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Hope Williams
Dr. Colombo
UWRT 1104
2 March 2017

How much of an Impact Does Scoliosis Have on an Individuals Life?

How does a persons vital signs affect Scoliosis?

How do back braces help one to recover from Scoliosis?

What is the difference between type 1, type 2, and type 3 Scoliosis?

How does the spinal communicate certain things to the brain?

How has spinal surgery changed in the last decade?

Work Cited

How does a persons vital signs affect Scoliosis?

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1). Per Kusumi the spine serves for three different vital signs. The three vital signs are:

protecting the spinal cord and spinal nerves, transmitting the weight of the body, and providing

a flexible axis for movements of the head and the torso. (Kusumi, 31)

2). Per Emans the vertebral column in the spine can be extended, flexed, lateral flexion (side to

side), and rotated. The degree to which the spine contains these flexible movements vary by

region. (Emans,11)

The spine is not able to function without its three main vital functions, also the spine can be

flexed in many ways that can in part affect Scoliosis.

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How do back braces help one to recover from Scoliosis?

1). Per Emans, there are many different treatments for Scoliosis, a back brace is one of the main

options many people go for. Non-operative treatments include exercises, chiropractic treatment,

traction, bracing and electrical stimulation of muscles (Emans, 11).

2). Ever since Hippocrates, people have invented two main types of back braces: The

Milwaukee and The Boston. A back brace helps a spine to straighten up. The Milwaukee brace

introduced by Blount and Schmidt in the late 1940s has undergone substantial modification over

the years but remains the standard to which all other braces are compared. The Boston bracing

system and similar braces have been used widely in the last two decades with equal success

(Kusami, 13)

3). Curves in the back that have a degree of twenty or less do not require surgery to fix. But

curves with curve of forty or fifty usually require surgery. Sometimes people must wear braces

twenty-four hours of the day, or sometimes just at night. Braces push the spine into a straighter

position by means of asymmetric pressure on skin, muscle and ribs causing a passive

straightening of the spinal curve (Emans, 13)

Some people require back-braces to fix the curvature in the spine. The back brace is used to

straighten the spine. Some people wear back-braces for twenty-three hours of the day and some

people only wear back braces at night, if the curvature is bad enough it will require people to

wear a back brace.


What is the difference between type 1, type 2, and type 3 Scoliosis?

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1). Type one Scoliosis is considered a primary degenerative that is based on facet joint

arthritis. affecting those structures asymmetrically with predominantly back pain symptoms

the curves are sometimes referred to as de novo Scoliosis (Patel, 20)

2). Type two Scoliosis is considered Idiopathic Adolescent Scoliosis, this type of Scoliosis

must do with the Thoracic and Lumbar spine. Some patients do not have to have surgery for

this. Some must go through a spinal fusion. Those patients may develop secondary

degeneration and progression of the adjacent curve (Aebi, 4)

3). Type three Scoliosis is considered Secondary Adults Curves In the context of an oblique

pelvis, for instance, due to a leg length discrepancy or hip pathology or as a secondary curve in

idiopathic, neuromuscular and congenital scoliosis, or asymmetrical anomalies at the

lumbosacral junction (Aebi,5)

There are three different types of Scoliosis that include type one primary degenerative, type

two Idiopathic Adolescent Scoliosis, and type three Secondary Adults Curves. Each type of

Scoliosis play a different role in the body.

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How does the spinal communicate certain things to the brain?

1). Per Patel, the spinal cord is divided into different segments depending on the root of the

segments. The two segments include: Anterior and Posterior roots. Without the spinal cord the

body and brain would not work correct, because the brain sends sensory impulses to all of the

organs in the body (Aebi, 5)

2). Per Patel, In the cross-sectional anatomy, there is a central H shaped grey matter containing

spinal nerve cell bodies, dendrites and short interneurons also an outer white matter made up of

bundles of spinal tracts, and blood vessels. The white outer layer contains fibers that are divided

in three different forms. The white matter contains ascending, descending and intersegmental or

connecting fibers and is divided into three main columns (Patel, 20)

The spinal cord is made up of Anterior and Posterior roots. Without the spinal cord the body and

brain would not be able to communicate. The white matter is made up of blood vessels that are

split into three different forms. (Vieweg, 17)

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How has spinal surgery changed in the last decade?

1). Per Vieweg, there are two different types of spinal surgery: Minimally Invasive and Less-

Invasive. Minimally Invasive is used to reduce trauma. Minimally Invasive surgery operates by

cutting a small incision into the spine with a microscopic visual. (Vieweg)

2). Per Vieweg, The Less Invasive or LSS is a gentle surgery. Some advantages of this surgery

include low blood loss and small incisions (Vieweg)

There are two types of surgeries for the spine. The two include Minimally Invasive and Less

Invasive. The LSS are very gentle surgeries. (Patel, 20)


Work Cited
Williams 7

Aebi, Max. The Adult Scoliosis. Springer Link. 20 Feb. 2017, pp. 3-6.

Emans, John B. Scoliosis: Diagnosis and Current Treatment. 20 Feb. 2017, pp. 11-14.

Kusumi, Kenro, and Sally Dunwoodie. The Genetics and Development of Scoliosis. New

York, Springer, 2010, pp. 31-35.

Patel, Vikas. Spine Surgery Basics. Heidelberg, Springer, 2014,20 Feb. 2017, pp.20-22.

Vieweg, Uwe, and Frank Grochulla. Manual of spine surgery. Berlin, Springer, 2012, 20 Feb.

2017, pp. 17.


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