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What is the usual source/subject?

From what I saw the most Chinese landscape is being portrayed it also shows the
different dynasties of their country.

What do you call the style usually being applied in Chinese landscape?
The style that is being applied is the classical style where they use ink wash, dotted
brushstrokes and strong black lines.

Why does human figure (esp. head) painted in profile in a side view?
Egyptians presents man and nature essentially the same as they usually did. They follow
a law and a style where in the top half of the body, the shoulders and chest, are seen from the
front, for then we see how the arms are hinged to the body. That is the reason why Egyptians in
these pictures look so strange and contorted. That is how they represent their human form of art
in paintings.

What does Egyptian sculpture depict/embody?

Highly religious nature of ancient Egyptian civilization, many of the works of ancient
Egypt depict gods, goddesses, and pharaohs. The statues for them supposed to be giving eternal
life to their kings and queens. They follow conventions that were intended to convey a
timelessness and non aging representation of the figure's ka, or life for an eternal life after death.

Why are Greek deities portrayed in the nude?

The Greeks could think of no higher tribute to their gods than to imitate them--to become
as godlike as possible, both mentally and physically. It was the whole person that mattered: the
well-developed mind in the well-developed body. Apollo, the god of athletics, was also the god
of music. In fact, the athletes trained to music. The gymnasiums were where philosophers like
Socrates hung about. Almost every major school of Greek philosophy was headquartered in a
gymnasium. As Greek religion declined and was replaced by philosophy, Socrates often
advocated nudity as a form of honesty." It is clear from this that the ancient Greeks sought

What is the belief of Hindu/Hindi? (How does the belief affect the portrayal of art?)
The Hindu’s belief on Religions on their Gods and Goddesses (Shiva, Vishnu or Shakti)
which are single manifestation of reality, the ultimate goal of all Hindus is release from the cycle
of rebirth. For those of a devotional bent, this means being in God's presence, while those of a
philosophical persuasion look forward to uniting with God as a drop of rain merges with the sea
and their culture itself has strongly influenced their portrayal of art, they believe on the authority
of the Vedas (the oldest Indian sacred texts) and the Brahmans (priests); the existence of an
enduring soul that transmigrates from one body to another at death (reincarnation); and the law
of karma that determines one's destiny both in this life and the next.

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