited to 85% of the gross cross

section area, for connections using flat sheets (in. 2)

"' = U" when the load is transmitted by bolts through some, but not all, of the
cross-sectional elements

" = Net area of the member (in. 2)

U = Reduction coefficient

Fu = Tensile strength of connected part (ksi)

The critical failure mode is determined by setting the allowable yielding force equal to

the allowable fracture force as follows:

0.6A;y = 0.5A)'u (Eq.27)

Using Equation 27, the ratio of Al/~u was computed. lfit is less than 0.83, yielding

controls the allowable design force. If the ratio is greater than 0.83, fracture controls the

allowable design force. The controlling ultimate tensile force is also listed in Appendix

A, for Type III failure mode.


3. Canadian Standards: The ultimate tensile force based on Section 6.3.1 of the

Canadian Standards is determined similar to the AISC Specification2 . The nominal

yielding force, Tn' is given as:



~ = Gross cross-sectional area (mm2)

Fy = Yield stress of material (KN/mm2)

The nominal fracture force, Tn' is given as:



~ = Net cross-sectional area (mm2)

Fu = Tensile strength of connected part (KN/mm 2)

Similar to the AISC Specification2, it is assumed that if the ratio of Al/~ Fu is less than

0.83, yielding controls the allowable design load. If the ratio is greater than 0.83,

fracture controls. The controlling ultimate tensile force is also listed in Appendix B, for

Type III failure.

4. ECCS Recommendations3 : For the ECCS Recommendations3, the nominal

tensile force is given as:

(Eq. 30)


t: = (l-0.9r+3rd/u)t;, ~ t;, (KN/mm 2)

u = Minimum of2u t and U 2 (mm)

U1 = Distance between edge and center of fastener perpendicular to the load

direction (mm)

U2 = Center-to-center spacing of fasteners perpendicular to the load direction


~ = Net cross-sectional area of the plate material (mm2)

d = Nominal diameter of the bolt hole (nun)

r = The force transmitted by the bolt or bolts of the section considered, divided

by the tension force in the member at that section.

fy == Yield strength of material (KN/nun 2)

5. Briti~h Standard 4 : The nominal tensile force, T, is given in Section 8.2.6 of the

British Standard4 as the smaller of Equations 31 and 32:

T = ",(0.1 + 3d/s)py (Eq. 31)

T = AJJy (Eq.32)


~ = Net cross-sectional area (mm 2)

Py = Yield stress of material (KN/mm 2)

d = Nominal diameter of bolt (nun)


s = Spacing of bolts perpendicular to the line of stress. In the case of single

bolt, s equals the width of the sheet (mm)

6. Comparison of Tested to Computed Capacity: The nominal tensile forces as

calculated from the AISI Specification l , AISC Specification2, ECCS Recommendations),

British Standard4 and Canadian Standards are listed in the tables in Appendices A, C, E

and G. The ratio of the tested ultimate tensile force to the calculated nominal tensile

force, along with the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation is also listed

in these tables.


The predicted bearing capacity of the test specimens that manifested a Type II

failure mode was computed using the AISI Specification l , AISC Specification2 , ECCS

Recommendations), British Standard4 Canadian Standards and Zadanfarrokh's method 6 .

1. AISI Specification l : The nominal bearing strength, PO' based on Section E3.3 of

the AISI Design Specification l is determined as:

(Eq. 33)


Fp = Nominal bearing stress given in Tables I and II (ksi)

d = Nominal bolt diameter (in.)

t = Thickness of the thinnest connected sheet (in.)


Table I. Nominal Bearing Stress For Bolted Connections With Washers Under Both
Bolt Head and Nut l

FjFy Nominal
Thickness of Type of Joint Ratio of Bearing
Connected Part Connected Stress, F p
(in.) Part

~ 1.15 3.33 Fu
Inside sheet of double
~0.024 shear connection < 1.15 3.00 Fu
but < 3/16
Single shear and outside sheet of
double shear connections No limit 3.00 F u
~ 3/16 See AISC Specification2

Table II. Nominal Bearing Stress For Bolted Connections Without Washers Under
Both Bolt Head and Nut, or With Only One Washer I

FjFy Ratio Nominal

Thickness of of Connected Bearing
Connected Part Type of Joint Part Stress,
(in.) F ll
Inside sheet of double
shear connection ~ 1.15 3.00 Fn
~0.036 Single shear and outside
but < 3/16 sheets of double shear ~ 1.15 2.22 F u
~3/16 See AISC Specification2

2. AISC Specification2 The nominal bearing strength based on Section 13.7 of the

AISC Specification2, is given as follows if the deformation around the hole is not a

design consideration and adequate spacing and edge distance are provided:



d = Nominal bolt diameter (in.)

t = Thickness of the thinnest connected sheet (in.)

Fu = Tensile strength of connected part (ksi)

When deformation around the hole is a design consideration, a lower ultimate bearing

strength may be obtained as follows:

(Eq. 35)

where d, t and F u are previously defined. For this study, the available test data was

analyzed using Equation 34.

3. Canadian Standards: Based on Section 7.3.5 of the Canadian Standards, the

nominal bearing strength for a single fastener, B m is determined as:

B n = etF u ~ CdtF u (Eq.36)


t = Thickness of the thinnest connected sheet (mm)

d = Nominal diameter of the bolt (rom)

Fu = The tensile strength of the connected part (KN/mm2)


e = The distance from the hole center to the edge toward which the force is

directed (mm)

C = The appropriate value from Table ill

Table III. Factor C, For Bearing Resistance OfFastenersS

Ratio of Fastener

diameter to

sheet thickness, d/t C

d/t ;s; 10 3

10 < d/t < 15 30 tid

d/t ~ 15 2

For groups offasteners, Bn shall be taken as the lesser value determined by (a)

and (b):

(a) The nominal bearing strength of a group of fasteners, in which the center-to-

center distance between fasteners is at least Cd, is equal to the sum of the individual

resistances as determined by Equation 36. If the spacing is less than Cd, but not less

than 2.5d, the resistance shall be reduced proportionally.

(b) The nominal bearing strength is given as:

Bn = t[(m-l)(g-d) + (n-l)(s-d) + e]Fu (Eq. 37)



g = Spacing of fastener measured perpendicular to the direction of force


s = Spacing offastener measured parallel to the direction offorce (mm)

m = Number of bolts in the first row perpendicular to the direction offorce

n = Number of rows of bolts which are perpendicular to the direction offorce

e = Edge distance of the first row measured parallel to the direction of force;

if e > Cd, replace e by Cd in the formula (mm)

d = The diameter of the hole (rom)

C = The value from Table III

t = The thickness of the sheet (rom)

Fu = The tensile strength of the connected part (KN/mm2)

4. ECCS Recommendations3 : The nominal bearing strength, Fb , according to the

ECCS Recommendations3 is given as:

(Eq. 38)


fy = The yield strength of the connected part (KN/mm2)

do = Nominal diameter of the fastener (mm)

e1 = The edge distance parallel to the direction of stress

t = Thickness of the thinnest sheet (mm)

ex is determined as follows:

Fort~1mm, ex=2.1

For 1 mm < t < 3 mm and e 1 /dn ~ 6,

ex = 2.6 - 0.5t + 0.9(t-1)ln(e 1 /dJ

For 1 rnrn < t < 3 rnrn and e 1 /~ > 6,

ex = 1.0 +

For t ~ 3 mm and e 1 /d n ~ 6,

ex = 1.1 + 1.8In(e1 /dJ

For t > 3 mm and e 1 /dn > 6,

ex = 4.3
5. British Standard 4 : According to Section of the British Standard 4 , the

nominal bearing strength for each bolt of a connection, with washers under both the bolt

head and nut, Pbs' is given as:

For t :5; 1 mm:


For 1 mm < t :5; 3 mm:

(a) for de /d ~ 3,

Pbs = [2.1 + (0.3de /d - 0.45)(t-1)]dtpy (Eq.40)

(b) for de /d > 3,


Pbs = (1.65 + 0.45t)dtpy (Eq.41)

For 3 mm < t ~ 8 mm:

(a) for de /d ~ 3,

Pbs = (1.2 + 0.6 de /d)dtpy (Eq.42)

(b) for de /d > 3



t = Minimum thickness of the connected material (mm)

d = The nominal diameter of the bolt(mm)

Py = The design strength (KN/mm2)

de = The distance from the center of the bolt to the end of the connected

element in the direction of the bolt force (mm)

For connections having only a single washer or no washers, the nominal bearing capacity

shall be 75 % of the value determined for connections with a washer under both the bolt

head and the nut.

6. Zadanfarrokh's Method 6 : According to a recent study conducted by

Zadanfarrokh6, the nominal bearing capacity can be determined as:

Pbs =adtou/t (Eq.44)


ull = Design ultimate stress of the sheet(N/mm )


t = Thickness of the thinnest connected sheet (mm)


e = The distance from the center of the bolt to the end of the connected

element in the direction of the bolt force (rom)

d = The nominal bolt diameter (rom)

ex = k 1 k 2 k3 k 4 k s ~ k7

k1 = (l6/d)112

k2 is determined as follows:

For t =s; 3 rom, k2 = (1.9 + 0.2t)

For 3 < t =s; 8 rom, k2 = 2.5

k3 = (390/awJ 1I2

k4 is determined as follows:

For normal diameter washers, k4 = 1.0

For large diameter washers,

for t =s; 2 mm, k4 = 1. 15

for 2 < t ~ 3 rom, k4 = 1.05

for t > 3 rom, k4 = 1.0

k s is determined as follows:

When washers are provided on both the bolt head and nut,

k s = 1.0

When one washer is provided under the bolt head or nut,

k s = 0.8

When no washers are provided

k s = 0.7

~ = The lesser ofe/2.5d and 1, where e/d ~ 1.5


k7 is determined as follows:

When the shear plane occurs over the full shank diameter,

k7 = 1.15
Otherwise, k7 = 1.0

7. Comparison of Tested to Computed Capacity: The nominal bearing capacity as

specified by AISI Specification!, AISC Specification2, ECCS Recommendations3 , British

Standard4, Canadian Standards and Zadanfarrokh's method6 are listed in the tables in .

Appendices B, C, D, F and G. The ratio of the tested ultimate tensile force to the

calculated nominal bearing force, the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of

variation are also listed in these tables.


The results ofthe analytical study are summarized in Tables IV through X. These

tables are a compilation of the statistical data from the tables in Appendices A through

G. Tables IV through X list the number of data points considered, the mean value of the

ratio of the tested ultimate force to the calculated nominal force and the corresponding

coefficient of variation.

Tables IV through X are separated according to failure mode. Table IV

summarizes the tables in Appendix A for failure Type III~ Table V summarizes the tables

in Appendix B for Type II failure mode~ Table VI summarizes the tables in Appendix C

for the combination of Type II and III failure mode~ Table VII summarizes the tables in

Appendix D for the combination of Type I and II failure mode; Table VIII summarizes

the tables in Appendix E for the combination failure mode Type I and ill; Table IX

summarizes the tables in Appendix F for the combination Type II and V failure mode;

and Table X summarizes the table in Appendix G for the combination Type I , II and III

failure mode.

In reviewing the statistical data, the following observations are made regarding the

AISI Specification l :

(a) Based on the safety index adopted by the AISI LRFD Specification21l , the AISI

Specification for allowable stress designl is adequate for tension failure alone

in bolted connections using one bolt with washers. This design provision is

slightly conservative for some other cases.

(b) The AISI Specification l design provisions for bearing failure alone, in bolted

connections using one bolt, may be slightly unconservative, considering the

relatively large scatter of the test data. This design provision should also be

further studied by considering serviceability.

(c) For the combination of two or more failure modes, the AISI Specification l

may be unconservative for some cases, however, the AISI Specification l

provided a better prediction than AISC and Canadian Specifications2,3.

(d) In general, European design fonnulas 3. 4 were found to be more conservative

than the AISI Specification l .

(e) In general, for Type III failures of single bolt configurations, the AISI

Specification l provides a better prediction of the failure load, than does the

AISC Specification2 or Canadian Specifications2 . For other bolt configurations,

the AISI Specification l is more conservative than the AISC Specification and

the Canadian Specifications2,J

Table IV. Summary Of Statistical Data For Type III Failure Mode From Appendix A

Table No. of Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY
Pts. 5950 5950 CSA CSA

SS-W-IB 29 1.021 0.170 0.735 0.306 1.234 0.251 1.302 0.272 0.736 0.303
SS-W-2BP 13 1.237 0.166 1.094 0.059 1.372 0.106 1.393 0.091 1.094 0.059

SS-W-3BP 8 1.098 0.028 1.082 0.026 1.231 0.017 1.249 0.014 1.082 0.026
SS-W-2BL 8 1.147 0.022 0.905 0.072 1.329 0.024 1.917 0.091 0.901 0.078

SS-W-3BL 8 1.136 0.019 0.969 0.042 1.330 0.020 2.137 0.096 0.964 0.046

DS-W-IB 30 1.309 0.170 0.896 0.164 1.551 0.222 1.643 0.244 0.895 0.166

DS-W-2BP 23 1.410 0.092 1.245 0.119 1.589 0.083 1.641 0.071 1.245 0.119

DS-W-3BP 47 1.330 0.123 1.096 0.053 1.429 0.096 1. 510 O. 100 1.096 0.053

DS-W-2BL 12 1.186 0.076 1.117 0.128 1.414 0.075 1.565 0.117 1.117 0.128

DS-W-3BL 77 1.123 0.064 0.982 0.104 1.353 0.066 2.035 0.168 0.978 0.105

SS-WO-IB 8 1.318 0.035 1.098 0.035 1.388 0.033 1.388 0.033 1.098 0.035 w
Table IV. Continued

Table No. of Mean COY Mean COV Mean COV Mean COY Mean COY
Pts. 5950 5950 CSA CSA

SS-WO-2BP 2 1.225 0.024 1.024 0.024 1.184 0.024 1.184 0.024 1.024 0.024

SS-WO-3BP 2 1.017 0.007 0.953 0.007 1.142 0.007 1.142 0.007 0.953 0.007

SS-WO-2BL 5 1.288 0.048 1.078 0.044 1.520 0.071 1.697 0.161 1.078 0.044

SS-WO-3BL 1 1.030 N.A. 0.820 N.A. 1.130 N.A. 1.730 N.A. 0.820 N.A.

DS-WO-2BP 14 1.458 0.139 1.009 0.047 1.236 0.071 1.298 0.121 1.009 0.047
DS-WO-3BP 45 1.563 0.089 1.070 0.039 1.387 0.086 1.465 0.094 1.070 0.039

OS-WO-2BL 9 1.220 0.034 1.022 0.\03 \.323 0.061 1.496 0.143 1.022 0.103

OS-WO-3BL 74 1.193 0.033 0.970 0.067 IJt1fi 0.053 2.025 0.172 0.966 0.070

N.A. ~ Not Applicable IB = One Bolt

COV == Coefficient of Variation 2BP = Two Bolts Perpendicular To The Line Of Stress
SS - Single Shear 3BP = Three Bolts Perpendicular To The Line Of Stress
OS ~
Double Shear 2BL = Two Bolts In The Line Of Stress
W ~
With Washers 3BL = Three Bolts In The Line Of Stress
WO ~
Without Washers w
Table V. Summary Of Statistical Data For Type II Failure Mode From Appendix B

Table No. of Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY
Pts. 5950 5950 CSA CSA

SS-W-IB 26 1.002 0.202 1.002 0.202 1.381 0.345 1.516 0.309 1.097 0.255 1.274 0.174

SS-WO-IB 4 1.252 0.166 0.927 0.166 1.596 0.163 2.159 0.164 0.995 0.157 1.643 0.165

SS-WO-2BP 1 0.890 N.A. 0.660 N.A. 1.160 N.A. 1.660 N.A. 1.320 N.A. 1.310 N.A.

SS-WO-3BP 2 0.999 0.014 0.740 0.014 1.129 0.014 1.635 0.014 0.740 0.014 0.973 0.014

N.A. = Not Applicable 2BL = Two Bolts In The Line Of Stress

COV = Coefficient Of Variation 3BL = Three Bolts In The Line Of Stress
F.Z. = Farzin Zadenfarrokh's Thesis * = Deformation Around The Bolt Hole Is Not A Design
SS - Single Shear Consideration
OS = Double Shear
W = With Washers
WO = Without Washers
IB = One Bolt
2BP = Two Bolts Perpendicular To The Line Of Stress
3BP = Three Bolts Perpendicular To The Line Of Stress

Table VI. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type II & III Failure Mode From Appendix C

Table No. FM Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY
Data * * 5950 5950 CSA CSA

SS-W-IB 39 III 0.914 0.265 0.568 0.456 1.046 0.301 1.139 0.307 0.565 0.462 N.A. N.A.

II 0.927 0.423 0.918 0.209 1.351 0.316 1.423 0.282 1.074 0.238 1.241 0.216

SS-WO-IB 6 III 0.974 0.114 0.554 0.267 0.858 0.097 0.903 0.079 0.554 0.267 N.A. N.A.

II 0.828 0.213 0.606 0.223 0.965 0.300 1.351 0.229 0.781 0.385 1.012 0.313

FM = Failure Mode
COV = Coefficient Of Variation
F.Z. = Farzin Zadenfarrokh's Thesis
SS = Single Shear
OS = Double Shear
W = With Washers
WO = Without Washers
IB = One Bolt
= Deformation Around The Bolt Hole Is Not A Design Consideration

Table VII. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type I & II Failure Mode From Appendix D

Table No. Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY
Data 5950 5950 CSA CSA

SS-W-IB 23 1. 107 O. 151 1. 107 0.151 1.744 0.294 1.780 0.269 1.151 0.133 1.267 0.157

~S-W-IB 69 1.268 0.207 1.359 0.184 2.118 0.207 2.181 0.191 1.518 0.191 1.693 0.202

SS--WO-IB 9 0.921 0.200 0.681 0.200 1.050 0.135 1.466 0.126 0.865 0.246 1.473 0.121

SS-WO-2BP 0.980 N.A. 0.730 N.A. 1.160 N.A. 1.610 N.A. 0.740 N.A. 1.210 N.A.

SS-WO-3BP 2 0.884 0.015 0.654 0.015 I. 338 0.015 I.772 0.015 0.981 0.015 I.616 0.0 IS

DS-WO-IB 39 1.223 0.168 1.217 0.170 1.941 0242 2.673 0.214 1.386 0.382 2.081 0.237

COV = Coefficient Of Variation W = With Washers

* = Deformation Around The Bolt Hole Is WO = Without Washers
Not A Design Consideration IB = One Bolt
F.Z. = Farzin Zadenfarrokh's Thesis 3BP = Three Bolts Perpendicular To The Line Of Stress
SS = Single Shear 2BP = Two Bolts Perpendicular To The Line Of Stress
DS = Double Shear N.A. = Not Applicable w
Table VIII. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type I & III Failure Mode From Appendix E

Table No. of Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY
Pts. 5950 5950 CSA CSA

SS-W-IB 9 0.865 0.061 0.443 0.205 1.100 0.072 1.185 0.069 0435 0.223

DS-W-IB 7 0.946 0.203 0548 0.346 1.171 0.255 1.263 0.261 0.548 0.340

DS-W-2BP I1 1.233 0.130 0.895 0.127 1.357 o 139 1471 0.130 0.895 o 127
DS-W-3BP 10 1.267 0.092 0994 0.078 1.380 0.065 1482 0.071 0.994 0.078

DS-WO-2BP 12 1657 o 129 0852 0101 I 307 o 128 1414 o 117 0852 o 101
DS-WO-3BP 8 I 5 13 0 078 0 968 0041 I 346 0057 1446 0680 0968 0041

COY = Coefticient of Variation

SS = Single Shear
DS = Double Shear
W = With Washers
WO = Without Washers
IB = One Bolt
2BP = Two Bolts Perpendicular To The Line Of Stress
3BP Three Bolts Perpendicular To The Line Of Stress W
Table IX. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type II & Y Failure Mode From Appendix F

Table No of Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY
Pts 5950 5950 CSA CSA

SS-W-IB 16 0.902 0.159 0902 o 159 1454 0156 1495 0146 1067 0206 1200 0162

SS-WO-IB 10 0.752 0.091 0556 0.091 0972 0091 1.296 0.091 0.759 0091 1.447 0091

DS-WO-IB 2 .0.876 0.049 0.877 0.049 1.549 0.049 2.065 0.049 1.218 0.049 1.493 0.049

COY = Coefficient of Variation

F.Z. = Farzin Zadenfarrokh's Thesis
SS = Single Shear
DS = Double Shear
W = With Washers
WO = Without Washers
IB = One Bolt
* = Deformation Around The Bolt Hole Is Not A Design Consideration

Table X. Summary Of Statistical Data For Combination Type I & II & III Failure From Appendix G

Table No. FM Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY Mean COY
Data 5950 5950 CSA CSA

SS-W-IB 6 III 0.885 0.122 0.745 0.202 0.868 0.125 0.912 0.))7 0.745 0.202 N.A. N.A.

II 0.774 0.720t 0.718 0.162 0.817 0.108 0.865 0.086 0.842 0.110 1.124 0.137

FM = Failure Mode
COY = Coefficient of Variation
F.Z. = Farzin Zadenfarrokh's Thesis
SS = Single Shear
W = With Washers
IB = One Bolt
* = Deformation Around The Bolt Hole Is Not A Design Consideration
t = Unreasonable Coefficient Of Variation, Possibly Due To The Use OfGr. E Steel




To evaluate the effect of hole deformation on the load capacity of bolted

connections, experimental work was conducted to investigate further the bearing

strength and tensile strength of bolted connections made of thin flat sheets. The test

specimens were designed such that joint failure would occur due to bearing (failure Type

II), fracture in the net section (failure Type Ill), or a combination of bearing and fracture

in the net section. The specimens were designed for the following parameters: (1)

thickness of steel: 0.04 inches, 0.07 inches and 0.12 inches; (2) ratios of dis: 0.12, 0.15

and 0.31; (3) 1/2 inch diameter A325T bolts; (4) bolt pattern configurations, as shown in

Figure 3; and (5) with and without washers. All tests were single shear connections and

were performed using the 120,000 pound Tinius Olsen Universal Testing machine (Fig.

4) located in the Engineering Research Laboratory of the University of Missouri-Rolla.


Tensile coupon tests were conducted to obtain the mechanical properties of the

steel sheets. Table XI shows the mechanical properties and thicknesses of the test

specimens used in the investigation. The mechanical properties were determined by

standard coupon tests per ASTM A370 procedures.


n I \

0 i ,-1
\ ,-,

Q) ~~t
I~ s I
~I I~ s ~ I~ s ~
Type B Type C
Type A

s s
2 s 2" 2 s
Type D Type E

Figure 3. Test Specimens Used In The Present Experimental Studies.


One hundred and two test assemblies were fabricated for this phase of the

experimental investigation. This allowed for the testing of three identical tests ofthe

thirty-four different bolted connections. Each assembly conSIsted of two identical flat

sheet test specimens, bolted together (Figure 5). Figure 3 shows the various types of

specimens tested. Type A is a one bolt, Type B is two bolts in the line of stress, Type C
Figure 4. Photograph Of The Tinius 01 en Te ting achin.

is three bolts in the line of stress, Type D is two bolts perpendicular to th lin 0

and Type E is two rows of two bolts perpendicular to the lin of tr

The purpose of fabricating three identical te

bolted connections was to provide consistent re ult in identical bol ed co io t

Initially all three identical test assemblies were tested. the e ting program

proceeded, it became apparent that if the first and econd te t ga e con i

the third test was not providing any additional u eful infonnation. 0

provide for a more efficient testing program, it as d id tha if h d

tests gave consistent results, the third test ould not be conduct d. 10

Table XI. Material Properties And Thicknesses Of Steel Sheets Used In The Present
Experimental Studies

Test Number t Fy Fu Elongation

(in.) (ksi) (ksi) (%)*

18G2 0.042 35.83 56.29 50

18G3 0.042 35.77 55.39 50
Average = 35.80 55.84
14G1 0.073 31.89 52.40 50
14G2 0.071 31.72 52.25 50
14G3 0.070 32.58 52.76 50
Average = 32.06 52.47
11G1 0.120 36.97 53.37 44
lIG2 0.120 36.38 53.32 44
IIG3 0.120 36.48 52.36 44
Average = 36.61 53.02

* Elongation was measured over a 2-in. gage length

assemblies fabricated, it was only necessary to test seventy-five assemblies. Table XII

lists the dimensions and mechanical properties of the seventy-five tests that were


All tests used 1/2 inch diameter A325T bolts with 9/16 inch diameter punched bolt

holes. Washers were used on some of the assemblies, but since it is more common in

practice not to use washers under the head and nut of a bolted connection, the majority

of the tests did not include washers. Of the seventy-five assemblies tested, twenty-five

were tested with washers as indicated in Table XII.


-----Specimen -------

------Specimen ---......

Side View Front View

Figure 5. Typical Test Assembly (Type A Specimens Shown).


1. Attachment of Test Assembly to Testing Machine: Because most of the test

specimens that were used were too wide to be gripped by the testing machine, specially

designed grip plates were connected to each end ofthe test assembly to transmit the

applied loads (Figure 6). Two different types of grip plates were required due to the

u.ll.J.\;rent bolts configurations (Figure 7). Type 1 grip plate was used for Type A, B and

C test specimens and Type 2 grip plate for Type D and E test specimens. The

specimens were connected to the grip plates using 1/2 inch diameter A325T bolts.
Table XII. Dimension And Mechanical Properties GfTest Assemblies

Assembly d t e e) s e/d d/t dis Fy Fu Fu / Fy

Number (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi)

AY22-1 0.5 0.072 1.992 N.A. 3.268 3.984 6.944 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
AY22-2 0.5 0.070 1.999 N.A. 3.260 3.998 7.143 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64

AY23-1 0.5 0.070 2.006 N.A. 4.019 4.012 7.143 0.124 32.06 52.47 1.64

AY23-3 0.5 0.070 2.002 N.A. 4.025 4.004 7.143 0.124 32.06 52.47 1.64

BY13-1 0.5 0.042 2.009 1.994 4.001 4.018 11.905 0.125 35.80 55.84 1.56

BY 13-2 0.5 0.043 2.007 1.989 4.007 4.014 11.628 0.125 35.80 55.84 1.56

BY13-3 0.5 0.044 2.008 1.988 4.006 4.016 11.364 0.125 35.80 55.84 1.56

AN32-1 0.5 O. 1I8 2.003 N.A. 3.266 4.006 4.237 0.153 36.61 53.02 1.45

AN32-2 0.5 0.116 2.000 N.A. 3.260 4.000 4.310 0.153 36.61 53.02 1.45

AN33-1 0.5 0.118 2.001 N.A. 4.013 4.002 4.237 0.125 36.61 53.02 1.45

AN33-2 0.5 0.120 2.002 N.A. 4.013 4.004 4.167 0.125 36.61 53.02 1.45

BN33-1 0.5 0.119 2.002 2.000 4.019 4.004 4.202 0.124 36.61 53.02 1.45

BN33-2 0.5 0.119 2.004 2.002 4.019 4.008 4.202 0.124 36.61 53.02 1.45

DN12-2 0.5 0.043 1.998 N.A. 3.255 3.996 11.628 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56

DN12-3 0.5 0.042 1.998 N.A. 3.255 3.996 11.905 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56 .p.
Table XII. Continued

Assembly d t e el s eld dlt dis Fy Fu Fu I Fy

Number (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi)

DN22-1 0.5 0.070 2.001 N.A. 3.259 4.002 7.143 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
DN22-2 0.5 0.071 1.996 N.A. 3.258 3.992 7.042 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
AY12-1 0.5 0.042 2.001 N.A. 3.242 4.001 11.905 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56
AY12-2 0.5 0.043 2.001 N.A. 3.244 4.002 11.628 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56
BY12-1 0.5 0.045 2.003 1.996 3.239 4.005 11.111 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56
BY12-2 0.5 0.045 2.003 2.001 3.242 4.006 11.111 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56
BY12-3 0.5 0.042 2.004 1.999 3.242 4.008 11.905 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56
BY22-1 0.5 0.071 2.002 1.992 3.266 4.004 7.042 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
BY22-2 0.5 0.070 2.001 2.004 3.264 4.002 7.143 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
BY22-3 0.5 0.070 1.999 2.003 3.267 3.998 7.143 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
BN32-1 0.5 0.118 2.001 2.001 3.262 4.002 4.237 0.153 36.61 53.02 1.45
BN32-2 0.5 0.117 2.004 2.002 3.254 4.008 4.274 0.154 36.61 53.02 1.45
DN32-1 0.5 0.120 2.001 N.A. 3.263 4.002 4.167 0.153 36.61 53.02 1.45
DN32-2 0.5 0.118 2.001 N.A. 3.261 4.002 4.237 0.153 36.61 53.02 1.45
EN12-1 0.5 0.043 2.003 2.000 3.255 4.006 11.628 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56
Table XII. Continued

Assembly d t e el s e/d d/t dis Fy Fu Fu I Fy

Number (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi)

EN12-2 0.5 0.043 2.001 2.000 3.257 4.002 11.628 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56
EN22-1 0.5 0.071 2.003 1.998 3.258 4.006 7.042 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
EN22-2 0.5 0.072 2.001 2.001 3.253 4.002 6.944 0.154 32.06 52.47 1.64
EN32-1 0.5 0.118 1.996 1.998 3.262 3.992 4.237 0.153 36.61 53.02 1.45
EN32-2 0.5 0.117 1.998 1.995 3.261 3.996 4.274 0.153 36.61 53.02 1.45
AYll-l 0.5 0.042 1.999 N.A. 1.610 3.998 11.905 0.311 35.80 55.84 1.56
AYll-2 0.5 0.042 2.001 N.A. 1.607 4.002 11.905 0.311 35.80 55.84 1.56
AY2l-1 0.5 0.071 1.995 N.A. 1.646 3.990 7.042 0.304 32.06 52.47 1.64
AY21-2 0.5 0.071 2.000 N.A. 1.635 4.000 7.042 0.306 32.06 52.47 1.64
BYll-l 0.5 0.042 2.002 2.003 1.608 4.004 11.905 0.311 35.80 55.84 1.56

BY11-2 0.5 0.044 2.002 2.003 1.612 4.004 11.364 0.310 35.80 55.84 1.56

BY11-3 0.5 0.043 1.995 2.004 1.612 3.990 11.628 0.310 35.80 55.84 1.56

BY21-1 0.5 0.070 1.993 2.008 1.646 3.986 7.143 0.304 32.06 52.47 1.64

BY21-2 0.5 0.072 1.996 2.005 1.643 3.992 6.944 0.304 32.06 52.47 1.64

BY21-3 0.5 0.072 1.998 2.004 1.648 3.996 6.944 0.303 32.06 52.47 1.64
Table XII. Continued

Assembly d t e el s e/d d/t dis Fy Fu Fu I Fy

Number (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi)

AN31-2 0.5 0.116 1.998 N.A. 1.644 3.996 4.310 0.304 36.61 53.02 1.45
AN31-3 0.5 0.117 1.998 N.A. 1.633 3.996 4.274 0.306 36.61 53.02 1.45
BN31-1 0.5 0.118 1.999 2.003 1.630 3.998 4.237 0.307 36.61 53.02 1.45
BN31-2 0.5 0.118 1.997 2.005 1.627 3.994 4.237 0.307 36.61 53.02 1.45
CNll-l 0.5 0.043 2.000 1.997 1.611 4.000 11.628 0.310 35.80 55.84 1.56
CNII-2 0.5 0.043 2.002 1.997 1.612 4.004 11.628 0.310 35.80 55.84 1.56
CN12-1 0.5 0.043 2.004 1.997 3.240 4.008 11.628 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56
CN12-2 0.5 0.043 2.002 2.000 3.239 4.004 11.628 0.154 35.80 55.84 1.56
CN21-1 0.5 0.071 1.995 1.996 1.647 3.990 7.042 0.304 32.06 52.47 1.64
CN21-2 0.5 0.072 1.998 1.996 1.640 3.996 6.944 0.305 32.06 52.47 1.64
CN21-3 0.5 0.072 1.998 1.997 1.641 3.996 6.944 0.305 32.06 52.47 1.64
CN22-1 0.5 0.071 2.003 1.997 3.262 4.006 7.042 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
CN22-2 0.5 0.072 2.004 1.996 3.266 4.008 6.944 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
CN22-3 0.5 0.071 2.002 1.995 3.266 4.004 7.042 0.153 32.06 52.47 1.64
CN31-2 0.5 0.120 2.000 1.998 1.636 4.000 4.167 0.306 36.61 53.02 1.45
Table XII. Continued

Assembly d t e el s e/d d/t dis Fy Fu Fu / Fy

Number (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi)

CN31-3 0.5 0.121 1.994 1.996 1.636 3.988 4.132 0.306 36.61 53.02 1.45
CN32-1 0.5 0.121 2.002 1.998 3.264 4.004 4.132 0.153 36.61 53.02 1.45
CN32-2 0.5 0.120 2.002 1.996 3.254 4.004 4.167 0.154 36.61 53.02 1.45
DN31-1 0.5 0.120 2.001 N.A. 1.628 4.002 4.167 0.307 36.61 53.02 1.45
DN31-2 0.5 0.116 2.000 N.A. 1.631 4.000 4.310 0.307 36.61 53.02 1.45
ENI I-I 0.5 0.044 1.996 2.002 1.618 3.992 11.364 0.309 35.80 55.84 1.56
EN11-2 0.5 0.043 1.994 2.005 1.622 3.988 11.628 0.308 35.80 55.84 1.56
EN21-1 0.5 0.072 1.995 2.000 1.635 3.990 6.944 0.306 32.06 52.47 1.64
EN21-2 0.5 0.072 1.999 2.002 1.632 3.998 6.944 0.306 32.06 52.47 1.64
EN31-1 0.5 0./17 1.999 2.004 1.630 3.998 4.274 0.307 36.61 53.02 1.45
EN31-2 0.5 0.118 1.994 2.011 1.630 3.988 4.237 . 0.307 36.61 53.02 1.45
DNll-l 0.5 0.041 2.001 N.A. 1.622 4.002 12.195 0.308 35.80 55.84 1.56
DNll-2 0.5 0.042 1.995 N.A. 1.620 3.990 11.905 0.309 35.80 55.84 1.56
DN21-1 0.5 0.072 2.001 N.A. 1.633 4.002 6.944 0.306 32.06 52.47 1.64
DN21-2 0.5 0.071 2.000 N.A. 1.633 4.000 7.042 0.306 32.06 52.47 1.64
Table XII. Continued

N.A. = Not Applicable

A: Specimen Type (A, B, C, D or E)
Y: Washers (Y = Yes, N = No)
2: Sheet Thickness (1= 0.04 in., 2 = 0.07 in., 3 = 0.12 in.)
2: "s" (I = 1.625 in., 2 = 3.250 in., 3 = 4.000 in.)
I: Test Number


Figure 6. Photograph Of Grip Plates Attached To The Test Assembly And Testing
Machine (Type 1 Shown).

2. Installation ofBolts: Two identical test specimens were bolted together to

form a test assembly_ The bolts were snugged tight to simulate the bolt tightening

procedure in practice. To insure the approximate same bolt tightness between test

assemblies, the same individual tightened the bolts for the test assemblies.
.-i- I
CP q)---t~_~~~'2;'L~ ~
I I I 010. Holes ----'-

1~51 _ ~"-~. ._2:~~r~ . . 1 2.5"

Type 1
CO -Lf)
u -

--$- cD 0.25" PL ~

1.O I I I

ep ep

Dio. Holes


I 1 :)" I 2" I
-~.__ ~_+-4-014..
2" I 2.75" I 9.25
co 18. -375"
I.... ~
o Type 2
Figure 7. Detail Of Grip Plates.

Slippage between the two identical flat sheet test specimens was acceptable, but

slippage between the test specimens and the grip plates was not. Therefore, the ends of

the specimens, which were to be attached to the grip plates, were roughened using

sandpaper. The test assembly was bolted to the grip plates using 1/2 inch diameter A325T

bolts with washers. These bolts were tightened to achieve a tightness much greater than

snug, to aid in preventing slippage between the test specimens and the grip plates.

3. Measurement ofLoad and Elongation: The elongation of the bolted connections

was measured using a LVDT attached to the test assembly as shown in Figure 8. A detail

of the attachment is shown in Figure 9. The applied load and elongation readings of the

connection were recorded at one second intervals, using a computer data acquisition

system. Typical load deflection curves are given in Appendix H. The failure load, P u1t,

was recorded for each test assembly and is given in Section V. The failure load per bolt

can be computed by dividing P u1t by the number of bolts in the connection.


Figure 8. Photograph OfLVDT Attached To A Typical Test Assembly (Type A

Specimens Shown).

~----- Spec i men - -_______

0.3125 Dia.
Threaded Rori

- - 1 7/1 6" x 1 7/1 6"

x .3/16"Angle

2" x 0.25" PL.

Nut o o
L---+t-l.1875" x Top Fixture
0.25" PL.
- .<:!
lnQ ,, ,
,, 0.6875" Dia. . >,
, o~
L J x 1.375" Steel t.. ..J






Specimen 9.25"

Side View Front View

Figure 9. Detail OfLVDT Attached To A Typical Test Assembly (Type A

Specimens Shown).



The results of the recent connection tests are summarized in Table XIII. Table

XIII lists the assembly number, failure type, tested ultimate tensile force, P u1t, and the

tested tensile force at 0.25 in. connection elongation, P'. This data is classified by failure

type and is presented in Subsections B and C. A comparison ofP uIt to the current AISI

Specification1and AISC Specification2 is also discussed.

The evaluation of test data was divided into two parts. The first part focused on

bearing capacity and the development of a hole deformation or serviceability limit. The

second part focused on determining if the AISI Specification1 or the AISC Specification2

was a better predictor of the nominal tensile capacity for fracture in the net section.


1. Comparison of Design Specifications: The nominal bearing capacity according

to the AISI Specification 1 and AISC Specification2, defined in Section III as Equations

33 and 34, respectively, were reviewed and compared to the test results (Tables XIV

through XVII). Tables XIV through XVII compare the test results with the AISI

Specification 1 and the AISC Specification2 for the assemblies which failed by Type II

failure mode, or a combination failure mode that included Type II. Each table lists the

tested ultimate force, P ult; the calculated nominal capacity corresponding to the failure

mode; the ratio of P ult to the calculated nominal capacity and the statistical data for the

ratio ofP ull to the calculated nominal capacity.


Table XIII. Test Results

Assembly Failure Pult p'

Number Type (kips) (kips)

AY22-1 II 5.80 3.90

AY22-2 II 5.73 3.87
AY23-1 II 5.96 3.85
AY23-3 II 6.00 4.12
BY13-1 II 4.85 4.82
BY13-2 II 5.08 4.24
BY13-3 II 4.79 4.00
AN32-1 II 8.09 7.09
AN32-2 II 8.20 7.62
AN33-1 II 9.00 7.29
AN33-2 II 8.95 7.10
BN33-1 II 14.60 12.62
BN33-2 II 14.38 12.52
DN12-2 II 4.74 3.71
DN12-3 II 4.74 3.95
DN22-1 II 8.43 7.17
DN22-2 II 8.50 7.00
AY12-1 II & III 2.45 2.32
AY12-2 II & III 2.42 2.17
BY12-1 II & III 5.37 4.43
BY12-2 II & III 5.13 4.17
BY12-3 II & III 5.33 4.03
BY22-1 II & III 9.63 6.82
BY22-2 II & III 9.53 6.79
BY22-3 II & III 9.53 7.58
BN32-1 II & III 14.46 13.74

Table XIII. Continued

Assembly Failure Pult p'

Number Type (kips) (kips)

BN32-2 II &III 14.69 13.68

DN32-1 II&V 15.75 13.42
DN32-2 II&V 16.08 13.17
EN12-1 II&V 8.65 7.33
EN12-2 II&V 8.70 7.17
EN22-1 II&V 15.77 12.59
EN22-2 II&V 15.74 12.77
EN32-1 II&V 28.83 23.17
EN32-2 II&V 29.00 22.17
AY11-1 III 2.42 2.10
AYIl-2 III 2.27 2.15
AY21-1 III 3.86 3.47
AY21-2 III 4.03 3.37
BY11-1 III 2.44 2.04
BYll-2 III 2.64 2.56
BYII-3 III 2.33 2.17
BY21-1 III 4.11 3.56
BY21-2 III 4.12 3.92

BY21-3 III 4.26 4.14

AN31-2 III 6.58 5.58

AN31-3 III 6.54 5.77

BN31-1 III 6.60 *

BN31-2 III 6.60 6.54

CNll-l III 2.29 2.26

CN11-2 III 2.33 2.26

CN12-1 III 5.74 4.85


Table XIII. Continued

Assembly Failure Pult p'

Number Type (kips) (kips)

CN12-2 III 5.74 4.70

CN21-1 III 4.09 3.94
CN21-2 III 4.06 3.92
CN21-3 III 4.03 3.96
CN22-1 III 9.60 8.45
CN22-2 III 9.63 8.11
CN22-3 III 9.63 8.15
CN31-2 III 6.92 6.87
CN31-3 III 6.75 *
CN32-1 III 16.00 14.54
CN32-2 III 15.83 14.42
DN31-1 III 12.40 10.87
DN31-2 III 12.00 10.27
ENll-l III 4.81 4.45
ENII-2 III 4.83 4.45
EN21-1 III 8.41 7.64
EN21-2 III 8.41 7.55
EN31-1 III 13.23 13.23
EN31-2 III 13.54 13.54
DNll-1 III & V 4.07 3.52
DNII-2 III & V 4.21 3.35
DN21-1 111& V 7.19 5.92
DN21-2 111& V 7.08 5.75

* Pull Reached Before 0.25-in. Connection Elongation


Table XIV. Comparison Of Test Results With AISI Specification l And AISC
Specifications2 For Failure Type II

AISI Pult/
AISI Eq.33 Putt / AISI
Eq.33 No AISC AISI Eq. 33 Pult/
Assembly Pull Washers Washers Eq.34 Eq. 33 No AISC
Number (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) Washers Washers Eq.34

AY22-1 5.80 5.667 N.A. 5.667 1.024 N.A. 1.024

AY22-2 5.73 5.509 N.A. 5.509 1.040 N.A. 1.040
AY23-1 5.96 5.509 N.A. 5.509 1.082 N.A. 1.082
AY23-3 6.00 5.509 N.A. 5.509 1.089 N.A. 1.089
BY13-1 4.85 7.036 N.A. 7.036 0.689 N.A. 0.689
BY13-2 5.08 7.203 N.A. 7.203 0.705 N.A. 0.705
BY13-3 4.79 7.371 N.A. 7.371 0.650 N.A. 0.650
AN32-1 8.09 N.A. 6.945 9.385 N.A. 1.165 0.862
AN32-2 8.20 N.A. 6.827 9.226 N.A. 1.201 0.889
AN33-1 9.00 N.A. 6.945 9.385 N.A. 1.296 0.959
AN33-2 8.95 N.A. 7.063 9.544 N.A. 1.267 0.938
BN33-1 14.60 N.A. 14.007 18.929 N.A. 1.042 0.771
BN33-2 14.38 N.A. 14.007 18.929 N.A. 1.027 0.760
DN12-2 4.74 N.A. 5.331 7.203 N.A. 0.889 0.658
DN12-3 4.74 N.A. 5.207 7.036 N.A. 0.910 0.674
DN22-1 8.43 N.A 8.154 11.019 N.A. 1.034 0.765
DN22-2 8.50 N.A 8.270 11.176 N.A. 1.028 0.761

Mean 1.008 0.842

Std. Dev. 0.184 0.150
COV 0.182 0.178

N.A. = Not Applicable

Table XV Comparison Of Test Results With AISI Specification I And AISC Specification 2 For Combination Failure
Type II and III (Bearing)

AISI AISI P ull / P ull /

Eq. 33 Eq. 33 AISC AISI AISI P uIt /

Assembly Pull Washers No Washers Eq 34 Eq. 33 Eq. 33 AISC

Number (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) Washers No Washers Eq. 34

AYI2-1 2.45 3.518 N.A. 3.518 0.696 N.A. 0.696

AY12-2 2.42 3.602 N.A. 3.602 0.672 N.A. 0.672

BYI2-1 5.37 7.539 N.A. 7.539 0.712 N.A. 0.712

BY12-2 5.13 7.539 N.A. 7.539 0.681 N.A. 0.681

BY12-3 5.33 7.036 N.A. 7.036 0.758 N.A. 0.758

BY22-1 9.63 11.176 N.A. 11.176 0.862 N.A. 0.862

BY22-2 9.53 11.019 N.A. 11.019 0.865 N.A. 0.865

BY22-3 9.53 11.019 N.A. 11.019 0.865 N.A. 0.865

BN32-1 14.46 N.A. 13.890 18.770 N.A. 1.041 0.770

BN32-2 14.69 N.A. 13.772 18.611 N.A. 1.067 0.789

Mean 0.822 0.767
N.A. = Not Applicable Std. Dev. 0.137 0.073
Std. Dev. = Standard Deviation COY 0.167 0.095
COV = Coefficient of Variation
Table XVI. Comparison Of Test Results With AlSI Specification l And AISC Specification2 For Combination Failure Type II And III
(Tension, Fracture Through The Net Section)

AISI AlSI Pult / Pult /

Assembly Putt Washers No Washers AISC(I) AISC(2) AISI AISI Putt / Pult /
Number (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) Washer No Washers AISC (1) AISC (2)

AY12-1 2.45 3.533 N.A. 6.278 6.132 0.694 N.A. 0.390 0.400

AY12-2 2.42 3.616 N.A. 6.430 6.280 0.669 N.A. 0.376 0.385

BY12-1 5.37 5.252 N.A. 6.719 6.562 1.023 N.A. 0.799 0.818

1iY12-2 5.13 5.254 N.A. 6.724 6.567 0.976 N.A. 0.763 0.781

BY12-3 5.33 4.904 N.A. 6.276 6.129 1.087 N.A. 0.849 0.870

BY22-1 9.63 7.859 N.A. 10.081 9.848 1.225 N.A. 0.955 0.978

BY22-2 9.53 7.742 N.A. 9.928 9.698 1.231 N.A. 0.960 0.983

BY22-3 9.53 7.748 N.A. 9.939 9.709 1.230 N.A. 0.959 0.982

BN32-1 14.46 N.A. 11.687 16.899 16.508 N.A. 1.237 0.856 0.876

BN32-2 14.69 N.A. II. 558 16.700 16.312 N.A. 1.271 0.880 0.901
Mean 1.064 0.779 0.797
N.A. = Not Applicable Std. Dev. 0.214 0.208 0.213
Std. Dev. = Standard Deviation COV 0.201 0.267 0.267
COV = Coefficient of Variation
(I) = Cross-Sectional Area Equal To Net Cross-Sectional Area
(2) = Cross-Sectional Area Determined Assuming Bolt Hole Dia. Equal To Actual Bolt Hole Dia. Plus 1116-in.
Table XVII. Comparison Of Test Results With AISI Specification l and AISC Specification2
For Combination Failure Type II and V (Bearing)

AISI Pull /
Eq. 33 AISC AISI Puil /
Assembly P uil No Washers Eq.34 Eq. 33 AISC
Number (kips) (kips) (kips) No Washers Eq.34

DN32-1 15.75 14.125 19.088 1.115 0.825

DN32-2 16.08 13.890 18.770 1.158 0.857
EN12-1 8.65 10.661 14.407 0.811 0.600
EN12-2 8.70 10.661 14.407 0.816 0.604
EN22-1 15.77 16.541 22.352 0.953 0.706
EN22-2 15.74 16.774 22.667 0.938 0.694
EN32-1 28.83 27.779 37.540 1.038 0.768
EN32-2 29.00 27.544 37.221 1.053 0.779
Mean 0.985 0.729
Std. Dev. 0.120 0.089
COV 0.122 0.122

N.A. = Not Applicable

Std. Dev. = Standard Deviation
COV = Coefficient of Variation



Table XIV lists the test assemblies, with and without washers, which failed by Type

II failure mode (Figure 10). Considering all the data in Table XIV, the ratio ofP u1t to the

calculated nominal bearing capacity varied from 0.650 to 1.296 for the AISI

Specification l and from 0.650 to 1.089 for the AISC Specification2 . Comparing the

statistical data for the ratio P u1t to the calculated nominal bearing capacity for all the data,

showed that the AISI Specificationl correlates slightly better with P u1t than does the

AISC Specification2 for this data. The mean, standard deviation and coefficient of

variation was 1.008,0.184 and 0.182, respectively for the AISI Specification! and 0.842,

0.150 and 0.178 respectively, for the AISC Specification2 .

Tables XV and XVI list the test assemblies which failed by a combination of Type

II and III failure modes (Figure 11). Table XV compares the test results against the

AISI Specification! and AISC Specification2 calculated nominal bearing capacity; Table

XVI compares the test results with the AISI Specification! and AISC Specification2

calculated nominal tensile capacity for fracture in the net section. The ratio of P u1t to the

calculated nominal bearing capacity varied from 0.672 to 1.067 and from 0.672 to 0.865

for the AISI Specification! and AISC Specification2, respectively. The AISI

Specification! ratio ofPu1t to the calculated nominal tensile force ranged from 0.669 to

1.271. The ratio ofP u1t to the calculated nominal tensile capacity for the AISC

Specification2 (1) varied from 0.376 to 0.960; for AISC Specification2 (2) the ratio

varied from 0.385 to 0.983. The low values are for single bolt connections having failed

by a combined failure mode, which is not covered in the AISC Specification2. This type

of connection is not typical for hot-rolled construction. For tests conducted in this
study, both the AISI Specification! and the AISC Specification calculated nominal

Figure 11. Photograph Of A Typical Test Assembly Failing By Combination Type II

And ill Failure Mode (Type B Specimens Shown).

tensile capacities provided better correlation to the ultimate tested load, Pult, than did the

nominal bearing capacities; this can be seen by observing the statistical data for the ratio

ofPult to the calculated nominal capacities. The AISI Specification! mean, standard

deviation and coefficient of variation for the ratio Pult to the calculated nominal capacity

was 0.822, 0.137 and 0.167 respectively for bearing and 1.064, 0.214 and 0.201

respectively for tension. The AISC Specification2 mean, standard deviation and

coefficient of variation for the ratio ofPuIt to the calculated nominal bearing capacity was

0.767,0.073 and 0.095, respectively; the AISC Specification2 mean, standard deviation

and coefficient of variation of the ratio ofPult to the calculated nominal tensile capacity

was 0.779, 0.208 and 0.267, respectively for (1) and 0.797,0.213 and 0.267 for (2).

Table XVII lists the assemblies which failed by the combination failure Type II and

V (Figure 12). The ratio of the tested ultimate tensile force, P u1t, to the calculated

nominal bearing capacity varied from 0.811 to 1.158 for the AISI Specification! and

from 0.600 to 0.857 for the AISC Specification2 . For this data, the AISI Specification!

showed better correlation with PUlt than did the AISC Specification2 . This is shown by

comparing the statistical data for the ratio Pult to the calculated nominal bearing capacity.

The mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation was 0.985, 0.120 and 0.122

respectively, for the AISI Specification! and 0.729,0.089 and 0.122 respectively, for the

AISC Specification2 .

2. Development of Deformation or Serviceability Limit: The results of the tests

which failed in bearing (Type II failure mode) or any combination that included bearing

were considered for the serviceability evaluation. The results of the test assemblies

whose failure mode included bearing are listed in Tables XVIII. Table XVIII also lists

Figure 12. Photograph Of A Typical Test Assembly Failing By Combination Type II

And V Failure Mode (Type E Specimens Shown).

the ratio of the tested ultimate tensile force at 0.25 in. connection elongation, pI, to

Equation 35. Equation 35, as defined in Section III, is AISC's nominal bearing capacity

when deformation around the bolt hole is a design consideration. As indicated by the

statistical data for the ratio P'/Eq. 35, Equation 35 is a poor predictor of a deformation

limit for cold-formed steel connections; the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of

variation were 0.805, 0.102 and 0.127, respectively.

The intent of this investigation was to develop an equation for the nominal bearing

capacity, P n' of a bolted connection that would limit the amount of deformation around a

bolt hole to an acceptable limit. For consistency with the AISC Specification2, a

Table XVIII. Evaluation Of Test Results For Deformation Limit

Assembly P' P'/ c P '/

Number (kips) Eq. 35 Eq.46 Eq.47

AY22-1 3.90 0.860 2.065 1.070

AY22-2 3.87 0.878 2.107 1.092
AY23-1 3.85 0.874 2.096 1.086
AY23-3 4.12 0.935 2.243 1.162

BY13-1 4.82 0.856 2.055 1.065

BY13-2 4.24 0.736 1.766 0.915

BY13-3 4.00 0.678 1.628 0.844

AN32-1 7.09 0.944 2.266 1.174

AN32-2 7.62 1.032 2.478 1.284

AN33-1 7.29 0.971 2.330 1.207

AN33-2 7.10 0.930 2.232 1.156

BN33-1 12.62 0.833 2.000 1.036

BN33-2 12.52 0.827 1.984 1.028

DN12-2 3.71 0.644 1.545 0.801

DN12-3 3.95 0.702 1.684 0.873

DN22-1 7.17 0.813 1.952 1.011

DN22-2 7.00 0.783 1.879 0.974

AY12-1 2.32 0.824 1.978 1.025

AY12-2 2.17 0.753 1.807 0.937

BY12-1 4.43 0.735 1.763 0.913

BY12-2 4.17 0.691 1.659 0.860

BY12-3 4.03 0.716 1.718 0.890

BY22-1 6.82 0.763 1.831 0.949

BY22-2 6.79 0.770 1.849 0.958


Table XVIII. Continued

Assembly pI P'I c P'I

Number (kips) Eq.35 Eq.46 Eq.47

BY22-3 7.58 0.860 2.064 1.069

BN32-l 13.74 0.915 2.196 1.138
BN32-2 13.68 0.919 2.205 1.143
DN32-1 13.42 0.879 2.109 1.093
DN32-2 13.17 0.877 2.105 1.091
EN12-1 7.33 0.636 1.526 0.791
EN12-2 7.17 0.622 1.493 0.774
EN22-l 12.59 0.704 1.690 0.876
EN22-2 12.77 0.704 1.690 0.876
EN32-l 23.17 0.772 1.852 0.959
EN32-2 22.17 0.745 1.787 0.926
Mean 0.805 1.930 1.001
Std. Dev. 0.102 0.127
COY 0.127 0.127

deformation limit of 0.25 inches was selected as an acceptable limit. To be consistent

with existing design expressions, it was desired to have an equation in the form of:



c = Constant recognizing serviceability limit

d = Nominal bolt diameter (in.)


t = Thickness of the thinnest connected sheet (in.)

Fu = Tensile strength of connected part (ksi)

The constant c for each test was determined using Equation 46 and is shown in

Table XVIII:

c = P'/dtFuI\ (Eq.46)


pI = Tested tensile load at 0.25 in. connection deformation (kips)

d = Nominal bolt diameter (in.)

t = Thickness of the thinnest connected sheet (in.)

Fu = Tensile strength of connected part (ksi)

nb = Number of bolts

The constant c varied from 1.493 to 2.478 for the different connections shown in Table

XVIII. However, the mean, considering all the tests in Table XVIII, was found to be

1.93. Therefore, a proposed bearing strength equation that would limit the deformation

around the bolt hole to approximately 0.25 in. is given as follows:


where d, t and Fu are defined for Equation 46.

The accuracy of Equation 47 to provide a 0.25 inch deformation limit is indicated

by the ratio ofP' to Equation 47 (Table XVIII); the ratio ranged from 0.774 to 1.284,

with a mean of 1.001, a standard deviation of 0.127 and a coefficient of variation of



1. Comparison of Design Specifications: The nominal tensile capacity for fracture

in the net section, as defined in Section Ill, was evaluated for both the AISI

Specification l and AISC Specification2 and compared to the test results. Tables XIX and

XX separate the specimens with and without washers which failed by failure Type III

(Figure 13) and the combination of Type III and V failure modes (Figure 14). Tables

XIX and XX list the ratio of the ultimate tested tensile load, PulP to the AISI

Specification l and AISC Specification2 calculated nominal tensile capacity for fracture in

the net section, along with the corresponding mean, standard deviation and coefficient of


Table XIX summarizes the results of the test assemblies tested with washers. The

ratio ofP ult to the calculated nominal tensile capacity ranged from 0.957 to 1.037 for

both the AISI Specification l and the AISC Specification2 (1). For the AISC

Specification 2 (2), the ratio ranged from 0.987 to 1.101.

Table XX lists the results for those assemblies without washers. The ratio ofP ult to

the calculated nominal tensile capacity varied from 0.984 to 1.302 for the AISI

Specification l . This ratio ranged from 0.842 to 1.039 and for AISC Specification2 (1)

and from 0.895 to 1.104 for the AISC Specification2 (2).

2. Correlation of Design Specifications with Test Results: The statistical data for

the AISI Specification l and the AISC Specification2, given in Tables XIX and XX, show

good correlation between the existing design models and the test results. The statistical

data for the assemblies with washers was approximately the same for both the AISI
Specification and the AISC Specification2 . The mean, standard deviation and
Table XIX. Evaluation of Test Results For Computed Tensile Capacity With Washers (Fracture Through The Net Section)

AISI Pult /
Assembly Failure Pult Washers AISC (1) AISC (2) AISI Pult / Pult /
Number Type (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) Washers AISC (1) AISC (2)

AY11-1 III 2.42 2.453 2.453 2.307 0.986 0.986 1.049

AYll-2 III 2.27 2.446 2.446 2.300 0.928 0.928 0.987

AY21-1 III 3.86 4.035 4.035 3.802 0.957 0.957 1.015

AY21-2 III 4.03 3.994 3.994 3.761 1.009 1.009 1.072

BY11-1 III 2.44 2.451 2.451 2.304 0.996 0.996 1.059

BYII-2 III 2.64 2.572 2.572 2.419 1.026 1.026 1.091

BYII-3 III 2.33 2.. 541 2.514 2.364 0.927 0.927 0.986

BY21-1 III 4.11 3.981 3.981 3.752 1.032 1.032 1.095

BY21-2 III 4.12 4.084 4.084 3.848 1.009 1.009 1.071

BY21-3 III 4.26 4.107 4.107 3.870 1.037 1.037 1.101

Mean 0.991 0.991 1.053

Std. Dev. 0.039 0.039 0.041
Std. Dev = Standard Deviation COV 0.039 0.039 0.039
COV = Coefficient of Variation
(1) = Cross-Sectional Area Equal To Net Cross-Sectional Area
(2) = Cross-Sectional Area Determined Assuming Bolt Hole Dia. Equal To Actual Bolt Hole Dia. Plus 1/16-in. ~
Table XX Evaluation of Test Results For Computed Tensile Capacity Without Washers (Fracture Through The Net Section)

AISI Pult /
Assembly Failure Pult No Washers AISC (1) AISC (2) AISI Pult / Pult /
Number Type (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) No Washers AISC (1) AISC (2)

AN31-2 III 658 5.055 6.649 6.264 1302 0.990 1.050

AN31-3 III 6.54 5.086 6644 6256 1.286 0.984 1.045

BN31-1 III 6.60 5.909 6.688 6.297 1.117 0.987 1.048

BN31-2 III 6.60 5.897 6.670 6.278 1.136 1.005 1.067

CNII-1 III 2.29 2.326 2.514 2.364 0.984 0.911 0.969

CNII-2 III 2.33 2.326 2.514 2.364 1.002 0.927 0.986

CN12-1 III 5.74 5.112 6.428 6.278 1.123 0.893 0.914

CN12-2 III 5.74 5.110 6.426 6.275 1.123 0.893 0.915

CN21-1 III 4.09 3.721 4.046 3.813 1.099 1.011 1.073

CN21-2 III 4.06 3.750 4.073 3.836 1.083 0.997 1.058

CN21-3 III 4.03 3.753 4.076 3.840 1.074 0.989 1.049

CN22-1 III 9.60 7.993 10.062 9.829 1.201 0.954 0.977

CN22-2 III 9.63 8.116 10.219 9.983 1.186 0.942 0.965

CN22-3 III 9.63 8.007 10.081 9.848 1.203 0.955 0.978
Table XX. Continued

AISI Putt /
Assembly Failure Putt No Washers AISC (I) AISC (2) AISI Putt / Putt /
Number Type (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) No Washers AISC (I) AISC (2)

CN31-2 III 6.92 6.920 6.827 6.429 1.100 1.014 1.076

CN31-3 III 6.75 6.343 6.884 6.483 1.080 0.995 1.057

CN32-1 III 16.00 13.770 17.335 16.934 1.162 0.923 0.945

CN32-2 III 15.83 13.617 17.135 16.737 1.163 0.924 0.946

ON31-1 III 12.40 10.416 13.565 12.770 1.191 0.914 0.971

ON31-2 III 12.00 10.078 13.150 12.381 1.191 0.913 0.969

EN 11-1 III 481 4.603 5.194 4887 1.045 0.926 0.984

EN 11-2 III 4.83 4.507 5.090 4.780 1.072 0.949 1.008

EN21-1 III 841 7.166 8.122 7.650 1.174 1.035 1.099

EN21-2 III 8.41 7 145 8.092 7620 1.177 1.039 I. 104

EN3 I-I III 13 23 11717 13263 12.488 1.129 0.997 1.059

EN31-2 III 13.54 11.817 13.377 12595 1.146 1012 1075

ON 11-1 III & V 4.07 3.726 4835 4.549 1.092 0.842 0895
DN 11-2 III & V 4.21 3 815 4.944 4.651 1.104 0.852 0905 Q
Table XX. Continued

Assembly Failure Pult No Washers AISC (1) AISC (2) AISI Pult / Pult /
Number Type (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) No Washers AISC (1) AISC (2)

DN2I-1 III & V 7.19 6.194 8.092 7.620 1.161 0.889 0.944

DN2I-2 III & V 7.08 6.108 7.980 7.514 1.159 0.887 0.942

Mean 1.135 0.952 1.002

Std. Dev. 0.069 0.053 0.062

COY 0.061 0.056 0.061

Std. Dev = Standard Deviation

COY = Coefficient of Variation
(1) = Cross-Sectional Area Equal To Net Cross-Sectional Area
(2) = Cross-Sectional Area Determined Assuming Bolt Hole Dia. Equal To Actual Bolt Hole Dia. Plus I/16-in.


Figure 13. Photograph Of A Typical Test Assembly Failing By Type ill Failure Mode
(Type E Specimens Shown).

Figure 14. Photograph Of A Typical Test Assembly Failing By Combination Type ill
And V Failure Mode (Type D Specimens Shown).

coefficient of variation were 0.991, 0.039 and 0.039, respectively, for the AISI

Specification l and the AISC Specification2 (1). For the AISC Specification2 (2), the

mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation were 1.053, 0.041 and 0.039,

respectively. The statistical data for the assemblies without washers varied slightly. The

mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation for the AISI Specificationl were

1.135, 0.069 and 0.061, respectively. The mean, standard deviation and coefficient of

variation for the AISC Specification2 (1) were 0.952, 0.053 and 0.056, respectively; for

AISC Specification2 (2) the ratios were 1.002, 0.062 and 0.061, respectively.

Based on the statistics of the tests conducted in this study, the AISI Specification l

and the AISC Specification2 are both good predictors of the nominal tensile force for

fracture in the net section; however, the AISI Specificationl was slightly more

conservative based on the mean value of the test results, i.e. 1.135 verses 1.002.


Based on 75 additional tests of single sheet bolted connections, the following was


(1) For bearing, the existing AISI Specification l strength equations are good

predictors of the strength limit state for bolted connections failing in pure bearing (Type

II failure mode). The AISC Specification2 did not predict the ultimate bearing capacity

as good as the AISI Specification l .

(2) A design equation for bearing and combinations that include bearing was

developed based on the serviceablilty limit which was defined as 0.25 inches of

connection deformation.

(3) For fracture in the net section, the existing AISI Specification l and AISC

Specification 2 strength equations are good predictors of the limit state.


Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The Evaluation Of

Existing Data - Type III Failure Mode
Dimensions and Results of5ingle Shear Bolted Connections with Washers - Tensile Strength Study (One Bolt) - Failure Type l[l

Controlling Controlling
Spec. d t e s eld dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy AISC AISI ECCS 8S 5950 CAN\CSA
111. 111. 111. 111. ksi ksi kip kip KN KN KN

20MISSI 0.250 0.0346 1.125 4.00 450 7.23 0063 3211 4185 130 4.92 155 571 528 1977
20M1SS2 0.250 0.0349 1.125 4.00 450 7.16 0063 3211 4185 130 4.97 156 5.76 533 19.94
20A32SS2 0.375 00342 1.313 4.00 3.50 1096 0094 321 I 4185 130 487 196 710 669 22.88
20A42SS3 0.375 0.0360 1.688 400 4.50 1042 0094 32.11 4185 130 512 207 748 7.04 2408
20M3SS3 0.500 0.0361 2.250 400 4.50 1390 0125 32.11 4185 130 5.14 2.47 925 842 2310
20A34SS 0.625 0.0359 2.188 400 350 1740 0156 3211 41.85 130 498 283 1046 966 2214
20M4SS 0625 0.0353 2813 400 450 17.70 0156 3211 4185 1.30 489 2.78 10.28 950 2177
20A25SS1 0750 0.0357 1875 4.00 2.50 21.00 0.188 3211 4185 1.30 476 3.16 11.53 1077 21 18
20A35SSI 0.750 0.0357 2625 4.00 350 21.00 0188 3211 41.85 1.30 476 3 16 11.53 10.77 21 18
16C305SS 0.750 0.0591 2250 4.00 3.00 1270 0188 3200 4400 138 829 550 19.02 17.76 3687
16C505SS f ~50 0.0591 3.750 4.00 500 1270 0188 3200 4400 1.38 829 5.50 19.02 1776 3687
14B25S51 ( 50 0.0798 1.875 400 250 940 0.188 2980 4340 1.46 11.04 7.33 23.92 2234 4910
14B355S1 ( 150 0.0771 2.625 400 350 973 0188 2980 4340 146 10.67 708 23.11 21.58 4744
1484555 v-I 50 0.0814 3.375 4.00 450 9.21 0188 2980 4340 146 1126 748 2440 2278 5009
14826551 1.000 00768 2.500 4.00 250 13.00 0250 2980 4340 146 979 832 26.82 2542 4355
14836551 0.750 0.0741 2.625 4.00 350 1012 0188 2980 4340 146 10.25 681 2221 20.74 4560
14846551 0750 0.0789 3.375 400 450 9.51 0188 2980 4340 1.46 1091 7.25 23.65 2208 48 S5
12A34551 0.625 0.0922 2188 400 350 678 0156 2600 41 15 I 58 9.59 714 21.74 2009 4265
12M45S1 0.625 00922 2813 400 450 678 0.156 26.00 41.15 158 9.59 7.14 21.74 2009 4265
12Y-Lt9 08750 0.104 3001 3.530 3430 841 0248 7240 7280 101 1963 1656 7786 7325 8731
7Y-TJ 07500 0.183 0625 1500 0833 410 0500 8640 QUO 106 1149 1149 4835 4835 51.09
12Y-L27 03750 0105 1999 0.872 5.330 3.57 0430 8700 8810 101 431 431 18.92 1892 1916
I2Y-L28 06250 0.105 2.500 1500 4000 5.95 0417 8700 8810 101 752 752 3301 3301 3343
7Y-TJO 07500 0.183 2498 1870 3330 410 0401 87.00 9100 105 1761 1761 74.89 7489 7833
7Y-L20 07500 0.183 1.125 1500 1.500 410 0.500 8310 8380 101 1054 1054 4650 4650 4690
7Y-L21 07500 0183 2400 2500 3200 410 0.300 8310 8380 101 2588 2588 114.15 11415 115 II
20Z-LJ 05000 0039 1.750 1500 3.500 1282 0.333 7550 81.70 108 299 299 1228 1228 1329
20Z-T10 05000 0039 1.750 1.500 3500 1282 0.333 9440 9980 106 3.65 365 1535 1535 1623
1605X-Lt 07500 006'i 2250 2500 3000 II 54 0300 8325 83.25 1.00 913 913 4062 4062 4062

D1n16nS101lS alld Results ofSmgle Shear Bolted COllnectlOns YVlth Washers - Tenstle StrenHth Study (One Bolt) - Fatlure Type III - COllt

Spec Pull P\~t!AISI P1~t!AISC Pl~tJECCS P\~t!BS 5950 Pillt!(CAN\CSA) Reference


20MISSI 1994 129 041 I 55 I 68 045 12

20MISS2 1930 I 24 039 149 161 043 12
20A 12SS2 2451 I 25 050 I 51 I 63 () 48 12
20A42SS1 1695 082 013 101 I 07 031 12
20M3SS3 2.550 103 050 I 23 I 35 049 12
20A34SS 2930 104 059 I 25 I 35 059 12
20M4SS 2561 092 052 I II I 20 052 12
20A15SSI 2879 091 060 1 II I 19 060 12
20A3SSSI 2860 090 060 I 10 1 18 060 12
16C305SS 5893 107 071 I 38 I 48 0.71 12
16C505SS 5.712 104 069 1.34 I 43 069 12
14825551 6390 087 058 1 19 127 058 12
14835551 5847 083 055 113 I 21 055 12
14845S5 6801 091 060 I 24 1.33 060 12
14826551 7.519 090 077 1.25 1.32 077 12
14836S51 7.868 1.16 077 158 169 077 12
148465S1 9029 1 25 083 1 70 182 083 12
12A34SS1 11.361 1 59 118 232 252 1 18 12
12M45S1 7.422 104 077 152 164 077 12
12Y-L19 14.169 086 072 081 0.86 072 16
7Y-TJ 10.661 0.93 0.93 0.98 0.98 093 16
12YL27 4.157 096 096 098 098 096 16
12Y-L28 7567 101 101 102 102 101 16
7Y-TJO 18694 106 106 1.11 I II 106 16
7Y-L20 10644 101 101 102 102 101 16
7Y-L2I 25662 099 0.99 100 100 099 16
20l-L1 3 III 104 104 I 13 I 13 104 16
20l-T10 2.589 071 071 075 075 071 16
1605X-L1 8918 098 098 098 098 098 16

Mean 1021 0735 1 234 1302 0736

Standard DeVIation 0173 0225 0310 0354 0223
('oefficlent of VanatlOIl 0170 0106 02" I 0272 () lOJ
DunenSJons Rnd Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections WIth Washers -Ter1S1le Strength Study
(Two Bolts Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) - Failure Type III

Controlhng Controlhng
Spec d t e s e/d dlt dis Fy Fu FufFy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
III m. Il1 Il1 ksi kSI kIp kip KN KN KN

H2SSC26 0.750 0.058 0750 2.00 10 12931 0375 4460 532 I 1928 733 733 2733 27 33 3260
H2SSC27 0.750 0.058 0.750 200 10 12931 0.375 4460 532 1 1928 733 733 2733 2733 3260
H2SSC29 0750 0.058 1500 200 2.0 12.931 0375 4460 532 I 1928 7.33 733 2733 2733 3260
H2SSC30 0750 0.058 1500 200 20 12.931 0375 4460 53 2 I 1928 7)] 733 27.33 27 33 3260
H2SSC33 0.750 0058 2250 2.00 30 12931 0.375 4460 532 1 1928 733 7.33 2733 27)] 3260
H2SSC34 0.750 0.058 2250 200 30 12931 0375 4460 532 I 1928 733 733 2733 2733 3260
H2SSC37 0750 0058 3000 200 40 12931 0.375 4460 53 2 I 1928 733 733 2733 27 33 3260
H2SSC38 0.750 0058 3000 200 40 12931 0375 44.60 532 I 1928 733 733 2733 2733 3260
H2SSD5 0500 0.058 1.500 200 30 8621 0250 4400 497 J J 295 829 704 3080 27 74 3686
H2SSD6 0500 0058 1500 200 30 8621 0250 4400 4Q7 1 1295 829 704 3080 27 74 3686
14G25SS 0750 00766 1875 200 250 980 0375 2980 4340 14564 790 542 24 II 24 11 35 12
14C35SS 0750 00753 2625 200 3 50 996 0375 2980 4340 1 4564 776 533 2J 70 2370 3452
_.. _._ -----,--
.. - _._._~ .. .. ... 0750
-~--~ -00795
.. "-~_ ...
.1 175
__ ._--. __ .__ __
. ._-~._.
- -.
4 ----_._._---_.,-_._,--
50 94.1_----_._--
0375 2980
4340 I 4564__
------"--- ------------ -- . ._~ -~-
819 563 2503 2503 3645

DImensIOns and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections with Washers -Tensile Strength Study
(Two Bolts Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) - Fatlure Type 1II - Cont

Spec Pult PultJAlSI PultJAISC PultJECCS PuitIBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference


H2SSC26 7.790 106 106 127 127 106 27

H2SSC27 7.640 104 104 I 24 124 104 27
H2SSC29 8.320 I 14 I 14 135 135 I 14 27
H2SSC30 7.960 109 109 130 1.30 109 27
H2SSC33 8.160 III I II 133 133 111 27
1l2SSC34 8.080 I 10 110 1.32 1.32 110 27
H2SSC37 9.140 125 125 149 149 125 27
H2SSC38 8.420 1 15 I 15 137 1.37 1 15 27
H2SSD5 8.300 I 18 100 120 1.33 100 27
H2SSD6 8.200 I 16 0.99 I 18 1.31 0.99 27
14G25SS 8987 166 1 14 166 166 1 14 13
14C35SS 8.405 158 108 158 158 108 13
14G45SS 8.780 156 107 156 1.56 1.07 13

Mean 1.237 1.094 1372 1.393 1.094

Standard Deviation 0.205 0.065 0.146 0.127 0065
Coefficient of Variation 0.166 0.059 0.106 0.091 0.059

Dlnl('nslOns and R, Its of Single Shear Bolted ConnectJOns With Washers- Tensile Strength Study -
I "llllt"" Bolts Perped1culnr to the Line of Stress) - Fadme Type III

Controlhn~ Controllll1~
Spec d t e s e/d dlt dis Fy Fu Fu/Fy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5')50 CAN\CSA
In In. 111. III kSl kSl kIp kip KN KN KN

HJSSB5 0500 0107 1000 I 333 2000 4.67J 0375 60.6 7260 I 1980 I7 96 17 Q6 6670 6670 7990
H3SSD5 0.375 0.058 0938 1 333 2501 6466 0281 4400 49.70 I 1295 802 757 3157 29RO 3566
HJSSD6 0375 0.058 0.938 1.333 250\ 6466 0.28\ 4400 4970 1 1295 802 7.57 31.57 2980 3566
HJSSD7 0.500 0.058 1.000 1333 2000 8.621 0375 4400 4970 I 1295 667 6.67 26.25 26.25 29.65
lBSSD8 0500 0.058 1.000 1333 2.000 8.621 0.375 44.00 49.70 1 1295 667 6.67 2625 26.25 2965
HJSSD9 0.500 0.058 1.500 1333 3000 8.621 0.375 44.00 49.70 1 1295 667 6.67 26.25 26.25 2965
H3SSDI0 0.500 0.058 1.500 1.333 3.000 8.621 0.375 4400 49.70 1 1295 667 6.67 2625 26.25 2965
mSSD11 0500 0.058 1.500 1.333 3000 8.621 0.375 44.00 49.70 1 1295 6.67 6.67 26.25 26.25 29.65

DImensIons and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections With Washers-Tensile Strength Study-
(Illlel' Bolts Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) - Failure Type 1II- Cont

SPt'c Pult Pult/AISI PultJ AISC PultJECCS PultlBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference

IBSSB5 \845 I OJ I 03 121 123 I 03 27

H3SSD5 858 113 107 I 21 I 28 107 27
113SSD6 846 1 12 106 I 19 1.26 106 27
IUSSD7 712 1 10 1 10 I 24 1 24 I 10 27
HJSSD8 724 109 109 In 123 109 27
113SSD9 748 I 12 I 12 127 127 I 12 27
1I1SSDI0 7 34 1 10 1 10 I 24 I 24 I 10 27
HJSSDII 712 I 10 I 10 I 24 1 24 1.10 27

Mean 109R I OR2 I 2.31 I 249 I 082

Standard DeVIatIOn o OJO o 02R 0021 0018 o 02R
Cot'fliClt'nt of VanalJon o 02R 0026 0017 0014 0026
DImensIons and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections With Washers-Tensile Strengtll Study
ITwo Bolts In the Lme of Stress) - FailllTe Type III

Controlling Controlling
Spec d t e el s eld dlt dis Fy I'll FlIIFy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950
m. m m 111 III kSI kSI kip kip KN KN

P2SSCI2 0500 0058 1500 I 500 4.00 10 8621 0125 446 53 2 I 1928 10.40 7.82 3010 1879
P2SSCI1 0.500 0.058 I 500 I 500 4 00 .10 8621 o 12') 44 b ')32 I ICJ28 104() 782 10.10 187CJ
P2SSCI7 0500 0.058 I 750 I 500 400 35 8621 0125 446 5.1.2 I 1928 1049 7.82 30.10 18.79
P2SSC 18 0500 0058 I 750 I 500 400 15 8621 o 125 446 512 I 1<)28 104<) 782 3010 1879
P2SSC25 0750 0058 I 500 2250 400 20 12 <)31 o 1875 44 (> 512 I I()28 () 84 8 18 3\ 15 2430
1'2SS('2/, 0750 0058 I 500 2250 ,100 20 12'))1 o 1875 446 512 I I')211 <) 114 8.18 11 35 24.30
P2SSC2') 0750 0058 2250 2250 400 30 12<)31 o 1875 446 ')3 2 I 1928 984 8.18 31 35 2430
1'2SSC,0 o 7')() 0058 2.250 2250 400 30 12931 0187') 446 532 \ 1<)28 9114 8 18 31.35 2430

DImenSions and Results ofSmgle Shear Bolted ConnectJons With Washers-Tensile Strength Study
(Two Bolts In the Line of Stress) - Failure Type III - Cant

Spec CAN\CSA Pull PultlAfS! PultlAISC PultlECCS PultIBS 5950 PI~tI(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN kips

P2SSCI2 47.18 898 I 15 086 133 213 0.85 27

P2SSCI3 47.18 8.68 1 II 083 128 2.06 082 27
P2SSCI7 47.18 8.88 I 14 0.85 I 31 210 084 27
P2SSCI8 4718 8.76 I 12 083 129 2.07 0.83 27
P2SSC25 43.75 944 I 15 096 I 34 173 0.96 27
P2SSC2b 4375 934 I 14 0.05 133 I 71 095 27
P2SSC29 4375 962 I 18 098 I 37 1.76 098 27
P2SSC30 4375 974 I 19 000 138 178 0.99 27

Mean 1 147 0905 I 329 1917 0901

Standard Deviation 0025 o Oll/> 0031 0174 0070
('oefliclent of Va,iahon 0022 0072 002,1 00<)1 0078
DllllenSlOns and Results ofSmgle Shear Bolted Connect:lOns with Washers-Tensile Strength Study (TIuee Bolts 111 the Line of Stress) - Failure Type fTI

ControllIng Controllll1g
Spec d t e el s eld dlt dis Fy Fu AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA

P3SSCI3 0.500 0.058 \.500 1.500 400 3.0 8621 0.125 44.6 53.2 1049 8.75 33.25 1879 47 18
P3SSC 14 0.500 0.058 1.500 1.S00 400 30 8621 0125 44.6 532 1049 875 33.25 1879 47./8
P3SSCI5 0.500 0.058 1.500 1.500 400 3.0 862\ 0125 44.6 53.2 10.49 8.75 33.25 18.79 4718
P3SSCI8 0.500 0.058 1750 \.750 4.00 3.5 8.02\ 0.125 44.6 53.2 1049 8.75 33.25 1879 4718
P3SSC23 ( 25 0058 1.500 1.500 4.00 2.4 10776 0156 44.6 53.2 1022 8.75 3323 21.68 4546
P3SSC24 ( .25 0.058 1.500 , .500 4.00 24 10776 0156 446 53.2 1022 8.75 33.23 21.68 4546
P3SSC26 I 50 0.058 0750 2.250 4.00 1.0 12931 0188 446 53.2 984 8.73 33.12 24.30 43.75
P3SSC27 0.750 0.058 0.750 2.250 400 1.0 \2.93\ 0188 44.6 53.2 984 8.73 3312 24.30 43.75

DimenSIOns and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections WIth Washers-Tensile Strength Study (TIuee Bolts III the LlIle of Stress) - Failure Type III - Cont

Spec Pl~t Pl~tJAISI Pult/AISC Pl~tlECCS Pl~t!BS 5950 Pl~t/(CAN\CSA) Reference


P3SSCI3 9.88 113 094 J .32 234 OQ3 27

P3SSC14 9.74 I II 093 1.30 23\ 0.92 27
P3SSCI5 974 I II 093 I 30 231 092 27
P3SSC18 1004 I 15 0% 1.34 238 095 27
P3SSC23 9.96 I 14 0.97 1.33 204 097 27
P3SSC24 9.74 I II 0.95 1.30 200 0.95 27
P3SSC26 10.08 I 15 102 1 35 I 85 102 27
P3SSC27 1028 I \8 I OS 1.38 I gg 105 27

Mean 1 136 o ()69 1.330 2 137 0964

Standard DeVlallOn 0022 0041 0.026 0204 0045
CoeffiCient of VanalJon 0019 0042 0020 0096 0046

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted ConnectIOns With Washers-Tensile Strength Study
(One Bolt) - FaIlure Type ill

Controlling Controlling
Spec d t e s e/d dIt dis Fy Fu Fu/Fy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
Ill. in. Ill. Ill. kSl ksi kip kIp KN KN KN

1605X-L2 0750 0.065 2250 2500 3.000 J 1.540 0300 83 25 83.25 100 916 913 4073 40.73 40.73
1205X-LII 0750 0.105 2250 2500 3.000 7140 0300 8050 8050 100 1425 1426 63.38 63.38 63.38
16FAX-L12 0.750 0.060 2250 2.500 3000 12.500 0300 3010 4590 I 52 4.64 3.05 13.52 13.52 20.62
16FAX-L13 0.750 0.060 2.625 2.500 3500 12.500 0.300 3010 45.90 I 52 464 305 1352 1352 20.62
1610XLl8 0.750 0.060 2.250 2.500 3000 12.500 0.300 78.40 81.50 104 8.23 8.25 35.22 35.22 36.61
0.750 0.107 2.250 2.500 3000 7010 0.300 28 10 4410 1.57 7.98 507 22.62 22.62 3550
0750 0.107 2250 2.500 3000 7010 0300 70.10 72 80 104 13 18 13\4 56.44 56.44 58.6\
0.750 0.107 2.250 2.500 3.000 7.010 0.300 6520 6930 106 12.54 12.51 52.49 52.49 55.79
() 750 0.107 2.250 2.500 3000 7.010 0.300 36.60 50.00 137 905 6.61 29.47 29.47 40.25
0.036 1750 4.000 3.500 13.900 0.125 3211 4185 130 5.12 2.46 9.22 8.40 23.04
20A33DSI I 00
( 00 0.036 2.250 4.000 4.500 14.040 0.125 3211 41.85 130 507 2.43 9.12 8.30 22.78
l ..,25 0.035 2.188 4.000 3.500 17660 0.156 3211 4185 130 4.91 2.79 10.31 9.53 21.83
0.036 2.813 4.000 4.500 17.360 0.156 32.11 4185 130 4.99 284 10.49 9.69 22.20
20A44DSI 0625
1.875 4.000 2.500 21130 0.188 32.11 41.85 130 4.74 3 14 1146 10.71 2106
20A25DS 0.750 0.036
2.625 4000 3.500 21010 0188 32.11 41.85 130 4.76 3.16 11.53 10.77 21.18
20A35DSI 0.750 0.036
4.000 4.000 8460 0.125 3200 44.00 138 8.84 4.25 15.09 1374 39.76
16C403DSI 0.500 0.059 2000
4000 5.000 8.460 I) 125 32.00 4400 138 8.84 4.25 15.09 13.74 39.76
16C503DSI 0.500 0.059 2.500
4000 4.500 6.490 0.125 29.80 43.40 146 9.18 5.46 1831 16.67 40.83
14A43DSI 0.500 0.077 2.250
2.500 9.410 0188 29.80 43.40 146 11.03 7.30 23.89 2231 4904
14825DSI 0.750 0.080 1.875 4.000
4000 3.500 9.740 0.188 2980 43.40 146 10.65 7.06 2308 21.55 47.38
14835DSI 0.750 0077 2.625
2.500 13230 0.250 29.80 43.40 146 9.69 6.65 26.54 25.15 43.10
14826DSI 1000 0.076 2.500 4000
3.500 13620 0.250 29.80 43.40 146 936 6.43 25.63 24.29 4162
14B36DSI 1.000 0.073 3.500 4.000
3.500 6.780 0.156 26.00 41 15 1.58 9.59 7.15 2174 2009 4265
12A34DSI 0.625 0.092 2.188 4.000
4.000 4.500 6.780 0.156 26.00 41 15 1.58 9.59 7.15 21.74 20.09 42.65
12A44DSI 0.625 0.092 2.813
3.500 3.810 0.188 32.00 4600 1.44 28.89 19.14 63.40 5921 128.48
8B35DSI 0.750 0.197 2625 4.000
4.500 4150 0188 3200 46.00 144 2651 17.56 58.19 54.34 117.92
8845DSI 0.750 0181 3.375 4.000
2.500 5240 0.250 3200 46.00 J .44 25.81 17.95 7162 67.88 114.80
8845DSI 1000 0.191 2.500 4.000
2.500 9.600 0188 54.44 70.40 1.29 17.53 1161 4276 3994 7795
14E25DSI 0.750 0078 1.875 4.000
4.500 9.540 0188 54.44 70.40 1.29 17.53 1161 42.76 3994 7795
14E45DSI 0.750 0078 3.375 4.000
7090 0250 59.50 71.85 1.21 2978 25.31 9838 9324 132.46
IOE46DSI 1.000 0.141 4.500 4.000 4.500

Dimensions and Results of Double SheRr Bolted COIUlections With Wa!tlers-Tensile Strength Study
(One Bolt) - Failure Type ill . Cont.

Spec Pult PultJAlSI PultJAlSC PultJECCS PultIBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference


1605X-L2 9AO 103 103 103 103 103 16

1205X-LII 13.70 0.96 0.96 096 0.96 096 16
16FAX-LI2 4.66 1.53 100 153 1.53 100 16
16FAX-L13 4.68 1.53 101 1.54 1.54 101 16
161OXLI8 854 103 104 108 108 104 16
12FAXL18 8.14 160 102 160 160 102 16
1210XL32 1403 107 106 111 1 II 106 16
1215XL26 1192 0.95 095 101 101 095 16
1225X-L30 9.68 146 107 146 lA6 107 16
20A33DSI 2.92 1 19 0.57 141 155 0.56 12
20A43DS 3.55 146 0.70 1.73 190 069 12
20AJ4DS 4.20 1.50 0.86 1.81 196 0.86 12
20A44DSI 412 lAS 0.83 1.75 189 0.83 12
20A15DS 338 108 071 131 lAO 0.71 12
20AJ5DSI 4.06 129 0.85 1.57 168 0.85 12
16C403DSI 6.36 1.50 072 188 2.06 0.71 12
16C503DSI 7.11 167 0.80 209 2.30 0.80 12
14A43DSI 7.88 144 086 191 2.10 086 12
14825DSI 7.21 099 065 134 144 0.65 12
14835DSI 8AI 1 19 079 162 174 079 12
14826DS) 8.39 126 0.87 141 lA8 0.87 12
14836DSI 9.14 142 098 1.59 167 098 12
12AJ4DS I 9.72 136 101 199 215 101 12
12A44DSI ) 126 1.58 117 230 249 I 17 12
8835DSI 2600 1.36 090 182 195 090 12
8B45DSI 2680 1.53 101 205 219 101 12
8B45DSI 2432 ) 35 094 151 J 59 0.94 12
14E25DSI 10.48 090 060 109 1 17 060 13
14E45DSI 1678 lA5 o Q6 I 75 I 87 096 13
IOE46DSI 2876 . _ .~~~Oc9L~~.~~0___ 137 097 13
-----------------.-- -

Mf" 1.309 08% I 551 1643 0895

St~ lfd Deviation 0222 0147 0345 0.402 0149 \Q
Co .clent of Variation 0170 0164 0222 0244 0166 0
DImensIOns and Results of Double Shear Bolted ConneclIOIls With Washers-Tensile Strength Study (Two Bolts
Perpendicular to .~ Line of Stress) -Type III Failure

COIJtrollrng Controlling ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA

Spec d t e s e/d dlt dis Fy Fu Fu/Fy AISC A[S[ KN KN KN
ill. ill. ill ill ksi ksi kip kip

H2DSC29 0.375 0.058 [.688 2.000 4501 6.466 0188 44.60 53.20 I 19 984 6.52 26.02 24.30 43.75
H2DSC30 0.375 0058 1.688 2.000 4.501 6.466 0.188 4460 53.20 1 19 9.84 652 26.02 2430 43.75
H2DSC45 0.500 0.058 1500 2000 3.000 8621 0.250 44.60 5320 I 19 8.81 7.54 31.22 28.12 3946
H2DSC46 0.500 0.058 [.500 2000 3.000 8.621 0.250 44.60 53.20 I 19 8.81 1.54 31.22 2812 3946
H2DSC49 0.500 0.058 1.750 2.000 3.500 8621 0250 44.60 53.20 I 19 8.87 7.54 31.22 2812 39.46
H2DSC50 0500 0.058 1150 2.000 3.500 862\ 0.250 44.60 53.20 119 8.87 7.54 31.22 28\2 39.46
H2DSC53 0.500 0058 2250 2.000 4.500 8621 0250 44.60 53.20 I 19 8.81 1.54 31.22 2812 3946
H2DSC54 0.500 0.058 2250 2.000 4.500 8621 0250 4460 53.20 I 19 8.87 7.54 31.22 2812 3946
H2DSC61 0625 0.058 1.250 2000 2.000 10.776 0.3\3 44.60 53.20 I 19 8.10 8.10 30.20 30.20 36.03
H2DSC62 0.625 0.058 1.250 2.000 2.000 10776 0313 4460 53.20 1 19 810 810 30.20 30.20 36.03
H2DSC63 0.625 0.058 1.250 2.000 2.000 10176 0313 44.60 53.20 I 19 8.10 8.10 30.20 30.20 36.03
H2DSC64 0.625 0.058 1563 2.000 2501 10.776 0313 44.60 5320 119 810 8.10 3020 30.20 3603
H2DSC65 0625 0.058 I 563 2.000 2501 10176 0.313 44.60 5320 1 19 8.10 8.10 30.20 30.20 3603
H2DSC68 0150 0.058 I 125 2000 1500 12931 0315 4460 5320 I 19 1.33 1.33 2733 27.33 32.60
H2DSC69 0.750 0.058 I 125 2.000 1500 12931 0.375 44.60 53.20 I 19 1.33 1.33 27.33 2133 32.60
H2DSC70 0.150 0.058 I 125 2.000 1500 12931 0375 4460 5320 I 19 7.33 133 21.33 2733 3260
H2DSC13 0.750 0058 1500 2.000 2000 12931 0.315 4460 5320 I 19 1.33 133 27.33 2133 32.60
H2DSC74 0.750 0.058 1500 2000 2.000 12931 0.375 44.60 53.20 I 19 1.33 733 2733 2733 3260
HmSC17 0.750 0.058 1.875 2.000 2500 12931 0.315 44.60 5320 1 19 1.33 733 2133 2733 3260
H2DSC78 0150 0.058 1.875 2.000 2.500 12931 0375 44.60 5320 I 19 133 1.33 2133 27.33 32.60
14025D51 0.750 0077 1.815 2000 2500 9170 0.375 2980 43.40 1.46 1.90 5.44 2412 24 12 35 13
14035D5 0.750 0.076 2625 2000 3.500 9.810 0375 29.80 43.40 1.46 1.86 538 2399 2399 3494
14045D5 0750 0.076 3.315 2.000 4.500 9930 0375 2980 43.40 146 1.17 5.34 2373 2313 34.55

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections With Washers-Tensile Strength Study (Two Bolts
Perpendicular 10 the Line of Stress) -Type ill Failure - Cant.

Spec Pult PultJAiSI PultJAiSC PultlECCS PultlBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference


H2DSC29 10.24 157 1.04 175 1.87 1.04 27

H2DSC30 10.08 155 1.02 1.72 1.85 102 27
H2DSC45 9.74 129 110 1.39 I 54 I \0 27
H2DSC46 9.92 1.32 1.12 141 1.57 1.12 27
H2DSC49 1028 1.36 1.16 146 1.63 I 16 27
H2DSC50 10.50 1.39 1.18 1.50 1.66 I 18 27
H2DSC53 10.28 1.36 116 1.46 1.63 1.16 27
H2DSC54 10.12 134 I 14 1.44 1.60 I 14 27
H2DSC61 10.70 1.32 1.32 1.58 1.58 1.32 27
H2DSC62 9.94 1.23 123 1.46 1.46 1.23 27
H2DSC63 9.76 1.20 1.20 1.44 1.44 120 27
H2DSC64 10.60 1.31 1.31 1.56 156 1.31 27
H2DSC6S 9.68 1.20 120 143 1.43 1.20 27
H2DSC68 10.90 149 1.49 1.77 177 1.49 27
H2DSC69 1088 148 1.48 1.77 1.77 148 27
H2DSC70 10.28 140 140 1.67 1.67 140 27
H2DSC73 10.48 1.43 1.43 1.71 171 1.43 27
H2DSC74 1024 140 140 167 1.67 140 27
H2DSC77 II 10 I. 51 1.51 1.81 1.8\ 1.51 27
H2DSC78 10.12 1.38 1.38 1.65 1.65 1.38 27
14G2SDSI 8.72 160 110 161 161 110 13
14G3SDS 8.72 1.62 I II 162 1.62 1\1 13
14G4SDS 8.91 1.61 I 15 1.67 1.67 1 15 13
Mean 1.410 1 245 1 589 1641 1 245
Standard Deviation 0130 0149 0131 01\7 0149
Coefficient of Variation 0092 o II q 0.083 0.071 0119

DnnenSlons and Results of Double Shea I Bolted Connecbons With Washers -Tensile Strength Study
(Three Bolts Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) - Failure Type lU

Controlling Controlling
d t e s eld dlt dis Fy Fu FtJFy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
tn. tn. tn. tn kSl ksi kIp kip KN KN KN

0.064 1.0940 1.333 3.50 4.883 0235 54.4 70.7 lJO 13.43 10.77 40.20 36.96 5972
H3DSAI6 0.313
0064 1.0940 1.333 3.50 4883 0.235 54.4 70.7 lJO 1343 10.77 40.20 3696 59.72
H3DSAI7 0.313
1.4180 1.333 453 4.883 0.235 54.4 70.7 lJO 13.43 10.77 40.20 3696 59.72
H3DSA21 0.313 0064
1.333 4.53 4.883 0235 54.4 70.7 1.30 , 3.43 10.77 40.20 36.96 59.72
H3DSA22 0.313 0064 1.4180
1.4180 1.333 4.53 4.883 0235 54.4 70.7 1.30 13.43 1077 40.20 36.96 59.72
H3DSA23 313 0064
1.333 5.50 4.883 0.235 54.4 70.7 I 30 13.43 \077 40.20 36.96 59.72
H3DSA27 313 0.064 17190
1.333 5.50 4.883 0.235 54.4 70.7 1.30 13.43 10.77 40.20 36.96 59.72
H3DSA28 313 0.064 17190
1.333 550 4883 0.235 54.4 70.7 lJO 1343 10.77 4020 3696 59.72
H3DSA29 0.313 0.064 17190
1.333 2.50 5.859 0.281 54.4 70.7 1.30 \258 9.68 4307 40.66 55.98
H3DSA53 0375 0.064 0.9380
2.50 5.859 0.281 54.4 70.7 1.30 12.58 9.68 4307 4066 5598
H3DSA54 0375 0.064 0.9380 1333
300 5.859 0.281 54.4 70.7 130 1258 9.68 4307 4066 55.98
H3DSA58 0375 0.064 I 1250 1.333
3.00 5.859 028\ 54.4 70.7 1.30 1258 968 4307 40.66 55.98
H3DSA59 0375 0064 11250 1.333
3.00 5.859 0.281 54.4 707 1.30 1258 968 4307 40.66 55.98
H3DSA60 0.375 0064 11250 1.333
3.50 5.859 0.281 54.4 70.7 lJO 1258 968 4307 4066 55.98
H3DSA64 0375 0.064 1.3\30 1.333
350 5859 0281 54.4 70.7 1.30 12.58 9.68 4307 4066 55.98
H3DSA65 0.375 0.064 1.3130 1.333
3.50 5.859 0281 544 70.7 1.30 12.58 9.68 4307 4066 5598
H3DSA66 0.375 0.064 13130 1.333
450 5.859 0281 54.4 70.7 1.30 1258 968 4307 4066 55.98
H3DSA70 0375 0.064 1.6880 1.333
5.859 0.281 54.4 70.7 1.30 12.58 9.68 4307 4066 5598
H3DSA71 0375 0.064 1.6880 1.333 450
0281 54.4 707 lJO 1258 968 4307 4066 55Q8
H3DSA72 0.375 0.064 1.6880 1.333 4.50 5859
028\ 54.4 707 1.30 \258 968 4307 4066 55 Q8
H3DSA76 0.375 0.064 20630 1333 550 5859
544 70.7 I 30 1258 968 4307 40.66 55Q8
H3DSA77 0.375 0.064 20630 1.333 5.50 5.859 0.281
5.859 0.281 54.4 70.7 1.30 \2.58 9.68 4307 4066 5598
H3DSA78 0375 0.064 20630 1.333 550
7.813 0375 54.4 70.7 1.30 10.46 8.05 3581 3581 4654
H3DSA85 0.500 0.064 13130 1.333 260
0.375 544 70.7 I 30 1046 8.05 3581 3581 4654
H3DSA86 0.500 0.064 13130 1.333 2.60 7.813
7.813 0375 54.4 70.7 \ 30 \046 8.05 358\ 3581 4654
H3DSA87 0.500 0.064 13130 1.333 260
0375 544 70.7 1.30 1046 805 3581 3581 4654
H3DSA90 0.500 0.064 1.6880 1.333 3.40 7.813
0.375 54.4 70.7 \ 30 1046 805 3581 3581 4654
H3DSA91 0500 0.064 1.6880 1.333 340 7.8\3
0375 54.4 707 1.30 1046 805 358\ 3581 4654
H3DSA94 0.500 0.064 20630 1.333 4.10 7.813
0375 54.4 707 1.30 1046 805 3581 3581 465-t
H3DSA95 0.500 0.064 20630 \.333 410 7.813
0.235 60.6 72.6 120 23 05 \849 7486 6884 10253
H3DSBI 0.313 0.107 13750 1.333 440 2.921
0235 606 726 I 20 2J 05 184Q 7486 6884 10253
H3DSB2 0313 0.\07 13750 \333 440 2.921
H3DSB3 0.313 0.107 13750 1333 4.40 2 Q21 0.235 60.6 n6 120 23 05 184Q 74.86 6884 10253
726 I 20 21 6\ 2037 8022 7572 Q610 '-0
H3DSB13 0375 0.107 09380 1 333 150 :n05 028\ 606 l-J
606 72.6 I 20 21 61 2037 8022 7572 96 10
H3DSBI4 0.375 0.107 09380 1.333 250 3.505 0281
Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections With Washers -TenSIle Strength Study
(Three Bolts Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) . Failure Type m-

Spec Pult PultJAlSI PultJAlSC PultJECCS PultlBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference


H3DSA16 14.86 1.38 111 1.64 179 111 27

H3DSAI7 1528 1.42 I 14 1.69 1 84 I 14 27
H3DSA21 1502 1.39 I 12 1.66 181 I 12 27
H3DSA22 1339 124 100 148 1.61 100 27
H3DSA23 13.94 1.29 104 154 168 104 27
H3DSA27 1502 1.39 I 12 1.66 1.81 1 12 27
H3DSA28 1396 1.30 1.04 1.54 1.68 1.04 27
H3DSA29 1539 1.43 I 15 170 1.85 1 IS 27
H3DSA53 1454 1.50 1.16 1.50 159 1 16 27
H3DSA54 12.18 1.26 0.97 1.26 1.33 0.97 27
H3DSA58 D ,0 140 108 140 149 108 27
H3DSA59 I' ') 1.49 1.14 1.49 1.58 I 14 27
H3DSA60 I:: _5 1.37 105 1.37 145 105 27
H3DSA64 1462 1.51 1.16 lSI 1.60 116 27
H3DSA65 1460 1.51 I 16 1.51 160 1.16 27
H3DSA66 14.36 148 I 14 148 1.57 1.14 27
H3DSA70 1459 1.51 I 16 1.51 160 1.16 27
H3DSA71 1384 143 I 10 143 151 110 27
fBDSA72 1380 143 I 10 143 1.51 1.10 27
H3DSA76 1468 1.52 I 17 1.52 1.61 1 17 27
H3DSA77 1382 143 110 1.43 151 I 10 27
mDSA78 1480 1.53 I 18 1.53 162 1 18 27
fBDSA85 12.68 1.57 1.21 157 157 1.21 27
H3DSA86 12.38 1.54 I 18 1.54 I 54 I 18 27
fBDSA87 11.74 1.46 I 12 146 146 I 12 27
H3DSA90 12.64 1.57 1.21 157 I 57 1.21 27
H3DSA91 12.24 1.52 I 17 I 52 I 52 I 17 27
flJDSA94 12.36 1.54 1 18 I 54 I 54 1 18 27
IBDSA95 1160 144 1 II 1.44 I 4<1 I II 27
H3DSBI 2340 1.27 102 1 39 I SI 102 27
H3DSB2 23.80 1.29 1.03 1.41 I S4 103 27
HJDSBJ 2330 1.26 101 1 38 I SI 101 27
107 1.29 I 36 107 27 \Q
H3DSBI3 2320 I 14
106 27
ff3DSfll4 2290 I 12 106 127 I 35
DllnenSlons and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections With Washers -TensIle Strength Study
(TInee Bolts Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) - Fatlure Type m. Cont

Controllmg Controlling
Spec d t e s e/d dlt dis Fy Fu Fu/Fy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
in 111. m 1Il. ksi kSl kIp kip KN KN KN

H3DSBl5 0375 0.107 09380 1.333 250 3.505 0.281 606 72.6 120 2161 2037 aO.22 75.72 96.10
H3DSB16 0.375 0.107 0.9380 1333 2.50 3.505 0.28\ 60.6 72.6 120 2161 2037 aO.22 7572 96.JO
mDSBI7 0.375 0.107 09380 1.333 250 3505 0.281 60.6 72.6 120 2161 2037 a022 75.72 96.10
mDSB23 0.375 0.107 13130 1.333 350 3.505 0.28\ 60.6 72.6 120 21.6J 2037 8022 75.72 96.10
H3DSB24 0375 0107 J3130 1.333 350 3505 028J 60.6 72.6 120 2161 2037 80.22 75.72 9610
H3DSB25 0375 0107 13130 1.333 3.50 3.505 0281 606 72.6 120 2161 2037 80.22 7572 9610
H3DSB26 0375 0107 1.3130 1.333 3.50 3.505 0281 60.6 72.6 UO 21.61 2037 80.22 75.72 9610
H3DSB27 0.375 0.107 13130 1333 3.50 3505 0281 60.6 72.6 UO 2161 2037 80.22 7572 96.10
mDSB33 0375 0.107 1.6880 J333 450 3.505 0.281 606 726 120 2161 2037 80.22 7572 9610
H3DSB34 0.315 0.107 16880 1.333 4.50 3505 0281 60.6 72.6 1.20 2161 2037 80.22 7572 96.10
H3DSB35 0.375 0.107 16880 1.333 4.50 3.505 0281 606 72.6 1.20 2161 2037 80.22 7572 96.10
H3DSB36 0.375 0.107 1.6880 1333 450 3.505 0281 60.6 126 1.20 2161 2037 80.22 7572 9610
H3DSB37 0375 0.107 1.6a80 1.333 4.50 3.505 0281 60.6 726 120 2161 20.37 80.22 7S 12 96 10

DImensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted ConnectIOns With Washers TenSIle Strength Study
(Three Bolts Perpendicular to the Line of Stress). Fmlure Type IIJ Cont

Spec Pult PultJNSI PultlAISC PultJECCS PI~tJBS WSO PuJtJI CAN\CSA) Refl'>fence

IBDSBIS 2300 \.13 \.06 \ ZS I ~S 106 27

H3DSBI6 2280 1.\2 \.06 126 I 34 106 Z7
H3DSB17 2290 I 12 1.06 127 135 106 27
H3DSB23 2320 1.14 \.07 129 I 36 1.07 27
H3DSB24 2280 I 12 \.06 1 26 1.34 1.06 27
H3DSB25 22.90 Ll2 1.06 127 135 106 27
mDSB26 22.40 LlO 1.04 124 131 104 27
mDSB27 2250 110 \.04 125 132 1.04 27
mDSB33 2290 1.12 1.06 1.27 135 1.06 27
mDSB34 2340 115 1.08 130 137 1.08 27
H3DSB3S 2310 I 13 107 \28 136 107 27
H3DSB36 2290 1\2 106 127 US 106 27
H3DSB37 2230 1.09 1.03 l.24 13\ \03 27

Mean 1.330 1096 1.429 1.510 1096

Standard Deviation 0163 0058 0.136 0151 0058
Coefficient of Variation 0123 0053 0.096 0\00 0053

D1mellSlOns and Results of Double Sheaf Bolted Connectlmls With Washers-Tensile Strength Study (Two
Bolts III the LIll6 of Stress) - Failure Type !II

Controlling Controlling
Spec d t e el s eld dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy A1SC AISI ECCS BS 5950
III III m tn In ksi ksi kip kip KN K.N

P2DSAI3 0750 0.064 2250 2250 4.000 3.000 11719 0188 54.40 70.70 130 1442 1199 42 19 3270
P2DSAI4 0750 0064 2250 2250 4.000 3000 11.719 0188 5440 70.70 130 1442 1199 4219 32.70
P2DSAI5 0750 0.064 2250 2250 4.000 3.000 1\ 719 0188 5440 7070 130 14.42 11.99 4219 3270
P2DSEI 0500 0051 15()() 1500 2000 3000 9804 0250 44.60 5300 I 19 389 3.59 1413 1236
P2DSE2 0500 0.051 I .5()() 1 500 2000 3000 9.804 0250 44.60 53 ()() 1 19 3.89 3.59 141J 12.36
P2DSE3 0500 0.051 I .5()() 1500 2000 3000 9804 0250 4460 53.00 I 19 389 3.59 14.13 12.36
P2DSE6 0625 0051 \ 875 1880 2000 3000 12255 0313 44.60 53.00 1 19 355 3.55 1328 1328
P2IJSE7 0625 0.051 1815 1880 2000 3000 12255 0313 4460 53.00 I 19 3.55 355 1328 1328
P2DSE8 0625 0.051 1875 1.880 2000 3000 12255 0.313 44.60 5300 I 19 3.55 355 1328 13.28
P2DSEII 0750 0.051 2250 2250 2000 3000 14706 0.375 4460 5300 119 321 3.21 1201 1201
P2DSEl2 0750 0.051 2250 2.250 2.000 3000 14706 0.375 44.60 53.00 119 3.21 321 12.01 12.01
P2DSEI3 0750 0051 2250 2.250 2000 3000 14706 0.375 44.60 53.00 119 3.21 3.21 1201 12.01

DtmenslOns and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections With Washers- TenSlle Strength Study (Two
Bolts III the LllIe of Stress) - Failure Type m. Cont

Spec CAN\CSA Pult PultlAISI PultlAISC PultJECCS P\~tJBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN kips

P2DSAIJ 64.15 1334 1 II 092 141 1.81 092 27

P2DSAI4 6415 1346 1 12 093 142 1.83 093 27
P2DSA\ 5 64.15 1352 1 13 094 143 I 84 0.94 27
P2DSEI 1728 4.14 I 15 107 130 1.49 \07 27
P2DSE2 17.28 4.30 120 111 135 1.55 III 27
P2DSE3 1728 433 120 111 136 156 111 27
P2DSE6 15.78 4.16 117 117 139 139 1.17 27
P2DSE7 1578 4.00 1.13 113 134 134 113 27
P2DSE8 15.78 3.88 109 109 130 1.30 1.09 27
P2DSEll 14.28 4.58 143 143 170 1.70 \43 27
P2DSEI2 1428 416 1.30 1.30 154 154 1.30 27
P2DSEI3 1428 3.86 120 1.20 143 1.43 120 27

Menn 1 186 1 117 I 414 I 565 I 117

Standnf 0090 0143 0105 0183 0143
Coeffici 0.076 0128 0075 0117 0128

DimenSIons and Results of Double Shear Bolted COlmections With Washers -TenSIle Strength Study (Three
Bolts In the LlIle of Stress) - Failure Type ill

Controlling Controlling
Spec d t e el s e/d dlt dis Fy Fu Fu/Fy AJSC AISI ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
Ul. Ill. Ill. Ill. III kSl ksi kip kIp KN KN KN

P3DSAI8 0500 0.064 1250 1.500 4000 2.500 7.813 0125 5440 70.70 1.30 1538 1283 44.75 2529 6918
P3DSAI9 0.500 0064 1250 1.500 4.000 2.500 7.813 0125 5440 7070 1.30 1538 1283 4475 2529 69.18
P3DSA20 0500 0.064 1250 1.500 4000 2.500 7813 0125 54.40 70.70 1.30 15.38 1283 44.75 2529 69.18
P3DSA24 0.500 0.064 1750 1750 4.000 3.500 7.813 0125 5440 70.70 1.30 15.38 1283 44.75 25.29 6918
P1DSA25 0.500 0.064 1750 1750 4.000 3500 7813 0125 5440 70.70 130 15.38 1283 4475 2529 69.18
P3DSA26 0.500 0.064 1.750 1750 4.000 3.500 7.813 0.125 5440 70.70 1.30 15.38 1283 4475 2529 69.18
P3DSAJO 0500 0.064 2.250 2250 4.000 4.500 7813 0.125 54.40 70.70 1.30 15.38 1283 4475 2529 6918
P3DSAJI 0.500 0064 2250 2.250 4.000 4.500 7.813 0.125 54.40 70.70 130 15.38 1283 44.75 25.29 69.18
P3DSAJ2 0500 0064 2250 2250 4.000 4.500 7813 0.125 5440 70.70 130 1538 1283 44.75 25.29 6918
P3DSAJ6 0.625 0064 0.938 1.880 4.000 1.501 9766 0.156 5440 7070 1.30 1499 1283 4473 29.18 6667
0.625 0.064 0.938 1.880 4.000 1.501 9.766 0156 5440 7070 130 1499 1283 4473 2918 66.67
0 5 0.064 0938 1.880 4.000 1.501 9.766 0156 5440 70.70 1.30 14.99 1283 44.73 29.18 66.67
0.5 0064 \.S63 1.880 4.000 2.501 9.766 0156 5440 70.70 1.30 1499 1283 4473 29.18 6667
O. 5 0064 \.S63 1.880 4.000 2.501 9.766 0.156 54.40 70.70 1.30 1499 12.83 44.73 29/8 66.67
0.625 0064 \.S63 1.880 4.000 2.501 9766 0156 5440 70.70 1.30 1499 1283 44.73 2918 6667
0064 2.188 2.190 4.000 3.501 9.766 0156 54.40 70.70 1.30 1499 1283 44.73 2918 66.67
P3DSA48 0.625
2.188 2.190 4.000 3501 9766 0156 5440 70.70 1.30 1499 1283 44.73 2918 66.67
P3DSA49 0625 0064
2.188 2.190 4.000 3501 9.766 0156 5440 7070 1.30 1499 1283 4473 2918 6667
P3DSA50 0.625 0064
0.064 I 125 1.500 4.000 1.500 11719 0188 54.40 70.70 1.30 1442 1280 44.58 3270 6415
P3DSA54 0750
0064 1.125 1500 4.000 1.500 11.719 0188 5440 7070 130 14.42 1280 4458 32.70 6415
P3DSA55 0.750
I 125 1.500 4.000 1.500 11719 0188 54.40 70.70 1.30 1442 12.80 44.58 32.70 6415
P3DSA56 0.750 0064
I 125 1.500 4.000 1.500 11719 0188 54.40 70.70 1.30 1442 1280 44.58 32.70 MIS
P3DSA57 0.750 0.064
\.SOO 4.000 2500 4.673 0125 6060 72.60 1.20 2641 22.03 8334 4709 11878
P3DSB22 0.500 0107 1250
1250 1.500 4.000 2.500 4.673 0125 60.60 72.60 1.20 2641 22.03 8334 4709 118.78
P3DSB23 0500 0107
1.500 4.000 2.500 4.673 0125 6060 72.60 1.20 2641 2203 83.34 47.09 11878
P3DSB26 0.500 0107 1.250
1.500 4.000 2500 4.673 0125 60.60 72.60 1.20 2641 2203 83.34 47.09 11878
P3DSB27 0.500 0.107 1250
1.500 4.000 2.500 4.673 0125 60.60 72.60 1.20 2641 22 03 83.34 4709 11878
P3DSB28 0.500 0107 1.250
1500 4.000 2500 4.673 0125 60.60 72.60 1.20 2641 22.03 8334 4709 118.78
P3DSB32 0500 0.107 1250
1500 4.000 2.500 4673 0\25 6060 72.60 1.20 264\ 2203 83.34 4709 118.78
P3DSB33 0.500 0107 1250
4.000 2500 4673 0125 60.60 72.60 1.20 2641 22.03 8334 4709 118.78
P3DSB34 0.500 0.107 1250 1500
4.000 2.500 4673 0125 6060 72.60 1.20 2641 2203 83.34 4709 118.78
P3DSB38 0.500 0107 1250 1.500
4000 3500 4673 0125 6060 72.60 1.20 2641 2203 83 34 4709 1\8.78
P3DSB41 0.500 0.107 1.750 1750
4000 3500 4.673 0125 60.60 72.60 120 2641 22 03 83.34 4709 11878 \Q
P3DSB42 0500 0107 1750 I 750 \Q
4.000 3.500 4673 0125 60.60 72.60 1.20 2641 22 03 83.34 4709 11878
P3DSB43 0.500 0.107 1.750 1750
Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections With Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Three
Bolts in the Line of Stress) - Failure Type ill - Cont.

Spec Pult PultJAISI PultJAISC PultJECCS PultIBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference


P3OSAI8 14.60 1l~ 0.95 145 2.57 0.94 27

P3DSAI9 1535 120 100 1S3 270 0Q9 27
P3DSA20 13.68 107 0.89 136 241 0.88 27
P3DSA24 15.14 I 18 0.98 150 2.66 0.97 27
P3DSA25 14.52 1 13 094 144 255 093 27
P3DSA26 1540 1.20 1.00 153 271 099 27
P3OSA30 13.52 105 088 1.34 2.38 087 27
P3OSA31 14.08 1 10 0.92 140 248 091 27
P3OSAJ2 13.76 107 089 1.37 242 088 27
P3OSAJ6 14.25 111 0.95 142 217 0.95 27
P3OSAJ7 14.14 110 094 14\ 2 16 094 27
P3OSAJ8 1406 1I0 094 140 2.14 094 27
P3OSM2 14.14 110 0.94 1.41 2.16 0.94 27
P3OSM3 14.34 I 12 0.96 1.43 2.19 0.96 27
P3OSA44 13.98 109 093 1.39 2.13 0.93 27
P3OSM8 13.90 108 0.93 1.38 2.12 093 27
P3OSM9 14.22 III 095 1.41 2.17 0.95 27
PJDSA50 15.20 1 18 101 lSI 2.32 101 27
P3DSA54 1238 097 086 1.24 168 0.86 27
P3DSA55 1280 100 089 1.28 1.74 0.89 27
P3DSA56 12.82 100 0.89 1.28 1.74 0.89 27
P3DSA57 1232 0.96 0.85 123 168 0.85 27
P3OSB22 2530 1 15 096 1.35 239 095 27
P3OSB23 2500 I 13 095 133 2.36 0.94 27
P3DSB26 24.80 I 13 094 132 2.34 093 27
P3OSB27 2570 1 17 097 137 243 096 27
P3DSB28 2440 1 II 092 130 230 091 27
PJDSB32 25.40 I 15 096 136 2.40 095 27
PJDSRB 25.20 I 14 095 134 238 094 27
PJDSB14 2550 I 16 0.Q7 I 36 241 095 27
1'3DSB38 2560 1 16 OQ7 I 37 242 096 27
I'3DSB41 2470 \ 12 o QI1 I 32 233 o Q2 27
PJDSBI12 2480 I 13 094 1 32 234 o Q3 27 0
1'1DSFH3 2525 I 15 0<)6 I 35 238 095 n
DlmenSlons and Results of Double Shear Bolted ConnectJons With Washers -TensIle Strength Study (TIuee
Bolts In the Lllle of Stress) - Fadme Type III - Cont

Controlhng Controlling
Spec d t e el s eld dft dfs Fy Fu Fw'Fy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
III 1Il. III III III ksi kSl kIp kIp KN KN KN

pmSB44 0500 0107 I 750 I 750 4000 3500 4673 0125 60.60 7260 I 20 2641 22.03 83.34 4709 11878
p3DSB45 0500 0107 I 750 1.750 4000 3.500 4673 0125 60.60 72.60 120 26.41 2203 83.34 4709 11878
pJDSB49 0.500 0107 1750 1 750 4000 3500 4673 0125 6060 72.60 I 20 2641 2203 83.34 4709 11878
P3DSB50 0.500 0107 1.750 I 750 4000 3.500 4673 0125 6060 72.60 120 26.41 2203 83.34 4709 11878
PlOSB51 0500 0107 1.750 1750 4000 3500 4673 0125 6060 72.60 120 2641 2203 83.34 47.09 11878
P3DSB55 0625 0107 I 125 2.250 4000 1800 5841 0156 60.60 7260 120 2573 22.03 83.30 54.34 1\4.46
p3DSB56 0.625 0107 I 125 2.250 4000 1.800 5841 0156 6060 72.60 120 2573 22.03 83.30 54.34 114.46
p3DSB57 0.625 0.107 1125 2.250 4000 1800 5841 0156 60.60 72.60 120 2573 22.03 83.30 54.34 11446
p3DSB61 0.625 0107 1.125 2.250 4000 1.800 5.841 0156 60.60 72.60 120 25.73 22.03 83.30 54.34 114.46
p3DSB62 0.625 0107 I 125 2.250 4.000 1.800 5841 0156 60.60 72.60 120 25.73 2203 83.30 54.34 114.46
P3DSB63 0.625 0.107 1.125 2250 4000 1.800 5841 0156 60.60 72.60 120 2573 22.03 83.30 54.34 114.46
p3DSB67 0.625 0107 1.125 2.250 4000 1.800 5841 0156 60.60 72.60 120 25.73 2203 83.30 54.34 11446
p3DSB68 0.625 0107 I 125 2.250 4.000 1.800 5.841 0156 60.60 72.60 120 2573 2203 83.30 54.34 114.46
p3DSB69 0.625 0107 I 125 2250 4000 1.800 5.841 0156 60.60 72.60 120 25.73 2203 83.30 54.34 114.46
P3DSB73 0.750 0107 0.750 2.250 4000 1000 7.009 0.188 60.60 72.60 120 24.76 21.98 83.03 60.91 110.14
P3DSB74 0.750 0107 0.750 2250 4.000 1000 7009 0.188 60.60 72.60 120 24.76 21.98 83.03 60.91 110.14
PJDSB75 0.750 0.107 0.750 2250 4000 1000 7009 0188 60.60 72.60 120 2476 21.98 83.03 60.91 110.14
p3DSB79 0.750 0107 1 125 2.250 4000 1.500 7.009 0.188 60.60 72.60 120 24.76 21.98 8303 609\ 11014
p3DSB80 0.750 0.107 1 125 2.250 4000 1.500 7009 0188 60.60 72.60 120 24.76 21.98 8303 60.91 110.14
p3DSB83 0.750 0.107 I 125 2.250 4000 1.500 7009 0188 60.60 72.60 I 20 24.76 21.98 83.03 60.91 11014
P3DSB84 0.750 0.107 I 125 2250 4000 1500 7009 0188 60.60 72.60 120 2476 21.98 8303 60.91 11014
p3DSB85 "750 0.107 I 125 2250 4000 1500 7.009 0188 60.60 7260 120 24.76 21.98 83.03 60.91 110.14
p3DSB89 750 0.107 1 125 2250 4000 1.500 7009 0188 60.60 72.60 120 24.76 21.98 83.03 60.91 11014
p3DSB90 750 0.107 1125 2.250 4.000 1.500 7009 0188 60.60 72.60 120 2476 21.98 8303 6091 11014
p3DSB91 <1.750 0.107 1.125 2250 4.000 1.500 7009 0.188 60.60 72.60 120 2476 21.98 83.03 6091 11014
p3DSB95 ::>750 0.107 1.125 2250 4.000 1.500 7009 0.188 60.60 7260 120 24.76 21.98 83.03 60.91 11014
p3DSB96 0.750 0.107 I 125 2250 4.000 1500 7009 0188 60.60 72.60 120 24.76 21.98 83.03 60.91 110.14
p3DSB97 0750 0107 1 125 2.250 4000 I 500 7009 0188 60.60 72.60 120 24.76 21.98 8303 6091 11014
rJDSBIOI 0.750 0107 1.875 2.250 4000 2.500 7009 0188 60.60 7260 120 24.76 21.98 8303 6091 11014
P3DSB I02 0.750 0.107 1.875 2.250 4000 2500 7009 0188 60.60 72 60 120 24.76 21.98 83.03 6091 110.14
p30SBI03 0750 0107 1.875 2.250 4000 2500 7.009 0188 60.60 72.60 120 24.76 21.98 83.03 6091 11014
PJDSBI07 0.750 0.107 2625 2.630 4000 3.500 7009 0188 6060 72.60 120 2476 2198 8303 6091 11014 ...-
pJDSBI08 0750 0.107 2625 2.630 4 000 3.500 7009 0188 60.60 72.60 I 20 2476 21.98 8303 60.91 11014 0
p3DSBIOCJ 0.750 0107 2625 2630 4000 3.500 7000 0188 6060 72 60 I 20 2476 2198 8303 6091 11014
DImensIOns and Results of Double Shear Bolted COllnections With Washers -Tellsile Strength Study (Three
Bolts III the Lllle of Stress) - Failure Type rn - ConI.

Spec Pu1l Pult/AISI Pult/AISC PuitlECCS PultIBS 5950 PuIt/(CAN\CSA) Reference


P3DSB44 25.40 1 15 0.96 1 36 240 0.95 27

P1OS1345 2470 I 12 0.94 I 32 233 092 27
P3DSB49 25.80 I 17 0.98 1.38 2.44 097 27
p3DSB50 2560 I 16 0.97 I 37 242 0.96 27
p1\)SR51 2560 I 16 0.97 137 242 0.96 27
P3DSB55 23.80 108 092 127 I 95 092 27
p3DSR56 25.00 I 13 097 I 33 205 0.97 27
pmSB57 2450 I II 0.95 1.31 201 0.95 27
P3DSB61 2550 I 16 099 136 209 0.99 27
P3DSB62 2550 I 16 099 136 209 0.99 27
P3DS1363 2400 109 0.93 128 196 093 27
P1OS1367 24.40 I II 095 130 200 095 27
p3DSB68 2360 107 0.92 126 193 092 27
p3DSBb9 2440 111 095 I 30 2.00 0.95 27
P1OS87.3 2430 I II 0.98 130 177 098 27
p3DSB74 2370 108 096 127 ) 73 0.96 27
pJDSB75 2400 109 097 1.29 I 75 0.97 27
P3DSB79 2330 106 094 I 25 170 094 27
pmSBRO 2325 106 094 I 25 I 70 0.94 27
P3DS1383 2420 110 098 130 177 0.98 27
p1OSB84 2365 108 0.96 127 173 096 27
p1DSBR') 2410 I 10 097 1 29 I 76 097 27
p3DSB80 2410 1 10 097 I 29 I 76 097 27
pmsFjClO 2400 109 097 I 29 1 75 097 27
PH)SI!'>I 2340 106 095 I 25 I 71 095 27
I'1DSfN5 24 30 I) I o OR 1 30 177 098 27
1'1 DS B9() 21 90 109 n 97 1 28 I 75 097 27
p 1DSB'17 24 50 1\1 099 '1 I 1 79 099 27
I' \f)SB I0 I 24 no 109 o (l7 I 29 I 7') 097 27
I'\[)SHIO: 24 no 1 nQ n '>7 I 2Q 1 7~ 097 27
I' \I)SB 10\ 24 10 I 10 o () 7 1 2Q I 76 007 27
1'\[lSIlII)/ 2170 I OR o ell> I 27 I 71 o q6 27
1'1DSB111R 21 RO 1 OR o (l() 1 28 1 71 o Q6 27 0
l'1[lSIlIIJ() 219n 10Q 007 1 28 I 7~ 0'>7 27
DlI\I('\lSIOUS aua Rc",uts of DOllble Shear Boiled C01\1\ectJolls W,th Washels -Tellstle 5tl<,II,,1h Stlldy (TIlle"
Bolts III til<' Lille o(Stress) - Falhue Type 111- ConI

COlltrollmg COl\trolliu~
Sl'c'c d I e e\ s e/d dlt dIs Fy FIJ Fll/Fy AISC AISI ECCS BS 59.)0 C/\N\CSA

PJDSB 1 J3 1000 0107 1.500 3000 4000 1.500 9346 0250 6000 72 60 1.20 22 1'2 2168 8Ull 72 01 10150
P3DSEI 0500 0051 1500 \ 500 2000 3000 9804 0250 <14 do ,).1 00 \ It) .~ 1'9 36ii 1427 1236 17 28
P3DSI'2 0500 0051 f 500 1500 2000 3000 9804 02')0 44.60 5300 1 19 3 !l9 360 1427 1236 1728
P3DSEJ 0.500 0.05/ 1500 1500 2.000 3000 9804 0250 4460 53 00 I /9 J iN J.bCl 1427 1236 1728
P3DSf:7 0.625 0051 1.563 1880 2000 2')01 12.255 0313 4460 5.1 00 \ 19 3 ')5 3.55 1328 13 28 1578
P3DSE8 0625 DOS} 1563 1.880 2.000 2501 12255 0313 44.60 5300 I 19 3.55 3 55 1328 1.1 28 15711
P3DSElI 0750 0051 1.500 2250 2.000 2000 14706 0375 4460 5300 I 19 321 321 \201 1201 1428
P3DSE\2 0.750 0051 1.500 2.250 2.000 2000 IU06 0375 44.60 5300 I 19 3.2\ 3 21 1201 1201 14.28
P3DSE13 0.750 005l 1.500 2250 2000 2000 14706 0375 44.60 5300 I 19 3 21 321 1201 1201 14.28

DJnJellSIOllS and Results of Double Shear Bolted COlmecbons W,I}I Washers -T"l1s1Ie Strenh Study (nllee
Bolts III the Lllle ofSlress) Failure Type [[I . COllI

Spec Pult PuJUAISl PlutJA1SC PultlECCS PultlBS 5'150 PluU(CAN\CSA) Referel1c"


PJDSBII3 2280 105 100 1 24 I 41 100 27

PJDSEI 431 1 17 I II I 34 I 55 I II 27
PJDSE2 428 I 16 1 10 I 3J I 54 1 10 27
P3DSE3 4.54 123 I 17 142 163 I 17 27
P3DSE7 463 I 31 UI 1.S5 155 131 27
P3DSE8 4.54 128 128 I 52 152 I 28 27
P3DSEI ( 423 132 I 32 1S7 I <,7 132 27
P3DSEI2 4.64 145 I 45 1.72 172 1 ,15 27
P3DSEI1 402 --~----~~
125 I 25 1.49 ~~_L4()_.~_~~. ~_' ~2_ ..__. .-2~7_~_
Mean I 123 O'lS2 I 353 2 ms o 'J7S 0
Sf dad DevialJoll 0072 (] 102 000 (] 142 (] /03 v)
C, nelent of Vanatlon 0.004 0104 0066 0168 (] 10';
Dunenslons and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers-Tensile Strength Study (On6
Boll) - Falhue Type JfJ

- Controlhng Controlhng
Spec f t e s eld dft dis Fy Fu Fll!1'y AISC AISI ECCS BS 59<;0 CAN\CSA
III m. 1I1 1I1 kSI ks1 kl) lop KN KN KN

A 0500 0167 1.50 I 50 300 299 0.3D 43 58 5<; 58 I 2754 R 70 725 3035 303<; 3871
A 0.'\00 0.167 150 1 50 300 20q 0333 43 5R 55 58 127<;4 R 70 725 3035 3035 3R 71
A 0500 0.167 \ 50 \ 50 300 2 qq 0333 43 5R '\'\ 511 1 2754 R 70 7 25 3035 301') .1R 71
A 0500 0167 1 50 1 SO 300 299 0333 41')8 5') 58 I 2754 870 7 25 3035 30.1') 3871
A 0500 0.167 1 SO I 50 300 299 0331 o135R 55 ~R I 275,1 R 70 725 30.35 3035 3871
A 0500 0.167 ISO 1 50 300 2 q<) 0333 43 58 55 'i8 I 2751 R 70 725 3035 3035 387 I
A 0500 0\70 150 1 50 300 294 0333 46.24 56 R5 1 2295 <) 06 7 55 32.78 3278 4030
A 0.500 0170 150 1.50 300 294 0.333 4024 5685 I 2205 006 7.55 32.78 3278 4030

DimenSIOns and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers-TensIle Strength Study (One
Bolt) - F3\\nre Type m.

Spec Pult PultfAISI PultfAISC PultlECCS PultfBS 5950 PI~tf(CAN\CSA) Reference


A 8.85 I 22 102 130 130 102 24

A 978 I 35 I 12 I 43 143 1 12 24
A q88 I 36 I 14 I 45 145 I 14 24
A (3) 129 \ 07 137 \ 37 1 07 24
A <) 46 I 30 100 I 3<) I 30 109 24
A 065 133 I II I 41 I 41 I II ,2i1

A IOH In 1 14 I 4I I 4I I 14 24
A q <)2 1 31 1 10 1 3') I 3') I 10 2,1

Mean I 11 R I Q<)R I 1R8 I 388 , 098

Srand:lfd DeVlaflnn o (J1h (I(118 () (J16 () ()o16 (J 018
('(leHiclent of Vanahon o () 1~ o 0 1~ oon oon o 01~
DlIlIl'IIS\OIlS nnd R'slIlIs ofSIIlW, Shear Bolted ConnectIons W,thout Wash,,1S -Tens"" Str"nf.(lh Stlldy (Two
Bolts f','rp<'nrucuJar to the LlIle of Stress) - Typ<, III Fa"llIe

Controlling Controlling
Spec d t e S eld e1lt ,Vs Fy Fu FulFy AISC A1S1 ECCS BS 5lJ50
III III III Ill. k Sl kSl kip kip KN KN

B 0<1)0 0.046 1000 1 500 2000 10.870 0333 37.92 43.84 1 16 377 315 14.51 14 51
0 0 0046 1000 1.500 2000 10870 0333 37.92 4384 I 16 377 315 1451 14 51

[)lIlll'nSlOnS and Resldts of Single Shear Bolted COIUJectlons W,thout Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Two
Bolts PerpencllCldar to the Line of Stress) Type m Failure Cont

Spec CAN\CSA Pldt PultJAISI PldtJAISC PultJECCS PultJBS 5950 PldtJ(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN kips

1677 395 126 1.05 1 21 1 21 1 05 24

1677 3.77 120 100 115 I 15 100 24

Mean 1225 1024 I 184 1 184 1024

Standard Deviation 0.030 0.025 0029 0029 0.025
CoeffiCient of Variation 0024 0024 0024 0024 0.024

DlInenslOns and Resl~ts of Single Shear Bolted ConnectlOns Withont Washers-TensIle Strength Study (Three
Bolts Perl'end.Jcl~ar to the Lme of Stress) - FaIlure Type Ifl

Controlllllg l'ontJolIlllg
Spec d t e s e/d dJt dJs Fy Fu Fu/Fy AISC AISI El'l'S BS 5950 l'AN\l'SA
_.. _----~--~~-
111. 111. m 111 ---". __ . - - - - - - - -
kSI ._.--_._.- -
k~p______ k~ _ _ ~_ _ _KN_ _ KN __

H1SSB6 0500 0.107 1000 1333 2000 4671 0.175 60.60 72 60 \ 20 1796 1684 666CJ 66.69 7CJ 89
H1SSB7 0.500 0.107 1000 \ 331 2000 4671 0375 6060 72 ()O I 20 It> 84 66()<) 7Q 8CJ
-----~- ----- -~--- - . __ \79b t>66<)

DllllellSlollS alld P . a~ts of Single Shear Bolted Connecllons WIthout Washers-Tensile Strength Study (llnee
Bolts Pelllend.Jcul: ,0 the Lme of Stress) - FaIlure Type III - Cont

Spec P\~t P\~tlAISI PllitlAlSl' PI~tIEl'l'S PI~tlBS 5950 Pllitl(CAN\l'SA) Reference

H3SSB6 1724 102 096 \ 15 I 15 0.96 27

1700 10\ 095 113 1.13 0.95 27

Mean 1017 0.953 I 142 1 142 0951

Standard DeVIation 0007 0007 0.008 0008 0007
CoeffiCient of Variallon 0007 0007 0007 0007 0007

DImensions and Results ofSlIlgle Shear Bolted ConnectIOns Without Washers - Tensile Strength Study (Two
Bolts In the LlIle of Stress) - Failme Type 111

Controlllllg Controlllllg
Spec d t e el s eld dJt dJs lOy Fu Fu/Fy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950
III III III III In kSI ksi kip kip KN KN

D 0500 0241 1000 2000 1720 2 000 2075 0291 404<) 62 22 I 'i4 1736 14 <)9 'i0 25 4885
[) 0500 0170 1500 3000 I 'i00 3000 2(l41 0333 4624 5685 I 23 906 831 3278 3278
D 0500 0170 1500 3000 1 500 300G 2 <)4 I 0333 4624 56.85 12J 906 lUI 32.78 3278
D 0.500 0180 1.500 3000 2500 J 000 2.778 0200 56 <)3 7820 1 37 2727 20.45 78 38 61.82
D ---- ~~-----
0500 0.181 I 500 3000 2470
-~----_.- - - - - ,3-000 2-762
------ - - - - -0202
'>6 <)3
--~_.- -_._~--_.
._----. 137 2700 20.33 7795 6184

DnnetlSlons and Results ofSlIlgie Shear Bolted ConnectIons WltJlOut Washers - Tensile Strellgth Study (Two
Bolts III the Lille of Stress) - Failure Type ITI - Cont

Spec CAN\CSA Pult PultiAISI PultiAISC PI~tIECCS PI~tlBS 5950 PI~t1(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN bps

D 7721 18.65 124 107 1.65 1.70 1.07 24

D 40.30 10.22 123 1/3 1.39 1.39 1IJ 24
D 40.30 10.27 1.24 1 13 1.39 1.39 1 13 24
D 121.31 27.93 I 37 102 159 201 1.02 24
D 12009 27.72 I 36 103 1 58 1.99 1.03 24

Mean 1288 1078 1.520 1.697 1.078

Standard Deviation 0.062 0047 0.108 0.273 0047
Coefficient of Variation 0048 00,14 0071 0161 0.044

DHIlenstnfl5 and muts of Single Shear Bolt~ Coollocuons WIUlout Washers-TenSile Strellgth ScUlly CDlfOO
Bolts III UJ" Lllle "fStress) . Fililure Type HI

Controlling Cont1vllins
SI''''C d e e! s eld dll dis Fy Fu FuiFy AISC AlSl ECCS as 5950
~ ~ ._~. __ ~~.__ ~_I~~_~: ~~\ 1II ..
.~,-~ ~~._~~ ._~.~~ __ 2~~ ~t~ ~.. ._~.~ __~ k~~~ KN _~

P1SSC25 0625 0058 1500 1150 4000 2400 10776 0156 44 ~6(l 53.20 I 19 1011 814 :n 21 2166

flImenslOllS and Results of Single Shear Bolted ConneCtlollS WilhOlll Washers-Tensile Strength Study (fhwe
Bolts In the Lllle of Stress) Failure Type m- COllt

Spec CAN\CSA Pult Pu!tlAISl PultJAlSC PultJECCS Pu.ltIBS S<iSO Pult/(CAN\CSA) Reference

P3SSC2S 4541 R42 10} D 82 ! )3 I 73 082 21

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers-Tensile Strength Study (Two
Bolts PerpendJcular to the Line of Stress) - Failure Type [JJ

COlltrolhng Controlling
Spec c t e s eld dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
u In. In. 111. ksi ksi kip kip KN KN KN

H2DSC47 0500 0.058 1500 2.00 3000 8621 0250 44.60 5320 I 19 887 554 3122 28.12 39.46
H2DSC48 0500 0.058 1500 200 3.000 8621 0.250 4460 5320 I 19 8.87 554 3122 28.12 39.46
H2DSC51 0.500 0.058 1750 200 3500 8.621 0250 4460 5320 I \9 887 5.54 3122 28.12 39.46
I12DSC52 0.500 0.058 I 750 200 3.500 8.621 0250 44.60 5320 1 19 887 554 3122 28.12 39.46
IImSC55 0500 0.058 2.250 2.00 4.500 862\ 0.250 4460 5320 I 19 887 554 3122 28 12 3946
112DSC56 0.500 0.058 2.250 2.00 4.500 8.621 0.250 4460 5320 1 19 887 5.54 3122 2812 39.46
H2DSC66 0625 0.058 1563 2.00 2501 10776 0.313 4460 5320 I 19 8.87 6.33 3308 3308 39.46
H2DSC67 0.625 0.058 1563 2.00 2501 10.776 0313 44.60 53.20 \ 19 887 633 3308 3308 39.46
H20SC71 0.750 0.058 I 125 2.00 1.500 12.931 0.375 4460 5320 I 19 887 6.87 33.08 3308 39.46
H20SC72 0.750 0.058 I 125 2.00 1.500 12931 0.375 4460 53.20 I 19 887 6.87 3308 3308 39.46
H2DSC75 0.750 0.058 1.500 200 2.000 12.931 0375 44.60 53.20 I 19 887 687 3308 3308 39.46
H2DSC76 0.750 0.058 1500 2.00 2.000 12.931 0.375 44.60 53.20 I 19 8.87 6.87 3308 3308 39.46
H2DSC79 0.750 0.058 \.875 2.00 2.500 12.931 0375 44.60 53.20 I 19 8.87 687 33.08 3308 39.46
H2DSC80 0.750 0.058 1875 2.00 2.500 12.931 0.375 44.60 53.20 119 8.87 6.87 3308 33.08 39.46

DImensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers- Tensile Strength Study (Two
Bolts Perpendicular to the Line afStress) - Failure Type ill - COliC

Spec Pult PultlAISI PultlAISC PultlECCS Pult!BS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference


H2DSC47 9.06 163 102 129 1.43 1.02 27

H2DSC48 9.32 168 lOS 133 147 105 27
H2DSC51 926 1.67 104 132 1.46 104 27
H2DSC52 9.40 1.70 1.06 1.34 149 106 27
H2DSC55 9.24 1.67 1.04 1.32 146 104 27
H2DSC56 9.64 1.74 1.09 1.37 1.52 1.09 27
H2DSC66 874 138 0.99 I 18 I 18 0.99 27
H2DSC67 874 138 099 118 1.18 099 27
H2DSC71 9.20 134 104 124 1.24 104 27
H2DSCn 8.66 1.26 0.98 1 16 1 16 098 27
H2DSC75 860 125 0.97 I 16 I 16 0.97 27
H2DSC76 8.48 1.23 0.96 1 14 I 14 0.96 27
H2DSC79 8.98 131 1.01 121 1.21 101 27
H2DSC80 8.00 116 090 1.08 1.08 0.90 27

Mean 1.458 1009 1.236 1.298 1009

Standard Deviation 0.202 0.048 0.088 0157 0048
Coefficient of Variation 0.139 0.047 0071 0121 0.047

Dllnt'llSlOns and Results of Double Shear Rolted ConneclJons Without Washers~ TensJle Strength Study (Three Bolts
PerpenwcuJar to the LlIle of Stress) ~ FaJllue Type III

Controlling Controlling ECCS BS 5950

Sp<'c d t e s e/d ,Vt dis Fy FlI Fu/Fy AISC AISI KN t-:.N
III Ill. III III kSl kSI kip kip

HJDSA20 0313 0064 1.094 I 333 3495 4883 0.235 544 707 I 2996 1343 7.85 4020 3696
HlDSA24 0313 0.064 I 418 I 333 4530 4883 0235 544 707 I 2996 1343 7.85 4020 3696
IBDSA25 0313 0.064 1.418 I 333 4.530 4883 0235 544 707 12996 1343 7.85 40.20 36.96
IBDSA26 0313 0064 I 418 1.333 4.500 4883 0235 544 707 12996 13.43 7.85 4020 3696
H3DSA31 0.313 0.064 1.719 1.333 5500 4883 0235 544 707 I 2996 1343 7.85 40.20 3696
H3DSA32 0.313 0.064 1.719 1.333 5500 4.883 0235 544 70.7 12996 13.43 7.85 40.20 36.96
IBDSA56 0375 0.064 0938 1333 2500 5859 0.281 54.4 70.7 1.2996 1258 884 4307 40.66
IBDSA57 0.375 0064 0938 1.333 2500 5859 0281 54.4 70.7 1.2996 12.58 884 43.07 4066
IBDSA61 )375 0.064 I 125 1.333 3.000 5859 0281 54.4 707 1.2996 12.58 8.84 4307 40.66
H3DSA62 l.375 0.064 I 125 1.333 3.000 5859 0.281 544 70.7 12996 1258 884 4307 4066
1-13 DSA63 'J375 0.064 1.125 1333 3.000 5859 0.281 54.4 70.7 1.2996 1258 8.84 4307 40.66
HJDSA67 0.375 0.064 1.313 1.333 3.500 5.859 0.281 54.4 70.7 1.2996 12.58 8.84 4307 40.66
H3DSA68 0.375 0.064 1.313 I 333 3500 5859 0.281 54.4 70.7 12996 1258 8.84 43.07 40.66
H3DSA69 0.375 0.064 1.313 1.333 3500 5.859 0.281 54.4 70.7 1.2996 1258 8.84 4307 40.66
H3DSA73 0.375 0.064 1688 1 333 4.500 5.859 0281 54.4 707 1.2996 12.58 884 4307 40.66
H3DSA74 0.375 0.064 1688 1 333 4.500 5859 0281 54.4 70.7 1.2996 1258 8.84 4307 40.66
IBDSA75 0.375 0.064 1688 I 333 4500 5859 0281 54.4 70.7 12996 1258 8.84 4307 40.66
113DSA79 0.375 0064 2063 1333 5.500 5.859 0281 544 70.7 1 2996 1258 884 4307 40.66
H3DSA80 0.375 0.064 2063 1.333 5500 5859 0.281 544 707 1.2996 12.58 8.84 4307 40.66
I13DSA81 0.375 0064 2063 I 333 5500 5859 0281 54.4 707 1 2996 1258 8.84 4307 40.66
H3DSA82 0.500 0.064 0938 1.333 1.900 7813 0.375 54.4 70.7 12996 10.46 805 3581 3581
IIJDSA83 0.500 0.064 0938 1.333 1.900 7813 0375 54.4 707 1.2996 10.46 8.05 3581 35.81
H3DSA84 0500 0.064 0.938 1333 1900 7.813 0.375 54.4 70.7 1.2996 10.46 8.05 3581 35.81
H3DSA88 0.500 0.064 1.313 1.333 2600 7.813 0.375 54.4 70.7 1.2996 10.46 8.05 3581 35.81
H3DSA89 0.500 0.064 1313 1.333 2600 7813 0.375 544 70.7 1.2996 10.46 8.05 3581 35.81
H3DSA92 0.500 0.064 1688 1.333 3.400 7.813 0.375 54.4 70.7 1 2996 10.46 8.05 35.81 3581
H3DSA93 0.500 0.064 1.688 1.333 3.400 7.813 0375 54.4 70.7 12996 10.46 8.05 3581 35.81
H3DSB4 0313 0107 1.375 1333 4.400 2.921 0.235 606 726 I 1980 2305 13.48 74.86 68.84
H1DSB5 0313 0.107 1375 1333 4.400 2921 0.235 60.6 726 1 1980 2305 13.48 74.86 68.84
H1DSB6 0.313 0107 1375 I 333 4.400 2.921 0235 606 72.6 1 1980 23.05 1348 74.86 68.84
I13DSBI8 0.375 0.107 0.938 I 333 2500 3.505 0281 606 726 I 1980 21.61 1518 80.22 75.72
1518 8022 75.72
H1DSFlI9 0.375 0.107 0938 1.333 2500 3505 0281 606 726 I 1980 21.61 .....
1333 2500 3505 0281 60.6 726 1 1980 2161 15.18 8022 7572
111 DSR20 0.375 0107 0938
726 1 1980 2161 15 18 8022 75.72
IBDSA21 0375 0107 0.938 I 333 2500 3 505 0281 60.6
DImensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Cormections Without Washers-Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
PerpenrucuJar to the Line of Stress) - Failure Type III - Cont

Spec KN Pult Pult/A1SI PuitiAISC PllltlECCS PllltIBS 5950 Pult/(CAN\CSA) Reference

IBDSA20 5972 1452 1.85 108 1.61 175 1.08 27

H3DSA24 5972 14.63 186 109 162 176 109 27
IUOSA25 5972 1456 I 85 108 161 175 108 27
H3DSA26 59.72 1440 1.83 107 159 173 107 27
H3DSA31 59.72 14.64 186 1.09 1.62 176 109 27
H3DSA32 5972 13.90 177 I 04 I 54 167 104 27
H3DSA56 55.98 14.26 161 I 13 147 I 56 1 13 27
H3DSA57 5598 1440 163 I 14 149 I 58 I 14 27
IUDSAbl 5598 1302 1.47 I 03 I 34 142 I 03 27
H3DSAb2 5598 13.54 153 1.08 140 148 108 27
HmSAb3 5598 1420 16\ 1 13 I 47 I 55 113 27
HHlSA67 5598 1442 163 1 15 149 158 I 15 27
H3DSM8 5598 1300 1.47 1 03 134 I 42 I 03 27
IUDSA6Q 'is 98 14.34 162 I 14 1.48 I 57 1 14 27
IDOSA71 ,598 1362 1.54 1 08 141 \ 49 108 27
II 'OSA 74 598 1294 146 1 03 I 34 I 42 I 03 27
!DDSA75 ',598 1426 1.61 113 I 47 I 56 113 27
InDSA7Q 5598 13.70 I 55 10Q 141 I 50 109 27
IImSA80 55 Q8 14.34 162 1 14 I 18 I 57 I 14 27
IUnSARI 5598 1248 141 0C)<) 1 29 \ 37 099 27
IImSA82 46 S4 1100 137 105 \17 137 105 27
HHlSA83 4654 1180 147 I 13 I 47 I 47 1 13 27
IBDSAR4 4654 1168 I 45 1 12 I 45 1 4'; I 12 27
HlDSA8R 46 S4 11 18 139 \ 07 13Q I 3Q I 07 27
1130SARQ 46 ';4 11.88 1 48 I 14 \ 18 I 48 I 14 27
111 DSA') 2 4654 I J 62 I 44 111 111 I 14 111 27
II1lJSA'11 4654 1096 I 36 I OS I 36 1 J6 I 05 27
II1l>SB,1 10253 2.3 00 I 7\ I (~) 1 37 I 4Q 100 27
1I1llS!!5 102 53 21 70 I 7n 1m 111 I 53 I OJ 27
113llSIII, In2 53 2340 I 71 I n2 I 3') I 51 I 02 27
1I1llSfJI8 Qn 10 21 QO \ 41 101 I 21 I 20 IOJ 27
1I1l>SfJ1O Q610 22 40 I 48 1 nl 1.'1 I 12 101 27
111 [>5 fL'! I On 10 2260 1,IQ I OS 1 .'5 131 I OS 27
1111>5 II.' I Q(, In .'2')0 1 51 1111' I '" I 15 I {Ih ""'I""
DUllellSlOlls and Results of Double Shear Bolted COllnoctlOlls Wlthollt Washers-TenSIle Strength Study (TInee Bolts
P"qlelldICldar to the Line of Stress) - Falllue Type III - COllt

Controllins ControUIIIS ECCS BS 5950

Spec d t e s e/d dJt dJs Fy Fu FuIFy AlSC AIS] KN KN
III III. III III kSl kSl kip kip

HmSB22 0375 0107 0938 I 333 2500 3505 0281 606 726 I 1980 21.61 1518 8022 7572
InDSB28 0375 0107 I 313 I 333 3500 3.505 028 I 606 726 I 1980 2161 IS 18 8022 75.72
IUDSB2<) 0.375 0107 ) 313 J .333 3.500 3.505 0281 606 726 I 1980 2161 1518 8022 75.72
lBDSB30 0.375 0107 I 313 1333 3500 3505 0281 606 72.6 t 1980 21.61 1518 8022 7572
H3DSB31 0.375 0107 1313 1.333 3.500 3.505 0.281 60.6 72.6 I 1980 21.61 1518 8022 7572
H3DSB32 0.375 0.\07 1.313 1.333 3.500 3.505 0281 606 72.6 11980 21.61 1518 8022 75.72
H3DSB38 0.375 0.107 1688 1.333 4500 3.505 0.281 606 726 I 1980 21 61 1518 8022 75.72
H3DSB39 0375 0.\07 1688 1.333 4.500 3505 028\ 606 72.6 \ 1980 21.61 1518 8022 75.72
HmSB40 0.375 0.107 1688 I 333 4.500 3.505 0281 60.6 726 I 1980 21.61 15.18 8022 75.72
H3DSB41 0375 0.107 1.688 1.333 4.500 3505 0.281 606 72.6 1\980 21.61 \ 518 8022 7572
H3DSB42 0375 0.107 1.688 1.333 4.500 3505 0281 60.6 72.6 I 1980 2161 1518 8022 75.72

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers-Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
Perpendicular 10 the Line of Stress) - Failure Type III - ConI

Spec KN Pult Pult/AlS! Pult/A1SC PultJECCS PultIBS 5950 Pult/(CAN\CSA) Reference

H3DSB22 96.10 23.00 1.52 106 1.28 135 106 27

H3DSB28 96.10 22.60 1.49 105 1 25 133 105 27
H3DSB29 96.10 22.90 1.51 1.06 \.27 135 \.06 27
IBDSB30 9610 2250 148 104 1.25 132 104 27
HmSBJI 96.10 23.20 1.53 107 1.29 136 107 27
HmSB32 96.10 22.50 148 \.04 1.25 I 32 \.04 27
H3DSB38 96.10 2270 1.50 \.05 I 26 133 \.05 27
HmSB39 96.10 22.60 149 \.05 1.25 1.33 105 27
HmSB40 96.10 2270 1.50 \.05 1.26 133 1.05 27
HmSB41 96.10 22.50 1.48 1.04 125 132 104 27
96.10 2240 1.48 \.04 124 132 \.04 27

Mean 1563 1.070 1.387 1465 1.070

Slandard Deviation 0138 0.042 0119 0138 0042
CoeffiCIent of Vanatioll 0089 0039 0086 0.094 0039

DlInenslons and Resl~ts of Double Shear Bolted COllnectlOns WltJloUt Washers-Tensile Strenf(lh Study <Two
Bolts nl the LUle of Stress) - Fatlure Type ll\

Controlhng Controlhng
Spec d t e e1 s eld dJt dJs Fy Fu FufFy AISC AISl ECCS BS 5950

P2DSAI6 0750 0.064 2.250 2250 4000 3.000 II 719 0188 5440 7070 130 \442 1059 42 \9 32.70
P2DSAI7 0750 0064 2250 2250 4000 3000 11.719 0188 5440 7070 I 30 1442 1059 42 ICl 3270
P2DSA 18 0.750 0.064 2250 2250 4000 3.000 II 71 Cl o 188 54 10 7070 130 1442 1059 421<) 3270
P2DSE4 0500 0051 1 500 I 500 2000 3000 Cl 804 0250 44 bO 5300 I 19 389 3 16 14 13 \236
P2DSE5 0500 0.051 1500 1500 2000 3000 9804 0250 4460 5.100 IICl 389 3 16 14.13 12.36
1'2DSE9 0625 0051 1.875 I 880 2000 3000 12.255 0313 44 ()() 5J 00 I 19 355 316 13.28 1328
P2DSEI0 0.625 0.051 I 875 1880 2000 3000 12.255 0313 4460 5300 I 19 355 3.16 1328 \328
P2DSEI4 0750 0051 2.250 2.250 2000 3.000 14706 0375 4400 5100 I 19 321 311 1201 1201
---_._--- 0750 0.051 2250 2250 2000 3000 14706 0375
4460 5300 I 19 321 311 /201 12.01

DlInenslons and Results of Double Shear Bolted ConnectIons Without Washers-TensIle Strength Study (Two
Bolts In the Litle of Stress) - Failllfe Type III - Cont
Spec CAN\CSA Pull PultfAISI PulUAISC PI~t!ECCS PI~tJBS 5950 PI~tf(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN kips

P2DSAI6 6415 1318 1.24 0.91 139 1.79 OClI 27

P2DSAI7 64.15 13.34 1.26 092 141 1 81 0.92 27
P2DSA\8 64.\ 5 12.62 1 19 0.88 133 172 0.88 27
P2DSE4 1728 404 1.28 104 127 145 104 27
P2DSE5 17.28 3.92 1.24 101 123 141 101 27
P2DSE9 15.78 3.68 1\6 \ 04 123 1.23 104 27
P2DSEI0 1578 3.62 1 15 102 121 121 J .02 27
P2DSEI4 14.28 383 I 23 I 19 142 142 I 19 27
---------- 3.81 1.23 119 141
-_._ ... _------,. __ 1.4\
119 27

Mea I 220 1022 I J2J I 49() 1022

Stan rd Deviation 0042 010') 0081 0213 0105
CoeHicient of Vanat 00,4 0001 o I,D IOJ
Dimensions and R" ,Jits of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
in the Line of Stre! - Failure Type III

Controlling Controlling
Spec d t e el s eld dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy AISC AISI ECCS
m. m. m. m Ill. ksi ksi kip kip KN

P3DSA21 0.500 0.064 1250 1.500 4.000 2.500 7813 0.125 54.40 70.70 130 1538 11.99 44.75
P3DSA22 0.500 0.064 1250 1500 4.000 2.500 7.813 0125 54.40 70.70 130 15.38 1199 44.75
P3DSA23 0.500 0064 1250 1.500 4.000 2.500 7.813 0125 54.40 70.70 130 1538 11.99 4475
P3DSA27 0.500 0.064 1.750 1750 4.000 3500 7.813 0.125 54.40 70.70 130 15.38 11.99 44.75
P3DSA28 0.500 0.064 1750 1.750 4000 3.500 7813 0125 54.40 70.70 130 15.38 1199 44.75
P3DSA29 0.500 0.064 1.750 1750 4000 3500 7.813 0.125 54.40 7070 130 15.38 11.99 44.75
PJDSA33 0500 0.064 2.250 2.250 4000 4500 7.813 0125 54.40 70.70 130 15.38 1199 4475
PJDSA34 0.500 0.064 2.250 2.250 4000 4500 7.813 0.125 54.40 70.70 130 15.]8 11.99 44.75
P3DSA35 0.500 0.064 2.250 2250 4000 4.500 7.813 0125 54.40 70.70 130 15.38 1199 44.75
P3DSA39 0.625 0.064 0.938 1.880 4000 1.501 9.766 0156 54.40 70.70 130 14.99 11.94 44.73
P3DSA40 0.625 0.064 0938 1.880 4000 1.501 9.766 0156 54.40 70.70 130 14.99 1194 44.7]
PJDSA41 0625 0.064 0938 1880 4.000 1501 9.766 0.156 54.40 70.70 130 14.99 11.94 44.7]
P3DSA45 0.625 0064 1.563 1.880 4000 2.501 9.766 0.156 54.40 70.70 130 14.99 1194 44.73
P3DSA46 0625 0.064 1.563 1880 4000 2.501 9766 0156 54.40 70.70 130 1499 11.94 44.73
P3DSA47 0.625 0.064 1.563 1880 4.000 2.501 9.766 0156 54.40 70.70 130 1499 1194 44.73
P3DSA51 0.625 0.064 2.188 2190 4000 3.501 9.766 0.156 54.40 70.70 130 1499 J 1.94 44.73
PJDSA52 0.625 0064 2188 2.190 4000 3.501 9.766 0.156 54.40 70.70 130 14.99 1194 44.73
PJDSA53 0.625 0.064 2.188 2190 4.000 ]501 9766 0.156 54.40 70.70 130 1499 11.94 44.73
P3DSA58 0750 0.064 I 125 1.500 4000 1.500 11.719 0188 5440 70.70 130 14.42 11.87 44.58
P3DSA59 0750 0.064 I 125 1500 4000 1500 11.719 0188 54.40 70.70 130 14.42 I J .87 4458
PJDSA60 0.750 0.064 I 125 1500 4000 1.500 11.719 0188 54.40 70.70 130 14.42 11.87 44.58
P3DSB24 0500 0107 1.250 1.500 4.000 2500 4673 0125 60.60 72.60 120 26.41 20.58 83.34
PJDSB2'i 0500 0107 1250 1500 4.000 2500 4.673 0125 60.60 72.60 120 26.41 20.58 83.34
PJDSB29 0500 0107 I 250 1 500 4.000 2.500 4673 0125 60.60 72.60 1.20 26.41 2058 83.34
P3DSB30 0500 0107 1.250 1.500 4000 2500 4.673 0125 60.60 7260 1.20 26.41 2058 83.34
PJDSB31 0500 0107 1 250 1 ~oo 4000 2500 4673 0125 60 60 7260 120 26.41 20.58 8334
P3DSA35 0500 0107 I 250 1 500 4000 2500 4673 o 125 6060 7260 I 20 26.41 2058 8334
P3DSB36 0500 0107 1250 1 500 4000 2500 4673 o 125 6060 72 60 120 26.41 2058 83.34
PJDSB37 0500 0107 I 250 1 500 4000 2.500 4.673 0125 6060 72 60 I 20 26.41 2058 83.34
P3DSB39 0500 0107 U50 1 500 4000 2500 4.673 0125 6060 72 60 120 26.41 2058 83.34
PJDSB40 0500 0107 1 250 I 500 4000 2500 4673 0125 60 60 72.60 120 2641 20.58 83.34
I 750
I 750
I 750
I 750
o 125
72 60
P3DSB48 0500 0107
Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
in the Line of Stress) failure Type m Cont.

Spec BS 5950 CAN\CSA Pult PultJAISI PultlAISC Pult1ECCS Pult1BS 5950 PultI(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN KN kips

P3DSA21 25.29 69.18 14.32 1.19 0.93 1.42 2.52 0.92 27

P3DSA22 25.29 69.18 13.98 1.17 0.91 1.39 2.46 0.90 27
P3DSA23 25.29 69.18 12.88 1.07 0.84 1.28 2.27 0.83 27
P3DSA27 25.29 69.18 14.78 1.23 0.96 1.41 260 0.95 27
P3DSA28 25.29 69.18 14.60 1.22 0.95 1.45 2.57 0.94 21
P3DSA29 25.29 69.18 1S.18 1.27 0.99 I.SI 2.61 0.98 27
P3DSA33 25.29 69.18 14.12 1.18 0.92 1.40 2.48 0.91 27
P3DSA34 25.29 69.18 13.98 1.17 0.91 1.39 2.46 0.90 27
P3DSA35 25.29 69.18 14.46 1.21 0.94 1.44 2.54 0.93 27
PlDSA39 29.18 66.67 14.24 1.19 095 1.42 2.17 0.95 27
PlDSA40 29.18 66.67 14.70 1.23 0.98 1.46 2.24 0.98 27
P3DSMI 29.18 66.67 14.04 1.18 0.94 1.40 2.14 0.94 27
P.lDSA45 29.18 66.67 14.14 1.18 0.94 1.41 2.16 0.94 27
PlDSA46 19.11 66.67 14.06 1.18 0.94 1.40 2.14 0.94 27
P.lDSA47 19.18 66.67 14.54 1.22 091 1.45 2.22 0.97 21
P3DSASI .9.18 66.67 14.87 1.24 0.99 1.48 2.27 0.99 27
P3DSA52 29.18 66.67 14.18 1.19 0.95 1.41 2.16 0.95 21
P.lDSA53 29.18 66.67 15.18 1.27 1.01 UI 2.31 1.01 21
64.15 14.30 1.20 0.99 1.43 1.95 0.99 21
~DSAS8 32.70
64.15 12.46 1.05 0.86 1.24 1.69 0.86 27
~DSAS9 32.70
14.26 1.20 0.99 1.42 1.94 0.99 27
1'mSA60 32.70 64.15
0.92 27
PlDSB24 47.09 118.78 24.45 1.19 0.93 1.30 2.31
118.78 24.85 1.21 0.94 1.33 235 0.93 27
~1)SB25 47.09
24.90 1.21 0.94 1.33 2.35 0.93 27
~DSB29 47.09 118.78
47.09 118.78 25.50 1.24 0.97 1.36 241 095 27
47.09 118.78 24.90 1.21 0.94 1.33 2.35 0.93 27
47.09 118.78 25.30 1.23 0.96 1.35 2.39 0.95 27
47.09 118.78 24.90 1.21 0.94 1.33 2.35 0.93 21
47.09 118.78 25.30 1.23 0.96 1.35 2.39 0.95 27
47.09 118.78 25.30 1.23 096 1.35 2.39 0.95 27
"pjt> 118.78 24.50 119 093 1.31 231 0.92 27
Pjt>SB46 47.09 118.78 25.15 1.22 0.95 1.34 2.38 0.94 27 ....
118.78 24.40 1.19 0.92 130 230 091 27 .
P3OSB47 47.09 --..J
47.09 118.78 23.80 1.16 0.90 1.27 2.25 089 27
Dl....aon. and RetUIt. of Doubl. Shur Bolted Connections WithoUl Wishers Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
an the LiM of s....a) FlIihn Type m. Cont
Controlling ControUing
Spec d

eld dIt dis Fy
FulFy AlSC
P3DSB52 0500 0.107 I?SO I ?SO 4000 3500 4.673 0125 6060 7260 120 264\ 20.58 83.34
P3DSB5) 0.500 0.107 1.750 1750 4000 3500 4673 0.125 6060 7260 120 26.41 20.58 83.34
P3DS8S4 0.500 0.107 1750 1750 4000 3500 4673 0125 6060 7260 1.20 2641 2058 8334
PlDS8S1 0.625 0.107 1.125 2250 4000 1100 5841 0.156 6060 7260 1.20 25.73 2051 83.30
PlDSBS9 0.625 0107 1\25 2.250 4000 1100 5141 0.156 6060 72.60 120 2573 20.51 13.30
PlDSB60 0.625 0107 1.125 2250 4000 1.100 5141 0.156 60.60 7260 120 2573 2051 13.30
PlDS. . 0625 0.107 1.125 2250 4.000 1100 5141 0156 6060 7260 120 25.73 2051 13.30
PlDSB65 0.625 0107 1.125 2250 4000 1100 5141 0156 6060 7260 1.20 2573 2051 13.30
P1DSB66 0.625 0107 1.125 2250 4000 1100 5141 0156 6060 7260 120 2573 2051 13.30
P1DSB1O 0.625 0.107 1\25 2250 4000 1100 5.141 0156 60.60 7260 120 2573 2051 13.30
PlDSB71 0.625 0107 II2S 2250 4000 1100 5141 0156 60.60 7260 120 2573 20.51 1330
P1DSB72 0625 0107 112S 2250 4000 1100 5141 0156 6060 7260 1.20 2573 2051 13.30
P3DSB76 0750 0.107 0750 2250 4000 1000 7009 OIU 6060 7260 120 24.76 lOll nOl
PlDSB71 0150 0107 0750 2250 4000 1000 7009 OlU 6Cl60 7260 120 2476 lOll 1303
PlDSBlI 0.750 0107 0750 2250 4000 1.000 7009 OlU 6060 7260 120 2476 2031 nOl
PlOS8l1 0150 0107 I 125 2250 4000 1500 7009 OlU 6060 7260 120 2476 lOll n03
PlOS8l2 0750 0107 I 125 2250 4000 I SOO 7009 OIU 6060 7260 120 2476 20 II nOl
PlDSB16 0750 0107 I 125 2250 4000 I SOO 7009 OIU 6060 7260 120 2476 lOll n03
PlOS8l7 0750 0107 I 125 2250 4000 I SOO 7009 OIU 6060 7260 20 2476 2031 1303
PlDS811 750 0107 I 125 2250 4000 \ SOO 7009 OIU 6060 7260 20 2416 lOll 1303
PJDSB92 150 0107 I 125 2250 4000 I SOO 7009 OIU 6060 7260 20 2476 20 II 1303
PJDSB9l '50 0107 I 125 2250 4000 I SOO 7009 OIU 6060 7260 20 2476 20 II 1303
PlDSB94 0150 0107 I 125 2250 4000 I SOO 7009 OIU 6060 7260 20 2476 2031 1303
PlDSB9I 0750 0107 I 125 2250 4000 I SOO 7000 OlU 6060 7260 20 2416 2031 Il 03
P3DSIJf,lQ 0750 0107 I 125 2250 4000 1 SOO 7009 OIU 6060 7260 20 2476 20 31 Il OJ
Pl058100 0750 0107 I 125 2250 4000 I SOO 7 (J()q OIU 6060 7260 20 2476 20 31 1303
Pl05BICW 0150 0107 1175 2250 4000 2500 7 (J()q OIU 6060 7260 20 2476 20 31 Il 03
Pl05810,\ 0150 0107 117'\ 2210 4000 BOO 1 (J()q OIU 6060 7260 20 2476 20JI 1303
P3OS8106 0150 0107 1175 2250 4000 2 SOO 7 (J()q 0111 6060 7260 20 2476 20 31 1303
P10SIII 10 0110 0107 2625 26.'0 4000 3 SOO 7 ()OQ OIU 6060 7260 20 2416 20 31 IJ 03
PlOS8111 0150 0107 2625 2MO 4000 l SOO 7 ()()Q 0111 6060 7260 20 2476 20 JI Il 03
P3058111 0150 0107 2625 26)0 4000 noo 7 ()OQ O\U 6060 7260 20 2476 20 31 1303
PH>sE4 0500 00'\1 I '\00 I '\00 1000 )000 QI04 0210 U60 HOO IQ 319 J40 1427
rmsl''\ O~ 00'\' I~ 1'\00 ~ (Wl{l , 000 QI04 o 2'iO UtlO 'il00 IQ HQ 340 1427
Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
in the Line of Stress) - Failure Type ill - Cont

Spec BS 5950 CAN\CSA Pult PultJAISI PultJAlSC PultJECCS PultfBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN KN kips

P3DSB52 47.09 11878 2535 1.23 0.96 135 2.39 0.95 27

P3DSB53 47.09 118.78 25.20 1.22 0.95 134 2.38 0.94 27
PJDSB54 47.09 118.78 2520 1.22 0.95 134 2.38 094 27
P3DSB58 54.34 114.46 2440 1.19 0.95 130 2.00 0.95 27
P3DSB59 54.34 114.46 2470 1.20 0.96 132 202 0.96 27
P3DSB60 54.34 114.46 2400 1.17 093 1.28 196 0.93 27
PJDSB64 54.34 114.46 2490 1.21 0.97 133 204 0.97 27
P3DSB65 54.34 114.46 2440 \ 19 0.95 1.30 2.00 0.95 27
PJDSB66 54.34 114.46 24.00 1.17 093 1.28 1.96 0.93 27
PJDSB70 54.34 114.46 24.60 1.20 0.96 13\ 201 0.96 27
P3DSB71 54.34 114.46 23.50 115 091 1.25 1.92 0.9\ 27
P3DSB72 54.34 114.46 24.30 1.19 094 130 1.99 0.94 27
P3DSB76 60.91 110.14 23.80 1.17 0.96 1.28 1.74 0.96 27
P3DSB77 60.91 110.14 24.30 1.19 0.98 130 1.77 098 27
P3DSB78 60.91 110.14 24.10 1.18 097 1.29 1.76 097 27
P3DSB81 60.91 110.14 2370 1.16 096 1.27 1.73 0.96 27
P3DSB82 60.91 110.14 23.50 115 0.95 1.26 1.72 095 27
P3DSB86 60.91 110.14 23.70 116 0.96 1.27 1.73 096 27
PJDSB87 60.91 110.14 25.00 1.23 101 134 183 1.01 27
P3DSB88 60.91 110.14 24.15 1 19 0.98 1.29 176 098 27
P3DSB92 60.91 110.14 23.50 1.15 0.95 1.26 1.72 0.95 27
PJDSB93 60.91 110.14 2330 1.14 094 1.25 1.70 0.94 27
P3DSB94 60.91 110.14 23.30 1.14 094 1.25 1.70 094 27
P3DSB98 60.91 110.14 24.20 I 19 0.98 130 177 0.98 27
P3DSB99 {l.91 110.14 2410 1.18 0.97 1.29 1.76 097 27
P3DSBl00 0.91 110.14 24.20 1 19 098 1.30 177 0.98 27
P3DSBI04 J.91 110.14 2400 1.18 0.97 1.29 1.75 097 27
60.91 110.14 2340 1 IS 095 125 1.71 0.95 27
P3DSBI06 6091 110.14 2530 1.24 102 136 18S 102 27
P3DSBII0 60.91 110.14 2365 I 16 096 127 1.73 096 27
P3DSBIII 60.91 110.14 23.35 I 15 094 1.25 1.11 094 27
1 16
1 19
P3DSE5 12.36 17.28 4.06
DlInOIlSlOllS alld Results of Double Shear Boltod COllnectiolls Without Washers -Tensllo Strength Study Cnlroe Bolts
111the LlI1e of Stress) - Failure Type In - Cont

Controlling Controlling
Spec d t e el s eld dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy AISC AISI ECCS
III 111. Ill. 111 111 kSI ksi kip kip KN

P3DSE6 0.500 0.051 1500 1500 2.000 3.000 9.804 0.250 4460 53.00 I 19 389 3.40 14.27
PJDSE9 0.625 0051 1563 1.880 2.000 2501 12.255 0.313 4460 53.00 119 3.55 3.29 1328
PJDSEIO 0.625 0.051 1.563 1.880 2000 250\ 12.255 0.313 44.60 5300 I 19 3.55 3.29 13.28
P3DSEI4 0.750 0.051 1.500 2250 2.000 2.000 14.706 0.375 44.60 5300 119 3.21 3.14 12.01
PJDSEI5 0.750 0.051 1.500 2.250 2.000 2.000 14.706 0.375 44.60 53.00 1.19 3.21 314 1201
P3DSEI6 0.750 0.05\ \.500 2.250 2.000 2.000 14.706 0.375 44.60 53.00 119 3.21 314 12.01

Dimensions and Resldts of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
t]le Line of Stress) - Failure Type m- Cont.

Spec BS 5950 CAN\CSA Ptdt PldtlAISI PtdtlA!SC PldtlECCS PtdtIBS 5950 Ptdt/(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN KN kips

1236 1728 4.02 1 18 I 03 125 145 \03 27

1328 15.78 4 10 125 I 16 I 37 137 I 16 27
P3DSEI0 13.28 15.78 414 126 I 17 139 139 I 17 27
1201 1428 3.66 1 16 1 14 136 136 I 14 27
12.01 1428 3.63 I 15 1 13 134 134 I 13 27
1428 4.08 130 \27 lSI I 51 \27 27
PJDSEI6 1201

Mean I 193 0.970 1.340 2.025 0.966

Standard Deviation 0.039 0.065 0071 0.348 0067
Coefficient of Vanallon 0.033 0.067 0053 0172 0.070


Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The Evaluation Of

Existing Data - Type Failure Mode
Dimensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections with Washers (One Bolt) - Failure Type n

Spec. t e s e/d d1t Fy Fu FulFy Pult ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA F. Zadanfarrokh

.J (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksi) kip KN KN KN KN

20MISS 0250 0.036 1.125 4.000 4.500 6.940 32.11 41.&3 1.30 187 270 270 5.02 644
14A43SS 0500 0.080 2.250 4.000 4.500 6250 2981 43.40 1.46 710 1581 13.60 2317 2282
IOE36SS 1000 0.143 3.500 4.000 3.500 6.980 5947 76.84 1.29 24.63 12691 113.48 14663 832/
12Y-L8 0.375 0.106 1.500 2.530 4.000 3.540 7240 72.80 1.01 974 4308 36.63 3861 3586
12Y-L9 0.500 0106 1.750 3.410 3500 4.720 7240 72.80 1.01 1415 5397 48.84 51.49 41.41
12Y-Ll6 0.500 0.106 1.750 2.040 3500 4.720 72.40 72.80 101 11.18 53.97 48.84 5149 4141
12Y-Ll8 0.750 0106 2.650 3.040 3.530 7080 72.40 72.80 1.01 1216 8132 7326 77.23 5071
20ZTl2 0.188 0.038 0.660 2080 3500 4.930 99.40 99.80 1.00 185 662 6.62 9.49 9.14
SS2 0875 0116 3.060 8000 3.500 7.540 3549 49.44 139 /609 5319 47.68 66.96 50.43
5S2-1 0875 0./16 3.060 8.000 3.500 7540 3549 49.44 139 1231 5319 47.68 66.96 50.43
553 0875 01 \6 4.400 8.000 5000 7.540 35.49 49.44 1.39 ISIS 6339 4768 66.96 50.43
SS5 1.000 0.116 3500 8000 3.500 8620 35.49 49.44 139 15.53 6082 54.49 7653 5391
SS5-1 1.000 0.116 3.500 8000 3.500 8700 35.49 49.44 139 1364 6082 54.49 76.53 53.91
5S6 1000 0.116 3.500 8000 5.000 8620 3549 4944 1.39 1534 6082 5449 7653 53.91
SS8 0.875 0.181 3.060 8000 3.500 4.830 38.10 62.08 1.63 3300 90.0/ 80.52 13120 88.55
SS8-1 0.875 0.181 3.060 8.000 3.500 4.830 38.10 62.08 /63 2480 90.01 80.52 131.20 88.55
SS9 0.875 0185 4.375 8000 5000 4.730 38.10 6208 163 3275 /0965 82.30 134.10 9051
55/1 1.000 0184 3.500 8.000 3500 5.430 3810 6208 163 36.BO 10462 9355 152.42 9623
SSII-1 1.000 0.184 3500 8000 3500 5430 38.10 6208 163 30.30 10462 93.55 15242 96.23
SS12 1.000 0.184 5.000 8000 5000 5.430 38.10 62.08 163 3530 12464 9355 152.42 96.23
16FAXLI7 0.500 0.062 1.750 5000 3.500 8.060 30.10 45.90 1.52 428 1021 9.79 1899 1747
8-/-B-3-T-SS 0.375 0.025 1.313 5220 3500 15000 4500 52.00 1.16 137 3.94 3.94 434 5.94
8-1-8-3-T-SS 0.375 0.025 1.313 5.230 3.500 15.000 4500 52.00 1.16 122 394 3.94 4.34 5.94
8-1-9-1-T-SS 0375 0.024 1.658 5220 4.420 15.630 45.00 52.00 116 144 378 3.78 4.16 5.69
8-1-9-2-T-SS 0375 0.024 1688 5.220 4.500 15.630 4500 5200 116 1.24 378 3.78 416 5.69
8-(-9-3-T-SS 0.375 0.024 1.688 5220 4.500 15.630 45.00 52.00 116 171 378 3.78 4.16 5.69

Dimensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections with Washers (One Bolt) - Failure Type II - Cont.

Bearing Bearing
Pn Pn
AISI A/SC Pult/AISI Pult/A/SC PuitlECCS PultlBS 5950 Pult/(CAN\CSA) PultIF. Zadanfarrokh
Spec. E33-2
kip kip Reference

20MISS 1.13 1.13 1.66 1.66 309 3.09 166 1.30 12

14M3SS 5.21 5.21 1.36 1.36 200 2.32 1.36 1.38 12
IOE36SS 32.96 3296 0.75 0.75 0.86 097 075 1.32 13
12Y-L8 8.68 8.68 112 112 101 118 112 1.21 12
12Y-L9 11.58 11.58 1.22 122 117 1.29 122 152 12
12Y-L16 11.58 11.58 0.97 0.97 092 1.02 097 1.20 12
12Y-LI8 17.36 17.36 070 0.70 0.67 0.74 0.70 1.07 12
20ZTl2 2.13 2.13 0.87 0.87 1.25 1.25 087 0.90 12
SS2 15.05 15.05 1.07 1.07 1.35 1.50 1.07 1.42 18
SS2-1 15.05 15.05 0.82 082 1.03 1.15 0.82 1.09 18
SS3 15.05 15.05 1.01 1.01 1.06 1.41 1.01 1.34 18
SS5 17.21 17.21 0.90 0.90 114 1.27 0.90 128 18
SS5-1 17.21 1721 079 0.79 100 III 079 1.13 18
SS6 17.21 17.21 0.89 089 112 1.25 0.89 1.27 18
SS8 29.50 2950 112 1.12 1.63 1.82 1.12 1.66 18
SS8-1 2950 29.50 0.84 084 123 1.37 0.84 125 18
SS9 30.15 30.15 1.09 1.09 1.33 1.77 1.09 161 18
SSII 34.27 34.27 1.07 107 156 175 1.07 170 18
SSII-1 34.27 3427 0.88 0.88 129 IA4 088 1.40 18
SSI2 3427 34.27 1.03 103 126 1.68 103 1.63 18
16FAXLI7 427 4.27 1.00 1.00 1.86 194 1.00 1.09 16
B-I-8-3-T-SS IA6 1.46 0.94 094 1.55 1.55 IAI 103 9
B-I-8-3-T-SS 1.46 1.46 0.83 083 1.38 1.38 125 0.91 9
B-I-9-1-T-SS 1.40 1.40 1.03 103 1.69 1.69 154 I 13 9
B-I-9-2-T-SS 140 1.40 0.88 088 146 146 1.32 0.97 9
B-I-9-3-T-SS lAO 1.40 122 122 201 201 1.83 1.34 9

Mean 1.002 1.002 1.381 1.516 1097 1274

Standard Deviation 0203 0203 0.476 0.468 0280 0222
0202 0202 0.345 0309 0255 0.174
Coefficient of Variation .....
DImensIOns and Resl~ts ofSinsie Shear Bolted Corll1ectlolls Wlthollt Washers (One Bolt) - Failure Type II

Pn Pn
Spec d t e s e/d d/t Fy Fll Fll/Fy Pu]t E:I )-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(in) (in) (11\ ) (in) (ksl) (ksl) (kip) kip kIp KN KN KN

B-O-7-1-T-SS 0500 0.046 1.750 6800 :1'\00 10.870 4383 5573 127 286 285 3.85 9.89 7.32 15.74
B-O-7-2-T-SS 0500 0.046 , .750 6.800 3500 10.870 43.83 55.73 1.27 3 19 285 385 989 7.32 15.74
B-0-7-3-T-SS 0.500 0.047 1.750 6.844 3500 10.640 4383 5573 1.27 4.51 291 3.93 1018 7 52 1643
B-0-7-4-T-SS 0500 0.047 1.750 6.844 :1.500 10.640 43.83 55.73 1.27 3.87 291 3.93 1018 7.52 1643

DImenSIons and Results ofSinsie Shear Bolted Connections without Washers (One Bolt) - Failure Type n - Cont

Spec F. Zadanfarrokh
KN PultlAlSI PultlAlSC PultlECCS PultlBS 5950 Pl~tI(CAN\CSA) PultIF. Zadanfarrokh Reference

B-0-7-I-T-SS 9.63 101 074 1.29 1.74 0.8\ 1.32 9

B-0-7-2-T-SS 9.63 I 12 083 143 194 0.90 147 9
B-0-7-3-T-SS 986 1.55 I 15 197 2.67 122 203 9
B-0-7 -4-T-SS 9.86 1.33 098 169 2.29 105 1.75 9

Mean 1252 0927 I 596 2.159 o 9Q5 1643

Standard Deviation 0208 0154 0.261 0354 0156 0.272
CoeffiCient of Vanatlon 0166 0166 0163 0164 0157 0165

DlIuenslOns and Results of Single Shear Bolted ConnectIOns without Washers (Two Bolts Perpenrucular to the LillI' of Stress) - Failure Type II

Pn Pn
Spec d t e s e/d dlt Fy Fu Fu/Fy PI~t E3.3-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(in) (in) (in) (In) (ksi) (ksl) (kIp) kip kip KN KN KN

2 0.500 0.061 1970 2000 3.940 8200 50.50 7410 147 898 1003 1356 34.30 24.12 30.16

Dimensions and Resl~ts of Single Shear Bolted Connections without Washers (Two Bolts PerpenrucuJar to the Line of Stress) - Failure Type II - Cont

Spec. F. Zadanfarrokh
KN PultlAISI Pult1AISC PultlECCS PI~tlBS 5950 PultI(CAN\CSA) PuJtlF. Zadanfarrokh Reference

2 30.50 0.89 0.66 I 16 166 I 32 1.31 20

Dimensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections without Washers (Three Bolts Perpendicular to the LlIle of Stress) - FaIlure Type II

Pn Pn
Spec d t e s e/d dlt Fy Fu Fu/Fy Pult E3.3-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(in) (in) (in) (m) (ksil (ksi) (kip) kip kip KN KN KN

3 0313 0.051 2050 1.350 6.560 6.130 40.60 50.10 1.23 )24 532 719 2094 14.46 31 Q6
3 0.313 0.051 2070 1350 6.620 6.130 40.60 50.10 1.23 539 532 719 20.94 14.46 31.96

Dimensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections without Washers (l1uee Bolts Perpendicular to the L1I1e of Stress) . FaIlure Type 1I . Cont

Spec F. Zadanfarrokh
KN PultlAISI PultlAISC P\dtlECCS P\dtlBS 5950 P\dtl(CAN\CSA) P\dtIF. Zadanfarrokh Reference

3 2429 0.99 073 1.11 1.61 0.73 0.96 20

3 24.29 1.01 0.75 114 1.66 0.75 0.99 20

Mean 0999 0740 1 12Q 1.635 0.740 0.973

Standard Deviation 0.014 0010 0016 0.023 0.010 0.014
CoeffiCIent of Vanation 0014 0014 0014 0014 0014 0014


Dimensions And Results OfBolted Connections Used In The Evaluation

OfExisting Data - Combination Type II & ill Failure Mode
Dimensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections With Washer -Tensile Strength Study (One
Bolt) - Combination Failure Type n &. ill

Tension Tension TenSIon

Controlling Conlrollmg
Spec. d t e s e/d dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy A1SC A)S) ECCS
(in.) (in.) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksi) (kip) (kip) (KN)

16FAXLI6 0.500 0.062 175 250 3.50 8.06 0200 3010 45.90 1.5249 5.5) 6.85 12.45
12Y-Ll2 0.5000 0.106 1750 266 350 4.72 0188 7240 72.80 1.0055 16.16 10.75 52.50
12Y-Ll5 03750 0106 1.500 1S2 400 3.54 0247 7240 72.80 10055 859 7.22 34.27
7Y-L6 0.7500 0.183 3.750 3.75 5.00 4.10 0.200 8310 83.80 1.0084 45.08 31.53 149.15
16FAX-L1 6 0.5000 0.062 1.750 2.50 3.50 8.06 0.200 3010 45.90 1.5249 551 3.86 12.45
12Y-Ll2 0.5000 0.104 175 2.660 3.500 4.81 0.188 72.40 72.80 1.0055 15.88 10.54 5159
12Y-Ll4 0.7500 0.104 2.595 3.930 3.460 7.21 0.191 7240 72.80 1.0055 2360 15.87 75.20
7Y-L6 0.7500 0.183 3.75 3.750 5000 4.10 0.200 83.10 8310 1.0000 44.67 3127 14902
20Z-T11 0.5000 0.039 1.5 2.500 3.000 12.82 0200 9440 99.80 1.0572 7.54 5.28 24.59
16FAX-L16 0.5000 0.060 1.75 2.500 3.500 8.33 0.200 30.10 45.90 1.5249 5.34 3.74 12.06
12Y-LIS 0.1500 0.104 2.6475 3040 3.530 1.21 0241 7240 72.80 1.0055 16.86 1411 67.28
lW 0.500 0.035 2.00 200 4.00 14.29 0.250 354 47.8 1.3503 2.39 2.04 743
2W 0.315 0.035 200 ISO 5.33 1071 0.250 35.4 47.8 1.3503 1.82 1.56 546
3W 0.500 0.108 2.50 200 5.00 4.63 0.250 33.7 47.4 14065 1.35 6.26 21.93
4W 0.625 0.108 3.00 2.50 4.80 5.79 0.250 33.7 41.4 1.4065 929 7.89 21.18
B-I-I6-I-O-SS 0.500 0.036 1.15 40 350 1389 0125 39.50 48.85 1.2367 5.98 2.81 11.35
B-I-16-2-0-SS 0.500 0.036 175 4.0 3.50 13.89 0.125 39.50 48.85 1.2367 5.98 2.81 11.35
B-I-16-3-L-SS 0.500 0.036 175 4.0 3.50 13.89 0.125 39.50 48.85 12367 5.98 2.87 11.35
B-I-16-4-L-SS 0.500 0.036 175 4.0 3.50 13.89 0125 39.50 48.85 1.2361 5.98 2.81 11.35
B-I-24-5-0-SS 0150 0074 2.66 5.25 3.54 10.135 0.143 48.11 53.10 1.1162 17.63 9.32 39.65
B-l-24-6-0-SS 0.150 0.014 2.66 5.25 3.54 10.\35 0.143 48.11 53.70 1.1162 17.63 9.32 39.65
B-I-24-1-L-SS 0.150 0.014 2.69 5.25 3.58 10\35 0143 48.11 53.70 1.1162 11.63 9.32 39.65
B-I-24-8-L-SS 0.150 0.014 2.63 5.25 350 10.\35 0143 48.11 53.70 I 1162 17.63 9.32 39.65
B-I-24-9-H-SS 0750 0074 263 5.25 3.50 10\35 0.143 48.11 53.70 I 1162 17.63 9.32 39.65
B-I-24-10-H-SS 0.750 0.074 2.66 5.25 3.54 10.135 0.143 48.11 53.70 1.1162 17.63 9.32 39.65
B-I-36-1-0-SS 0.500 0031 175 425 3.5 16129 0118 59.22 74.51 12582 8.34 3.86 14.97
B-I-36-2-0-SS 0.500 0.031 175 425 3.5 16129 0118 59.22 7451 1.2582 8.34 3.86 14.97
B-I-36-3-L-SS 0.500 0031 175 4.25 3.5 16.129 0.118 59.22 74.51 1.2582 834 3.86 1497
B-I-36-4-L-SS 0.500 0031 175 4.25 35 16.129 0118 59.22 74.51 1.2582 8.34 3.86 14.97
J 2582
D1menslOrl5 and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections WIth Washer -Tensde Strength Study (One
n rn -
Bolt) - Combination Fadure Type &. Cont

Bearing Beanng
TenSIon Tension Pn Pn Beanng Bearing Beanng Bearing
Spec BS 5950 CAMCSA Pult EJ J-2 ECCS as 5950 CAN\CSA F. Zadanarrokh Tension Tension
(KN) (KN) (kip) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN) (KN) (KN) PultJAlSI PultJAlSC

16FAXLI6 1125 24.50 4.80 427 427 1021 9.79 18.99 1747 0.70 087
12Y-L12 47.46 71.89 II 18 11.58 II 58 5397 48.84 51.49 41.41 1.04 069
12Y-L1S 31.93 3821 771 8.68 868 4308 36.63 38.61 3586 1.07 0.90
7Y-L6 13920 20054 4214 34.50 34.50 20277 15219 153.48 96.30 134 0.93
16FAX-LJ6 1125 24.50 472 427 427 1021 9.79 18.99 17.47 122 0.86
12Y-L12 4664 70.64 11.116 1479 11.36 52.42 4754 5052 4046 1.05 0.70
12Y-L14 70.22 104.99 22903 1479 /704 78.20 71.31 7577 4955 144 097
7Y-L6 13909 19870 42.467 1479 3422 20277 152.19 15219 95.90 136 095
20l-TII 22.21 3354 3.040 1479 5.84 17.19 17.19 20.26 15.35 058 040
16FAX-L16 10.89 2373 4801 1479 413 976 9.38 1837 1683 129 090
f2Y-L18 6268 75.01 12097 14.79 1704 78.94 71.31 75.77 4955 085 0.72
IW 6.69 10.63 2.410 2.10 251 5.79 5.79 7.81 9.44 I 18 1.01
2W 509 8.08 1.820 1.66 1.88 4.34 4.34 7.81 8.18 117 100
3W 19.75 32.68 7240 673 7.68 3038 23.35 34.16 3418 1.16 0.99
4W 24.97 41.32 9.300 884 9.60 3733 2919 4269 38.22 1.18 100
B- 1-16-1-0-55 10.33 26.89 337 2.64 264 6.64 6.64 845 984 1.17 0.56
B-I-I6- 2-O-S5 1033 26.89 3.21 264 2.64 6.64 6.64 845 9.84 1.12 0.54
B-I-I6-3-L-SS 10.33 26.89 2.64 264 264 6.64 6.64 8.45 9.84 0.92 0.44
B-II6-4-L-SS 10.33 26.89 2.795 2.64 2.64 6.64 6.64 8.45 984 097 0.47
B- I-24- 5-0-5S 37.14 78.43 7.200 8.94 8.94 31.62 29.64 3924 28.38 0.77 0.41
B-I- 24-6-0-55 37.14 78.43 7150 8.94 894 3162 29.64 3924 2838 0.77 0.41
B-I-24-7-L-S5 3714 7843 7550 8.94 8.94 31.73 2964 3924 28.38 081 043
B- J -24-8-L-SS 37.14 78.43 6800 8.94 8.94 31.51 29.64 3924 2838 073 0.39
B J -24-')-H-SS 3714 7843 8700 894 8.94 31.51 2')64 3924 2838 093 049
BI-24-10H-55 3714 7843 8000 8.94 894 31.62 29.64 3924 2838 086 045
B-I-36-1-0-SS 13.64 3789 26 3.46 346 857 857 1027 10.34 067 0.31
8-'-36-2-0-S5 13.64 3789 2.49 3.46 3.46 857 8 57 1027 \034 065 0.30
B-' -36-3-L-SS '1364 3789 294 340 346 8.57 8 57 10.27 1034 0.76 035
B-I-36-4-L-SS 1364 3789 296 346 346 857 8.57 1027 1034 077 035
13.64 3789 237 346 3.46 8.57 857 1027 1034 '061 028 .-
B-I-36-5-0-SS N
B-I- 36-0-0- 55 13.64 37.89 229 340 3.46 857 857 1027 1034 059 027 I.J:)

B-J-J6-7-L-S5 13.64 37.89 246 3Ab 3.46 8.57 8.57 1027 1034 064 o 2Q
DImensIOns and Results ofSing\e Shear Bolted ConnectIOns WIth Washer -TetlSlle Strength Study (One
Bolt) - Combination Failure Type II &.m-ConI

Spec Tension Tension TensIOn Bearing Bearing Bearing Beanng Bearing Bearing
Pult1ECCS PultIBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) PultJAISI PulIJAISC PultlECCS PultlBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Pult1F. Zadanfarrokh

16FAXLl6 I 71 190 087 I 12 I 12 209 2.18 112 1.22 16

\lY-L12 0.95 105 0.69 0.97 0.97 0.92 102 0.97 1.20 16
12Y-L15 100 107 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.80 0.94 0.89 0.96 16
7Y-L6 1.26 135 093 1.22 \ 22 092 1.23 1.22 195 16
I6FAX-L1 6 169 187 086 I II III 2.05 2.14 111 1.20 16
12Y-L12 096 106 070 075 098 094 104 0.98 1.22 16
12Y-L14 135 145 097 155 134 130 143 134 2.06 16
7Y-L6 1.27 136 0.95 287 I 24 0.93 \ 24 124 197 16
20Z-TII 0.55 0.61 040 021 0.52 0.79 079 0.67 0.88 16
16FAX-L16 177 196 090 032 \ 16 2.19 228 116 1.27 16
12Y-L18 080 086 072 082 0.71 068 075 0.71 109 16
\W 144 160 101 087 0.96 \ 85 I 85 137 1 14 25
2W \ 48 159 100 091 097 I 87 187 104 099 25
3W \ 47 163 099 093 094 106 I 38 0.94 0.94 25
4W 1 52 166 100 0.95 097 \ II 1 42 0.97 108 25
B-I-16-1-0-SS 132 1 45 056 I 28 128 226 226 177 l.52 26
B-II6-2-o-SS 1 26 I 38 053 122 I 22 2 15 2 15 169 145 26
B-I-16-3-L-SS 103 I 14 044 100 100 177 177 139 119 26
B-'-' 6-4-l-S5 110 120 046 106 106 1 87 ) 87 ) 47 1.26 26
8-1-24-5-0-55 081 086 041 081 081 101 108 082 1 13 26
B-I-24-6-o-SS 080 086 04\ 080 080 101 107 081 1 12 26
BI-24- 7-t-S5 085 090 043 084 084 106 I 13 086 1 18 26
8-1-24-8-L-SS 076 08\ 039 076 076 096 102 077 107 26
B-I-24-9-H-SS 098 104 040 007 097 123 I 31 099 136 26
B-I- 24-' 0- II-55 090 0% 015 089 089 , 1J 120 091 I 25 26
8- I 16-1-0-SS 077 085 031 075 075 1 35 I 35 \ 13 I 12 26
8-' -16- 2-0-55 074 081 02<> 07;.' 072 120 1 29 108 107 26
HI-.16- 11.-55 087 0')(, o \5 085 085 I 51 I 51 127 127 26
fl-I-16-4-L-S5 088 007 0.\5 085 085 I 5.\ I 54 1 28 1 27 26
fl I -16- 5-0-55 070 077 o 211 068 068 I 21 123 10.1 102 26
BI- \6bOS5 068 075 o 27 ON:> 00t> I 10 IIQ 099 099 26 w
() 71 () 71 26 0
B I \f, 7 I S5 071 Olin () 2 I 28 I 28 107 106
Dimensions and Results ofSinsie Shear Bolted Connections With Washer -Tensile Strength Study (One
Bolt) - Combination Failure Type n &:. ill - Cont

Tension Tension Tension

Controlling Controlling
Spee. d t e s e/d dJt dJs Fy Fu FulFy AlSC AISI ECCS
(in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi) (kip) (kip) (KN)

B-I-36-8-L-SS 0.500 0031 175 4.25 35 16.129 0118 59.22 7451 12582 8.34 386 1497
B-I-36-10-H-SS 0500 0.031 175 4.25 3.5 16129 0118 5922 74.51 12582 8.34 3.86 14.97
8-1-43- / -0-55 0.500 0.071 /656 425 J13 7.042 0./18 5243 69.28 13214 /7.77 822 3035
B-I-44-4-L-SS 0.150 0.011 2625 600 3.5 10.563 0125 5243 6928 13214 2509 12.12 43.48
B-/-44-5-0-SS 0.150 0.011 2.625 600 35 10563 0125 5243 6928 132/4 2509 12.12 4348
B-I-44-8-L-SS 0.750 0.071 2625 6.00 35 /0.563 0125 5243 6928 13214 25.09 12.12 4348
B-I-44-9-H-SS 0.750 0.071 2.625 6.00 3.5 10.563 0125 5243 6928 13214 25.09 /2.12 4348

Dimen!lions and Results o(Singie Shear Bolted Connections With Washer -Tensi/e Strength Study (One
Bolt) - Combination Fai/ure Type &: ill - Cont

Bearing Bearing
Tension Tension Pn Pn Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing
Spec. BS 5950 CAN\CSA Pult E3.3-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA F Zadanfarrokh Tension Tension
(KN) (KN) (1cip) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN) (KN) (KN) PultJAlSI PultJAISC

B- I-36- 8-L-SS 13.64 37.89 2.36 346 346 8.57 8.57 10.27 10.34 0.61 0.28
B-I-36-10-H-5S 13.64 37.89 3.32 3.46 346 8.57 857 \027 1034 0.86 0.40
B-I-43-1-0-55 27.66 80.68 6.575 7.38 738 21.23 20.38 32.82 25.08 0.80 0.37
B-I-44-4-L-SS 4080 113.50 11.550 11.07 1107 32.34 30S7 46.60 3072 0.95 046
B- I-44-5O-SS 40.80 113.50 8.250 11.07 11.07 32.34 30.57 4660 3072 0.68 0.33
B-I-44-8-L-SS 40.80 1/3.50 8./50 1/.07 11.07 32.34 3057 46.60 30.72 0.67 0.32
B-/-44-9-H-SS 40.80 113.50 8.500 1/.07 1/07 32.34 30.57 46.60 3072 0.70 0.34

Mean 0.914 0.568

Standard Deviation 0.242 0.259
Coefficient of Variation 0265 0.456

Dimensions and Reosults of Single Shear Bolted Connections With Washer -Tensile Strength Study (One
Bolt) - Combination Fatlure Type n & III - Cont

Spec Tension Tension Tension Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing
Pult1ECCS Pult1BS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) PultJAISI PultJAlSC PultlECCS Pult1BS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) PultIF Zadanfarrokh

B-I-36-8-L-SS 0.70 077 028 0.68 068 122 122 102 102 26
B-I-36-10-H-SS 0.99 108 039 0.96 096 172 172 144 143 26
B-I-43-1-0-SS 0.96 106 0.36 08<) 08<) 138 144 089 I 17 26
B-I-44-4-L-SS 118 126 0.45 104 104 1.59 168 1 10 167 26
B-I-44-5-0-SS 0.84 0.90 0.32 075 075 113 120 0.79 119 26
B-I-44-8-L-SS 0.83 0.89 0.32 074 0.74 112 119 0.78 118 26
B-I-44-9-H-SS 0.87 093 0.33 0.77 0.77 117 124 0.81 1.23 26

Mean 1.046 1.139 0.565 0.927 0.918 1.351 1.423 1.074 1.241
Standard Deviation 0.315 0350 0.261 0.392 0.192 0.426 0.401 0.256 0268
Coefficient of Variation 0.301 0.307 0.462 0.423 0.209 0.316 0282 0238 0.216

Dimensions and Results Single Shear Bolted COI1nectioions Without Washers-TenSIle Strength Study
(Ont" Bolt) - Combination Failure Type n & ill

Tension Tension
Controlltng Controlling Tension Tension Tension
Spec d t e s eld dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksi) kip kip KN KN KN

I 0500 0035 2.000 1750 4.000 14286 0286 3540 4780 U5 201 1.42 661 6.33 8.93
2 0375 0.035 I 750 1.250 4.667 10714 0300 3540 47.80 135 1.43 1.06 4.72 4.72 638
3 0500 0.108 2.250 1.750 4500 4.630 0286 3370 4740 I 41 607 4.34 19.19 18.36 26.99
4 0.625 0108 2.750 2190 4400 5.787 0.285 1370 4740 141 7.68 549 2428 23.22 34.16
B-0-32-9-H-SS 0.250 0.015 0.560 2000 2.250 16.234 0125 70.64 8084 I 14 2.10 067 4.26 3.88 9.35
B-O- 32-1 O-H-SS 0.250 0.015 0550 2000 2200 16234 0125 7064 80.84 1 14 2.10 0.67 4.26 3.88 9.35

Dimensions and Results Single Shear Boltoo Connectioions Without Washt"rs- Tensile Strength Study
(OnE' Bolt) - Combmabon Failure Type II & lT1 - Cont

Bearing Beanng
Pn Pn Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing TenSIon Tension TenSIOn Tension Tension Bearing
AISI AISC ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA F. Zadanfarrokh PuitJAISI PuitJAISC Pl~t/ECCS PultlBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Pl~tlAISI
Spec Pu test KN KN KN KN
(kips) kip kip

133 097 251 579 434 781 6.61 094 066 089 0.93 0.66 073
2 098 0.70 1.88 434 325 7111 572 0.92 068 0.92 092 0.68 0.72
3 3116 270 761l 2904 Inl 3416 2393 089 064 0119 093 064 070
4 499 349 9.60 3595 2\ 89 4269 2675 OQI 065 091 096 065 070
B-0-32-Q-H-S5 o III 069 OQ] 254 191 277 228 1.21 ON 085 093 039 I 18
B-O-12-10-H-55 065 069 093 254 I QI 277 224 o Q7 031 068 0.75 031 094

ME'an o Q74 0554 0858 0903 0554 0828

Standard DeVlabon o III 0148 0084 0072 0148 0177
C""ffiCIE'l1t of Vanabon 011-\ 021>7 o 0'l7 007Q 0267 0213
Dimensions and Results Single Shear Bolted Connectioions Without Washers-Tensile Strength Study
(One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type [J & ill - Cont.

Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing

PultJAlSC PultlECCS PultJBS 5950 Pult/(CAN\CSA) PultJF. Zadanfarrokh

I 053 102 1.36 0.76 0.90 2S

2 0.52 100 1.33 0.56 0.76 25
3 0.50 0.59 0.9& 050 072 25
4 0.52 0.62 1.01 052 0.&3 25
B-0-32-9-H-SS 0&7 1.42 1.90 1.30 15& 26
B-0-32-10-H-SS 0.70 1.14 1.52 104 1.29 26

Mean 0.606 0.965 1.351 0.7&1 1012

Standard Deviation 0.135 0.290 0.310 0.300 0.317
Coefficient of Variation 0.223 0300 0.229 0.3&5 0.313


Dimensions And Results OfBolted Connections Used In The Evaluation

Of Existing Data - Combination Type I & II Failure Mode
Dimensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections with Washers (One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type I & n
Pn Pn
Spec. d t e s e/d d1t Fy Fu FulFy Pult E33-2 ECCS PultlBS 5950
(in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (hi) (kip) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN)

I2Y-L7 0.500 0.106 1750 4.000 3.500 4.720 72.40 72.80 101 12.67 1158 11.58 53.97 48.84
12Y-LJ I 0.375 0.106 1.490 2.000 4.000 3.540 72.40 72.80 101 859 868 868 42.95 3663
20A24SS 0.625 0.036 1.560 4.000 2.500 17.400 3211 41.83 130 282 282 2.82 675 675
14E25SS 0.750 0078 1880 4.000 2.500 9.600 54.44 70.40 1.29 1000 1236 12.36 34.29 339.5
12Y-LIO 0.625 0.106 2110 4.120 3370 5.900 72.40 72.80 101 1352 1447 14.47 66.29 6105
7Y-TS 0.750 0.183 1750 3.000 2.330 4.100 86.40 91.30 1.06 25.53 37.59 3759 138.47 137.14
B-I-15-1-0-SS 0.250 0.036 0.875 2.470 3500 6.940 3950 48.85 124 1.55 1.32 1.32 332 3.32
B-1-IS-2-0-SS 0.250 0.036 0.875 2.470 3500 6.940 3950 41U5 124 1.55 132 132 3.32 3.32
B-I-15-3-L-SS 0250 0.036 0.891 2.500 3.560 6.920 39.50 48.85 124 1.79 1.32 1.32 3.32 3.32
B-I-I 5-4- L-SS 0.250 0036 0875 2.470 3.500 6.940 39.50 48.8.5 124 1.67 1.32 1.32 332 3.32
B-I-15-S-H-SS 0250 0.036 0.875 2.470 3500 6940 39.50 48.85 124 1.83 132 132 3.32 3.32
B-I-15-6-H-SS 0.250 0.036 0875 2500 3.500 6.940 39.50 48.85 124 1.85 132 132 3.32 3.32
B-I-24-1-0-SS 0.750 0.074 2690 5.250 3.580 10\35 48.11 53.70 112 9.00 8.94 8.94 31.73 29.64
B-I-24-2-0-SS 0.7.50 0.074 2690 .5.250 3580 10.135 48.11 53.70 1 12 928 8.94 8.94 31.73 2964
B-I-24-4-L-SS 0.750 0.074 2.660 5.250 3540 10.135 48.11 5370 1.12 10.75 894 8.94 31.62 29.64
B-\-35-1-0-SS 0.250 0.031 0875 2.250 3500 8065 5922 7451 126 188 173 1.73 4.29 429
B-I-35-2-0-SS 0.250 0031 0.875 2.250 3.500 8065 5922 74.51 1.26 2.00 1.73 1.73 4.29 4.29
B-I-35-3-L-SS 0.250 0.031 0875 2250 3.500 8.065 5922 74.51 1.26 205 1.73 \.73 4.29 4.29
B-I-35-4-L-SS 0.250 0.031 0.875 2.250 3.500 8.065 59.22 7451 1.26 1.83 1.73 1.73 4.29 4.29
8-1-35-5-HSS 0.250 0031 0.875 2.250 3.500 8.065 5922 74.51 1.26 2.07 1.73 1.73 4.29 429
B-I-35-6-H-SS 0.250 0.031 0.875 2250 3500 8.065 5922 7451 1.26 2.03 173 1.73 4.29 4.29
B-I-44-I-o.SS 0.750 0.071 2.625 6.000 3.500 10.563 52.43 69.28 1.32 11.10 11.07 11.07 32.34 30.57
B-I-44-3-L-SS 0750 0.071 2.625 6000 3500 10.563 5243 69.28 132 12.20 1\.07 11.07 32.34 30.57

Dimensions and Reswts of Single Shesr Bolted ConnectiOl1s with Washers (One Bolt) - CombinatiOl1 Failure Type I & IJ - Cont.

Spec. CAN\CSA F. Zadanfarrokh

No. (KN) (KN) Pult/NSI Pult/AISC PultlECCS PultIBS 5950 Pult/(CAN\CSA) PultIF. Zsdanfarrokh Reference

12Y-L7 51.49 41.41 1.09 1.09 1.04 1.15 1.09 136 16

12Y-LII 3861 35.86 0.99 099 089 104 099 1.07 16
20A24SS 8.37 1016 1.00 1.00 1.86 1.86 150 1.23 12
14E25SS 45.92 34.56 0.81 0.81 1.30 1.31 0.97 1.29 13
12Y-LIO 64.36 46.29 0.93 0.93 091 0.98 093 130 16
7Y-T5 13005 93.82 0.68 068 0.82 0.83 087 1.21 16
B-I-15-1-0-SS 5.87 6.96 1.18 118 208 2.08 118 0.99 26
B-I-15- 2-0-SS 5.87 6.96 118 118 208 2.08 1.18 0.99 26
B-I-15-3-L-SS 5.87 6.96 1.36 1.36 2.40 2.40 136 114 26
B-I-15-4-L-SS 587 6.96 127 127 224 2.24 1.27 1.07 26
B-I-15-5-H-SS 5.87 6.96 1.39 1.39 2.45 2.45 139 1.17 26
B-I-15-6-H-SS 5.87 6.96 1.40 1.40 2.47 2.47 140 1.18 26
B-I-24-I-o-SS 39.24 28.38 1.01 1.01 1.26 1.35 1.02 141 26
B-I-24-2-o-SS 39.24 28.38 1.04 1.04 1.30 1.39 1.05 1.45 26
B-I-24-4-L-SS 39.24 28.38 1.20 1.20 1.51 1.61 122 1.68 26
B-I-35-1-0-55 7.71 7.31 1.09 1.09 1.95 1.95 1.09 1.15 26
B-I-35-2-0-55 7.71 7.31 115 1 15 208 2.08 115 1.22 26
B-I-35-3-L-SS 7.71 7.31 1.18 1 18 2.13 213 118 1.25 26
B-I-35-4-L-S5 7.71 7.31 1.06 1.06 1.90 1.90 1.06 1.11 26
B-I-35-5-H-SS 7.71 7.31 1.19 119 2.15 215 119 1.26 26
B-I-35-6-H-SS 7.71 7.31 1.17 1.17 211 211 I 17 124 26
B-I-44-1-0-SS 46.60 30.72 1.00 1.00 153 1.62 106 16\ 26
B-I-44-3-L-SS 4660 30.72 1.10 110 1.68 1.78 116 177 26

Mean 1107 1.107 1.744 1780 1 151 1267

Standard Deviation 0.168 0.168 0514 0.479 0153 0199
Coefficient of Variation 0.151 0151 0294 0269 0.133 0157

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted COllllections With Washers (One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type I & II

Pn Pn
d t e s Fy Fu FulFy Pult AISI AISC
Spec. e/d dlt E33-2 ECCS 85 5950 CAN\CSA
(in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi) (kip) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN) (KN)

B-I-19-1-0-05 0.250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3.500 6.940 3950 48.85 1.24 192 147 1.32 3.32 3.32 5.87
B-I-19-2-0-0S 0.250 0.036 0.891 3.250 3.560 6.940 39.50 48.85 1.24 182 146 1.32 332 3.32 587
B-I-19-3-L-OS 0.250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3.500 6.940 39.50 48.85 1.24 212 1.47 132 3.32 3.32 587
B-I-19-4-L-OS 0.250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3.500 6.940 3950 48.85 1.24 2.09 1.46 1.32 3.32 3.32 5.87
B-I-19-5-0-05 0.250 0.036 0.891 3.250 3.560 6.940 39.50 48.85 1.24 1.96 1.47 1.32 3.32 3.32 5.87
B-I-19-6-0-05 0250 0.036 0875 3.250 3.500 6.940 39.50 48.85 1.24 155 1.46 1.32 3.32 3.32 5.87
B-I-19-7-L-DS 0.250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3.500 6.940 39.50 48.85 124 1.98 1.47 1.32 332 3.32 5.87
B-I-19-8-L-DS 0.250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3.500 6940 3950 48.85 124 2.17 1.46 1.32 3.32 3.32 5.87
B-I-19-9-H-DS 0250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3500 6.940 39.50 48.85 1.24 244 1.46 1.32 3.32 3.32 5.87
B-I-19-10-H-05 0250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3500 6940 39.50 48.85 124 2.33 146 1.32 3.32 3.32 5.87
B-I-20-1-0-OS 0.500 0.036 1.750 6.250 3.500 13890 39.50 48.85 124 3.04 2.93 2.64 6.64 6.64 845
8-1-20-2-0-0S 0500 0.036 1.750 6.250 3.500 13890 39.50 48.85 124 2.94 2.93 2.64 6.64 6.64 845
B- 1-20-3-L-OS 0500 0.036 1.750 6250 3.500 13.890 39.50 48.85 124 3.86 2.92 264 6.64 6.64 8.45
B-I-20-4-L-OS 0500 0.036 1.750 6.250 3.500 13.890 39.50 48.85 1.24 374 2.93 2.64 6.64 6.64 845
B-I-20-5-0-0S 0.500 0.036 1.813 6.250 3.625 13.890 39.50 48.85 124 289 2.93 264 6.64 6.64 8.45
B- f -20-6-0-0S 0.500 0.036 1750 6250 3.500 13.890 3950 48.85 '24 3.38 2.93 2.64 6.64 6.64 8.45
S-I-20-8-L-OS 0.500 0.036 1750 6.250 3.500 13890 3950 48.85 1.24 411 2.92 2.64 6.64 6.64 845
B-I-20-9-H-OS 0.500 0.036 1.780 6.250 3.500 13890 3950 48.85 1.24 442 2.93 2.64 6.64 6.64 8.45
B-I-20-10-H-DS 0.500 0.036 1750 6.250 3.500 13890 39.50 48.85 124 447 2.92 2.64 6.64 6.64 845
8-1-27-1-0-05 0.500 0.074 1.875 6.500 3750 6.757 4811 53.70 112 7.28 5.96 5.96 21.43 1976 26.51
B-I-27-2-0-DS 0.500 0.074 1.813 6.500 3630 6.757 48.11 5370 I 12 748 5.95 5.96 21.22 19.76 26.51
B-I-27-3-L-DS 0.500 0.074 1.875 6.500 3.750 6.757 4811 5370 I 12 1055 5.96 5.96 21.43 1976 2651
B-1 -27-4-L-OS 0.500 0.074 1906 6.500 3.810 6.757 48.11 5370 112 1025 596 5.96 21.53 19.76 26.51
B-I-27-5-0-0S 0.500 0.074 1813 6.500 3.630 6757 48.11 5370 112 7.20 5.96 596 21.22 19.76 2651
B-I-27-6-0-0S 0.500 0.074 1.813 6.500 3630 6.757 4811 5370 I 12 1.63 5.96 596 21.22 19.76 2651
B-I-27-7-L-OS 0.500 0.074 1813 6.500 3.630 6.757 48.1 I 5370 112 1075 5.91 5.96 21.22 19.76 26.51
B-I-27-8-L-DS 0500 0.074 1780 6.500 3560 6.757 48.11 5370 112 9.75 5.96 596 21.10 1976 26.51
B-I-27-9-H-OS 0500 0.074 1.840 6.500 3.680 6757 48.11 5370 1 12 1035 5.95 596 2131 1976 2651
B-I-27-10-H-DS 0.500 0.074 1.875 6500 3750 6.757 48.11 5370 1 12 9.65 5.95 596 2143 1976 2651
8-\-28-\-0-OS 0.750 0.014 2410 10 ()()() 3.290 \0135 48 II 5310 1 12 \085 8.92 8.94 3092 29.64 3924
B-I-28-2-0-0S 0.750 0.074 2563 10 ()()() 3420 10135 481\ 5310 1 12 1330 8.92 8.94 31.27 29.64 3924
B-I-21l-3-L-OS 0.750 0.074 2500 10.000 3.JJO 10135 53.70 I 12 1345 894 8.94 3104 2964 3924
48 " ..-
B-\-21l-4-L-OS 0750 0.074 2470 \ 0 ()()() 3290 \0135 4811 5370 I 12 1430 894 894 3092 2964 39.24 w
2964 3924 '-0
A-I - 2/l- ~-()- OS 0750 0.074 2625 10000 3500 10 135 41l II 5370 I \2 107S 894 8.94 3150
DImensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connectlons With Washers (One Bolt) - CombUlatlOo Fa1Iwe Type I &. II - COflt

Spec F Zadanfarrokh Pult I A/SI Pult I A/SC Pult/ECCS PultlBS 5950 Ptdtl(CAN\CSA) PtdtlF ladanfarrokh Reference

B-I-19-1-0-OS 696 I 31 I 45 257 257 I 45 122 26

B-I-19-2-0-0S 696 I 24 I 38 244 244 I \8 I 16 26
B-I-19-3-L-OS 696 I 45 161 284 284 161 I 36 26
B-I-19-4-L-OS 696 I 43 I 58 280 280 I 58 I 34 26
B-I-19-5-0-0S 696 1 34 149 263 263 149 I 25 26
B-1 - 19-6-0- OS 696 106 I 18 208 208 I 18 099 26
B-I-19-7-L-OS 696 135 ISO 265 265 I 50 I 26 26
B-I-19-8-L-OS 696 I 48 165 291 291 165 I 39 26
B-I-19-9-H-OS 696 166 85 326 3 2b I 85 I 56 2t>
B-I-19-10-H-OS 696 I 59 76 3 II 3 II I 76 149 26
B-I-20-1-0-0S 984 104 15 203 2 OJ 160 137 26
B-I-20-2-0-0S 984 100 II I Q7 I 97 I 55 133 2t>
B-I-20-3-L-OS 984 III 46 25Q 259 203 I 74 2t>
B-I-20-4-L-OS Q 84 127 42 250 250 197 169 26
B-I-20-S-o-OS 984 099 10 I Q4 1'14 I 52 1 \1 2t>
B-I- 20-6-0- OS 984 15 28 226 22b 1 78 IH 26
B-I-20-8-L-OS 984 41 'it> 27'l 2 75 2 16 I 8t> 2b
B-I-20-9-H-OS 984 51 67 2C>tl 2% 232 200 .?t>
B-I-20-lo-H-OS Q 84 53 6Q 299 29') 235 202 2t>
B-I-21-I-o-OS 2317 22 22 1 51 104 122 140 2t>
8-1-21-2o-OS 2317 26 2S 157 I 1>8 I 25 14.1 2t>
B-I-21-3-L-OS 2J 17 77 77 219 237 177 .? 0\ 2t>
B-I-27-4-L-OS 23 17 72 72 2 I.? .? II 172 I 97 26
B-I-27-5-0-0S 23 17 21 11 I 51 1 r,2 I 21 I II 2t>
8-1-27-6-0-0S 23 17 28 28 I!')() 172 I 28 I .ft, 26
B-I-27-7-L-OS 2J 17 82 80 225 242 I 110 20t> 26
B-I-21-8-L-OS 2JJ7 04 1M 2 uS 2 19 1M 1 87 1t>
B-I-27-9-H-OS 2J 17 74 I 74 2 Ir, 21\ I 14 IW 26
B-I-27-10-H-OS 23 17 b2 I r':~ 2 ,,,) 2 I1 It,: I 15 2tJ
B-I-28-1-0-0S 28.38 21 I 21 I v. I6l I 2l I 10 2tJ
I 4') I 8<l 2m , ',I 201 26

B-I-28-2-0-0S 28 38 N
B-I-28- 3-L-OS 28 38 I 50 I SO I 'n 202 I 52 ~f>
2 "
B-I-28-4-L-OS 28 38 I bO I Nl ~ ,Jt) 2 IS I ,': : :4 :b
I "n I <,: I r>l I ,. , '.M :') .=:'
B- I -28- S-l)- DS 28 JR I 20
DimenSIons md R~u1ts of Double Sh_r Bolted COfUle<:tJon. W,th Washt'fl ICltle B<,fl, . Comhtn.tJ,..., F llIt" r..,... I A II C,..."

Pl. Ph
d t e h FII h/h p, AISI .1\).,("

Spec efd d,' E\ \ ~ Fcn AS \Q\() C "~;l S.I\

(In ) (In ) (m ) (In ) Ilrll ) (lr!U ) i ~IPI 1~lp\ flrP) f~"" f);N. ,~NI

B- I- 2S-6-0- 05 0750 0074 2656 10000 3 ~40 10 13~ 48 II \l 70 I 12 11 Q\ I Q\ I Q4 \1 t> 1 ~t>4

- -\Q-:-..
B-I-2S-7-L-DS 0750 0074 2625 10000 3 SOO 10135 4811 ~1 70 1\2 " 11\ 8 <)" II Q4 1\ <"Q ~h"
lQ ].,
B-l2S-S-LOS 0750 0074 2 563 10000 3420 10lH 48 II \l 70 I 12 12 Q5 I Q\ IQ4 1127 ~M 1Q iot
B-l2S-9-H-OS 0750 0074 2625 10000 3500 10135 48 II 5170 1 12 1\70 8 <)4 8 <)4 J\<"Q 2<>t>-l \Q i"
I 7~0
10 D5
41\ 11
74 51
1 12
, 26
"276,,\ I Q4
1 IS
I <)4
1 .If)
31 hi
\fl 2.'
B-I-40-2-0-0S 0500 0031 1750 6 ~oo 3 SOO 1612Q 5Q 22 7451 1 26 211 3115 J 46 8 \7 II \7 1027
B-I-40-3-L-OS 0500 0031 1750 6500 3500 1612Q 5922 74 ~1 1 26 407 3114 346 157 II \7 1027
B-I-40-4-L'OS 0500 0031 1 750 6500 3500 161]q 5922 74 51 J 26 -' Q5 .111\ .146 8\7 II \7 1027
B-I-40- 5-0-OS 0500 0031 1750 6500 3500 161]q 5922 7451 \ 26 280 384 346 8 \7 II <'7 \027
B- 1-40-6-0- OS 0.500 0031 1750 6500 3500 16129 5922 7451 1 26 2113 3115 346 II 57 II \7 1027
B-I-40-7-L-OS 0500 0031 1750 6500 3500 161]q 5922 7451 126 4()Q 1114 J 46 11\7 II <,7 1027
B-I-40-S-L-OS 0500 003\ 1750 6500 3500 161]q 5922 7451 1 26 404 384 346 857 II 57 1027
8-1-40-9-H-OS 0500 0.031 1750 6500 3500 16129 5922 7451 126 448 38S 146 II \7 II <, 7 1027
8-1-40-IO-H-OS 0500 0031 1750 6500 3500 16129 5Q 22 7451 126 463 3 liS 346 857 II <,7 1027
B-I-39-I-O-OS 0.250 0031 0875 3250 3500 8065 5922 7451 I 26 170 I Q3 173 429 .. 20 711
8-1-39-2-0-0S 0.250 0.031 0.875 3.250 3500 8Ob5 5922 7451 126 I 75 192 173 429 429 771
B-I-39-3-L-OS 0.250 0.031 0875 3250 3500 8065 5922 74 51 I 26 250 192 173 429 420 771
8-1-39-4-L-OS 0.250 0.031 0.875 3.250 3.500 8065 5922 7451 1 26 249 192 173 429 42Q 771
B-I-39-5-H-OS 0.250 0031 0.875 3.250 3500 8065 5922 7451 I 26 241 192 173 429 42Q 771
8-1-47-1-0-0S 0.500 0071 I 813 6875 3630 7042 5243 6928 I 32 1010 818 738 2171 2038 3282
8-1-47-2-0-0S 0.500 0071 1813 6875 3630 7042 5243 6928 I 32 1000 8 19 738 21 71 2038 3282
B-I-47 -3-L-OS 0500 0.071 1750 6700 3500 7042 5243 6928 132 1010 818 738 21 56 2038 3282
B-I-47-4-L-OS 0.500 0.071 I 781 6700 3560 7042 5243 6928 1 32 1058 8 18 738 2/66 20.'8 3282
B-I-47-5-H-OS 0.500 0.071 I 813 6.700 3.630 7.042 5243 6928 132 II 43 818 738 21 77 20.'8 3282
B-\-48-1-0- OS 0.750 007\ 2625 10000 3500 10563 5243 69.28 132 \ 175 1230 lJ 07 32 34 3057 46.60
B-I-48-2-0-05 0.750 0071 2625 10000 3500 10563 5243 6928 I 32 12J5 1229 II 07 3234 3057 4660
B-I-48-3-L-05 0.750 0071 2625 10000 3500 10563 52.43 6928 I 32 1468 1229 lJ 07 3234 30 S7 4660
B-I-48-4-L-OS 0750 007\ 2625 10000 3500 1056] 5243 6928 1 32 1425 1226 II 07 3234 ]0 \7 4660
8-1-48-5-0-0S 0.750 0071 2625 10.000 3500 10563 5243 6928 I 32 1245 1228 II 07 3234 30 ~7 4660
B-I-48-6-0-0S 0.750 007\ 2625 10000 3500 10563 5243 6928 I 32 13 IS 1227 1107 3234 3057 4660
B-I-48- 7-L-OS
10 S63
I 32
I 32
1 32
13 85
IS 68
12 ]0
II 07
II 07
II 07
32 ]4
0.01811510115 aud Results of Oouble Shear Bolted COIUlecllOllS WIth Washers (Oue Bolt) - Combinallou FaJlwe Type I &. n- Cout

Spec F Zadanfarrolch Pult I AlSf Pult I AISC PultlECCS PultlBS 5950 Pult/(CAN\CSA) PultIF Zadanfarrokh Reference

B-I-28-6-0-0S 2838 134. 134 168 1.79 135 187 26

B-I-28-7-L-OS 2838 155 155 1.96 2.08 157 217 26
B-I-28-8-L-OS 28.38 145 145 184 194 1.47 203 26
B-I-28-9-H-DS 28.38 176 176 222 2.36 \78 246 26
B-I-28-10-H-DS 28.38 153 153 192 205 155 214 26
8-1-40-1-0- OS 1034 072 0.80 143 143 119 119 26
B- 1-40-2-0- OS 1034 0.73 082 147 147 123 122 26
B-I-40-)-L-DS 1034 \06 117 2.11 2.11 176 175 26
B-'-40-4-L-OS 10.34 103 114 205 2.05 1.71 170 26
B-I-40-5-0-0S 1034 0.73 081 145 145 1.21 120 26
B-I-40-6-0- OS 1034 073 082 , 47 147 123 122 26
8-1-40-7-L-OS 10.34 \06 118 212 2.12 177 176 26
8-1-40-8-L-OS 10.34 105 116 209 2.09 \75 1.74 26
8-1-40-9-H-DS 1034 116 129 232 232 194 193 26
B-I-40-10-H-DS 1034 120 134 240 2.40 200 \99 26
B-I-39-I-O-DS 7.31 0.88 098 176 176 098 103 26
8-1-39-2-0-0S 7.31 0.91 101 182 1.82 101 106 26
B-I-39-3-L-DS 7.31 1.30 144 259 2.59 144 152 26
B-I-39-4-L-DS 7.31 129 \43 258 2.58 1.43 151 26
B-I-39-5-H-DS 7.31 1.25 1.39 250 2.50 139 147 26
8-1-47- 1-O-OS 2508 1.23 1.37 206 2.20 137 179 26
8-1-47-2-0-0S 25.08 122 US 204 2.18 135 177 26
B-I-47-3-L-DS 25.08 \23 137 208 2.20 137 179 26
8- 1-47-4-L-OS 25.08 1.29 \43 217 2.31 1.43 188 26
B-I-47-5-H-DS 2508 140 155 233 2.49 155 203 26
8-1-48-1-0-OS 30.72 0.95 106 1.62 171 112 170 26
8-1-48-2-0-0S 30.72 1.00 112 170 1.80 118 179 26
B-I-48-3-L-OS 3072 119 133 202 2.14 1.40 212 26
B-I-48-4-L-OS 30.72 116 129 196 2.07 1.36 206 26
8-1-48-5-0-0S 30.72 101 I 12 1.11 1.81 119 180 26
B-I-48-6-0-0S 3072 107 119 181 191 126 1.90 26
B-I-48-7-L-OS 3072 105 I 17 1.18 188 123 187 26 .....
S- 1-48-8- L- DS 3072 I 13 125 1.90 2.02 132 201 26 tv
B-I-4R-Q-H-OS 3072 127 1.42 2.16 2.28 I 50 2.27 26
DlIllenSIOns and Ro Its of Double Shear Bolted Connections With Washers (One Bolt) - COlllblllation Failure TyPe I & U - Cont

Pn Pn
d e Fy Fu FlIfFy Pnll A/SI AISC
Spec eld dlt E3.3-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(III) (III.) (in) (III) (ksl) (kIp)
(kSl ) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN) (KN)

-,,---_ __
... ----
._~. __ ..
0.750 0071 2625 10000
_._ 3500
.. _-~--_..
69 28 132 1150 12.28
1107 3234 3057 4660
- ~ ~ -

()lInenslons and ReSldts of Double Shear Bolted Connections With WashNs (One Boh) - ComblllatlOn Failure TyPe I & II . ConI

Spec F Zadanfarrokh Pult I AISI Pldt I AISC PuitlECCS PldtlBS 5950 Pldt/(CAN\CSA) PultfF. Zadallfarrokh Reference

B-I-48-10-H()S 3072 -
1 10 122
186 1% 129 1.95 26

Mean 1268 I 359 2 J 18 2181 1518 1693

Standard DeVIation 0262 0250 0438 0417 o 2Q() 0343
CoeffiCIent of VanatlOll 0207 0184 0207 0191 0191 0202

Dlnu.'l1slons and Res\~ts of SlIlllle Shear Bolted CotlnOCbons Wlthollt Washers (One Bolt) . Comblllabon Fallwe Type I &. \I

Pn Pn
Spec I e eld dll Fy Fu PI~1 E33-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(I (m) (m) (Ill) (ksl) ("51 ) (kIp) (kip) (kIp) (KN) (KN) IKN)

0)00 0061 0.510 4000 1020 8200 5050 7410 277 502 678 1257 1038 1025
0500 0061 0520 4000 1040 8200 5010 7410 309 502 6.78 1254 10.32 10.45
0750 0079 3 000 4000 4000 q 500 5280 6590 8 60 8 67 1\ 71 39 69 2664 52 10
0750 0079 3010 4000 4000 Q500 5280 6590 815 867 1\71 3974 2664 52.10
0750 0.079 3000 4000 4000 q 500 5280 65 Q() 917 867 1171 39.69 2664 5210
0750 0104 3030 4060 4010 7200 5930 7060 12 SO 1223 1652 6876 43.80 73.48
0500 0051 2.060 4030 4120 q 800 4060 5010 289 284 383 1072 771 1705
0500 0051 2010 4030 402D Q800 4060 50 \0 2 ()8 284 383 10.69 7.71 1705
0500 0051 2010 4030 __ 4020 9800
" - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - _ . _ - ~ . _ ~ - - - - - - ~ - - ~ . _ - - - - - - . .~--_ .... _ . ~ - - ~..
5010 294 284 3.83 1069 771 1705

DImenSIons and Results of Single Shear Bolted ConneclJons WIthout Washers (One Bolt) - Combination FaJiure Type I&." - ConI
Dimensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted ConnectJOIls WIthout Washers (Two Bolts PerpendIcular to the Line of Stress) - CombtnatlOn Failure Type I & 11

Beanng Bearing
Pn Pn
Spt'c d t e s eld dlt Fy Fu P\~t E33-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi ) (ksl) (kIp) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN) (KN)

2 o SOO 0051 1.970 2020 3940 <) 800 4060 50.10 557 567 767 21.34 15.42 3361

lllmenslOl1S and Results of Smgle Shear Bolted Connections without Washers (Two Bolts Perpendicl~ar to the LlIle of Stress) - Combtnation Failure Type I & 11 - Cant

SJX'c F Zadanf8rrokh
(KN) Pult/A1SI Pu)t/AISC PI~t/ECCS PI~tJBS 5050 P\~tJ(CAN\CSA) P\~tJF Zadanfarrokh Reference

2 2040 OOR 073 116 161 074 121 20

DlluenSlons and Results of Single Shear Bolted ConnectlOns W1tJlOut Washers (Three Bolts Perpendicular to tJle LlIle of Stress) - Combinallon
Failure Type I &. n

Pn Pn
Spec d t e s eld d1t Fy Fu FulFy Pult E33-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksi) (kip) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN) (KN)

3 0500 0.061 1000 4030 2000 8.200 5010 74.10 148 1310 15.05 20.34 44.21 33.37 60.32
3 0500 0.061 1000 4.060 2.000 8.200 50.10 7410 148 13.50 1505 20.34 44.21 33.37 6032

DimenSIOns and R,_ ,lIts of Single Shear Bolted Connecllons without Washers (Three Bolts Perpendicular to tJle LlIle of Stress) - Combinallon
Failure Type I &. IJ Cont.

Spec. F. Zadanfarrokh
(KN) Pult/AlSI Pult/AISC PultlECCS PultlBS 5950 Pult/(CAN\CSA) PultIF. Zadanfarrokh Reference

3 3660 0.87 0.64 1.32 175 097 1.S9 20

3 36.60 0.90 0.66 1.36 1.80 1.00 1.64 20

Mean 0.884 0.654 1.338 1772 0.981 1.616

Standard Deviation 0013 0.010 0.020 0.026 0015 0.024
Coefficient of Variation 0015 0015 0.015 0015 0.015 0015

Dimensions and Results of Douhle Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers(One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type I &: f1

Pn Pn
d t e s Fy Fu Pult A1SI A1SC
Spec. e/d dlt E33-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(in.) (in.) (in.) (in) (ksi) (ksi) (kip) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN) (KN)

B-0-21-1-0-0S 0.250 0.036 0.844 3250 3380 6.940 39.50 4885 188 1.32 1.32 3.32 2.49 5.87
B-0-21-2-0-0S 0.250 0.036 0.875 3250 3500 6.940 39.50 48.85 190 132 1.32 332 2.49 5.87
B-0-2\ -3-L-DS 0.250 0.036 0.891 3250 3.560 6.940 39.50 4885 1.90 1.32 1.32 3.32 2.49 587
B-0-21-4-L-DS 0.250 0.036 0.875 3250 3.500 6.940 39.50 48.85 1.92 1.32 1.32 3.32 2.49 5.87
B-0-21-5-0-0S 0.250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3.500 6.940 39.50 48.85 1.94 132 1.32 332 2.49 587
B-0-21-6-0-0S 0250 0.036 0.906 3.250 3.620 6.940 39.50 48.85 203 1.32 1.32 3.32 2.49 5.87
B-0-21-7-L-OS 0.250 0.036 0.215 3.250 3.500 6.940 39.50 48.85 2.18 1.32 1.32 3.32 2.49 2.\5
B-0-21-8-L-OS 0.250 0.036 0875 3.250 3.500 6940 39.50 48.85 2.05 1.32 1.32 3.32 2.49 5.87
B-0-21-9-H-DS 0.250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3.500 6.940 39.50 48.85 2.24 132 1.32 3.32 2.49 5.87
B-0-21-10-H-OS 0.250 0.036 0.875 3.250 3.500 6.940 3950 4885 2.00 1.32 1.32 3.32 2.49 587
B-0-22-1-0-DS 0.500 0.036 1.750 6.250 3.500 13.890 3950 48.85 2.56 256 2.64 6.64 4.98 8.45
B-0-22-2-0-0S 0.500 0.036 1.750 6.250 3.500 13890 39.50 48.85 2.49 2.64 2.64 6.64 4.98 8.45
B-0-22-3-L-DS 0.500 0.036 1.750 6.250 3.500 13.890 39.50 48.85 2.88 2.64 2.64 6.64 4.98 8.45
B-0-22-4-L-DS 0.500 0.036 1150 6250 3500 13.890 39.50 48.85 2.43 264 2.64 6.64 4.98 8.45
B-O-22-7-L-DS 0500 0.036 1.150 6.250 3.500 13.890 39.50 48.85 2.70 2.64 2.64 664 4.98 8.45
B-0-22-S-L-DS 0.500 0.036 1.750 6.250 3.500 \3890 3950 4885 272 2.64 2.64 6.64 4.98 8.45
6-0-22-9H-OS 0.500 0.036 1.750 6.250 3.500 13890 39.50 48.85 265 2.64 2.64 6.64 4.98 8.45
6-0-22-' O-H-OS 0.500 0.036 1.780 6.250 3.560 13890 3950 4885 286 263 2.64 6.64 498 8.45
6-0-49-1-0-DS 0.500 0.071 1.181 6.700 3.560 7.042 5243 6928 9.58 7.38 138 21.66 1528 32.82
B-0-49-2-0- DS 0.500 0.071 1813 6.700 3630 7.042 5243 6928 840 737 7.38 2117 \5.28 32.82
B-0-49-3-L-DS 0.500 0071 1181 6.700 3.560 7.042 52.43 6928 8.82 7.36 7.38 2166 1528 32.82
B-0-49-4-L-DS 0.500 0.071 1181 6700 3.560 7042 52.43 6928 8.95 7.36 7.38 21.66 \5.28 32.82
B-0-49-5-H-DS 0.500 0.07\ 118\ 6.700 3.560 7.042 52.43 69.28 9.20 7.37 7.38 21.66 15.28 32.82
B-0-49-6-H-DS 0.500 0.071 1.781 6.700 3.560 7.042 52.43 69.28 9.50 737 7.38 21.66 1528 32.82
B-O- 50-1-0-DS 0150 0.011 2625 10000 3.500 10.563 52.43 6928 12.25 11-05 11.07 3234 2293 4660
B-0-50-2-0-0S 0.750 0.011 2.625 10000 3.500 10563 52.43 6928 11.90 1105 1107 3234 22.93 46.60
B-0-50-3-L-OS 0.750 0.071 2.625 10000 3.500 10563 52.43 6928 12.45 11.06 11.07 32.34 22.93 46.60
B-O- 50-4- L- OS 0750 0.071 2.625 10000 3.500 10563 52.43 6928 11.65 1105 11.07 32.34 2293 46.60
B-O- 50- 5-0- OS 0750 0.07\ 2625 10000 3500 10563 5243 6928 11.35 \105 11.07 3234 22.93 4660
B-0-50-6-0-0S 0750 0.071 2625 10000 3500 10563 52.43 69.28 1085 1105 11.07 3234 2293 46.60
B0-50-7-LOS 0750 0.011 2625 10000 3500 10.563 5243 69.28 1200 1105 11.07 32.34 2293 4660
II 07
4660 -
Dimensions and Results of Oouble Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers(One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type I & n - Cont.

Spec F. Zadanfarrokh Pult I AlSI Pultl AISC PultlECCS PultlBS 5950 Pult/(CAN\CSA) PultIF. Zadanfarrokh

B-0-21-1-0-DS 4.87 143 143 2.52 336 143 172 26

B-0-21-2-0-DS 4.87 144 1.44 2.55 3.39 144 1.74 26
B-0-21-3-L-OS 4.87 144 1.44 2.55 339 1.44 1.74 26
B-0-21-4-L-OS 4.87 145 145 2.57 342 145 1.75 26
B-0-21-5-0-0S 487 147 147 2.60 3.46 147 1.77 26
B-0-21-6-0-DS 4.87 154 1.54 2.72 363 1.54 185 26
B-0-21-7-L-DS ... __ ... _- 165 1.65 2.91 388 4.50 --- 26
B-0-21-8-L-DS 4.87 155 1.55 2.75 3.66 1.55 1.87 26
B-0-21-9-H-OS 4.87 1.70 169 2.99 3.99 169 204 26
B-0-21-ID-H-DS 4.87 152 1.52 2.68 357 1.52 1.83 26
B-0-22-1-0-DS 6.89 100 0.97 1.71 229 135 165 26
8-0-22-2-0-05 6.89 094 0.94 1.66 222 131 160 26
B-0-22-3-L-DS 6.89 1.09 109 1.93 257 151 186 26
BD-22-4-L-DS 6.89 0.92 0.92 162 217 1.28 157 26
B-0-22-7-L-OS 6.89 1.02 102 181 241 1.42 1.74 26
B-0-22-8-L-05 6.89 1.03 103 1.82 2.43 143 1.76 26
B-0-22-9-H-OS 6.89 100 100 177 2.37 140 1.71 26
8-0-22-1 D-H-OS 6.89 109 108 192 2.55 151 185 26
8-0-49-1-0-OS 17.56 1.30 130 197 2.79 130 243 26
8-0-49-2-0-0S 17.56 114 1.14 172 244 1.14 2.13 26
B-0-49-3-L- DS 17.56 120 1.20 181 2.57 1.20 2.23 26
B-0-49-4-L-OS 17.56 122 1.21 184 260 1.21 2.27 26
B-O-49-5-H-DS 17.56 1.25 1.25 189 268 125 2.33 26
B-0-49-6-H-OS 17.56 129 1.29 195 276 1.29 241 26
8-0-50-1-0-OS 21.50 III 1.11 168 238 1.17 2.53 26
B-0-50-2-0-0S 2150 108 108 1.64 231 I 14 2.46 26
B-0-50-3-L-DS 2150 113 1.12 17J 242 119 258 26
B-0-50-4-L-DS 2150 105 105 160 226 111 2.41 26
B-0-50-5-0-DS 2150 103 103 156 220 108 2.35 26
B-O- 50-6-0- OS 21.50 098 098 1.49 211 104 2.24 26
B-0-50-7-L-DS 21.50 109 108 165 233 1.15 248 26
DllnenSlOns and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections WIthout Washers(One Bolt) - Combination FaIlure Type I & ([ - COllt

Pn Pn
d t e s Fy Fn Ptdt AISI AISC
Spec e/d dlt E3.3-2 ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
(in.) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksl) (kip) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN) (KN)

B-0-50-' O-H-DS 0.750 0071 2.625 10000 3.500 10563 52.43 69.28 1203 9.47 11.07 32.34 22.93 4660
B-0-53-1-0-DS 0750 0.184 2625 10000 3.500 4.076 5416 70.69 35.50 291q 2q27 11154 74.80 13017
B-0-53-2-0-0S 0.750 0184 2688 10.000 3.580 4076 5416 70.69 34.90 29.24 29.27 112.95 74.80 13017
B-0-53-3-L-DS 0.750 0184 2625 10.000 3.500 4.076 54.16 7069 3640 29.28 29.27 11154 7480 13017
B-O- 53-4- L- DS 0.750 0.184 2656 10000 3.540 4.076 5416 70.69 36.15 29.18 29.27 11224 74.80 13017
B-0-53-5-H-OS 0.750 0.184 2563 10000 3.420 4.076 5416 7069 36.10 29.25 2927 11010 74.80 13017

DimenSIons and Resldts of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers(One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type I & U - Cont

Spec F. Zadanfarrokh Ptdt I AISI Ptdt I AISC PultJECCS PldtIBS 5950 Ptdtl(CAN\CSA) PtdtIF Zadanfarrokh
_._-_ __ .. . _ ~ ~ .

B-O-'iO-IO-H-OS 21 SO I 27 1m 165 133 I 15 249 26

B-0-53-1-0-OS 6225 122 I 21 I 42 211 I 21 2.54 26
8-0-53-2-0-0S 62.25 I 19 1 19 137 208 I Iq 249 26
R-O- SJ-J-L-OS 62.25 I 24 124 145 216 ) 24 2.60 26
B-0-53-4-L-OS 6225 I 24 I 24 I 43 2 15 I 24 258 26
B-0-5J-5-H-DS 6225 123 123 146 2.15 123 258 26
-------_._-"-~~ .. _._~

1e8n I 223 I 217 1941 2673 I 386 2081

IBndard DeVl8t1on 0206 0207 o 46q 0572 o 5JO 0493
CoeffiCIent of Vanatlon o 1611 0\70 0242 0214 0382 0237


Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The Evaluation

OfExisting Data - Combination Type I & ill Failure Mode
Dimensions and ~ ;lIfts of Single Shear Bolted Connections With Washers -Tensile Strength Study (One
Bolt) - Combinatl"n Failme Type I & ill

Controlling Controlhng
Spec d t e s e/d dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy A/SC A/SI ECCS BS 5950
in In. In. In. ksi ksi kip kip KN KN

20A22SS1 0.375 0035 0.938 4.000 2.500 10600 0.094 321/ 41.85 1.30 5.04 2.03 7.35 6.93
20A32SS1 0.375 0.034 1.313 4.000 3500 11.200 0.094 32.11 41.85 1.30 4.77 1.92 696 6.56
20A42SSI 0375 0035 1.688 4.000 4.500 10.740 0094 32.11 4185 1.30 497 201 7.25 6.83
20A23SSI 0.500 0035 1250 4.000 2.500 14.200 0125 32.11 41.85 1.30 5.01 2.41 902 821
20A43SSI 0.500 0.035 2.250 4.000 4500 14200 0.125 32.11 41.85 1.30 501 2.41 9.02 8.21
14A23SSI 0.500 0.083 1.250 4000 2.500 6.000 0.125 29.80 43.40 1.46 992 5.90 1978 1801
8845SS1 0.750 0.187 3.375 4000 4.500 4.020 0188 32.00 46.00 1.44 27.37 18.18 6009 56.12
18E42SS1 0375 0045 1.688 4.000 4.500 8.310 0.094 46.75 68.00 1.45 8.43 4.21 1364 12.85
18E24SS1 0.625 0.044 1.563 4.000 2500 14.200 0156 46.75 68.00 1.45 8.25 5.64 1870 17.28

DImensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections Willl Washers -Tensile Strength Study (One
Boll) - Combination Failme Type I & m . Cont

Spec CAN\CSA Pult Pull/AISI Pull/AISC PuitlECCS Pult/BS 5950 Pull/(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN kips

20A22SSI 23.68 172 0.84 0.34 104 1./0 0.32 12

20A32SS1 22.41 177 0.92 0.37 I 13 1.20 0.35 12
20A42SSI 2335 1.80 0.90 0.36 1./0 I 17 0.34 12
20A23SS1 22.52 2.08 0.86 0.41 102 1./2 0.41 12
20A43SSI 22.52 2.08 0.86 0.42 103 1.13 0.41 12
14A23SSI 4411 5.14 0.87 0.52 I 16 1.27 0.52 12
8845SS1 12176 17.30 095 063 1.28 1.37 063 12
18E42SS1 3751 338 080 0.40 I 10 1.17 0.40 13
18E24SS1 3668 4.35 077 0.53
1.03 1 12 0.53 13

Mean 0.865 0443 I 100 I 185 0.435

Standard Deviation 0053 00"11 o ON 0082 0097
Coe{li",enl of Vanation 0061 0205 0072 0069 0221
DimensIOns and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections With Washers-Tensile Strength Study (One
Bolt) - Combination Failure Type I & m

Controlling Controllll1!!
Spec t e s eld dlt dis Fy FlI FlI/Fy AISC AISI ECCS BS 5950
III. In III kSI ksi kip kip KN KN

20A2lDS2 0250 0035 0625 4000 2500 7.200 0.063 32 J I 41.85 1.3D33 4.94 1.55 5.73 5.30
20A22DS 0375 0034 0938 4.000 2500 10900 0094 32.11 41.85 1.3033 4.89 1.97 7.15 6.73
20A2JDSI 0.500 0.035 1250 4.000 2500 14.120 0125 3211 4185 1.3033 5.04 2.42 907 8.26
18E34DSI 0.625 0.045 2188 4.000 3.500 13860 0.156 46.75 68.00 1.4545 8.43 5.78 1912 1767
I8E44DS I 0.625 0.045 2.813 4.000 4500 13.800 0156 4675 6800 1.4545 847 580 19.21 17.75
IOE25DSI 0750 0135 1875 4.000 2.')00 5.550 0188 5950 71 85 1.2076 3094 20.50 8085 75.50
JOEI6DSI 1.000 0.142 ISOO 4.000 1500 7.040 0.250 59.50 71.85 1.2076 299q 2549 99.08 93.90

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections With Washers-Tensile Strength Study (One
Bolt) - Combination Failure Type I & ill - Cont.

Spec CAN\CSA Pult PultJAISI PultJAISC PultJECCS PultJBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN kip

20A2JDS2 1982 1.25 080 025 0.97 L05 028 12

20A22DS 2301 L83 093 0.37 I 14 1.21 0.35 12
20A23DSI 2265 2.53 LOS 0.50 124 136 050 12
18E34DSI 37.51 6.57 1.14 078 1S3 L65 0.78 12
J8E44DSI 3768 6.88 1.19 0.81 I 59 1.72 081 13
IOE25DSI 13762 19.31 0.94 0.62 106 I 14 0.62 13
IOEI6DSI 133.40 1478 0.58 0.49 066 0.70 0.49 13

Mean 0946 0548 I \7\ 1.263 0548

Standard Deviation 0192 0189 0.298 0329 0.187
Coefficient of Variation 0203 0346 0255 0.261 0.340

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted COIUlections With Washers-Tensile Strength Study (Two Bolts
Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) - Combination Failure Type I &. ill

Controlling Controlling
Spec d t e s e/d dlt dis Fy Pu Puffy A/SC A/SI ECCS BS 5950
in. ffi. ffi. ffi. ksi ksi kip kip KN KN

H20SCI5 0.375 0.058 0.938 2000 2501 6466 0.188 44.60 5320 119 9.84 6.52 2602 24.30
H20SC16 0.375 0.058 0.938 2.000 2.501 6466 0.188 44.60 53.20 1.19 9.84 6.52 26.02 24.30
H20SCI9 0.375 0.058 0.938 2.000 2.501 6.466 0.188 44.60 5320 119 9.84 6.52 26.02 24.30
H20SC20 0.375 0.058 0.938 2.000 2.501 6466 0.188 4460 53.20 \.19 9.84 6.52 26.02 24.30
H20SC21 ).375 0.058 0.938 2000 2.501 6466 0.188 44.60 53.20 119 9.84 6.52 26.02 24.30
H20SC25 0.375 0.058 1313 2000 3.501 6466 0.188 44.60 53.20 119 9.84 6.52 26.02 24.30
H20SC26 0.375 0.058 1.313 2.000 3.501 6.466 0.188 44.60 53.20 1.19 9.84 652 26.02 24.30
H20SC37 0.500 0.058 1.000 2.000 2.000 8.621 0.250 44.60 5320 Jl9 8.87 7.54 31.22 28.12
H20SC38 0500 0.058 1.000 2.000 2000 8.621 0.250 44.60 53.20 119 8.87 754 31.22 28.12
H2DSC41 0500 0.058 1.250 2000 2.500 8.621 0250 44.60 5320 119 8.87 754 31.22 28.12
H2DSC42 0.500 0.058 1.250 2.000 2.500 8.621 0.250 4460 53.20 119 887 7.54 31.22 28.12

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Bolted Connections With Washers-Tensile Strength Study (Two Bolts
Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) Combination Failure Type I & ill . Cont.

Spec CAN\CSA Pult PultlAISI PultlAISC PtdtlECCS PultlBS 5950 PultI(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN kips

H2DSCI5 43.75 7.14 110 0.73 \22 1.31 0.73 27

H2DSCI6 4375 694 \07 0.71 I 19 127 071 27
H2DSCI9 43.75 8.57 1.32 0.87 \47 157 087 27
H2DSC20 4375 8.20 1.26 0.83 140 1.50 0.83 27
H2DSC21 4375 828 1.27 0.84 1.42 152 0.84 27
H2DSC25 43.75 10.00 1.53 \02 171 183 1.02 27
H2DSC26 43.75 9.64 1.48 0.98 1.65 176 0.98 27
H2DSC37 39.46 7.80 1.03 0.88 1.\1 123 0.88 27
H2DSC38 39.46 7.88 1.05 0.89 1.\2 125 0.89 27
H2DSC41 39.46 932 1.24 1.05 1.33 1.47 1.05 27
H2DSC42 39.46 9.28 1.23 1.05 1.32 1.47 1.05 27

Mean 1.233 0.895 1.357 1.471 0.895

Standard Deviation 0.160 0.113 0.189 0.191 0.113
Coefficient of Variation 0.130 0.127 0.139 0.130 0127

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Connection With Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) Combination Failure Type 1 & ill

Controlling ControUing ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA

Spec d t e s eJd dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy AlSC AlSJ KN KN KN
m. m. m. m. ksi ksi kip kip

H30SA8 0.313 0.064 0.783 1.333 2.502 4883 0.235 54.40 70.70 1.30 13.43 1077 4020 36.96 59.72
H3DSA9 0.313 0.064 0.783 1.333 2.502 4.883 0.235 54.40 7070 1.30 13.43 10.77 40.20 36.96 5972
H30SAI0 0313 0064 0.783 1.333 2.502 4.883 0.235 54.40 70.70 1.30 13.43 10.77 40.20 36.96 59.72
H3DSAI4 0.313 0064 1.094 1.333 3.495 4883 0.235 5440 7070 130 13.43 1077 4020 36.96 59.72
H30SAI5 0.313 0.064 1.094 1.333 3.495 4.883 0.235 54.40 70.70 1.30 13.43 1077 4020 36.96 59.72
H30SA45 0375 0064 0.750 1.333 2.000 5.859 0.281 54.40 70.70 1.30 12.58 9.68 43.07 40.66 55.98
H3DSA46 0375 0.064 0.750 1.333 2.000 5.859 0281 54.40 70.70 1.30 12.58 9.68 4307 40.66 55.98
H30SA47 0.375 0.064 0.750 1.333 2.000 5.859 0.281 54.40 70.70 1.30 12.58 9.68 43.07 40.66 55.98
H30SA48 0.375 0.064 0.750 1.333 2.000 5.859 0.281 54.40 70.70 1.30 12.58 9.68 43.07 40.66 55.98
H3DSA52 0.375 0.064 0.938 1.333 2.500 5.859 0.281 54.40 70.70 1.30 12.58 9.68 4307 40.66 55.98

Dimensions and R ~'dts of Double Shear Connection With Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
Perpendicular to th1' Line of Stress) Combination Failure Type I & m- Cont.

Spec Pult Pult/AISf Pult/AISC PultJECCS PultlBS 5950 Pult/(CAN\CSA) Reference


H3DSA8 12.98 1.21 0.97 1.44 1.56 0.97 27

H3DSA9 1248 1.16 093 138 1.50 0.93 27
H3DSAI0 10.64 0.99 0.79 1 18 128 079 27
H3DSAI4 1352 1.26 1.01 1.50 1.63 1.01 27
H3DSAI5 13.76 1.28 102 1.52 1.66 102 27
H3DSA45 13.24 1.37 105 137 145 1.05 27
H3DSA46 13.30 1.37 106 1.37 1.46 106 27
H3DSA47 13.06 135 1.04 1.35 1.43 104 27
H3DSA48 1316 1.36 \.05 136 144 \.05 27
H3DSA52 1296 1.34 103 1.34 \.42 103 27

Mean 1.267 0.994 1.380 1482 0.994

Standard Deviation 0.116 0.077 0090 0105 0077
Coefficient of Variatio 0.092 0.078 0.065 0.071 0.078

Dimensimls and Results of Double Shear Connection Without Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Two Bolts
Petpendicular to the Line of Stress) - Combination Failure Type I & ill

Controlling Controlling
Spec i t e s e/d dlt dis Fy Fu FulFy AlSC AlSI ECCS BS 5950
il. in. m. m. ksi ksi kip kip KN KN

H2DSCI7 0.375 0.058 0.938 2.000 2501 6.466 0.188 44.60 53.20 119 9.84 461 2602 24.30
H2DSCI8 0.375 0.058 0.938 2.000 2501 6.466 0.188 44.60 53.20 1.19 9.84 461 26.02 24.30
H2DSC22 0.375 0.058 0938 2000 2.501 6.466 0188 44.60 53.20 1.19 9.84 4.61 26.02 24.30
H2DSC23 0.375 0.058 0.938 2000 2.501 6.466 0.188 44.60 53.20 1.19 9.84 4.61 26.02 24.30
H2DSC24 0.375 0.058 0.938 2.000 2.501 6.466 0188 44.60 53.20 1.19 9.84 4.61 26.02 24.30
H2DSC27 0375 0.058 1.313 2000 3.501 6.466 0.188 44.60 53.20 119 9.84 461 26.02 24.30
H2DSC28 0.375 0.058 1.313 2000 3.501 6.466 0188 44.60 53.20 1.19 9.84 4.61 26.02 24.30
H2DSC31 0.375 0.058 1.688 2.000 4.501 6.466 0.188 44.60 53.20 1 19 9.84 461 26.02 24.30
H2DSC39 0.500 0.058 1.000 2.000 2.000 8.621 0.250 44.60 53.20 1.19 8.87 5.54 31.22 28.12
H2DSC40 0.500 0.058 1000 2000 2.000 8.621 0.250 44.60 53.20 1.19 8.87 5.54 31.22 2812
H2DSC43 0.500 0.058 1.250 2.000 2500 8621 0250 44.60 53.20 119 8.87 5.54 31.22 28.12
H2DSC44 0.500 0.058 1.250 2000 2500 8.621 0.250 44.60 53.20 1.19 8.87 5.54 3122 28.12

Dimensions and Results of Double Shear Cormection Without Washers-Tensile Strength Study (Two Bolts
Perpendicular to the Line of Stress) - Combination Failure Type I & ill - Cont

Spec CAN\CSA Pult PultJAiSI PultJAISC Pult1ECCS PultlBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) Reference
KN kip

H2DSCI7 4375 7.03 1.52 0.71 1.20 1.29 0.71 27

H2DSCI8 4375 7.08 1.54 072 1.21 130 072 27
H2DSC22 4375 8.12 1.76 0.83 139 149 0.83 27
H2DSC23 4375 800 1.74 0.81 137 1.46 081 27
H2DSC24 4375 7.98 173 0.81 136 1.46 081 27
H2DSC27 4375 904 1.96 0.92 155 1.65 092 27
H2DSC28 43.75 8.96 194 091 1.53 164 0.91 27
H2DSC31 43.75 8.80 191 0.89 150 161 0.89 27
H2DSC39 39.46 7.26 131 0.82 1.03 115 0.82 27
H2DSC40 3946 7.26 131 0.82 1.03 I 15 082 27
H2DSC43 3946 8.72 1.57 0.98 1.24 138 0.98 27
H2DSC44 39.46 8.80 1.59 0.99 1.25 139 0.99 27

Mean 1.657 0852 1.307 1.414 0.852

Standard Deviation 0.213 0086 0.167 0.166 0.086
Coefficient of Variation 0.129 0.101 0128 0.117 0.101

llJmenslOns and Results of Double Shear Connections Without Washers -Tensile Strength Study (Three Bolts
Perpendicular 10 the Line of Stress) - Combtnal:lOn Failure Type I & III

ConlroUIIl!! Conlrolling ECCS BS 5950

Spec d t e s e/d dll dis Fy Fu FulFy AISC AISI KN KN
In m. III III kSI kSI kIp kIp

H3DSAI2 0313 0064 0.783 1333 2502 4883 0235 5440 70.70 130 1343 7.85 4020 3696
H3DSAI3 0313 0064 0.783 1333 2502 4883 0.235 54.40 7070 130 J 343 785 40.20 36.96
H3DSA18 0.313 0064 1.094 I 333 3.495 4883 0.235 54.40 7070 I 30 13.43 785 40.20 36.96
H3DSAI9 0.313 0064 1.094 1333 3.495 4883 0.235 5440 70.70 130 13.43 7.85 4020 36.96
HmSA49 0.375 0.064 0750 1 333 2 000 5.859 021\1 54.40 70.70 130 J 258 884 4307 40.66
BJDSA50 0375 0064 0.750 1333 2000 5859 0281 5440 7070 130 12.58 884 4307 40.66
HmSA51 0.375 0064 0.750 I 333 2 000 5.859 028\ 5440 7070 130 12.58 884 43.07 40.66
H3DSA55 :)375 0.064 0.938 1 333 2.500 5859 0281 5440 7070 130 1258 884 43.07 40.66

DImenSIons and Results of Double Shear Connections Without Washers -TenSIle Strength Study (l1uee Bolts
Pl"rllt'nd!clIlar 10 the LlIle ofSlress) CornbllJabon Fmhl1il Type I & If! - ConI

SP<.'C KN Pull Pull/AISI PultJAISC PuJtJECCS P,dtIBS .SQ50 PldtJ(CAN\CSA) Reference

HmSAI2 5Q 72 1218 I 55 091 I 35 I -17 091 27

tDnSAI J 5972 1216 I 55 091 I 35 1 46 091 27
tBDSA18 5972 13 44 I 71 100 149 162 100 27
IODSAf9 5972 Ll 04 166 097 144 157 097 27
mOSM9 5598 '257 I 42 100 130 lJ8 100 27
II HlSA50 5508 12 J7 140 () 98 I 28 I .15 0 98 27
tt1DSA 5 1 5508 12 82 I 45 102 112 \ 40 102 27
II mSA 55 5598 1206 136 0% 1 25 1 32 0% 27

Mean I 5I 3 0%8 1 1.t6 I 446 0%8

SI.mdard r:>eVlabon o 118 0010 0077 0098 0040
Coefficllml of Van atJ 011 0078 () 01 I n 057 o Ot>8 0041

Dimensions And Results Of Bolted Connections Used In The Evaluation

Of Existing Data - Combination Type II & V Failure Mode
DImensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted Connections With Washers (One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type n &. V

I'll I'll
d t e s Fy Fu PlIlt A1S1 AISC ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA
Spec. e/d dlt Eq E3 3-2
(in) (in.) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksi ) (kip) (kIp) (kIp) (KN) (KN) (KN)

B-I-16-5-0-SS 0.500 0.036 1750 4000 3.500 13.890 39.50 48.85 1.95 264 2.64 6.64 6.64 8.45
B-I-16-6-o-SS 0.500 0.036 1750 4.000 3.500 13.890 39.50 48.85 2.00 2.64 2.64 6.64 6.64 845
B-I-I6-7-L-SS 0.500 0.036 1.750 4.000 3.500 13.890 39.50 48.85 208 2.64 2.64 6.64 6.64 8.45
B-I-16-8-L-SS 0.500 0.036 1.750 4.000 3500 13.890 39.50 48.85 2.35 2.64 2.64 6.64 6.64 845
B-1 -16-9-H-SS 0.500 0.036 1.750 4.000 3.500 13.890 39.50 48.85 2.58 2.64 264 6.64 6.64 8.45
B-I-I6-IO-H-SS 0.500 0.036 1.750 4.000 3.500 13890 39.50 48.85 2.95 2.64 2.64 6.64 6.64 8.45
B-I-24-3-L-SS 0.750 0.074 2.660 5.250 3.540 10.135 48.11 53.70 10.70 8.94 8.94 31.62 29.64 39.24
B-I-36-9-H-SS 0.500 0.031 1.750 4.250 3.500 16.129 59.22 74.51 3.11 346 346 8.57 8.57 10.27
B-I-43-2-o-SS 0.500 0.071 1.688 4.250 3.380 7.042 5243 69.28 6.91 7.38 7.38 21.34 20.38 32.82
B-I-43-3-L-SS 0.500 0.071 1.688 4.250 3.380 7.042 5243 69.28 8.13 7.38 7.38 21.34 20.38 32.82
B-I-43-4-L-SS 0.500 0.071 1.688 4.250 3.380 7.042 5243 69.28 7.12 7.38 7.38 21.34 20.38 32.82
B-I-43-5-H-SS 0.500 0.071 1.703 4.250 3410 7042 52.43 69.28 6.89 7.38 7.38 2140 20.38 32.82
B-I-43-6-H-SS 0.500 0.071 1.719 4.250 3.440 7042 52.43 69.28 6.83 7.38 7.38 21.45 2038 32.82
B-I-44-6-0-SS 0.750 0.071 2625 6.000 3500 10.563 52.43 69.28 8.15 11.07 11.07 32.34 30.57 46.60
B-I-44-7-L-SS 0.750 0.071 2.625 6.000 3.500 10563 52.43 69.28 8.00 11.07 11.07 3234 30.57 46.60
B-I-44-lo-H-SS 0.750 0.071 2.625 6.000 3.500 10.563 5243 69.28 8.25 11.07 11.07 32.34 30.57 46.60

DimenSIons and Results of Single Shear 80lted Connections With Washers (One 8olt) - Combination FaIlure Type II &. V - Cont

F ZadanfafTokh
Spec Pult/NSf Pult/AISC PultlECCS PuftIBS 5<>50 Pliit/(CAN\CSA) PultIF. ZadanfarTokh Reference

8-1-16-5-0-SS 9.84 074 074 1.31 1.31 103 0.88 26

8-1-16-6-0-SS 9.84 076 076 I 34 I 34 105 0.90 26
B-I-lo-7-L-SS 9.84 0.79 079 1.39 139 I \0 094 26
B- f -16-8-L-SS 9.84 0.89 0.89 1S7 1S7 1.24 106 26
B-I-16-9-H-SS 9.84 0.98 0.98 I 73 173 1.36 \ \7 26
B-I-16-10-H-SS 9.84 1 12 \ 12 \ 98 198 1S5 1.33 26
8-1-24-3-L-SS 28.38 1.20 1.20 lSI 16\ 1.21 168 26
8-1-36-9-H-SS 10.34 0.90 0.90 161 16\ 135 1.34 26
B-I-43-2-0-SS 2508 0.94 094 144 lSI 0.94 1.23 26
B-I-43-3-L-SS 2508 110 110 169 177 110 144 26
B-I-43-4-L-SS 25.08 0.96 0.96 148 ISS 0.96 1.26 26
8-1-43-5-H-SS 25.08 093 093 143 ISO 0.93 1.22 26
8-1-43-6-H-SS 25.08 0.93 0.93 142 149 0.93 1.21 26
8-1-44-6-0-SS 3072 0.74 0.74 1.12 1.19 0.78 118 26
8-1-44-7-L-SS 30.72 0.72 0.72 1.10 116 0.76 1.16 26
8-1-44-10-H-SS 30.72 0.75 0.75 113 1.20 079 1.19 26
Standard Deviation 0.902 0.902 1.454 1.495 1.067 1.200
Coefficient of Variation 0144 0.144 0.227 0.218 0.220 0195
0.159 0.159 0.156 0.146 0.206 0162

o.metlSlons and Results of Single Shear Bolted Conne<:tiOllS Without Washers (One Bolt) - Combination Failure TypeD &. V

I'll Pn
Spec. d t e s e/d dll Fy Fu Fu/Fy Pull E33-2
(in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ksi) (kip) (kip) (kip) (KN) (KN)

8-0-46-I-o-S5 0.750 0071 1.650 4250 220 10.563 52.43 69.28 1.32 5.825 819 11.07 28.17 2\.13
B-0-46- 2-0-SS 0.750 0071 1.650 4.250 2.20 10.563 52.43 69.28 1.32 5.470 819 1107 28.17 21.13
B-0-46-J-L-SS 0.750 0071 1.650 4250 220 10563 52.43 69.28 1.32 6.000 8.19 1107 28.17 21 J)
B-o-46-4-L-SS 0.750 0071 1.650 4250 220 10.563 52.43 69.28 1.32 5.960 819 11.07 28.17 21.13
6-0-46- 5-o-S5 0750 0071 1.650 4250 220 10.563 52.43 6928 1.32 5.870 8.19 1107 28.17 21.13
6-0-46-6-o-S5 0.750 0.071 1.650 4.250 220 10.563 5243 69.28 1.32 5.820 819 1107 28.17 21.13
B-Q..46-7-l-SS 0.750 0071 1650 4250 220 10.563 5243 6928 1.32 6690 819 1107 28.17 21.13
B-0-46-S-l-SS 0750 0071 1650 4250 2.20 10.563 52.43 69.28 1.32 5.875 819 1107 28.17 21 13
B-o-46-9-H-SS 0750 0.071 1650 4250 2.20 10.563 5243 6928 1.32 7.500 819 1107 28.17 21.13
~.-:Q:46-lo-HS5 0.750 0.071 1650 4250 220 10563 52.43 69.28 I 32 6560 8.19 11.07 28.17 21.13

Dimensions and R, Jlts of Sinsle Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers (One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type Il & V- Cont

Spec CAN\CSA F. ZadanfafTokh

(KN) (KN) PultJAISI PuitJAISC PultlECCS PultlBS 5950 PultJ(CAN\CSA) PultJF. ZadanfafTokh Reference

8-0-46-1-0-SS 36.10 18.92 0.71 053 0.92 1.23 0.72 1.37 26

B-0-46-2-0-SS 36.10 1892 067 049 086 I 15 0.67 1.29 26
B-0-46- 3- L-SS 3610 18.92 0.73 0.54 095 1.26 0.74 1.41 26
B-0-46-4-L-SS 3610 18.92 0.73 0.54 0.94 1.25 0.73 1.40 26
B-0-46- 5-0-S5 3610 1892 0.72 0.53 0.93 1.24 072 138 26
8-0-46-6-0-SS 3610 18.92 0.71 0.53 0.92 1.23 072 137 26
B-0-46-7-L-SS 3610 1892 082 060 1.06 141 0.82 157 26
B-0-46-8-L-S5 3610 18.92 072 053 093 1.24 072 138 26
B-0-46-9-H-SS 36.10 18.92 0.92 0.68 1.18 158 0.92 1.76 26
B-0-46-IO-H-SS 36.10 18.92 0.80 059 104 138 0.81 154 26

Mean 0.752 0.556 0.972 1.296 0.759 1.447

Standard Deviation 0.069 0.051 0.089 0.119 0069 0132
Coefficient of Variation 0.09\ 0.091 0.091 009\ 0.091 0.091

Dl1nensions and Res\dts of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers (One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type II & V

Pn Pn
d t e s Fy Fu FIJFy Pwt AISI AISC
Spec eld dlt Eq E3.3-2 ECCS BS 5950
":1) (in) (in) (111 ) (ksi ) (ksi) (kips) (kIps) (kips) (KN) (KN)

B-0-22-5-0-DS 1500 0.036 17 SO 6.250 3.500 13.890 39500 48.850 1.237 2425 2639 2.638 0.641 4Q81
B-0-22-6-0-DS 0.500 0.036 17 SO 6.250 3.500 \3890 39500 48.850 1237 2200 2.640 2.638 6.641 4.981

Dimensions and Reswts of Double Shear Bolted Connections Without Washers (aile Bolt) - Combination Failure Type tI & V - ConI

Spec CAN\CSA F Zadanfarrokh Pwtl AISI Pull I AISC PultlECCS PldtlBS 5950 Pwt/(CAN\CSA) PldlIF Zadanfarrokh Reference
(KN) (KN)

B-O-22-S-0-DS 8448 6.888 09\9 0919 1624 2.166 1.277 1.566 26

B-0-22-6-0-DS 8.448 6.888 0833 0.834 1.473 1.96S I 158 1421 26
~-" _-~------

Mean 0.870 0.877 1549 2065 1218 1493

Standard Deviation 0043 0.043 0075 0\00 0.059 0073
Coefficient of Vanallon 0049 0049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.049


Dimensions and Results OfBolted Connections Used In The Evaluation

OfExisting Data - Combination Type I & II & ill Failure Mode
Dimensions and Results of Single Shear Bolted ConnectIOns With Washer- Tensile Strength Study (One Bolt) - Combmation FaIlure Type 1 & II &. [II

Tension Tension Tension TensIOn

d t e s Fy Fu
Spec (in) (in) (in.) (Ill) eld dlt dis (ksl) (kSl) Controlling ControUing ECCS BS 5950
(kip) (kip) (KN) (KN)

12Y-L1'i 0.375 0.104 1.496 1.520 39QO 3.610 0.247 72.40 72 80 1.01 843 7.08 33.64 31 34
12Y-L17 0.625 0.104 2.125 2.548 3.400 6010 0.245 7240 72.80 1.01 1409 11.77 56.67 5208
7Y-L5 0.750 0183 1.875 3750 2.500 4.100 0.200 8310 83QO 101 45.10 3157 14902 13909
20l-L2 0.500 0039 1000 1.500 2.000 12.820 0.333 75.50 8170 108 2.99 299 12.28 12.28
20l-LJ 0.750 0.039 \SOO 2.500 2.000 19.230 0.300 75.50 8170 108 5.38 538 22.10 2210
12Y-L13 0.625 0.104 2.175 3.330 3.480 6010 0.188 72.40 72.80 1.01 20.01 13.27 63.67 58.68

Dimensions Bnd k.csults of Single Shear Bolted COImections With Washer-Tensile Strength Study (One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type I&. n& ill - ConI.

Tension Bearing Beanng Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Tension Tension Tension Tension
Po Po ECCS BS 5950 CAN\CSA F Zadanfarrokh PuitlAISI PuitlAISC PultlECCS PultIBS 5950
Spec CAN\CSA Pult AISI A1SC (KN) (KN) (KN) (KN)
(KN) (kip) (kip) (kip)

12Y-L15 37.51 7.66 8.52 8.52 41.74 35.65 37.89 3504 1.08 091 1.01 1.09
12Y-L17 62.66 1058 1479 14.20 64.62 5942 63.14 45.23 0.90 0.75 083 0.90
7Y-L5 200.61 27.95 14.79 34.55 139.48 136.98 128.05 96.36 0.89 0.62 0.83 0.89
20Z-L2 13.29 2.74 1479 4.78 1375 1375 1417 II II 092 092 0.99 0.99
20Z-LJ 23.92 420 1479 7.17 20.63 20.63 21.26 13.61 0.78 078 0.85 0.85
12Y-L13 8899 9.89 1479 1420 6534 5942 63.14 45.23 0.75 049 069 075

Mean 0885 0745 0868 0912

Standard DeVIatIOn 0108 0151 0108 0107
CoeffiCient of VanatlOn 0122 0202 0125 0117

DimenSIons and Results ofSinllle Shear Bolted Connections WIth Washer-Tensile Strength Study (One Bolt) - Combination Failure Type 1 &. n &. ill - Cont
Tension Bearing Beanng Beanng Bearing Beanng Beanng
Pult/(CAN\CSA) Pult/AISI PultJAISC PultJECCS PultIBS 59S0 PultJ(CAN\CSA) PultIF ZadanfaITokh Reference

IlV-L15 091 OQO OQO 082 0% OQO 0<)7 16

12Y-L17 o 7S 072 075 073 0.79 o 7S 104 16
7Y-LS 062 189 081 0.89 0.91 097 1.29 16
20l-L2 092 0.19 057 0.89 08<) 086 110 16
20Z-LJ 0.78 0.28 059 0.91 0.91 088 1.37 16
12Y-LI3 0.49 067 070 0.67 074 070 097 16

Mean 0745 0774 0.718 0.817 0865 0842 1.124

Standard Deviation 0151 0.557 0.116 0088 0074 0093 0.1 S4
CoeffiCIent of Variatioo 0202 0.720 0162 0.108 0086 0110 0.137


Typical Load Deflection Curves From Present Experimental Investigation




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1. American Iron and Steel Institute, "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members," 1986 Edition with the 1989 Addendum

2. American Institute of Steel Construction, "Manual of Steel Construction -

Allowable Stress Design," Ninth Edition, 1989.

3. European Convention for Constructional Steelwork - Technical Committee 7,

"Recommendations for the Design of Light Gauge Steel Members: Design of Cold
Formed Steel Sheeting and Sections," First Edition, 1987.

4. British Standard BS5950, "Structural Use of Steelwork in Building," Part 5, "Code

of Practice for Design of Cold Formed Sections," 1987.

5. Canadian Standards Association, "Cold Formed Steel Structural Members," CSA

Standard, S136-M89, 1989.

6. Zadanfarrokh, F., "Analysis and Design ofBohed Connections in Cold-Formed

Steel Members," Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
University of Salford, England, 1991.

7. Winter, G., "Tests on Bolted Connections in Light Gage SteeL" Journal of the
Structural Division, ASCE Proceedings, Vol. 82, No. ST2, March 1956.

8. Winter, G., "Light Gage Steel Connections with High-Strength, High-Torqued

Bolts," Publication of the International Association for Bridge and Structural
Engineering, Vol. 16, p. 513, 1956.

9. Yu, W.W:, and R.L. Mosby, "Bolted Connections in Cold-Formed Steel

Structures," Second Progress Report, University ofMissouri-Rolla, December

10. Yu, W.W., Cold-Formed Steel Design, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1991.

11. Cornell University, "Tests on Bolted Connections," Third Progress Report, January
1954 (unpublished).

12. Cornell University, "Tests on Bolted Connections," Fifth Progress Report, January
1954 (unpublished).

Bibliography, Continued

13. Cornell University, "Tests on Bolted Connections," Sixth Progress Report,

January 1954 (unpublished).

14. Cornell University, "Tests on Bolted Connections," Seventh Progress Report,

January 1954 (unpublished).

15. American Iron and Steel Institute, "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members," 1968 Edition.

16. Dhalla, AK, and G. Winter, "Influence of Ductility on the Structural Behavior of
Cold-Formed Steel Members," Report No. 336, Department of Structural
Engineering, Cornell University, June 1971.

17. Dhalla, AK, S.1. Errera, and G. Winter, "Connections in Thin Low-Ductility
Steels," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE Proceedings, Vol. 97, No.
STI0, Proc. Paper 8442, October, 1971.

18. McKinney, W.M., V.AS. Liu, and W.W. Yu, "Study of Cold-Formed Steel
Structural Members Made of Thick Sheets and Plates," Final Report, University of
Missouri-Rolla, April 1975.

19. Yu, W.W., and R.L. Mosby, "Bolted Connections in Cold-Formed Steel
Structures," First Progress Report, University of Missouri-Rolla, June 1976.

20. Chong, KP., and R.B. Matlock, "Light-Gage Steel Bolted Connections Without
Washers," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE Proceedings, Vol. 101, No.
ST7, July 1974.

21. American Iron and Steel Institute, "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members, 1980 Edition.

22. Popowich, D.W., "Tension Capacity ofBolted Connections in Light Gage Cold-
Formed SteeL II Thesis presented to Cornell University in 1969, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Science.

23. Yu, W.W., and R.L. Mosby, IlBolted Connections in Cold-Formed Steel
Structures," Final Report, University ofMissouri-Rolla, January 1981.

24. LaBoube, R.A, "Net Section Capacity of Cold-Formed Steel Connections," Butler
Manufacturing Co., July 1983.

Bibliography, Continued

25. Macadam, IN., "Net Section Tension," AISI Advisory Group Subcommittee 3 -
Connections, October 10, 1990.

26. Yu, W.W., and R.L. Mosby, "Bolted Connections in Cold-Formed Steel
Structures," Third Progress Report, University ofMissouri-Rolla, August 1978.

27. J~Shyh-Hann," Bolted Connections in Light-Gage Cold-Formed Steel Tension

Members," Private correspondence from Teoman Pekoz, Cornell University, 1988.

28. American Iron and Steel Institute, "Load and Resistance Factor Design
Specification for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members," 1991 Edition.

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