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Standard Two- Unit of work

Note the focus area and standard Note the type of artefact / Describe the artefact / document and indicate the Describe how the artefact / document
descriptor/s the artefact / document document possible impact or result on teaching and/ or meet the standard descriptors you
reflects student learning have identified.

2.2- Content selection and Human Society and its I designed this unit of work for an This unit material is organised
organisation. Environment (HSIE) unit assessment task and caters for stage three into a learning sequence that is
Organise content into an of work- Anzac day and focusing on Anzac Day and Gallipoli. This effective for teaching and student
learning along with utilising
effective learning and teaching Gallipoli. mini unit of work gives students the
appropriate and engaging
sequence. opportunity to engage in learning about resources (APST 2.2).
significant people, places and events that
2.3- Curriculum, assessment
occurred while The Anzacs were in Gallipoli. Several opportunities for
and reporting.
This unit will assist students in developing to assessment are listed within the
Use curriculum, assessment and unit which include both formal
become active, informed and responsible
reporting knowledge to design and informal methods to assess
citizens amongst our society. Throughout
learning sequences and lesson students knowledge and learning
this unit students will engage in group work,
plans. (APST 2.3).
ICT research, analyse and respond to
resources and participate in class
discussions. The unit of work also details
informal and formal assessment that will
take place throughout.

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