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Blood in Our Bodies

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Common Core/PA Standard(s):
Standard- 10.2.3.B
Identify health-related information
-signs and symbols
-products and services
Learning Targets/Objectives:
1) The students will know the different substances that make up blood by completing the
2) Students will know the different terminology used to describe blood by completing a guided
notes sheet
3) On the BrainPop quiz, students are expected to get a check plus or check, by scoring an
80% or higher

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. The students will complete a model of 1. BrainPop quiz results
blood and be able to verbally state what 2. Anecdotal records while students are
materials are acting as each substance found in completing the model of blood
blood, after watching the video and
completing a guided notes sheet. The model
will assess students knowledge of the
substances found in the blood as well as their
vocabulary knowledge
2. The students will take the ten question
BrainPop quiz after the completion of the
lesson. If students score less than an 80%,
content will need to be reviewed for
Assessment Scale:
For BrainPop Quiz:
-Check Plus: 9 or more right
-Check: 8-6 right
-Minus: 5 or less right
I. Introduction to the Circulatory System
A. Made up of heart, blood, and blood vessels
blood vessels are arteries, capillaries, and veins
B. Movement of blood around the boys is called circulation
Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the entire body
C. It takes less than 60 seconds to pump blood to every cell in your body
D. The study of the human heart and its various disorders is known as cardiology
II. The Heart
A. The heart is one of the most important organs in the body, continuously
pumping blood around our body through blood vessels
B. Your heart is located slightly left from the center of your chest and is about the
size of your fist
C. The heart is made up of four chambers
right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle
D. Blood the leaves the heart is carried through arteries, blood that comes into the
heart is carried through veins
main arteries are the aorta and the pulmonary artery
main veins are the pulmonary vein and the superior and inferior vena cavas
E. 1.3 gallons of blood is pumped through the heart every minute
Subject Matter/Content:
I. Blood
A. The heart is the main area where blood is pumped and distributed to all areas
of the body
blood from the heart is pumped to the lungs where it picks up oxygen and
distributes the oxygen and nutrients to tissue throughout our bodies
B. Blood is created in our bones in a tissue known as bone marrow
C. Blood is made up of many different substances
erythrocytes or red blood cells is the main substance found in blood
theyre red because of the amount of oxygen in them
contain a protein called hemoglobin which oxygen attaches
to when it passes through your lungs
leukocytes or white blood cells are bigger cells and there are less of them than
red blood cells
keep you from getting sick by surrounding invading germs
and eating them
platelets are considered as your bloods built-in safety net
when you get a cut, platelets help your blood to harden or
plasma is a clear but slightly yellow substance thats made almost completely
of water
it contains antibodies, hormones, and electrolytes
D. People have different blood types
E. People can donate blood to help save lives of people that may have lost blood
in an accident
F. The average adults body contains about 10 pints of blood
youre not allowed to donate more than a pint of blood at a time

Key Vocabulary:
oxygen: a chemical that is found in the air, that has no color, taste, or smell, and that is necessary for life
nutrients: a substance that plants, animals, and people need to live and grow
tissue: the material that forms the parts in a plant or animal
bone marrow: a soft substance that fills the bones of people and animals
erythrocytes(red blood cells): a red-colored blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body
leukocytes(white blood cells): a clear or colorless cell in the blood that protects the body from disease
platelets: a small, round, thin blood cell that helps blood to stop flowing from a cut by becoming thick and sticky
clot: to become thick and partly solid
plasma: the watery part of blood that contains blood cells

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
To engage students in the lesson for the day, the teacher will show the BrainPop video on
blood and have students jot down words they think are important on a separate piece of paper
Development/Teaching Approaches
teacher will turn students attention to BrainPop video:
students will write down important notes they got from the video
teacher will lead discussion on what notes students had written
teacher will encourage students to pay attention during the lesson to see how many important
notes they wrote down were discussed
teacher will open blood powerpoint
teacher will go through the content on the powerpoint as students listen and fill out their
guided notes sheet
upon completion of the guided notes, students will gather materials to make their blood
students will receive a cup of each material, teacher will purposefully not tell the students
what each material stands for
students will poor all of the contents for their blood model into a clear container, and stir
students will create a label of all of the materials in their blood model and what substances
they think they stand for
teacher will take notes on the students thoughts and ideas on what materials stand for each

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
after completing their blood model, the teacher will reveal what each material stood for
(Karo syrup-plasma, red cinnamon candies-red blood cells, dry lima beans-white blood cells,
students will then re-visit BrainPop on computers, iPads, chromebooks, etc. and take the quiz
related to the video. Upon completion, students will show the teacher their score and teacher
will record

For a student with a specific learning disability that struggles with following directions and
staying on task, they will be given a checklist to make sure that they are completing the tasks
found in the lesson. The student will also be paired with a partner throughout the lesson to help
them stay on task and encourage them to complete the tasks
BrainPop video
power point
guided notes sheet
Karo syrup
red cinnamon candies
dry lima beans
clear plastic container
large spoon (for stirring)
BrainPop quiz:

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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