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Guardium RESTapi
Guy Galil -

2014 IBM Corporation

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Well try to answer questions in the chat or address them at
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2 2014 IBM Corporation
Reminder: Guardium Tech Talks

Next tech talk: Getting Started with InfoSphere Guardium

Vulnerability Assessment
Speakers: Ian Schmidt and Louis Lam
Date &Time: Thursday, May 8th, 2014
11:30 AM Eastern Time (60 minutes)
Register here:

Link to more information about this and upcoming tech talks can be found on the InfoSpere
Guardium developerWorks community:
Please submit a comment on this page for ideas for tech talk topics.

3 2014 IBM Corporation

New!!! Regional user groups this year

For registration links, ask

your IBM rep or visit the
Events Calendar on the
InfoSphere Guardium
community on

4 2014 IBM Corporation

The REST API An Introduction

Use Cases and Examples

Datasource & Group


Groups and Policy Install

Risk Model

Security and Operational issues

5 2014 IBM Corporation

What is REST?
A stateless architecture that runs over HTTP
REST = REpresentational State Transfer

Why expose information via REST?

Many newer applications use REST Mobile, Social, applications that
automating business processes
Guardium has always tried to leverage existing infrastructure to help integrate
our products to make it easier to deploy and provide higher value for our

How does it work?

Leverages existing technologies HTTP, XML, etc
Unique Resource Indicators (URIs) -
REST has limited number of operations (GET, POST, PUT & DELETE = Verbs)

6 2014 IBM Corporation

Guardiums Implementation of REST
1. Register Application (only once) and get Client Secret
2. Store Client Secret in secure place
3. Request Access Token for authorization
4. Store Access Token so grdAPI command
will be authenticated properly
5. Use Access Tokens to submit GrdAPI commands

Guardium Appliance
1. Use grdAPI to register application
Client 2. Save response which contains client secret

3. Send request for Access Token with client secret

4. Save response which contains Access Token (HTTPS with REST)

5. Send grdAPI with authorized Access Token

7 2014 IBM Corporation

Spreadsheet as a tool for restAPI

8 2014 IBM Corporation

Spreadsheet as a tool for restAPI

9 2014 IBM Corporation

REST with Guardium
HTTP has a vocabulary of operations (request methods)
GET (pass parameters in the URL)
POST (pass parameters in JSON object) RestAPI vs GrdAPI
PUT (pass parameters to change as JSON object) GET = List
DELETE (pass parameters as JSON object) POST = Create
PUT = Update
DELETE = Delete
list_datasourcename_by_name (parameters - ?name="MSSQL_1)


update_datasource_by_name - JSON Object '{password:guardium}

-X PUT -d '{password:guardium, name:"MSSQL_1}

delete_datasource_by_id - JSON Object '{"id":20020}

-X DELETE -d '{"id":20020}

10 2014 IBM Corporation

List Datasource by name
curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer 9f8e1b10-7e6d-4803-9812-
1faab5d0a094" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET"MSSQL_1"
GET = list
Parameters to be passed in GET request: ?name="MSSQL_1
REST Resource: restAPI/datasource
This means: show me the details of datasource name: MSSQL_1
[ "LastConnect": "null",
{ "Timestamp": "2014-03-11 13:09:36.0",
"DatasourceId": "ApplicationId": "8",
"", "Shared": "true",
"DatasourceTypeId": "4", "ConProperty": "null",
"Name": "MSSQL_1", "OsUsername": "null",
"Description": "null", "DbHomeDir": "null",
"Host": "", "CustomUrl": "null",
"Port": "1433", "Severity": "5",
"ServiceName": "", "DbDriverId": "4",
"UserName": "sa", "CompatibilityMode": "",
"Password": "[B@7ad07ad0", "DatasourceType": "MS SQL SERVER",
"PasswordStored": "true", "ApplicationType": "SecurityAssessment"
"DbName": "null", }

11 2014 IBM Corporation

Sample Java Code Snippet for Datasources

// Construct the URL // Set access Token for authorization

URL url = new URL(" conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Bearer "
ce/?name="MSSQL_1"); + accessToken);
HttpsURLConnection conn = null; } finally {
try { //Read the results of listing the datasource
Reader in = new BufferedReader(new
try { InputStreamReader(
// Open the connection conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
conn = (HttpsURLConnection) // Get reply back from the Guardium
url.openConnection(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int c; (c = >= 0; ) {
// Set the appropriate parameters sb = sb.append((char) c);
conn.setUseCaches(false); }
conn.setDoInput(true); //Done with connection
conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.disconnect();
// use the GET method to list the datasource JSONresults=sb.toString();
conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); }

12 2014 IBM Corporation

Create a Datasource
[joe@ocean]$ curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer bd9278f0-c02c-
4efc-b4dc-f861b7fc28e7" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X
POST -d '{application:"Security
ord:guardium,port:1433,shared:"true",severity:MED,type:"MS SQL
SERVER (DataDirect)",user:sa }'

POST = Create


Parameters: (Values)
"ID": 20004,
Response =============== "Message": "ID=20004"
13 2014 IBM Corporation
Create a Datasource
[joe@ocean]$ curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer bd9278f0-c02c-4efc-b4dc-
f861b7fc28e7" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d
rt:1433,shared:"true",severity:MED,type:"MS SQL SERVER (DataDirect)",user:sa }'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=52960A56AFBC5989CDC825BCEA5EEBA4; Path=/; Secure;
X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: authorization, origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type,
Access-Control-Max-Age: 18000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 43
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:23:44 GMT
Server: SQL Guard
"ID": 20004,
"Message": "ID=20004"

14 2014 IBM Corporation

Example of creating a group through REST

[joe@osprey ~]$ curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer 211684bf-404d-

4d98-960a-5d69ed8111c5" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X
POST -d '{desc:"Application DB
users",classification:"PCI data",owner:"admin" }'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=B7C946314283B4D4542A1FE2368D6942; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Length: 36
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:28:27 GMT
Server: SQL Guard Successful Execution
of create group

15 2014 IBM Corporation

Example of adding a member to a group through REST

[joe@osprey ~]$ curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer 211684bf-404d-

4d98-960a-5d69ed8111c5" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X
POST -d '{desc:"Application DB Users",member:App10 }'
POST on resource
group_member = create

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=36ECFCEB5B3351FAC33950E96E5C79DA; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Length: 40
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:29:12 GMT
Successful Execution
Server: SQL Guard of create group member

16 2014 IBM Corporation

List members of a group through REST
[joe@osprey ~]$ curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer 1c2cf8e2-1e3f-496f-8e09-
a5bddeefbdf9" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
GET on resource
group_members_by_group_id = list
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=7E8023B5EF9273A39E4C5503C6DF550E; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: authorization, origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept
Access-Control-Max-Age: 18000
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 220
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:46:11 GMT
Server: SQL Guard

"group_id": 20000,
"group_description": "https://G91:8443/restAPI/group?desc=Application DB Users",
"group_members": [
"member": "App10"
} Successful execution
} listing members of group
] In JSON format

17 2014 IBM Corporation

How to Get Help
curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer 1c2cf8e2-1e3f-496f-8e09-a5bddeefbdf9" -i -
H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET

[joe@osprey ~]$ curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer 1c2cf8e2-1e3f-496f-8e09-a5bddeefbdf9" -i -H
"Content-Type: application/json" -X GET
"parameterName": "desc",
"parameterType": "java.lang.String",
"isRequired": true
"parameterName": "member",
"parameterType": "java.lang.String",
"isRequired": true
"parameterName": "api_target_host",
"parameterType": "java.lang.String",
"isRequired": false

18 2014 IBM Corporation

How to Get Help Update Datasource
[root@q]# curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer bd9278f0-c02c- {
4efc-b4dc-f861b7fc28e7" "parameterName": "conProperty", "parameterType": "java.lang.String",
[ "isRequired": false
{ },
"parameterName": "name", {
"parameterType": "java.lang.String", "parameterName": "dbInstanceDirectory",
"isRequired": true "parameterType": "java.lang.String",
}, "isRequired": false
{ },
"parameterName": "newName", {
"parameterType": "java.lang.String", "parameterName": "dbInstanceAccount",
"isRequired": false "parameterType": "java.lang.String",
}, "isRequired": false
{ },
"parameterName": "description", {
"parameterType": "java.lang.String", "parameterName": "shared",
"isRequired": false "parameterType": "java.lang.String",
}, "isRequired": false
{ },
"parameterName": "port", {
"parameterType": "java.lang.Integer", "parameterName": "customURL",
"isRequired": false "parameterType": "java.lang.String",
}, "isRequired": false
{ },
"parameterName": "serviceName", {
"parameterType": "java.lang.String", "parameterName": "severity",
"isRequired": false "parameterType": "java.lang.String",
}, "isRequired": false
{ },
"parameterName": "user", {
"parameterType": "java.lang.String", "parameterName": "api_target_host",
"isRequired": false "parameterType": "java.lang.String",
}, "isRequired": false
{ }
"parameterName": "password", ]
"parameterType": "java.lang.String",
"isRequired": false
"parameterName": "dbName",
"parameterType": "java.lang.String",
"isRequired": false
19 2014 IBM Corporation
Integrate with Existing Business Processes
Existing customer system needs to correlate some
Audit Data Report for
Guardium information or trigger a process within Guardium
Changes to server IP
Need an industry standard way to interact with Guardium

Custom Rest APIs

Server IP &
owner specifies
Authorized email
IP Address of
their system
-- - - - - -
- -----
- -- -- - - -

GrdAPI - to send application

owner an email with report of
Note: audit data for their server IP
Guardium has tremendous automation in the address
existing GUI and tools.
20 2014 IBM Corporation
Use Cases

Server Risk

21 2014 IBM Corporation


Store these in a safe place!!!

Guy will discuss in more details

22 2014 IBM Corporation


23 2014 IBM Corporation


24 2014 IBM Corporation

List Group Members

25 2014 IBM Corporation

Use for getting small reports
Submit audit process for large/bulk reports
Good to integrate with other systems that need small information
without access to the GUI

26 2014 IBM Corporation

Failed Login Report

27 2014 IBM Corporation

Integrate with Application Team
Show groups
Update groups
Show report
Email report

28 2014 IBM Corporation

Policy and Groups
Update groups
Install policies

29 2014 IBM Corporation

Server Risk

30 2014 IBM Corporation

Server Risk

31 2014 IBM Corporation

Integration With Other Dashboards

32 2014 IBM Corporation

Implementation Considerations - Guy
API and GUI considerations
Roles and Permissions
Implementation Notes

33 2014 IBM Corporation

Every Application Needs Good Security

Security REST API security is multi-

Communication must be secured with SSL to
prevent access to access token or client secret
on the wire
The client secret must be secured. Anyone who
has the client key can use it to generate tokens
and then execute api requests.
Token generation requires a valid Guardium
On each API request the permissions of the user
associated with the token are evaluated to verify
the user is allowed to execute the specific

34 2014 IBM Corporation

Roles and Permissions
API functions are linked to Guardium modules/applications and
specified to roles the same way GUI modules are.

35 2014 IBM Corporation

Policy Installation could
be a different role than
Good separation of
duties is available

36 2014 IBM Corporation

Implementation Notes
Consider the REST API when:
You want to do online system integration.
External system trigger something in Guardium interactively

You want to develop programs for specific use cases

Clients can be developed in the language of your choice
Generic programs like the one shown on this presentation are good to
demonstrate capabilities but are not a real implementation of the

You want to do interactive system integration (not batch


Do not use the REST API:

To rewrite Guardium functionality.
If you can do it inside Guardium you should not do it through
For mass data offload
If you need to export high volumes of data to external systems don't
37 2014 IBM Corporation
Information, training, and community

Use the IBM InfoSphere Guardium REST API developerWorks article

InfoSphere Guardium YouTube Channel includes overviews and
technical demos
InfoSphere Guardium newsletter
developerWorks forum (very active)
Guardium DAM User Group on Linked-In (very active)
Community on developerWorks (includes content and links to a
myriad of sources, articles, etc)
Guardium Info Center

InfoSphere Guardium Virtual User Group.

Open, technical discussions with other users.
Send a note to if

38 2014 IBM Corporation

Reminder: Guardium Tech Talks

Next tech talk: Getting Started with InfoSphere Guardium

Vulnerability Assessment
Speakers: Ian Schmidt and Louis Lam
Date &Time: Thursday, May 8th, 2014
11:30 AM Eastern Time (60 minutes)
Register here:

Link to more information about this and upcoming tech talks can be found on the InfoSpere
Guardium developerWorks community:
Please submit a comment on this page for ideas for tech talk topics.

39 2014 IBM Corporation

Traditional Chinese

Gracias Spanish




Brazilian Portuguese


Simplified Chinese


40 2014 IBM Corporation
41 2014 IBM Corporation
Ability to programmatically access grdAPIs
Allows for easier integration with new technologies in the market
Example use case:
I want the ability to dynamically get a small amount of audit data for a certain IP
address without having to login to the Guardium GUI
I want to populate an existing group, so I can updated my policy to prevent
unauthorized access to sensitive information for users that have left the
I want to get a list of all users within a certain authorized access group
I want my application development team to help identify what sensitive tables to
I want to script access to grdAPIs without using expect scripting language
which requires me to code response text from the target system

42 2014 IBM Corporation

RestAPI Overview
Registering as a client application with Guardium authorization
Request an access token with the client credentials, using the client
secret we got from the previous phase.
Create a report with Server IP address using run time parameter
Create an adhoc audit process with a report (grdAPI)
grdapi create_ad_hoc_audit_and_run_once reportId=183
isForReportRunOnce=true changeParIfExist=true
=" processNamePar=joe1
emailContentType=1 includeUserReceiver=false api_target_host=< >
Other details
How do you identify the report id (183)?
How do you look at the audit processes(joe1)?
Configuring the SMTP Gateway to email the report(to email to

43 2014 IBM Corporation

RestAPI Overview Datasources
Registering as a client application with Guardium authorization
Request an access token with the client credentials, using the client
secret we got from the previous phase.
Add a datasource
Remove a datasource

The Guardium administrator must use a local CLI-authenticated session to generate a client
secret for the client application. The client secret is then used by the client application to
generate an access token associated with a valid Guardium user. An access token can be
revoked using the revokeOauthToken API function. A client id can be revoked (invalidating all
active tokens) using the revokeOauthClient API functions. The access token has an expiration
age assigned (current default is 3 hours). Subsequent API calls must specify the token and will
have the permissions as granted to the user associated with the token. Any requests after the
token expires will fail and the client application must generate a new token.
API functions getOAuthTokenExpirationTime and setOAuthTokenExpirationTime can be used
to display and modify the token expiration duration, this setting is global and affects all tokens.
These API functions are not exposed as REST APIs and can be invoked only through an
authenticated cli session by a user with admin role.

44 2014 IBM Corporation

RestAPI Overview for Datasources
Add a datasource with Rest API
The syntax for all of the grdApis is to put all the parameters of the function after the -d. Heres an example of how to add a datasource which takes parameters like:
application, host, name, owner, password, etc

curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer 80cdcfa3-e02e-4bd6-829a-

6b656beaa90a" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
-d '{application:"Security
pe:"MS SQL SERVER (DataDirect)",user:sa}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=8C90021B43CCAF324FD72D498B0D4C93; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Length: 36
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 23:59:38 GMT
Server: SQL Guard

This means the datasource was added successfully, and the ID for the datasource is 20007

45 2014 IBM Corporation

Delete a datasource by ID=2007 with Rest API
Notice the -X DELETE section below in the command vs the POST in the previous command to create the
curl -k --header "Authorization:Bearer 80cdcfa3-
e02e-4bd6-829a-6b656beaa90a" -i -H "Content-
Type: application/json" -X DELETE -d '{id:20007}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=354039539B475B50EBBFD00892A2F66A; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Length: 36
Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 00:09:27 GMT
Server: SQL Guard

The message, {"ID":20007,"Message":"ID=20007\n"}, means it was successful

46 2014 IBM Corporation

Thank You

47 2014 IBM Corporation

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