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Mark Scheme

Summer 2007

GCE O Level

GCE O Level Bengali (7606)

Edexcel Limited Registered in England and Wales No 4496750

Registered Office: One90 High Holborn, London W 1
The t able below shows how marks are dist ribut ed t hroughout t he paper.

Transmission Total for

Question Quality of Language
Communication/ Content Question

1 15% 10% 25%

2 15% 10% 25%

3 10% 5% 15%

4 20% 15% 35%

Assessment criteria and mark scheme

Assessment crit eria ref lect t he st andard expect ed at GCE O level. It will t heref ore
not be necessary f or candidat es t o perf orm perf ect ly in order t o at t ract t he
highest marks available in each grid. Ref erences t o st andard should be
int erpret ed in t his cont ext .
Minor errors include, f or example, t he occasional omission of accent s, incorrect
gender, art icle, slight spelling errors.
Maj or errors include, f or example, t he consistent mismat ching of subj ect and verb
f orms, use of inappropriat e t enses and/ or incorrect vocabulary.
Marks are awarded posit ively using t he f ollowing assessment grids. The mark
awarded ref lect s t he ext ent t o which t he t ask as a whole has been successf ully
communicat ed and complet ed. To det ermine if a candidat e should gain t he upper
or lower number of marks in t he box it is import ant t o ref er t o t he boxes above and
below. If t he candidat e s perf ormance borders more on t he perf ormance of t he box
below t han t he box above, t hen t he lower mark is allocat ed. On cert ain occasions,
a candidat e perf ormance may require a best f it mark.

1. Translate the following passage into English:

hup hsl p p Bjl ee i mje q a Q m Rez Lbu L l Me fuC i m kez ayl Qhl NR; aje LR lafZ eu,
a h HLhl kc pV ql u ku, aq mC pl hs a q Q m N kuz HC a pce, Vmine cMRz Hje pju ne N m
eel QvLl, J njm, Bjl Qhl NRV Lbu! hp, eVL cMlJ h lV hS mz Hph AOVe WL Bjl Vi cMl pju
e OV m Q m e! alfl pl hs aa L l My SJ kMe fJu N m e, WL aMeC cM a fmj pV hsl pcl clSl
am aC Tm Rz aq m eQuC JV pLm b LC JM e l u R!

Na j p ee LmLau HL el p jm e kR mez ee L Hul f V fy R c u hs a YL jC ge h S EW mz ge

EW aC eel Baa l i p H m, nNNl hm njm, Bjl fp fVV Lbu l MRp? JV Rs k Bj fe dl a fl h
ez I jq a eel j Ml QqlV Lfe L l qp f m Bjlz hmmj, n qJ ee, JV VL Vl p ajl qah Nl
ia ll QeJum f L V l MRz qy f uR, hyQm Bj L! l enp g m ee ge l M c mez

ee i mje q mJ LM e LM e Ee Bj L AhL L l c a f lez L uL pq B N R m Bjl Secez L Le k e j e

qR m phC HC ceVl Lb hjmj i m N Rz je Mlf L l e Sl O l h pRmjz WL aMe e a fmj ee e Q ejl
Se XL Rez e Q ej aC cM laj a AhL L! Bjl ph h-hh J flh ll phC S s q u R Bjl Sec el Evph
fm el Sez HV R m eelC B uSez aC i mje q mJ ae q me HC fbhl phl pl ee Bjlz

Total 25 marks)

Q1. Translation of the Bengali passage

My grandma has started getting forgetful in her old age. She often forgets what and
where she keeps things. Her keys may not seem important but if they ever go missing
then there is a state of chaos in the house. Just the other day I was watching television
when I heard my grandma screaming: Hay Shimul, where are my keys! Well, that put
an end to me watching television. These sorts of things always seem to occur when I am
watching television! After searching the house thoroughly, I eventually noticed that
grandma had left the keys hanging in the front door lock. They must have been in the
door since this morning!

Last month, grandma was on her way to the ladies conference in Kolkata. The phone
started ringing as soon as I entered home after seeing off grandma to the Airport. As I
picked up the phone, I hard my grandmas terrified voice, Shimul, quickly tell me
where did you put my passport? I cant board on the plane without it. At that moment,
I could imagine grandmas facial appearance, and I laughed. Calm down grandma, it
was packed with the ticket in the inner zip pocket of your handbag, I explained. O-yes
I got it, thank goodness! Grandma had a big sigh of relief and she put the phone off.

Even though my grandma can be forgetful she can surprise me from time to time. On
my birthday a few weeks ago it seemed as though everyone had forgotten my birthday
totally. I was sitting in my room in a bad mood when I heard my grandma calling me to
come downstairs. To my surprise all my friends and family had gathered to give me a
surprise birthday celebration. It was all organised by my grandma. Even though she can
be forgetful, she is still the best grandma in the world!

Question 1: Translation


Excellent t ransmission skills wit h clear grasp of det ail. Excellent t ransf er
of inf erence, nuance and idiom. Pleasant t o read.

A generally very compet ent rendering of t he original t ext wit h grasp of

most det ail, nuance and idiom. Some passages, usually more complex,
misint erpret ed. Some successf ul at t empt s at rephrasing. The st yle is
generally pleasing.

The main point s, usually narrat ive and concret e, are conveyed successf ully
f or t he most part , alt hough problems are encount ered wit h more complex
7-9 language. Inf erence, nuance and idiom t ransmit t ed successf ully on
occasions. Some passages misunderst ood and at t empt s at rephrasing only
part ially successf ul. The st yle is not always coherent .
Only t he more st raight f orward concret e point s are t ransmit t ed
successf ully. Very lit t le or no awareness of nuance and/ or idiom.
Several sect ions t ot ally misunderst ood. The st yle is incoherent wit h
communicat ion impaired at t imes.
Only t he very basic point s are t ransmit t ed successf ully wit h some
1-3 very st raight f orward sect ions t ot ally misunderst ood. The st yle is
of t en incomprehensible. Communicat ion is f requent ly impaired.
0 No language wort hy of credit .

Quality of Language
A very high level of accuracy wit h only minor errors. Conf ident use
of a wide range of lexis and st ruct ures appropriat e t o t he t ask.
Excellent grasp of t ense use. Very pleasant t o read overall, alt hough
not necessarily f ault less.
A high level of accuracy overall wit h however occasional basic errors,
usually in more complex language. Uses a wide range of lexis and
7-8 st ruct ures appropriat e t o t he t ask wit h occasional lapses. Grasp of t ense
concept / t ime sequence generally secure alt hough occasional lapses are
evident . Pleasant t o read f or t he most part .

Largely accurat e when using simple, short phrases: incidence of

error increases in more complex language. Lexis and st ruct ures
appropriat e t o t he t ask t end t o be adequat e wit h several it ems
5-6 unknown. Problems at t imes wit h t ense use.
Some use of given adj ect ives and/ or adverbial phrases wit h some
degree of success. About half of what is writ t en should be f ree of
maj or errors. Not always easy t o read.
Some inaccuracies in basic grammar alt hough narrat ive sect ions, usually
short and st raight f orward, are in general correct . Lexis and st ruct ures
appropriat e t o t he t ask rest rict ed wit h some of t en quit e basic it ems
3-4 unknown. At t imes some f airly basic problems wit h t ense concept / t ime
sequence. Use of given adj ect ives, and/ or adverbial phrases occasionally
evident , t hough t hese are likely t o be only part ially successf ul. Of t en
quit e dif f icult t o f ollow.
A very high incidence of basic error in all aspect s of grammar, synt ax and
morphology. Basic lexis and st ruct ures appropriat e t o t he t ask unknown.
No awareness of t ense concept / t ime sequence. Large sect ions t ot ally
misunderst ood. Communicat ion impaired. Very lit t le of credit .

0 No language wort hy of credit .

2. Translate the following passage into Bengali:

Dhaka Muslin is the brand name of a pre-colonial Bengal Textile. In the history of
Textiles, there is no name more famous than that of Dhaka Muslin. Muslin was
manufactured in the city of Dhaka and its surrounding areas, by local skill with locally
produced finest cotton and attained world-wide fame as the Dhaka Muslin.

Bengal cotton fabrics were exported to the Roman and the Chinese empires and they
are mentioned by the ancient Chinese travellers. But Dhaka Muslin became famous and
attracted foreign buyers after the establishment of the Mughal capital at Dhaka. The
Muslin industry of Dhaka received patronage from the Mughal emperors. A huge
quantity of the finest sort of Muslin, malmal was procured for the use of the Mughal
emperors, provincial governors and high officers. It was costly, and the weavers spent a
long time, sometimes six months, to make a piece of this sort.

In the great 1851 Exhibition of London, Dhaka Muslin occupied a prominent place,
attracted a large number of visitors and the British Press spoke very highly of the
marvellous Muslin fabrics of Dhaka. In 1875, when Edward VII came to Bengal, the
then Nawab of Dhaka ordered 30 yards of the most superior Muslin as a gift to the
prince. One yard of this fabric weighed barely 10 grams! Even today, among aristocratic
families of the Indian subcontinent, as well as foreigners, decoration pieces and outfits
made of Dhaka Muslin are considered the ultimate in luxury.

Total 25 marks)

Translation of Q2

fN Kfe hnL h hn fl HL h no ecnZ q R YLC jpmez hn fl Caq p

YLC jpm el Q u fp Bl L e ej eCz YL nql J Hl B nf nl HmLl LlNl
cl al pr pal HC jpme fbh/hn Ss Ma mi /ASe L l Rz

fQe Qe fkVLl E M Ll Re k HC h pa h lj J Qec n / pj S le Ll

q uR m /q az L YLu jOm lSde faa qhl flC YLC jpme Ma mi /ASe
L l Hhw h cn a cl BL/ c BLoZ L lz I pju jpme nf jOm pjV cl
f foLa m iJ pjb quz jOm pjV, f cnL npeLa J EQfc LjLa cl
hhq ll Se aMe al q a pr jpme jmjmz HV R m Mh cj Hhw al Ll aJ
aya cl fQl pju mN az LM e h RjpJ m N k a HL VL l Lfs he a / he az

1851 p m m el jq / hlV fcnZ a YLC jpme HL h no e/WyC fu Hhw fQl

cneb cl BL Ll a pjb quz hVn f-fLu HC QjvLl jpm el Lb h no gmJ
L l fQla quz 1875 p m pj HXJuX YLu H m YLl avLme ehh lSf L
Efql chl Se praj n NS jpme hel / al Lll B cn cez Hl HL NS
Lf sl JSe R m j cn Nj! HjeL BSJ YLC jpm el he /al pMe / Ol
pS el pjN / Senf J fnL-flRc ilau Efjq c n AiSa flhlhN ab
h cn cl L RJ flj hmp pjN q p h NZ quz

Question 2: Translation


Excellent t ransmission skills wit h clear grasp of det ail. Excellent t ransf er
of inf erence, nuance and idiom. Pleasant t o read.

A generally very compet ent rendering of t he original t ext wit h grasp of

most det ail, nuance and idiom. Some passages, usually more complex,
misint erpret ed. Some successf ul at t empt s at rephrasing. The st yle is
generally pleasing.

The main point s, usually narrat ive and concret e, are conveyed successf ully
f or t he most part , alt hough problems are encount ered wit h more complex
7-9 language. Inf erence, nuance and idiom t ransmit t ed successf ully on
occasions. Some passages misunderst ood and at t empt s at rephrasing only
part ially successf ul. The st yle is not always coherent .
Only t he more st raight f orward concret e point s are t ransmit t ed
successf ully. Very lit t le or no awareness of nuance and/ or idiom.
Several sect ions t ot ally misunderst ood. The st yle is incoherent wit h
communicat ion impaired at t imes.
Only t he very basic point s are t ransmit t ed successf ully wit h some
1-3 very st raight f orward sect ions t ot ally misunderst ood. The st yle is
of t en incomprehensible. Communicat ion is f requent ly impaired.
0 No language wort hy of credit .

Quality of Language
A very high level of accuracy wit h only minor errors. Conf ident use
of a wide range of lexis and st ruct ures appropriat e t o t he t ask.
Excellent grasp of t ense use. Very pleasant t o read overall, alt hough
not necessarily f ault less.
A high level of accuracy overall wit h however occasional basic errors,
usually in more complex language. Uses a wide range of lexis and
7-8 st ruct ures appropriat e t o t he t ask wit h occasional lapses. Grasp of t ense
concept / t ime sequence generally secure alt hough occasional lapses are
evident . Pleasant t o read f or t he most part .

Largely accurat e when using simple, short phrases: incidence of

error increases in more complex language. Lexis and st ruct ures
appropriat e t o t he t ask t end t o be adequat e wit h several it ems
5-6 unknown. Problems at t imes wit h t ense use.
Some use of given adj ect ives and/ or adverbial phrases wit h some
degree of success. About half of what is writ t en should be f ree of
maj or errors. Not always easy t o read.
Some inaccuracies in basic grammar alt hough narrat ive sect ions, usually
short and st raight f orward, are in general correct . Lexis and st ruct ures
appropriat e t o t he t ask rest rict ed wit h some of t en quit e basic it ems
3-4 unknown. At t imes some f airly basic problems wit h t ense concept / t ime
sequence. Use of given adj ect ives, and/ or adverbial phrases occasionally
evident , t hough t hese are likely t o be only part ially successf ul. Of t en
quit e dif f icult t o f ollow.
A very high incidence of basic error in all aspect s of grammar, synt ax and
morphology. Basic lexis and st ruct ures appropriat e t o t he t ask unknown.
No awareness of t ense concept / t ime sequence. Large sect ions t ot ally
misunderst ood. Communicat ion impaired. Very lit t le of credit .

0 No language wort hy of credit .

Question 3 Practical application of grammar

Q3. Translate the following sentences into Bengali:

(a) Will the rain never let up? ( )
h L LM eC bj h e?

(b) Her remarks hurt me deeply. ( )

j uVl / al j h Bj jjqa qC/q uR/ Nili h BOa fC/f uRz

(c) In spite of all his hard work, his efforts went up in smoke. ( / qJu)
L Wl flnj Ll p J R mVl/al Q hb q u Rz

(d) How can you put up with such an insult? ( )

aj Li h HC / HlLj Afje pq Ll?

(e) We went to see her off last night. ( )

Bjl Nal a j uV L / a L hcu c uR /c a N uR / Se uR/ Se a N uRz

(Total 15 marks)

Q3. Mark Scheme
No. 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark Reject

3(a) Complete transmission with accurate Complete transmission with major partial / half transmission with Transmission is:

language, such as: spelling errors, (three or more) omission of both LM eC and totally out of

h L LM eC / LM e bj h e? or which does not affect bj h eor similar, and or context

h L L e pju / C bj h e? or communication such as: transmitted in affirmative does not make

h L L e ce / C h q h e? or hoV L LLe / e aj h e? or sense which affects sense at all

similar hloV L LL e aj i e? or communication, such as: if h + bj h e

Complete transmission with minor h L Le /Le ce he c q i e? or h L fs R/Tl R? totally omitted,

spelling errors, (one or two)such as: similar h L cM a cu e? such as:

hoV L LM e bj i e? or Transmission with omission of h L fs h e? or similar aj L LM e

hoa L LM e aj h e? or either LM eCor h q h e, such as: hp h e?

hoV L LL e bj h e? or h L bj h e? / Lj h e / h q h jO L LM e

h L Le /Le ce hc q h e? e? or similar LV h e? or

h L Lce / C h q h e? or h L Lj h e? or similar similar
or similar
3(b) Complete transmission with accurate Complete transmission with major partial / half transmission with Transmission is:

language, such as: spelling errors, (three or more) omission of both Nili h totally out of

j uVl j h Bj Nili h jjqa qC which does not affect and Bj L BOa L lor context
or communication such as: similar, and or transmitted in does not make

al jh/Lb/ hh Bj L Nili h al jah Bj l Nhlh i hb cu / negative sense which affects sense at all

BOa L l / L l R or c R or similar communication, such as: if jh+ BOa

al jh Bj L Nili h/ioZi h Transmission with omission of j uVl j h LR H p ku e L l or similar

/Mh/C/A eL hb cu/ c u Rz or similar either Nili h or BOa L l, such al j h aj Lyc e or totally omitted,
Complete transmission with minor as: similar such as:

spelling errors (one or two), such al/ jh Bj L Nili h al hhq l Bj

as: es cu/ c u R or similar Mh Mn or

al ja Bj l Nili h hb cu / similar

c u R or similar

Q3. Mark Scheme
No. 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark Reject

3(c) Complete transmission with accurate Complete transmission with major partial / half transmission with Transmission is:
language, such as: spelling errors, (three or more) omission of any two of the totally out of

L Wl flnj Ll p aJ R mVl Q which does not affect following three: context

hb / egm q u R or communication such as: Q does not make

flnj Ll p aJ R mVl / al Q flpj Ls pa aJ al QpV hfm p aJ sense at all

hgm q u R or similar qC R or similar hb / egmor similar which if flnj + hb

flnj Ll p aJ p/R mV pgm q a Transmission with omission of affects communication, such or similar

f lez p aJ/L Wl/Q/f Q/gm/ as: totally omitted,

Complete transmission with minor hgm or similar, such as: flnj L l R mV L e gm such as:

spelling errors (one or two), such flpj L l al QpV hfm qC R fue pcl Aieu L lJ

as: MVe L lJ p hgm q u R flnj Ll p aJ p flr p ej Ll a

flpj L lJ R mVl QpV pgm qu or similar cue or similar fl m e

eC or flnj L l R mVl Q L S i m Aieu

Ha MVe Ll pa aJ al QpV hgm mN m L lJ p hs q a

q u R or similar fl m e

or similar

3(d) Complete transmission with accurate Complete transmission with major partial / half transmission with Transmission is:
language, such as: spelling errors, (three or more) omission of the following totally out of

aj Li h HC / HlLj Afje pq which does not affect two: context

Ll a f l? or communication such as: Li h if Afje+ pq

aj Lje L l HlLj Afje/ huch/ aj Lh h HC cl el Jfje nC a pq Ll a f l or similar which Ll or similar

NmNm pq L l? or similar f s? or similar affects communication, such totally omitted,
Complete transmission with minor Transmission with omission of as: such as:

spelling errors (one or two), such as: either pq/ Li h/Lje L l/Ahje aj Li h NmNm L l? a j Lje L l

aj Lh h HC cl el Afje pC a such as: aj Le Hje Afje Ll m? or HC LSV Ll a

f l or similar aj Lje L l HC Afje L l? similar. f l m ?

aj Hje Afje/huch pq Ll? or similar
or similar
does not make
sense at all

Q3. Mark Scheme 7606 May 2007
No. 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark Reject

3(e) Complete transmission with accurate Complete transmission with partial / half transmission with Transmission is:

language, such as: major spelling errors, (three or omission of both Nal a and totally out of

Bjl Nal a j uV L hcu c uR/ c u more) which does not affect hcu c uR, such as:


Hmj or communication such as: Bjl NaLm a L cM a N uR or does not make

Bjl Nal a a L hcu Se uR/Se a Bjs Oala l a l hdu similar which affects sense at all

N uRmj or similar cR/SeCR or similar communication

Complete transmission with minor Transmission with omission of Bjl Nal a j uV L

spelling errors (one or two), such as: either Nal a or hcu, such cM a N uR

Bjl Nala l a l hcu c uR or Bjl NaLm j uV L

similar Bjl a L hcu Se uR fy R c a Nmj

Bjl NaLm a L hcu Se uR

or similar

Question 4 Writing

This quest ion at t ract s marks f or Communication and content and Quality of Language . Please see
t he f ollowing grids:

Communication and content

Responds f ully and appropriat ely t o t he st imulus wit h excellent and

relevant expansion. Gives det ailed descript ions, expresses and
17-20 j ust if ies opinions as appropriat e t o t he t ask. The t ime sequence is
clear and unambiguous.
A coherent piece of writ ing which is pleasant t o read.
Responds t o nearly all of t he t ask alt hough t here may be some
omissions. Some relevant expansion at t imes. Provides evidence of
descript ion, narrat ion and opinion as appropriat e t o t he t ask. Time
sequence generally sound wit h occasional lapses. A generally well
st ruct ured piece of writ ing. A sound at t empt overall t o link t he
piece int o a coherent whole wit h, however, some lapses.
May be a lit t le pedest rian and predict able or somewhat over-
ambit ious at t imes.
Maj orit y of t ask complet ed wit h, however, some signif icant
omissions. There may be some irrelevance. Goes beyond a minimal
response wit h some expansion of ideas and st raight f orward opinion
9-12 relevant t o t he t ask. Time sequences show a degree of ambiguit y at
t imes. Comprehensible overall wit h some at t empt t o link t he piece
int o a coherent whole. Ambiguous in places especially in more
ambit ious language. Tends t o be somewhat predict able.
Main point s of t he t ask underst ood but some point s t ot ally
misunderst ood. Some maj or omissions wit h a degree of irrelevance
and/ or repet it ion. Level of response f airly limit ed wit h lit t le opinion
and j ust if icat ion appropriat e t o t he t ask. Funct ions predominant ly in
simple, concret e sent ences f or t he most part . Some evidence of
correct t ime sequences but most ly inconsist ent and insecure. Just
about comprehensible overall wit h, however, a marked degree of
ambiguit y. Not easy t o read.
Task generally misunderst ood wit h lit t le relevant inf ormat ion
conveyed. Much ambiguit y, conf usion and omission. Level of
response minimal wit h only a f ew relevant phrases. Communicat ion
largely impaired. Time sequences rarely correct . Largely
incomprehensible wit h t he except ion of isolat ed it ems. Very
dif f icult t o read.
0 No language wort hy of credit .

Quality of Language

Predominant ly accurat e: f ree of all but minor errors in grammar,

synt ax and morphology. Uses a wide range of vocabulary, idiom and
st ruct ure appropriat e t o t he t ask wit h very lit t le or no repet it ion.
Excellent use of t ense concept / t ime ref erent s. Excellent examples
of subordinat ion and appropriat e use of more complex st ruct ures.
Clear abilit y t o manipulat e language wit h a high degree of accuracy
t o suit t he purpose. Very pleasant t o read, t hough not necessarily
f ault less.
Generally accurat e and secure in grammar, synt ax and morphology wit h
some lapses. Accuracy less secure when more complex language is
at t empt ed. Uses a good range of vocabulary, idiom and st ruct ure, which
are f or t he most part appropriat e t o t he t ask. At t empt s at more ambit ious
10-12 st ruct ures not always successf ul. Generally a secure grasp of t ense
concept / t ime ref erent s. Manipulat es language t o suit t he t ask at hand
wit h, however, some errors. A wide range of vocabulary, idiom and
st ruct ure may compensat e f or a lower level of accuracy. Generally easy t o
read despit e t he errors.
Fairly accurat e in simple language however t ends t o be inconsist ent
in applicat ion of grammar, synt ax and morphology when at t empt ing
more complex language. Range of vocabulary, idiom and st ruct ure
st andard and somewhat predict able. Some inconsist ency in use of
7-9 t ense concept / t ime ref erent s. Some at t empt s at subordinat ion and
sent ence linking which are only part ially successf ul. At t empt s
enhancement of f act wit h adj ect ives and/ or adverbial phrases wit h
moderat e success. About half of what is writ t en should be f ree of
maj or errors. Despit e inaccuracies t he basic message is conveyed.
Accuracy is inconsist ent wit h f requent basic errors in grammar,
synt ax and morphology. Simple, short sent ences are somet imes
correct but very lit t le beyond. Range of vocabulary and st ruct ure
very limit ed. Use of t ense concept / t ime ref erent s limit ed and of t en
inappropriat e. Limit ed success in at t empt s at enhancement of f act
wit h adj ect ives, and/ or adverbial phrases. Not easy t o read.
A high level of inaccuracy wit h very f requent and basic errors in
grammar, synt ax and morphology. There may be t he occasional
correct phrase. No awareness of t ense concept / t ime ref erent s.
Vocabulary very basic wit h lit t le or no evidence of correct use of
basic st ruct ures. Communicat ion is severely impaired overall.
Ext remely dif f icult t o read.
0 No language wort hy of credit .

Q4 Either:

Write an essay in Bengali of about 200-250 words, on one of the following:

e Ql k L e HLV ho u hwmu fu 200 - 250 n HLV lQe m Mz

(a) Is the Internet a good replacement to books? CVl eV L hCf l i m hLf?

(b) If you could go any where, where would you go and why? aj kc LbJ k a QJ, aq m
Lbu k h Hhw Le?
(c) A childhood memory nnh pa


(d) ajl fu Mhl pf L h c n ajl h / hh L hwmu fu 200 - 250 n HLV

QW m Mz

Write a letter of about 200 250 words in Bengali to a friend abroad about your favourite food.

(Total 35 marks)




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