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City Improvement Project

1) Pun Anektanasap No.1
2) Milly Jantarakolica No.6
3) Pizza Nobnom No.11
4) Bee Siriwechdaruk No.17

Title for proposal: Bangkok, the city of the future

Many foreigners, especially from Western countries, are becoming more interested in
investing and establishing their own factories in Thailand due to the cheap taxes in the present.
These investments have caused a tremendous economic growth toward Thailand, which is one
of the reasons why the country is currently experiencing many environmental issues including
global warming, air pollution, and lack of energy sources. With the combination of these
problems, our group would like to propose Bangkok, the city of the future as a plan to develop
the country. The plan is mainly focusing on improving the global warming issue in which more
solar and wind energy will be introduced. Since nowadays a lot of countries and cities have
started to use these alternative sources of energy in real life, it is doable to develop this plan of
implementing solar cell and wind turbines in Thailand. Not only being realistic, this plan also
enables Thailand to gain many useful benefits as well as cost effective such as decreasing
harmful gases in the atmosphere and lowering the electricity bills.

Project Objection:
Within this city improvement project, our group would like to emphasis the solutions for
environmental issues of air pollution and global warming. This is the concern due to the current
situation in which there are high amount of electricity being generated using combustibles. We
also consider the fact that there are possible circumstances where there could be lack of
electricity in the near future. Electricity has become a popular source of energy that people use
in everyday life. According to the statistics, there has been unlimited demand with limited
supply. This results in fossil fuels and other combustibles decreasing rapidly since it is the major
source to produce electricity. The demand of electricity had continuously increased and would
continue to increase. Hence, we will introduce a new, better, and sustainable energy source that
would reduced the use of combustibles in electricity generation and result in a less emission of
harmful gases and less air pollution.

Data analysis:
In order to conduct this construction, there needs to be some money invested. For the
solar cell, it would cost about $286 per square meters. This building would be approximately
2500 square meters. Therefore, it would cost about $71500 per building and would be able to
generate about 513281.5 kW per year with a 100% efficiency. However, normal solar cell would
have about 20-30% efficiency. Hence, it would produce about 102,656.3-153,984.45 kW per
year. In a year, a building uses about 15,000-25,000 kW. Basically in an ideal situation where
the sun hits the solar cell for approximately 12 hours, the private sector or the owner of the
building wouldnt have to spend a cent on the electricity. For the wind turbine, it cost about
$5,000 per kW.. One turbine would be able to produce about 10 kW per year with the efficiency
of 20-40%, meaning that a turbine would be able to produce about 2-4 kW per year. However,
the calculated numbers are just an average due to the fact that the amount of electricity
generated by the wind are fluctuated due to the greater and lesser strength of the wind. To
summarize, the amount of electricity generated in real life could be lesser than stated due to
many factors, especially the weather. The cost that would be needed to use in order to conduct
maintenance for the solar cell is approximately $7150 per year for each building in 10-12 years
and approximately $54,000 per year for wind turbines with 10-15 years warranty. In terms of
carbon emission, if the electricity was generated by using combustibles, then the average
carbon dioxide emission is about 1,900 million metric ton per year. If the plan Bangkok, the city
of the future is implemented, then the amount of carbon emission per year would be about
80-90% lesser than if the plan is not implemented.

Project Implementation Plan:

By planning the city improvement project, we will be able to apply these knowledges and
use them in real case scenario. Since the materials used to conduct this project can be found in
everyday life, it is possible to create solar cell plants on the rooftop of each building for cheap
price as well as replacing the electricity source from burning petroleum and coals with wind
turbine and solar cells. To maximize the efficiency of this project, private sectors and
government should agree to follow this plan and contribute in this project. If both private sectors
and the government follow the plan, then the amount of emission of carbon would lessen
dramatically since the major energy source would be diverted from combustibles to renewables.

Project Objective: The objective of this project is to solve the common problem found in
Thailand such as carbon emission, air pollution and global warming while minimizing the cost
and maximizing the benefits as much as possible.

Division of duties list:

- Writing the proposal Pichayathida Siriwechdaruk (Bee)
- Acquiring the materials Pnotporn Jantrakolica (Milly)
- The scale drawing Chanon Anekthanasap (Pun)
- Creating a model for the proposal Supichaya Nobnom (Pizza)

List of materials needed:

PVC sticker
Bagasse paper
Paint brush
Plywood boards
Blue foil paper
Lollipop sticks/white balloon stick
Fake grass paper/green velvet paper

Division of Materials Acquisition:

Paint brush, paint, lacquer Chanon Anekthanasap (Pun)
Glue, PVC sticker Supichaya Nobnom (Pizza)
Plywood board, bagasse paper, lollipop sticks/white balloon stick Pnotporn
Jantrakolica (Milly)
Fake grass paper/ green velvet paper, blue foil paper Pichayathida Siriwechdaruk

Beginning scale drawing

Final scale drawing:

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