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Montick 1
SPED 843: Advanced Methods & Assessment: Strategies for Students with Significant
Behavior, Social, & Emotional Need
Assessing Social Skill Deficits: Parts 1 & 2 - Reflection

1. Purpose:

The Assessing Social Skill Deficits assignment was a two-part assignment

completed for the course SPED 843: Advanced Methods & Assessment: Strategies for

Students with Significant Behavior, Social, & Emotional Need. The purpose of this

assignment was to use case study information to assess a students social skills using

direct observation and a discrepancy analysis, to identify areas to target, and to

develop an intervention plan to target these social skill areas.

2. Approach to assignment and revisions:

This assignment used case study information to inform the analysis. This

made it difficult because I was not able to see the behaviors with my own eyes or to

have specific questions answered regarding the students level of functioning if the

information was not included in the case study. I enjoyed the process during Part 2

of the assignment where I developed an intervention plan for the case study student.

I used a variety of evidence-based programs and interventions to target the students

social skills.

For revisions, I did not have identified areas of need from the instructor of

SPED 843. I reviewed my submitted assignment, put both parts into one document,

and made small changes for word choice, formatting, and editing errors. No major

content revisions were necessary for this assignment.

3. How the assignment contributed to my development as a special educator:

Social skill development is a tough area to develop and implement

interventions for. In my experience, it is difficult because there are so many

Beth Montick 2
SPED 843: Advanced Methods & Assessment: Strategies for Students with Significant
Behavior, Social, & Emotional Need
Assessing Social Skill Deficits: Parts 1 & 2 - Reflection

unknown variables since social skills inherently mean that other people are involved

in the interaction. That is why it is so important to use evidence-based programming

and interventions when targeting social skills. I focused on skill development and

then had the student participate in a social skills group where skills could be

practiced in a controlled environment. This project allowed me an opportunity to

experience completing different social skills assessments and to combine what I had

learned over the course of the term in one project. Assessment, goal identification,

intervention development and implementation, and monitoring for effectiveness are

within my daily activities when working with students with disabilities.

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