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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Education is said to be the key to success. Some accept it as the door to dreams and

some said that it is a lifetime treasure. Education is a way to achieve a certain things that a student

wants to attain. Students, who finished their high school, have made a choice already on what

course to take in their college year. Some of the fields offered to students are such as follows;

Engineering Courses, Medicine, Education, Tourism, Business Administration, Agricultural,

Accountancy and so on. Students have the privilege to pick out a field of expertise that they are

comfortable and happy with.

Many students find it difficult to choose a program to take in college. For seniors or

graduating high school students, the pressure increases as the end of the term comes, because

their time to think is running short. Choosing a program is really a hard decision to make. Your

future depends on it and the decision you will make would determine what life you will have in the

near future. This is the first step in your life as an independent person and this is the first step for

your success. You should be careful in choosing a program because when you start it you should

not quit while in the middle. You can shift to another course but then you will be wasting your effort,

your money and of course your time. So from the start you should pick the right one and you

should make up your mind that this is the program for you and this will lead you to success. Many
would say that they havent chosen yet or they were not sure about the program they want to

pursue. Some might have chosen before and decided what to take but in the end they want to

change it because they werent sure and still confused. And the wide range of choices of college

programs made it more difficult to choose. But you are not really clueless in choosing what

program to take, there are some factors you would consider and this might help you pick the

suitable and best course for you.

But many of us have hindrances, which blocks out all of our wants. Example of these

hindrances are our parents, our friends and of course the shortage of money. Parents forced their

child to take what they want and not allowing their to child decide. Friends may influence you to

take the same program as them and shortage of money may be a hindrance in taking what you

want to take in college. But how can you achieve what you want to achieve if you as a student cant

decide just by yourself and you cant choose what you want to choose.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to find out the factors that forces students to take their program.

Specifically, they aim to answer the following questions:

1. Who/what forces students to take their program?

2. Why do those factors force them in choosing their program?

Objectives of the Study

The researchers main goal is to know the reasons why students tend to choose their

program. Whether they are forced to or not. Specifically, the study has the following objectives:

1. To know the reasons behind the students decision making in selecting their program.
2. To find out if a students success would depend on his/her interest in his/her program.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that by having this study, people would be more aware about the

factors that forces students to take their program. By doing so, people would have an overview on

how students select their program. Also due to this study, students who have read this will give

them an idea of what basis of selection in choosing their program should they use.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study is focused on the factors that forces students to take their program and the

reasons behind it. This study covers the basis of a students decision making in selecting a


This study will choose random students from the Technological Institute of the Philippines

SY. 2013 2014. The chosen students will answer the survey questionnaires that the researchers

have provided for the study.

Chapter 2


Related Literature/Studies

Students have different kinds of motivation, different attitudes, responses and skills. The

students are legally adults in some definitions. The student may be an adult, but college is a whole

new animal. They may be too young or lack the wisdom in navigating their way through the college

maze. Choosing the right program in college is very important, it is not easy; you need to consider

all the possible reasons why you choose that course and the problems you may encounter. The

average college student changes their major several times before deciding on a career path, so

without guidance from the parents they may waste a lot time (2014, Garland). It is very important

for the student to be guided and to be informed about all the things that are needed to be done in

choosing the right program. The most important of all in choosing a program is to be aware so that

you will be ready for all the instances and problems you may encounter on the program you want

to choose.

It is obvious that students in college has different levels of motivations for them to choose

their programs, according to (Felder, R. , January 2005). One of the reason why the students are

force in choosing their course is that they have their different backgrounds, strengths and

weaknesses, interest , ambitions, sense of responsibility, levels of motivation and approaches in

studying. Another reason why students from college are force in taking their career is their high
school backgrounds. Donna Hicks in her paper College Courses and Major states that The

transition from a high school curriculum and major to a college curriculum and major is a huge

step. In some cases, parents can help students choose a college major. She also states in her

paper that Many prospective college students have had a major dictated to them by parents

holding the purse strings. When parents force their child into a major that will lead to a career as a

doctor when the student wants to be a teacher, or coerce the student to major in law enforcement

but the student wants a life-long career in performing arts, the choices made can backfire

miserably. For some high school students, a visit to a college campus may have resulted in a tour

of the campus, but such a trip is a far cry from the reality of college life and the critical decisions

made when choosing a major. Most of the reasons why college students are force to choose are

their parents choice, they follow what their parents want for them even if the career they choose

are not fitted for them or right for them.

What you can study abroad depends on certain factors such as; your grades/results, how

much money you have, your passion factors or certain programs. These are major factors that

influence or affect your choice of course, and I will analyze them one after another.

You see, all the courses in the university have their entry requirement or minimum cut-off

points for example, engineering, design and health courses usually have very high entry

requirements, reason being that they are professional fields, and only students with fantastic

grades are usually accepted to study such courses (Hubbers, 2012).


The researchers imagine that the following will be the factors that forces students to take

their program. One of these factors would be their parents selfish decision which is likely why most

students today are not studying seriously because they lack the interest in their current program.

And if students graduated with this kind of attitude, they will not feel the enjoyment of working.

Second will be the influence of the students friends because they affect the students feelings and

persuades them to join even though the student does not have any interest in their chosen

program. Surely the student would just enjoy the accompaniment of his/her friends but not the

learning itself. The third spot will be taken by of course the current needs of the society. These

days a student would notice that there are jobs that are usually needed by the society and of

course to get a job faster, the student will take up a program that will give them a chance to have a

proper job after they graduate.

Definition of Terms

To have a better understanding of the research, the following terms are defined:
College - Tertiary education.

Program - Programs that student will be taking in college.

Coerce - To make or to do something by using force or threats.

Backfire - To make or undergo.

Program - Fields which students are choosing.

Prospective - Become something specified in future.

Career - Jobs or work may student have after studying.

Instances - Chances may occur.

Motivation - Reason for doing something or to pursue.

College Maze - Struggles you may encounter in college life.
Chapter 3


Method of Research Use

The Method of Research used by the researchers was descriptive. It is a type of research

which presents and describes the situation and conditions of which the study is all about. This

research is also called as Statistical Research. This involves gathering data that describe events

and organizes, tabulates, depicts and describe the data. Descriptive research is mainly done when

a researcher wants to gain better understanding in regards to their topic. The idea behind this type

of research is to study frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. It also involved

range from the survey which investigates the relationship between variables, to developmental

studies which seek to determine changes over time. This type of research attempts to gather data

concerning of the study and help them improve what they need to improve. It analyzes the

strengths and weaknesses of the conditions and results that will lead to the development of the

study. Researchers need to have a very detailed understanding of the types and limitations of

research methodologies which they are using.

Sources of Data

The researchers have used two sources of data which are the primary source and the

secondary source. In the primary source, the researchers asked the students of TIP to answer the

survey questionnaires prepared about the factors that forces students to take their program. While
in the secondary source, the researchers searched any information related to the said topic from

another persons thesis, Internet books, and blogs.

Sampling Technique

The researchers have chosen random participants inside the vicinity of TIP where they will

be answering the questionnaires given to them. They approached different in around TIP asking

them to answer the survey questionnaires. They handed one copy of the questionnaire per student.

After the students have finished answering each questionnaire, the researchers collect them.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used survey method for data gathering tools for their study. They

conducted the survey on September 22, 2014. By using this tool, they handed out a copy of a

questionnaire to each student of TIP inside the study who is available at that point of time. After

having the participating students answer their survey questionnaires, the researchers would then

collect them and have them analyze to further elaborate their research.

Research Instrument

The research instrument used in this study was the questionnaire. By using the

questionnaires, the researchers will know the ideas, about the factors that forces students to take

their program, of the students in TIP. This is an essential part of the study since whatever answers

they wrote in the questionnaires will be the conclusion/result of the researchers study.
1. Who influence you to take your program?

Among other results, this years survey shows:

53 percent out of 50 students are saying that they are influenced to
take up their program by their parents.
13 percent out of 50 students are influenced by their friends.
3 percent out of 50 students are influenced by their teacher.
31 percent out of 50 students are taking up their program because
they want it.
2. Why did you take your program today?
53 percent of students are taking their program today because for
them they are not getting any younger so as early as possible they
want to achieve their ambition.
13 percent of students are taking up their program today because
of anticipation for their future inheritance.
34 percent of students are saying that they take their program right
away because they set up plans or goals related to their time
3. Did you take up this program relating to your own interest?

88 percent of students answered that they are taking up this

program for their own interest.
12 percent of students are dissatisfied in taking up their program because
this is not the field they originally wanted to enter.
4. Do you think taking up this program will bring you to success?
94 percent of students said Yes. The program will bring them to
6 percent of students said No.
5. What are the factors that you considered before entering this field?

19 percent of students under the program considered cost as one of

the factors to check when entering this program
53 percent of students under the program considered their
academic grades before entering the program since this will tell if
they are really fit for the program.
28 percent of students chose to enter the program because of
accreditation which they think will bring them the chance to travel

Survey Analysis

Based on the conducted survey students who are taking up their

program consider different aspects and factors before choosing their
preferred field. As you can see the result gives different opinions. Analyzing
the conducted survey gives us the explanation that some of the students are
saying that they are influenced to take up their program by their parents,
students are taking their program today because for them they are not
getting any younger so as early as possible they want to achieve their
ambition, students are taking up this program for their own interest, for them
the program will bring them to success, and some students under the
program consider their academic grades before diving into the program since
this will tell if they are really fit for the program. We therefore conclude that
the overall survey states that theres none concrete reason as a whole, why
these students are taking up their course.

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