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(Received tlrc rrs.razl 01the Fre,~idc/lf OII 22r l ( i Ortoh(.:: 1V71 a11d
publisl!ed ill 11rt IVa~ulurrdCiazuttc Erfruor~li~tur)~ (Iurt!d rliv .ifh
N U I ~ C I IWI 7~1)

BE it enacted by thc Lcgislativc Asscmhly or L11cS l a k of Nagdnnd

Year ui (hc: Rcpublic ol' Indict a> fdloivs :
in the Twenty-sem~~d
Short title extend and commencement.
I. (i) This Act may be called thc Nagaland Eviction iJ Persons
in Unauthuriscd Occupation of Public Land Al-I. 1971.
(ii) It extends tu thc wholc of tlie Statc of Nagidand.
(iii) It shall come into force in the districts of K ~ h i l n aaud
Mokokchung on the date on which the asscnt af thc
President is fusr published in the Nagaland Gaac((cand
shall come inlo force in the Tuensang district on such
date as the C;overnor may, on the recomrncndation of
the regional Council, hy public notification, dircct.
2. In this Act, unlcss the cantcxt otherwise requircs :
(a) "appropriate Offificer" rncans :
(i) In relation to a public land &longing tn, taken on
lease by, or requisitioned by or on behalf of, the State
Government, such person as is authorised by the
Governor of Nagaland to execute on his behalf any
contract ofassurance of property made in exercise of
the executive power of thc State of Nagdand.
(ii) In relation to a public land belonging to, taken on
lease by, or requisitioned on behalf of, any local
authority Govcrnmcnt company or carporation owned
or controlled by the State Gavernrncnt, such Officer
[IIr11c local authority or Govcrnmcnt company or
u~rporation,as the casc may be as is empowered to,
enlcr into a contract on behdf of such local authority
Government company or corporaiion.

(13) "Deputy t:oli~missinner"includes an Additional Dcpuly

C~~rnrnis~i{l~a~: Sub-divisional
l., Officer and any Officer
not helow *i\crank of a magistrate of thc first class,
spccia~lyappuinted by khc State Government pcriorm
a11 n r any oC lllc functirlns uf the Depury Commissioner
uridcr this Act;

~ ~ ~ e n ~has thc meaning assigned to it

( c ) L ' C ; ~ ~ e r ncompany"
in scctioil 617 of thc Cornpanics Act. 1956;
(d) "l.and" includcs huildings and other rhings attached to
the earlh or permanently fastcntd to things attachcd to
Ihe earth;
Keg. 6 of 195U 1 of 197 1
jc) "local au~hority"means Town commirlcc cstablishcd
undcr thc Assam trihiif Arcas (Adrninis~rutinnof Town
Cotnmittces) Rcgulstion, IMO,and includes any Arca
Council established under the Nagaland Village Arca
and Regional CeunciIs Act, 1971 ;
(f) "notification" means z notification published in (he
Nagaland Cianelte;
(g,) "Prcscribcd" mzans prcscrihed by rules madc under
this Act;
(11) "Publicland" means any !and belonging Lo, or taken on
Icasc by the Statc Government, a local authority a
Goverament company or a cc~rporationowned or con-
trolled by the c 71 State Guvcrnrnenl and include-s any
land requisitioned by or on bchalf of thc State Ciovern-
mcnt, but do= not include-

{i) arly land wiihin a reserved forest constituted under the

Nagaland ForesL Act, 19M; and
(ii) any road or highway within the meaning of any law for the
limc being in force on thc subject;
(iii) "unauthorized occupation" in relation to any pubIic land,
rncans the usc or occupation by any person of thc public
land without, authority, in writing, of the appropriate Officer
and includes-

(i) continuance in occupariorl hy a v persfin ol' ; u ~ ypul)Gc land

aftcr the authority (whclher hy way of lease rn- any othcr
mode of ~ransfcr)U I I ~ I Gwhich
~ c>ccup:~tionof ~h:. pl~lblicland
was allowed, has csl!ircd or h i ~ sh c c ~dc~crtiiiric~l
~ lirr all!
rgason whalsoever, t i c
(ii) he uccupalion o i amlypublic land un oslcnaihll: paynlcnt oI
land revenue or rent. whcrc such payment \xT;i.;l?, nr)t iiul hnrised
hy the apprnpriare OfTrwr
Act. tn overridc c u s t u n ~o r usage.
3. The provisions of ~ h i aAct shdl havc cGLr11;11 witlaranding
; U I cuslcim
~ ur usigc whjch pcrmils, or IlurriHf- lo ( ~ ~ r l n i111c
usc 01 tr~upil~jun of any puhlic land by ;uly pc rhrtrl or gcaps
of pcrsons ~virhaut~ h sanction
c ni lhc ;~~propl.iatc Clficcr.
Dumtirm of cr*n -I in the absrnce of ~tritlrncontnct or I dlaw
4. (i) In thc J?sence of a contract or local to [he conlrary, a
least:of puhlic land br agricultural or manuhc[uring
purposes shall be deemcd lo he a Iease from year to
year terminahlc on ~ h cpart at cither lessnr or Iessze
after six monlhs, notice[ and a lease of puhlic land for
any orher purpose shall hc dccmed to hc ;I fcase from
rnontl~sto month tcrrninahle rln ~ h cpnrt
: of eithcr Icssor
or lessec by fiftcen days' n o k c .
(ii) Ever, notice under sub-scction (1) shdl he in witting.
signcd by or on behalf of the person giving it, and citbcr
bc scnt by past to the party who is iotcnded to be bound
by it or bc tendered or delivered personally In such party
unlm he has an agent ernpawercd to accept such noticc,
in which case the notice may be rcndcrcd or ddvcrcd to
such agent, or where such party can not be found and ha?
no agent emp~weredto accept the nolice on hi bchalf,
tbc notice may bc tendcred or dclivercd to any adult male
member of the family of such party; or if such tendering
or delivery is not possible, such ooticc may he affuted lo
a conspicuous part of the property.
Issue ornotice to show cause against order of evictinn t o unautharised
occupation from public land
5. (i) Ir in rcspect of any public land, the dcpuly cnnmdssioncr
ic dopinion that such land is in ~ h ~c~ n a u t h o r i ~ocxupa~iim
of any persons: or pcrsnns, hc shall i ~ w ca ntb~ice,in such

fur111 and containing such particulars as may be

prescribed, d i n g upon all pcrsons concerned to show
cause before such date, not being Iess than fifteen days
after the datc of thc noticc, as may be specif~din the
noti=, why an ordcr undcr sub-section (1) ofsection 6
should not be made and shall causc it to be servcd in
thc manner relerrcd to in sub-section (2)
(ii) A notice rcferred to in sub-section (1) shall, in addition
to t h s prcscrihed particulars,
(a) specify the grounds an which thc ordcr of eviction
is prr~posedfo be made and
(b) requirc all pcrsons concerned, that is to say, a11
persons who are, or may be in occupation of, or
daim interest in thc public land, to show cause, if
any, against the proposed order on or before such
datc as is specified in thc notice.
(iii) A notice issucd under sub section (1) shall be served
by affixing it on a conspicuous part of the public land.
(iv) Wbere thc Deputy Commissioner knows or has reason
to believc that any persons are in occupation of the
public land, then witbout prejudice to t h provisions
~ of
sub-scction (3) he shall be causc a copy of the notice
to be served on every such person by post or by delivering
or tendering it 10 that person or in such other manner
as may be prescribed.
(v) A notiw servcd in the manner referred to in subsection
(3) shaIl be deemed to have been duly scrved,
Order OF eviction to persons in unauthnrised occupation of from
public Iand.
6. (i) if after considering the cause, if any. showing by y y
person in pursuance of the notice issued under sectton
5 and any cvidcnce adduced in support tbcreof and
after making such furthcr inquiry, if any, .as be may
deem necessary, the Deputy Commissioner is satisfied
that thc public Iand is in uoauthorised occupation, he
shall make an order of eviction diiccting all persuns in
such unauthorised occupation to vacate the public land
and deliver possession tharcof to him, after removing
anystructureor other propertythcrefrorn,within fourteen
days from the date of the order.

(ii) For thc purposc of making an inquiry rel'crrc:tl lo in

sub- sectinn (I). the Depuly Comrnissic>trcror alry person
nuthclriscd by him in (tiis hchaIr, may.
(a) enter upon ~ t l cpublic land and inspcci, mcrrsurr: or
d~rllsrtatc.(Ilc snmc at any timc hctwcun ~LIII-rist:
and sun sei, stld
(h) rcquirc in strch maqncr as may he prcscr" -4,all
p c r s ~ ~ acollccrned
s or any other perstln lo .
iuiurru;ttio~i relilting iu ihc names and other pat
ticul;tr.~of person concer~lcdand lllr pcrsnns con-
cerncd :?r any pcrson sn rcq~ircdsl~allk hotirlrf
L(! f u r ~ ~ i hsuch
h information.
(iii) The Depu!): C:nmmissioncr s l ~ a l lt;~usc ir copy of tltc
ordcr madc rrnllcr sub-section (1) to bc scrvcd in Ihc
manner rcfcricd lo in sub-scclion ( 3 ) of sec~irln5.
Pwer to recover damage.
7. Wlien sn order oi cviciion 1 ~ l s~ e c rmadc
~ undcr sub-sscticrn
(3) of sectivn 6 in tcspec( o i any public land. Thc Dcputy
Commissiuner may make an order direcling any person whn
is or has at iiny time hcen, i6 unaulhoriscd occu[~ationor the
puhtic land to pay, for thc period during which hc has, w
had heen in such occupation, d a m j c s a1 such rittc, nor
excc.t.ding thc rate OF rent prevaling for similar lands wit11
similar advancages in thc vicini~yas may be prescribed, withill
such time. not being less than chirty or morc lhart rlincty days,
as may be specified in the order :
Providcd that no such ordur shall bc made against any pcrsorl
without giving him an opportunity of showing causc against l l ~ c
proposed ordcr.
Deputy Commissioner's Power t o enforce delivery of possession of
public land by evicting the unauthorised wcupunts.
8. (i) 11; in respect of any public land or part thereof, any
pcrson rzfuscs or Fils to comply wilh an urdcr ntadc
undcr suh-scclion (1) or sec~ion0. within thc tinic
specificrl in Ihal suh seclion thcr~thc Dcputy Crwrtrnis-
sioncr bh;rll cvict that pcrson from and takc possession
of the public land and may, for thaI purpose, usc such
force as may bc ncccssary.

( i i ) Tlic uvst uT obtaining p o s s c ~ s kof ~ p~lhlicland

~ ~any
al'tcr cviciing thc person in unaurhnriscd occupation
thetcoid~allbc pi~yahlchy S L I C pcrwtl
~ rvithin such tirnc
1 1 o l bcing lcss 111an~hirtyof morc than ninety days from
l i c is taken
11irdatc c i t ~which pohscssion n( ~ h r ; ~ ~ r l ~Iirnd
u r frun~lhe tl;~tcof the puhlic ;rectjol~rclcrrcd lo in
, thc D e p o ~ yClnmmis-
szclion whicl~evcri s ~hc:l i ~ t c ras
siuncrmy 10, by order direcr,
barnages i ~ n dcrlsts recnverable ns public denlands.
'3. Any silm 1.1ayahlehy any persoil as d:~magesor costs by a11
urdcr nl' [be Deputy C:nmrn;.sinnt:r under t!is Act shall hc
rccovcrahlc as a11 arrcar of land rcrtnuc.
1)isposal of propetdy uf any public land by rlnrrutk>ristd oc~wpiints.
10. (i) Where any person has hccn t:l.iclccl frmn any public
land under scction P, the Dr-lxlry Cummissio~~er may
renlovc. ur cause l o be. rcmovcd, r,r dkpiw ni, by plthlic
auctinn, propc rty rclnirini~\$on such land.
(ii) Where any property i h sold undcr sub-seclinn (1). [lac
sale procecdq shall: alter dc~luclingtbc cmpcnses ol' I b c
salc and the amount, iCany, dlic t o i l l e $\ail: <itwrnmcnt.
local autl~orLy,goucrn~~~cn~ ~,aaip;hn)-. o r cnrpor:~~ion,3s
Illc case may I)c on acccluarr ill' itrrc:rrs t ~ rctlts,
f xlam:~gc~
o r caisls, hc paid la such pc(?.on !a PCTSI~I\S as mil):
ikpllcilr t cl thr: Depui y C:rl~nmisxiclncrt o Ilc cntitlcd 10
lhc sanrc;
Pmvidcd tha~whcre thc DepuIy Commissirirrcr is unablr;ro decidc
;IS LO the pcrson or pcrsuns ra whom ~ h c Ivalancc r ~ i cllc
' amoullt
i..;payrrhlc, Lrr as lo ihc apportiourncnl ol t t ~ c?;anre,,he may vcfur
jr~ri-.ciicrictnfctr il d c ~ i s k m
hucb disl~utct t j lhr: ~ c l u r l~1f~ompctcnL
P ~ l w r s(IF fIur Veputy C;ammissio~~ernf 5, IYiIH
I I. The Deputy Cnmrnissioner sllall, Ior LIIL pu~.poseO [ any
inquiry undcr this Act. have the: m!nc prlrvcrs as are V C ' C ? ~ I Z ~
in il rivil c<+urlu n d ~ ribc Cotlc nT Civil ~ T C I C C ~ I I ~ I ; ltlOrc/
, ~Itilc:
trying a suil, in rcslxci of thc f~~llnwirtg IlliItIcth, n;~mcly :-

(a) summoni~gand enforcing ~hc:alrend;~ncr:uT ;my petsrill

and cwhmining him nn with;
(h) rccurrinl: ~ h cdiscoxry and prttd~rc~irn~
ol' rlncumcn~s

(c) any clthcr matter which may hu prcscril~crt

12. (i) An appeal shaU lic from cvcry order madc by [fie Dcpuly
Cornmissioncr under sub-scction (i) of Sccrinn I t or
under Scction 7 in rcspecr of any Public Land tcb a n
Appdlate Officer whu shall hc lhc C:c>m~nissicmernl ~ h v
State of Nagaland ur in any c;~:;c: or cl;~ss oC cascs
specified by the Cornrnissioncr in this buhr~lfthc Addi-
tional Commissi~~ncr of Statc of Nagdlilt~d.
"(i) (a) Without prejudice rt, r l ~ cprnvisirlns rjS sub-scclirln
(1) thc Cammissioner uf thc Sratc of NACiALAND
may, fnr reasons to he rccnrdcd by him in writing,
transfcr any appcal pe~idingbcCtsrc kill1 lo he Ad-
ditional Commissioner of thc S h t e o[ Nagaland who
shall dispose of the appeal as an Alq,cllatc Officer
under this section."
(ii) Every appeal rekrrcd to in sub-scctior~ ( I ) shall hc
prcfcrred within fiftcen days i r m thc diicc oi servicc
of thc order on the pcrson concerned.
Providcd lhat wherc the 'Appellale Officer is salisricd
that the appdlant was prcvctited by sufficient causc
from preferring thc appeal within thc s;tid'pcricid ol'
fifteen days, he may allow the appcal 10 ht: prefcrrcd
within a furlher pcriod t,C il~iriyd ; ~ p .
(iii) Thc AppcIlatc Officcr may slay thu npcr;itio~~ or any
ordcr, made by the Deputy <:urnmi~~ioncr under sull-
section (I) of section 6 OF undcr seciion 7 For such
period and on such condilions as he n1;i)r dcem Lt.
jiv) Evcry appcal prcfcrrcd undcr this scdicln shall hc Jis-
posed of as expcdi~iouslyas possihIc in accordance: wil h
such prowdurc as may hc pr~xcrjhcd.
jv) The appeUatc Officer may, altcr hcaring thc appcal,
confirm, modify or rcverse tI~corder appealetl from.
(4) The cost of every appeal prcfcrred undcr this scction
shaIl be in the discretion of Ihc Appellntc Officcr.
Finally o f orders
13. Save as otherwise cxprcssly prt~vidcdin his Acl, cvcry
order madc undcr this Act by the C:rrmrnissioner crC ~ h c
State' nf Nagaland as the cast may he, shall hc final

and shall aot bc c;illcd i t ) qucstictn in any court and nn

shall bc: grantcd Ily iiny court in rcspect of
any actiu~ltakcn ur inlendcd to be ~ a k c nin purswmcc
of any power confctred by or under this Act.
Illit tn suits nr legal proceedings
14. No suil or other Icgat proceedings shall Iic in any Court in
rcspcct of thz eviction of any pcrson who is in unauihorised
uccupat i o ~of
i any puhlic land or the rccnvery r ~ ;my
f damagcs
or costs awardcd undcr this Act m any pwtinn of such
da~nagcsor costs.
Liabilily rrf heirs and Legal representalives
I;. (i) IVlicrc any person against whom my rocce ceding Car
detcrminiition o i rcnL nr I'or ihc assessmen1 of damages
or costs is ro bc, or has been raken, dies before thc
proccedi~~g is rakcn or, duriug the pcndcncy thereof, a
c may hc, continucd
proceeding may bc laken ur, as ~ h Gqse
agaiust the heirs or legal rcprcscnlalivcs of ~ h a person.
(ii) Arly arnqlunl duc 11) tl~cSlalcIiovcrnment local auihnrity,
Ciovcrnmcul company or l.:orpc~r;rlianas Ihc casc may
hr:, Irci~nany pcfs'son, whelhcr by way ol arrcars of rcnt
or daolagcs or costs, shall, after !hc dcath uCsuch pcrson
hc payabl~:by his heirs or legal reprcscntatives, but the
liahili~y cd such hcirs or Icgal rcprcwntatives shall bc
limited to tiic eflcat of the asscls of the deceased in
thcir hands.
Yrotecliot~vl' adiun taken in Good hith.
10. No suk, prnsecuriun or nthcr Icgi~lproceeding shd lic against
~ h State
c Gvwrnrncnt or ihc Depu~yCornmis~ioncrfor anything
tvhich is irl g ~ o dl'ailiih d(mc or intcndcd to he done by him in
pursuzlllcr: nC this ACI. or any nllc or order madc tllereunder.
Offiaccs and pitnally
17. (i) If any pcrson, wllo has hcsn cvictcd from any public
land under this Ad, rc--nccnpicssuch land without thc
sanctinn ofthe apprr~priirlcOCficcr, hcshall hc punishable
w i ~ hiinpri~onmcnlcllcitl~crdcscrip~irlnfor a tcrm which
t onc ~ L ' Y I , willl finc which may cxtend lu
miiy c x l c ~ ~ cttr
onc rt~ausitnclrupees, or w i ~ hhi~th.
(ii) Any Magis~ralcconvicling ;I pcrson under sub-section.
(1) may surnm;irily u ~ a k cat1 ordcr for the cvicticln of

that person from the public larid and such eviction shall
be without prejudice to any other action that may be
taken against such person under this Act.
Power to make rules.
18. The State Government may, by notification in the NAGA-
LAND Ga~xtte,mark rulcs for carying out the-provisions of
this Act.
(ii) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality or
the foregoing power, such rules may provide for aU or
any of thc following matters namely :-
(a) the form and particulars of any notice required or
authorisedto be given under this Act and the manner
in which it may be smved :
(b) the holding of inquiries under this Act;
(c) chc proccdure to be followed in taking possession
of public land;
(d) the manner in which damages for unauthorissd
occupation may bc a ~ w x e dand the principles which
may be takcn into accoirnt in assessinesuchdamagcs;
(c) ~ b cmanner in which an appcal may bc pererred
and the proccdure to be followed in appeals and
(F) any other matter which is requirc'd to be, or may,
be, prescribed.
(hi) Every rule made under lhis sectinn shall he laid, as soon
as may be after it is made, before the LegislativcAssembly
of the State of NAGALAND whiIc it is in scssion for
a iota1 pcriod of scven days, which may be cornpriscd
in one session or in two sucrxssive sessions, and if bcfore
the expiry of the session in which it is so laid or the
session immediateIy following, the Assembly agrees in
making any modification in the rule or thc Assembly
agrccs tha( the rulc should not be made, thc rulc shall
thereafter have effect only in such madified form or be
of n o effect, as the casE may be; so, however that any
such modification or annulment shall be without
prejudice to the validity of anything pre~iouslydone
under that rule.


. W E NAGALAND ACT, NO. 4 OF 1972)
(Received h e nrsent of the Pnside.; on 1& July, I972 and published
&I irhe,NagaiandGazette En?aordbmy dated 26Lh July, 1572)

to amend the Nagaland Eviction of Persons in Unauthorised

Occupation of Public Land Act, I971 and for matters connected
therewith or incidental hereto.
It is hereby enactcd bythe Legislative Assembly of the State of
h'agaland in the twenty-thbd year of the Republic of India as
follows :-
1. Short filJe, extent and Commeocemeot.
(1) This Act may be called the Nagaland ~victibaof Persons in
Unauthorised Occupation of Public Land (~mendment)Act.
(2) It extends to the whole of h e State of hagaland.
(3) It s b d m m e into force at ance.
2. Amendmetlt of Section 2.
In sectioo 2 of the Nagaland Evictioo of Persons in Unauchorised
Occupatiao of Public Land Act, 1971 :-
(3 in subsection (a) (ii), the. words "central of' shall bc omitted.
(b) in sub-section (b), the words "ceatral or" shall be omitted.


m NO. 3.OF 1973)
Received rhe assent 01the President of Rdia on the 14111July, 1973

further to amend the Nagaland Eviction of persons in Unauthorised

Occupation of Public Land Act, 1971 (Act No. 6 of 1971).
It is hereby enacted in thc rwenty fourlh ycar of the Rcpublic of
India as lollows :-
1. Short title, extent and commenamenL
(1) This Act may bc called the Nagaland Eviction of Persons in
Unalrtborised nccupation of Public Land (Second Amend-
. ment) Act, 1973.
(2) It extends ta tbe wboIe of the State of Nagdand.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
2. Amendment of S d o n 2 of the Nagalaad Act 6 of 1971.
In the Nagaland Eviclion of Per'sons in Unauthorised Occupation
of Pubiic Land Act, 1971 (bereinafter referred to as thc Principal
' Act); in section 2(2), sub-clause (i) shall be ornittcd.
3. Substitution of Sectloa'12 of the Nagalaod Act 6 uf 1971.
For section 12 oi the principal Ad, the following shall br:
substituted, and shall always be deemed to have hccn inserrcd,
namely :-
"Appeal 12
(1) An appeal shall lie from every order made by the Deputy
Cohmissioner under sub-section (i),of Section 6 or under
section 7 in respect of any Public Land to an appellate Officer
who shall be-the' Commissioner of the State of Nagaland.
(2) Every appeal referred to in sub-section ( I ) shall he preferred
within Gfteenldap From the date of service nf thc order on
the person ~ n c e r n e d:

Provided that where the AppeUare Officer is satisfied that rhe


appellant xas prevented by suff~cientcause from preferring the

appeal: wilhin the said ~eriodof tifteen days, he may allow rKe
appcal to bc prcfcrrcd within a furthcr period of thirty days.
(3) The appellate Oficer may stay the operation of any order
made by the Deputy Commissioner under sub-section (1) of
section 6 or under section 7 for such period and on sukh
conditions as he may deem fit.
(4) Evcry appeal prefemd under this section s b d be disposed
of as expeditiously as possible in accordance with such pro-
cedure as may be prescribed.
(5) The appellate officer may, after hearing the appeal, codurn,
modify or reverse the order appealed from.
(6) The cost of every appeal preferred g d e r this section shall
he in rhe discretion of the appellate Off~cer."
4. Xmendmeht of Section 13 o l the Naplaud Act 6 or 1971.
I n section 13 of thc principal Acr for rhc Words "Chef Judicial
Officer or the Judicial Officer, " the words "Commissioner of
the State of Nagdand" shall be sibsriruled and shall always be
deemed t o have bcen substituted.




W t r to amend the Nagaland Eviction in Unauthorised Oc-

cupation of Public Land Act, 1971
In exercise of tbe powers coderred by section 3 of the Nagaland
State Legklat ure (Dalegatioa ofPawers) Ad, 197'5, (31 of 1W5)
&e President is pleased to e n a d as follows : :
I. Short tltle aad Commmcemeut.
(1) This Act may be called the Nagaland Eviction of Persod in
Unauthorised Occupation of Public Land (Amendment) Act,
1976. Act NQ.1 of 1976).
(2) It shall Gome into force at once.
2. ~me.ndr$enfor ~ectlk 22.
In section 12 of the Nagaland Eviction ofPersons Unauthonsed
Occupation of Public Land Act, 1971 (N@and Act 6 of 1971)
(hereinafter referred to as the principal'Aa) :-
(i) in subsection (I), after ~e words "he C o d i o n e r of the
State of Nagdand", t . words "or in any Gase or cIass of msw
speciiied by $e C o d o n e r in this b e u tbe Additional
&&wer of the Stale of N-d" Ball IR ia sew
(ii) after subsection (I), tbc foUowing subsection shall be in-
serted, namely : -
"(1A) Without prejudice to the prqvisim of sub-section (I), che
Commissioner of the State of Nagaland may, for reasons to bt
recorded by him in writhg, transfer any appeal pending before
him ro rbe Additional Commisio~erof tho StatedNagaland
who shall dispose of Ihe appeal wan appellate o E e r under lhis
szction". '

3, Amendmeat o f Section 13. .
In sect& 13 of the principal Act, after the words "the
Commissioner", the words "or the Additional Commissioner,"
shall be imerted.

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