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Program: HeroesOfSoulcraft

Modules: Graphic=OpenTK, Input=Windows, Audio=OpenTK, Video=Vlc, Physics=Jitter,

JigLib, Farseer
Start Time: 2017-04-23 17:39:27
Platform: Windows, 2 CPUs, 32 bit, Windows 7 v7601 Service Pack 1, Resolution: 6
40, 480, MaxVertexShader: 2.0 MaxPixelShader: 2.0
User: abiel (ABIEL-PC)
09.243 [General(1)] Warning: CreateInstance failed for 'Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.Op
enTKGraphic': Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. This mea
ns the dynamic creation of 'Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.OpenTKGraphic' worked, but the
class failed internally and the instance could not be created (there should be
a previous error, if not, try to debug the constructor of 'Delta.Graphics.OpenTK
.OpenTKGraphic' !)
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. Th
is is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GL.ClearDepth(Single d)
at Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.OpenTKGraphic..ctor()
09.580 [General(1)] Warning: CreateInstance failed for 'Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.Op
enTKGraphic': Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. This mea
ns the dynamic creation of 'Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.OpenTKGraphic' worked, but the
class failed internally and the instance could not be created (there should be
a previous error, if not, try to debug the constructor of 'Delta.Graphics.OpenTK
.OpenTKGraphic' !)
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. Th
is is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GL.ClearDepth(Single d)
at Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.OpenTKGraphic..ctor()
09.982 [General(1)] Warning: CreateInstance failed for 'Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.Op
enTKGraphic': Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. This mea
ns the dynamic creation of 'Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.OpenTKGraphic' worked, but the
class failed internally and the instance could not be created (there should be
a previous error, if not, try to debug the constructor of 'Delta.Graphics.OpenTK
.OpenTKGraphic' !)
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. Th
is is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GL.ClearDepth(Single d)
at Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.OpenTKGraphic..ctor()
10.029 [General(1)] Warning: The application will quit now because the GraphicMo
dule from Settings.xml (even with fallback) cannot be found: OpenTK. Please make
sure that the setting is correct there and we got some working graphic module i
n this directory (Xna, OpenTK, DirectX, etc.)!
at Delta.Utilities.Helpers.Log.Warning(System.String message)
at Delta.Graphics.Graphic.get_Instance()
at Delta.Graphics.Shader..ctor(Delta.ContentSystem.Graphics.ShaderData s
at Delta.Graphics.BaseOpenGL.BaseOpenGLShader..ctor(Delta.ContentSystem.
Graphics.ShaderFeatures.ShaderFeatureFlags setShaderFlags)
at Delta.Graphics.OpenTK.OpenTKShader..ctor(Delta.ContentSystem.Graphics
.ShaderFeatures.ShaderFeatureFlags setShaderFlags)

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