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Audition Preparation Suggestions, BSYO Violins

(minimum playing level needed for each group, in addition to sightreading)

Suzuki and Barbara Barber books cost between $7 and $20 (higher price includes CD). There is
also public domain sheet music available free online. If youre having trouble finding a piece,
please contact Lara Moore or Carmen Gorak and well help!

2nd vlns, White Group (level 2)

One-octave major scale in Bb (lower octave) or F, OR
Two-octave major scale in G, A, or C. AND
One-octave melodic minor scale in D.

A solo showing use of all 4 fingers, with examples of low 1, low 2, high 3; some slurs, e.g.:
From Suzuki Violin Book 1: Bach Minuets or Gossec Gavotte
Anything from Suzuki Violin Book 2
From Barbara Barber Solos for Young Violinists Book 1: Folk Songs #3 through #8, Bach
pieces, Papini Theme and Variations

1st vlns, White Group (level 3)

Two-octave major scale in A, Bb, C, or D (shifting or fixed position), OR
One-octave major scale in Ab (lower octave), Eb, or E. AND
One-octave melodic minor scale in G, D or A. Start on open string.

A solo showing use of position above 1st pos., staccato vs. legato, some vibrato, phrasing
involving dynamics and ritard/accelerando, good intonation/rhythm, clear tone, e.g.:
Anything from Suzuki Violin Book 3
From Barbara Barber Book 1: Huber Concertino through Mosquito Dance

2nd vlns, Blue Group (level 4)

Two-octave major scale in Ab, Bb, B, Eb, E, or F. AND
Two-octave harmonic and/or melodic minor scale in G, D, or A.

A solo showing third position, spiccato vs. legato, lifts/retakes, vibrato, maybe some double
stops, musical phrasing, good intonation, rhythm, and tone, e.g.:
Anything from Suzuki Violin Book 4
From Barbara Barber Book 1: La Cinquaintaine, Mosquito Dance, or Kuchler Concertino

1st vlns, Blue Group (level 5 and up)

Three-octave major scale in G, A, Bb, or C. AND
Two-octave minor scale (play both melodic and harmonic versions) in G, A, B, or D.

A solo showing comfortable use of third/other positions, vibrato, double stops, off-the string
bowings, rubato, dynamics, tonal beauty, e.g.:
Anything from Barbara Barber Solos for Young Violinists Book 2 and up
Anything from Suzuki Book 5 and up
Handel and Beethoven sonatas, Reiding concertinos, Kreisler pieces, concertos by Vivaldi,
Accolay, Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Rode...

Blue Group Concertmaster: a movement from a standard concerto and a contrasting movement
from the Bach Sonatas & Partitas for Solo Violin

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