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Work related osteomuscular diseases are group of diseases that reaches the
superior members and cervical area mainly due to repetitive and continuous
movements causing overload of the musculo-skeletal system. As
nonpharmacological treatment, can be accomplished the chiropractic that you
articulate through fittings, it promotes myalgias reduction and it improves of the
biomechanical aspects of the column and of the corporal posture, improving the
patient kinetic-functionally. The present study objectified to evaluate the effects of
that technique in work related osteomuscular diseases in teachers of the
fundamental and medium teaching through the basic protocol. The research came as
a quantitative study, interventional of descriptive and traverse character. The sample
contained 10 teachers of the fundamental and medium teaching, 8 of the feminine
sex and 2 of the masculine sex, the average of age was 46,7 years and everybody
was assisted in the Immaculate School Conceiçao, in Campina Grande - PB, in the
period of April to May of 2010 just receiving an attendance each. The life quality was
evaluated through the Questionnaire of Quality of Life SF-36; the osteomuscular
symptoms through Osteomuscular Symptoms Nordic Questionnaire; the
apprenticeship of work related osteomuscular diseases for the Predictive
Questionnaire with relationship to the Factors of Risk for LER/DORT; and the stress
level for the Inventory of Symptoms of Stress of LIPP, these, only applied once, in
the beginning of the treatment. The pain was also evaluated with aid of the
Analogical Visual Scale (AVS); the movement width in the abduction of the shoulders
during the test of Tension Adverse Neural (TAN) of the medium, radial nerves and
ulnar, through the clinical goniometer; and, the posture in the previous view and
center of gravity for biophotogrammetry, these were before appraised and after the
treatment. The databases were analyzed in tables in the program Microsoft Office
Excel 2007 and the images through the Software for Postural Evaluation v.068. In the
end of the treatment the patients presented an improvement in all the points
analyzed in relation to the beginning of the same. The painful threshold decreases in
46% in ECOM (right) and 48,14% (left); in the trapeze it reduced in 50,8% (right) and
58,73% (left); in the elevator of the scapula it improved in 48,27% (right) and 54,71%
(left); and in the scalene ones it reduced in 39,28% (right) and 59,09% (left). The
movement width for abduction of the shoulders had an increase of 21,03% (right) and
21,88% (left) for the medium nerve; 0,94% (right) and 17,18% (left) for the radial
nerve; and, 15,60% (right) and 13,42% (left) for the ulnar. The posture became more
symmetrical and the center of gravity more centralized in the front plan. And we
observed estatisticamente a substantial agreement among the means of evaluation
of the measure painful threshold, with a k=0,701 for a p <0,001. In agreement with
the results of the study, the chiropractic was effective for all the appraised items.

Key words: Lesions for Repetitive Efforts, Educators, Chiropractic Treatment.

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