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AviKvBfm I MvMvi Awa`i

Directorate of Archives and Libraries

evsjv`k RvZxq AviKvBfm MelKi 1(GK)
National Archives of Bangladesh Kwc cvmcvU
MelYv Kivi Rb Ave`bc| mvBRi Qwe
Application form for Research
1(One) copy PP size
picture of Researcher
cwiPvjK / Director
evsjv`k RvZxq AviKvBfm, XvKv|
National Archives of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

gnv`q / Sir
Avwg Avgvi MelYvi cqvRb RvZxq AviKvBfm msiwZ bw_c `LZ AvMnx| AbyMnc~eK AbygwZ c`vb evwaZ Kwieb|
Kindly enrole me as a research scholar for consulting records Preserved in the National Archvies of Bangladesh.
bvg t
Name :


wcZvi bvgt gvZvi bvgt
Mothers Name:
Fathers Name:
wkvMZ hvMZvt ckvt
Educational Qualification: Profession :

c`ex t cwZvbi bvgt

Designation: Name of Organization:

cwZvbi wVKvbvt
Organization Addr:

BgBj t Awdwmqvj dvbt

Email : Official Phone:

RvZxqZvt cvmcvU bv^vit

Pasport No:
RvZxq cwiPqc bst Rb ZvwiLt ii Mc:
National ID No: Date of Birth: Blood Group:

eZgvb wVKvbvt/ Present Address:

Mvg/evox bs- cvt/ivW bs
House No /Vill : Road No /P.O :

gvevBj bv^vit _vbv/kni t Rjvt

Mobile Number: City / Thana : District:

vqx wVKvbvt / Permanent Address:

Mvg/evox bs- cvt/ivW bs
House No /Vill : Road No /P.O :

_vbv/kni t Rjv t
City / Thana : District:
Uwjdvb bv^vi cv KvW t wefvMt
Telephone : District :
Post Code :
MelYvi Z_ / Research Information:
MelYvi welqt
Field of Research:

wK aibi bw_c `LZ AvMnx?

Particular of records to be consulted:
KZw`b MelYv KiZ BQyK?
Period of Research:

Avwg evsjv`k RvZxq AviKvBfmi cPwjZ wbqgvbyhvqx Avgvi MelYv welqe Qvcvbvi ci GK Kwc RvZxq AviKvBfm Rgv w`Z AsMxKvi Kwijvg
I agree to comply with the rules and conditions in force and promised to deposit a copy each of my work based on the materials consulted at the
National Archives of Bangladesh immediately after its publication.

ZvwiL / Date: dd mm yy ^vi / Sign

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