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Lesson plan Teacher using lesson plan Grade 1 /Section Date Subject

written by AL- 1 and 2 of 4 Feb 26th to March Science

Anoud 2nd 2016 2017

Objectives: Reduce, reuse Understand: Children Know: the three Rs Skills:

and recycle resources should understand how we Reduce, Resuse, and
helps the environment stay can use resources in Recycle.
clean and safe for people another way rather than
plants and animals just throwing them away

Overview: How can we keep our earth and how we can reduce pollution.

Timing Target language Activity Resources

1 5 min. Pollution Steps in the lesson: Science Fusion, Life,
Reuse 1 Starter: Unit 7 Earths Resources,
2 2 Reduce Before directing student to page 244 do a quick revision Lesson 6, How can we
min. recycle on what causes pollution and how can we find solutions cave resources?
to stop it.(Teachers are free to use internet pictures on
3 15 google to show the children how people litter and how
they can clean it up) Student Edition page
min. 244-245
Main Teaching:
4 15 On page244 read the heading out aloud. Explain that we
Teacher Edition 244-245
can always reuse the old things and something new from
2 Give them examples of plastic bottles, tin cans, Google pictures of
5 5 min. newspapers glass bottles etc. different types of soil.
3 From old newspapers we can make new notebooks or (teachers choice of
textbooks. From plastic bottles we can make slides
plastic spoons or party plates etc. Teachers are free to
show pictures from internet about this topic.
4 On page 245 explain that here we see what we have
made from the old resources. We have made new thing
out of them.
5 Do the exercise on page 245.

Beginners: children work on page 245
Intermediate: children work on page 245
Advance: children work on page 245
Student Work: Closure/Wrap up: Children
should be able to know how we can reduce and
reuse and recycle old trash. Have them draw on a
paper how they are can use old trash into something

Lesson plan Teacher using lesson plan Grade 1 /Section Date Subject
written by (3 and 4 of 4) Feb 26th to March Science
Al-Anoud 2nd 2016 2017
Standards referenced:
Objectives: Check up about the Understand: Know: Skills:
lesson that we have learnt.


Timing Target language Activity Resources

1 5 min. Steps in the lesson: Teacher Edition pages
1. Starter: 246-248
2 2 Before directing student to page 246-247 have a quick
min. review about the lesson. Student Edition page
2. Main Teaching: 246-248
3 10 Remind children about the three Rs Reuse, Reduce and
min. Recycle.
3. Let children do individually Sum it up on page 246
4 20 A, Draw it
B. Match it
4. direct student on page 247 and read the words from the
5 5 min. box out aloud. Let children repeat it after you. Read the
letter out aloud and children will fill in the correct word
5. Direct student to page 248 and explain that cause is why
something happens and effect is what happens. Read the
word from the box to the children and let children answer

Content Product Process /
Student Work: Closure/Wrap up: Students will be
doing the exercise on page 246-248 individually.

Pre-Assessment: Starter will help us to pre-assess the students level of knowledge.

Post-Assessment: Closure will guide us to assess the students understanding.

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