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Dehumanizing language is seen on a everyday basis by politics and our current

president on how he delivers the news outlets and how it is taken by the public we see it
on a day to day basis. This article was eye opening reading about metaphoric language
theres two main ones that we always hear that are Dehumanizing and Bellingeren.
Dehumanizing metaphors are more than just figures of speech they affect our thoughts
and behavior and Bellingeren metaphors functions and effects can readily be
understood when one compares. Throughout this article some of the section referred
back to Reagan was president at the time and used this type of language I immediately
made connections towards it with Donald trump they way they speak. In a section he
talks about how the era where Hitler was taking action against the jews he called them
words that you particularly hear or it was strange reading it thats the type of language he
used towards them. An example in the article is this linehalf-century ago Jews were
labeled a disease or parasites where I made the connection to present today when our
current president was on his campaign he used the same language but towards mexicans
calling them rapists and criminals. From this tweet it makes sense from past and
present actions that we have done to cause so much tension between the country. Its been
an ongoing situation in this article it says that the Obama administration they have
deported more people than any other presidents administrations in history. Its jaw
dropping reading and looking how many people were deported and seeing families being
torn apart or having long distant connection which is always hard for anyone in those
conditions. By only communicating on a cell phone or a little computer screen. Seeing it
from many years not just currently what's happening with the executive order, but this has
always been up a topic to discuss about in the political world and to the people. Its mind
blowing how one person takes immediate action to make a difference for a country which
isnt helping at all. That he banned seven different countries and none of those different
countries had nothing to do with nin eleven and the others that had a part of it arent
which is shocking to me. Why they would consider this harsh decision and creating so
much fuss around the nation. Chris Murphy shares a tweet We bomb your country,
creating a humanitarian nightmare, then lock you inside. Thats a horror movie, not a
foreign policy. With this tweet in my point of view I agree with it because the statement
makes remarks of what we have done before and now that an executive order has been
put into placement its sad, it seems like its never going to end. Muslims and Arabs
who have long carried visas to the U.S. are being stranded in airports and barred from
entry to their planes. Its causing so much tension not just for US citizens but nationwide
who are witnessing whats happening with our president taking all these actions but isnt
clearly thinking what he is destroying. For example, we have CAIR (Council on
American Islamic Relations) in the US which mainly help and protect Muslim Americans
and now they are at risk for being targeted since when president Bush took office.

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