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feet iste) Highly accomplished and lead te =e Stage One referee statement ‘Anon are required wohaeswetan atom rom a ent he rd to five referees. eee shoud ‘rove atm tht eran eabrete on he pps eene The oar area of tetas Besegtors dented byte splat sould inom te free tatont Te cleste stoner se poise dat. requ refres ding the St ener a dln wb contacted by tet fr ether ‘taboraton dng We semen’ proces, ‘Applicant details Name; Tracoy Zone eco: 4532098 option fr Natal Catan tthe eee stage of G Wen AecomphoaTeacher ORC Lead Teacher Referee details ame: Dr Alexandra Heleva Curentsit: Glenn insmatons HS Telephone: works 85705629 home: 0182281888 mie: 0292291899 ‘re youtheaplkan’seuent PicplDrecoror delegate? Yen @ No ‘ee you the applicants cent ne manage? Cw eH Hfnot te solean’scarent ne 5 ese your rotessionaleatnship wt the plea Government of South Austala Deseret fr Eovcaton ard Standards and descriptors (aptcatte cmlete) oferos wil have dict rowed fh polar’ pate a the evidence he ave proved sear ae i Suara) ech eteecn ov wcrc nh (p15 Gude athe ection ah Accomplished and aad Tact Sth As “Tek th Starr nde lvoe Desporto be vere inthe referee statement Senont 12 20 ud ue se Sonares 1B 2 BM MM SM eM MD Sanarés 512 20) 3AM 55 sanded? 712 20 3 74m Referee statement SersceaRenerdaamen (SEE ANGUS) Unlike tue other too Referee Stakments , RES ene does nok connec te Ker Specie AREAS , bak cove tre focus areas meet holistically — pate: 19 Api'2017 Goveenment of South Aur Depart ior fuetion and his Beelopmert 2 es 8 “Tracey joined Glenunga as fist year out eatly career teacher in March 2033 as contact teacher specialised in EALD. At that time, | was the RPB Leader and | was team teaching RPS with anew to PB but experienced Science teacher, and Tracey had joined our line to offer ESL support. We were S weeks into the Semester and her support was invaluable. The permanent teacher took ick eave in Term 2, the most significant time for RPB as we had to resut student Inthe 6thweek of term 2, when Semester 1 ends. Working closely with Tracey | was confident that she was capable and had a formidable work thi, both necessary tats fora Highly Accomplished Teacher | negaiated withthe Director of Studies to have Tracey replace the teacher and pick up the cass as the new RP@ teacher. | was aware that Tracey would work relentlessly, following my lead and take it futher to have students ‘complete thei work bythe end ofthe Semester. And she di, Since then, Tracey isan irreplaceable member ofthe ever-changing RPB team. In this Referee statement, | will present what Tracey has ‘demonstrated the last 3 years working at GIMS as EALD teacher and withthe RP team. “Tracey has been teaching mid schol and senor students with the same sucess as she selects from a flexible and effecive repertoire of teaching strategies to sult the physical, socal and intollectual dovelopment and characteristics of student. Her interesting and wel-developed lessons ate supported constanty by her deep understanding of how students at Glenungs lean Specialy she fadherng to the site's strategie plan to facitate stent lacing onine. So, Tracey sng researeh elatedto flpped pedegogy and worklace knowledge i has developed her version ‘ofan RPS e-course, while at the same time complying to the teaching and learing program the teamhas collaboratively developed inthe major 8P8 review of 2016, Specialy tracey ha exhibited Innovative practice inthe selection and organization of content and deliver of RP earing and ‘teaching programs i in her RPB online learning platform via the GIHS Moodle. By sharing the content with everyone she has supported RPS team and other colleagues to develo effective teaching strategies that address the learing strengths and needs of Glenungs students who come from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. f. Tracey, in this e- couse, employed a range of fined pedagogy strategies, ranging from video hack tat supported students self-paced research to online quizes that were checking student’ Understanding inform her practice. Inthisway, Tracey modelled high-level teaching knowledge and sls and worked with colleagues to use current ICT to improve their teaching practice and make content clevant and ‘meaningful 28. By doing ts, Tracey engaged with colleagues to evaluate the effectiveness of teacher professional learning activities to address student learning needs 6. and worked with colleagues to plan, evaluate and modify learning and teaching programs to create productive laring environments ‘that engage all students. IZ. In 2016, when the RPB team was led by me to introduce an RPB specific Special rovision Poi or schoo base sessment, compatible tothe SACE spe Provo Poly, ‘Tracey worked! dligenty with colleagues to accees specialist knowledge, and relevant paliy and legislation and she helped immensely, with her EALD expertise, to develop tsching programs that supported the partiipation and learning of students witha dsabity HB. She has worked witha Student ele for Special Proisions andthe high stndar ofthe work the student as achieved, willoffer heran A, possibly a Merit rade. Inthe same manner, Tracey with her specialised EALD studies has been instrumental to provide advice and support colleagues in the implementation of, effective teaching strategies for Aboriginal and Torres Strat Islander students particularly as it Felates to compiling two RP tasks - the Outcome and Evaluation ~ using ‘How language works” (functional grammar) principles an also by using the knowledge of and support from community representatives | had invited in our School in 2015 to offer ATSIS insights. “Tracey isa highly motvated and practce-eflectve teacher. In 2015, when | patcpatd nthe DECD HAT-Uead Teacher tri, invited IHS teachers to consider National Certain na schoo of 120 teachers, with many very experienced and highly sifu teachers, Tracey was the ony early career teacher who accepted the challenge and analysed the National Professional Standard for Teachers to plan personal professional development goal, tha ed her tbe ready for her HAT certfeation. ‘Atte same time, she has worked with ather early career teaches sporting them to identify and chive personal development goals Bid Ike she has done with Nikita Ahiiala, a fst year out teacher who she mentored via team teaching, nd also via the How Language Works Beginners course sheran. Tracey accepted my suppor toleadherinhecertication, and athe ume time she caeflly planned for her professional leaning by accesing and eriiquing relevant rezrorch, engage in high fualty targeted opportunities to improve practice Bd when she applied and was acepted fo become EALD moderator for SACE subject since 2015. This experience and expertise has alowed Tracey to develop and maintsin high ethical standards and support RPB colleagues drngInterol Moderation sessions tobe cnfdent and vocal when interpreting codes of els snd exerci sound Judgement nal schoo i. This involvement with SACE by running the EL Support and Tescher and Student Support stalls atthe Research Project Expo has also been an oppertunity for Tracey to contribute to professional networks and associations and buld productive links withthe wider community to improve teaching and learning il. She was abe therefore to litte and engage in professional discussions with collegues in a range of forums to evaluate practice directed at Improving professional knowledge and practice, andthe educational outcomes of sents. To be specie with what she has done withthe RPS team, refer to the support -racey offered to RP collages to implement effective teaching strategies to Improve student’ lteracyachevernent BB as it relates to Research Project Outcome and Evaluation writing. Tracey & always proactive to show me what she is doing inher practice to improve student achievement. She has shared with me how she Is helping RPO students to compile Research Outcome Essays fllonng the Essay writing protocols. AS part of our TAD sesslons in 2016, | inited Tracey to share her exerie with the RP team The success ofthe TED was sch that | asked Tracey to use her expertie on "How language ‘works principles to present in our November 2016 Panning and T&D day how students can use elecivel verbs to improve their Evaluative language. The feedback ofthe eesentation was that Tracey assisted colleagues to select 2 wide range of verbal and. ron-verbal/elctron ‘communication strategies to suppor students’ understanding, engagement and achievement 3S During 2016 I led the RPS team through a major review ofthe RPB Program, and we inated a few new structures and policies to improve students’ outcomes. Tracey was instrumental to moving this PB program reviow forward, and this confirmed my confidence to Tracey's skills and abilities to support teachers who were new tothe school oro the RP subject, In Semester 2016, the RPB team eS eas was made up rom & experience to RP® teacher and 3 new to the sujet teachers. Tracey offered {0 suppor IHS teacher who Jone RP fr fst time, Tracey worked very cosy vith tev and supported him and other cllenpues using current and comprehensive knowledge ofthe PS Content and teaching strategies to develop a impementengginglaring nd teaching progr Tracey supported steve to plan and implement leaming and teaching progams sing Contemporary knowledge and understanding of curcuim, assesment and. reporting ‘requirements i sharing with him her resources and guiding him closely as they were purposefully timetabled inthe same ne. Tracey and Steve were eomteachng however ace ha he les in ths team and acoraing to the feedback receved as Research Project leader rom student in oth clases, Steve often was iin is students to Trace to confi his advice c gue ther further “racer supported Steve and her RP colleagues to select and ppl eectve eaching strep 0 develop knowledge sil, problem solving and ertial and creative thinking Evidence of Taceys kis and abies was that Tracey had aller RPS grades confirmed by SACE and achieved 3 Merits ana Steve's as achieved 4 Mes n RPB. lam able to confi tha these 4 Maris ae resut of Tracey's relentless efforts and hard wor, a Is Impossible for» new to RPB teacher ‘who has never taht the subject before to achieve Merit gradesin the ist effort. Ths success nthe “upper end s concrete evidence that Tracey developed a culture of high expectations forall students ‘by modeling and seting challenging learning goss. In my walks through the clssToom when Tracey and Steve had tel clases combined I ave witesed Tracey modeling effective practice and supporting Steve and other coleagues to implement inclusive strategies that engage and Support all students fil and she has assisted Stove to create, select and use 2 wide range of ‘esources,nclading CT, to engage students in thei learning as now he's continuing 0 each RPS 3 his introduction was stress fee and fly supported. As we use at Glenurga extensively online learning, Tracey when introducing Steve hat modelled and supported him to develop, strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ethical use of CTin learning an teaching Hi a tapes to RPS Specie poles of storing work enine nd also avoiding plaparam and mantiing academic integrity when acessing past student work trough the RP poole ste and shared goose cv. have also witnessed in my walks trough her css and dutingeastoom practice observation how Tracey was modeling and sharing with Steve in Sem 1 and Aplin Ser 22016 exe repertoire of strategies for classroom management to ensure all students were egaged In purposeful activities i during class time and Used wisely the RP das time to improve thei ork qual “Tracey has taught RPB in Sem 2014 when picking up the class ofa sick teacher. in Sem 1 of 2035 and in both Semt and Sem 2 2016 and again i teaching it currently n Sem 12017 She has developed & profound understanding of RPS content and she knows howto teach in a ange of students spanning {rom highly achieving to those with wellbeing and Special needs (she hs few of them inher current ‘ass this year). have witnessed teachers who are involved with RPB or the as 6 years and they do not have the same grasp with Tracey of how to teach RPB, the only compulsory student centred and ‘driven SACE subject. | have recognised and systematically Bult on over the las three years Tracey's ‘capacity to support and work with her colleagues to improve the results of allPB students. Tracey was always invited to the RPS planning days and she has wholehearted supported my lead and a) ee emer initiatives and tok them one step futher proving the fct she s Highly Accomplished Teacher and worth of certifeaon In November 2018 during planning day | presented a workshop on how the Evaluation task needed tobe constructed, and vi remember Tracey stayng behind and asking for more exploration to get the est ofthe act. A that stage, Tracey had aught RP8 only once She worked to map the interconnection ofthe evaluative language. she wrote a“moct” evaluation tohave la tool when teaching her students, and she asked my opinion for al these. immediately sav Tracey robaby the ontyone fom the 2014-2015 team who could conte my Won tomate PS the bes performing subject at GIS an to train all teachers In high Gully teaching to improve Sdent outcomes across arange of alte, | ated her permission esate he Evaluation mindmap witha he team members in an effort to increase Tracey's status inthe team When teching RPE for secon time in Semi-2015, Tracey “fipped” the RPB course by creating video hacks and online auizes to help students to work independently. | saw the qualty of her work and asked her permisson to have her vdeo hacks linkedin the RP common Google ite, sa students coud have sccess tothe qualtyesouees.By dong th, Tracey became an undeniable eet forthe RPB team, Inthe 2035, onthe Novernber planning dy, lead my team to review the RPB teachin progr, and ‘we came up with a common teaching program structure that was mandated tobe wed by every fexperenced and new to RP teacher. Tracey used that common program a tal for her @

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