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Dear Meninists on Twitter,

First I would like to address how I know if any true Meninist read this letter they would

condone it as a crazy whore and move on. I know this, and yet I still hope that will change just

one of your minds.

Feminism over the years has changed from the act of women fighting for equal liberty

and rights, into a group of man hating, angry women. So I could see how calling myself a

feminist completely turns you off to wanting to hear anything I have to say. But I believe that I

still live in a world where one day both men and women do not feel over sexualized,

underappreciated, and no double standards exist. Just happy people coexisting in a safe

environment with equal rights and not feeling that just because of their sex that they are

constrained in anyway. Though this is sadly an unrealistic goal, I think that it is something

honorable to strive for, and that is what I believe feminism is.

Like I mentioned before I can understand how that goal sounds nothing like the goal

many feminists have today; thus the word Meninist was created. Men have felt neglected and

constrained by double standards in recent years as many of these crazy feminists have come out

of the wood work. But to be frank with you, by creating an entire new equality group titled

Meninists, we have completely divided and created an almost competitive nature between the

two different groups. That is the worst thing we could have done. Instead of forming a common

goal of creating equality between the sexes, we have divided the two sexes even further than ever

before. Though many feminists, like myself, believe that the definition of feminism includes

fighting for equal rights between women and men, meaning ultimately equality for all, obviously

many didnt see that.

Going beyond just the names, I would like to discuss the goals of the two groups. Now

for the sake of argument let us believe that both groups are truly striving for the common goal of

creating equality between the sexes, but they are doing it from the perspective of their sex. Then

by this definition I think that the two groups, Meninists and Feminists, both have honorable goals

of diminishing standards and oversexualizing. But because we live in an over competitive world

these goals are not entirely what both groups have in mind. It has become, like mentioned earlier,

a tug-of-war of who has the worse problems and yet no problems are getting solved. A solution

to this dilemma would be to stop bashing each other relentlessly on Twitter and actually come

together to form a common goal.

So far in this letter I have tried to show you that both groups are valid and both men and

women have similar and concerning problems, but I would like to put in perspective some

statistics of why we need Feminism and Meninism no matter the different size in statistics.

Statistics from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center reads that in the U.S. 1 in 4 women

will be victims of domestic violence. Likewise, 1 in 9 men will also fall prey to domestic

violence. Concerning rape on college campuses 1 in 5 women will be raped and 1 in 16 men will

be raped while in college. Having this in mind though in ones life time 1 in 5 women will be

raped and 1 in 71 men will be raped. Both equally important, but you can see why some women

are more concerned than men.

I am not concluding that one sexs issues and dilemmas are more important than

anothers in todays world. I am concluding that there is a serious issue that we are avoiding

because we are too busy undermining each others issues just because we have made it a

competitive sport to be the better sex. So we should really shut up and focus on the real issue at

hand: we are not treating people like people. We need to care for our fellow sex not beat them
lower than they think they already are. We need to come together and realize we are a way better

threat against inequality together then when we are divided. So if we are done being arrogant and

defensive I will be over hear trying to focus on the sexist America we live in.

- A Concerned but Frustrated Ally

In this letter I feel like I had one true goal, to convince Meninists that we should both be

fighting for equality and end the rivalry of who is the better sex between us. I also had the goal to

educate anyone reading this letter, about the controversy between the sexes, the absurd sexist

ideals made by both groups, and if needs be what Feminism and Meninism is.

The specific strategies I used to obtain these goals were based off of Ethos and Logos

methods of writing. I provided facts about the realism here in the U.S. concerning domestic

violence and rape. I also used credible sources for those statistics. I also believe that I came at

this subject with a very level head. To prove that all Feminists werent crazy man haters I had to

ensure that I was not coming of as that. I feel my paper was informative yet passionate which

made it effective.

Lastly I went with this plan to effectively accomplish my goal because I ultimately

decided I did not want to come at the letter too emotionally. I am a very passionate person that

can sometimes come off rude and non-level headed when defending this subject, so I ultimately

decided not to utilize an Ethos approach to avoid any biases. I think ultimately it kept the letter

focused and very well rounded in the end. You could still feel my passion in-between the lines,

but without any biases towards men or women concerning equality.

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