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Word Study Weekly Lesson Plan

Name: Cody Polk Student: Logan Student Grade Level: 3rd Grade

This lesson plan is for a word study group based on the assessment of the child below and for other students with this similar stage in development.

After a spelling inventory, the students were found to be in late within word and early syllables and affixes stages. The students show great
strength in common long vowels and other vowels, but need improvement in inflected endings. Before moving on entirely to the early
syllables and affixes stage, more time will be spent on inflected endings. The word study lesson shown will place emphasis on these
endings in order to refine this skill, namely ing words. The student will focus on words that drop e and add ing, as well as those that
double the consonant when adding ing.
Objectives for weekThis weeks objectives will be to give students additional practice with words ending in ing. The two categories of focus
include words with doubling consonants (for instance jogging) and words that drop the e when adding ing (for instance, coming). They will be
reading, sorting, and spelling words with inflectional endings. Students will also be practicing using them in the context of a sentence to help
understand meaning. At the end of the week students should be able to see other words with the same patterns and be able to tell me why they add
the ing.

SOLs for week

Metacognition and Monitoring
3.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
d) Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words.

3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group activities.
a) Listen attentively by making eye contact, acing the speaker, asking questions, and summarizing what is said.
b) Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group members.

Voracious Reading & Listening & Speaking

3.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
e) Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a variety of texts.
f) Use vocabulary from other content areas.

Sentence Fluency
3.9 The student will write for a variety of purposes.
e) Use strategies for organization of information and elaboration according to the type of writing.
f) Include details that elaborate the main idea.
g) Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Introduce words to Begin word study Students will first Students will break A word/spelling
students. with a speed sort as turn in their into groups of two quiz will be given in
First, we will go students read aloud sentences from upon arriving. order to assess
over the meaning of individually. This homework. This They will read each students knowledge
each word as a will also be an will be used as an student group of the words.
group. indicator of last assessment of members story 3 First, the students
Next, students will nights practice. progress and times to one another will be read each
be tasked with Students will be understanding. acting out roles in word in the form of
sorting the words asked to choose 2 We will then have the context of the a traditional spelling
into similar words, 1 from each group writing time. story. test.
categories as a category. I will take one word After reading, the Words will be read
whole group They will then be from the list and students have time multiple times if
(double consonant asked to write 2 write a sentence on to practice what needed and used in
and dropping e) sentences, each one the white board. they will act out in a sentence if
We will then using one of the Then I will pass out their script/story in requested.
discuss similarities words they chose. laminated cutout front of the class. After the spelling
and commonalities Students will then copies of each word They will have an portion of the test is
between the words share their sentences so that each student opportunity to use finished, I will
and why the ing is with the class. They has an even number props from around uncover 4 hidden
added to the end. will not be judged of words. For the room as well. words on the white
After discussion, the on correct spelling, instance 2 words per Every students board.
students will break as we will go over student. script will be acted The students will be
into groups of 2 to each sentence Then, each student out. asked to write 4
cut and sort the structure and will come up to the The scripts will be sentences using one
words together discuss other ways board and write a turned in before the word per sentence.
based on what we we could form the sentence under mine students leave class. For 2 bonus points,
discussed. They will sentence. using one of their After the script the students can list
be required to read We will discuss words in order to activity, we will go 2 other words they
aloud as they sort. what the ing means make a story. over a few new know with the ing
Each student will in a sentence and its Each student will words with the ing ending from either
leave with a list of importance. have a chance to ending using group category.
words cut and This is primarily for make a sentence in discussion to Students will turn in
placed in a sentence writing the story until we facilitate examples. their quiz.
sandwich bag. practice for later run out of words or These will examples
days as well as time. will come from both Homework: None given
Homework: Students will understanding The point is to the e drop category over the weekend.
be asked to sort the words proper usage. create a and the double
2-3 times at home in order silly/entertaining consonant category.
to practice the Homework: Each student story while using
commonalities and become will be required to write a the words properly Homework: Students
more familiar with the sentence for each word on and practicing them should study words for both
words for later in the week. their word list, they should in context. meaning and spelling for
have 2 finished already Each student should the quiz the following day.
with examples from class to have a unique way
go on as well. to contribute to the
story using their

Homework: Students will

make a mini story of their
own using 3 words from
each category (drop e and
double consonant). This
story will be in the form of
a script. There will be no
length requirement, as long
as each word is used within
the context of a spoken
sentence. The story will
consist of 2 characters.
jogging writing Drop E + ING
running coming Consonant
shopping having
winning making
planning using
skipping loving
sobbing changing
Example of a student sentence from day 2: I was planning to play video games after school today.

Example of a student story from day 3: I was skipping home from school today after winning the baseball game. After snapping my fingers I saw my
mom making cookies.

Example of a student 2 line script:

Bob: Were you using my toothbrush yesterday to clean?

Billy: No! I couldnt because I was changing before practice!

Bob: You made me upset because I thought you did, I started sobbing.

Billy: Dont be upset! Our baseball team is winning this year!

The sentences are meant to be silly because of the words not all relating with the overall goal being practicing sentence structure. These
examples are typically what I would be looking for in the students work. They will be able to use sheets of notebook paper for these activities as no
worksheet will be provided. I wish to give students the freedom to use their own supplies and create their own sentences without the guideline of a
typical worksheet in order to generate creativity. The test will be administered in the same way using a blank sheet of notebook paper as I call out
words. The student generated sentences will be at the bottom of the spelling test or one the back of the paper along with the bonus question. Each
student will have a 3 ring folder that they can keep all of their words study assignments in order to track growth as well as to keep for a reference.

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