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Specific Reading Difficulties in the Selected Schools of Paracale

Majority of the pupils encounter reading difficulties associated

with auditory discrimination with an obtained mean of 5.29 interpreted

as always.
Reading skills associated with auditory discrimination was the

leading or most prevalent difficulty among the pupils.

2. The Android Based Informal Reading Enhancement Program

Developed for the Pupils


The developed android-based informal reading enhancement

program featured instructional contents on auditory discrimination,

recognizing alphabet, reading skills associated with identification of

objects, reading numeracy concepts and reading skills associated with

sensory-perceptual learning.


The android-based informal reading enhancement program was

primarily developed to hone the pupils reading skills including auditory

discrimination, alphabet, reading objects, reading numeracy concepts and

sensory-perceptual learning.
3. The Evaluation of the Jurors in the Developed Android-Based

Informal Reading Enhancement Program

The developed program was rated superior with an obtained

mean of 5.23 in terms of its instructional objective of serving as a

functional tool in the assessment of the reading competencies as well

as reading difficulties of the pupils. Likewise, the developed material

was rated strong with an obtained mean of 4.94 in terms of its

instructional contents on reading skills associated with auditory

discrimination. Furthermore, the reading app was rated strong in terms

of its instructional activities which center on the development of pupils

auditory discrimination with an obtained weighted mean of 4.41,

interpreted as strong. It was also rated superior both in its multiple

choice reading assessment features and assessment on reading

sentences and paragraphs with its obtained weighted mean of 5.

The developed program was rated superior in terms of its

instructional objective of serving as a functional tool in the assessment

of the reading competencies as well as reading difficulties of the pupils,

strong in terms of its instructional contents on reading skills

associated with auditory discrimination, strong in terms of its

instructional activities which center on the development of pupils

auditory discrimination, and superior both in its multiple choice reading

assessment features and assessment on reading sentences and

4. Recommendations which can be Proposed to Further Improve the

Developed Android-Based Informal Enhancement Reading



Majority of the respondents recommend the researcher or teachers to

coordinate and collaborate with the Local Government Units in order to fully

implement the utilization of this developed output for the benefit of the



Establishing linkage or partnership with Local Government Unit was

recommended by most of the respondents for the provision of the developed

android-based reading program foo the pupils.

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