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Anish Jagath

Mrs. Thomas

UWRT 1104

28 February 2017

Why do we believe in god if nobody has ever seen him?

Reflection: I was a little wordy in certain parts of the proposal so I tried to cut down run on

sentences. Some sentences could use some minor restructuring in wording as well. There were

also some sentences that seemed repetitive so I evaluated different sentences that could

potentially be removed from the essay. The usage of descriptive words were liked by my group

members so I kept some sentences even if they ran a little longer. My story on how I came up

with my inquiry question was also entertaining for the reader so I kept the details. Listening to

external advice from my peers was very beneficial to improve my essay.

Ever since I was a child, I heard the term God everywhere that I had traveled including

India, London, and Germany. By the age of 6, I had heard hundreds and hundreds of stories

about this creature. Being the innocent young boy that I was, I wanted to meet whoever God was.

Some told me he was an animal while others told me that he was in fact a human being. There

were even people that told me that God was in fact both animal and human. Somehow there is an

incredible number of stories that everyone talked about but my friends told me that nobody had

ever seen this being. When I talked to my parents, they told me they have seen forms of God in

many places. God is neither boy nor girl but I have listened to individuals using both him and her
as a pronoun. Growing up as a very curious kid, I had many sleepless nights trying to wrap my

head around this concept.

As years went by and I became older, the idea of God seemed to become more and more

complicated. It was truly mind blowing that such a simple three letter word can cause so much

confusion. Each conversation with a different person about God seemed to hit a dead end simply

because nobody knew him personally. All these years of frustration and bewilderment led me to

my inquiry question: Why do humans believe in God? There seems to be a great deal of

controversy when it comes to this question so I intend on researching the multiple views on the

topic. Due to the fact that my parents were very religious, the belief of God came very easy to

me. However, growing up in a very different setting as my parents caused my brother and I to

have a feeling of uncertainty. Personally, I take an enormous interest in having a better

understanding in the purpose of God to prepare me with enough knowledge to understand the

multiple sides of an argument if it ever came up in conversation.

Some type of religion is practiced in almost every known human society. Ranging from

religion to religion, there are different forms, titles, and stories associated. In the religion of

Christianity, one of Gods label is Jesus. Hinduism is another well known religion however there

are several forms of God. Regardless of the religion, the prevalence of God remains to be fairly

similar. Therefore, it is generally very easy to connect religion with the belief of God. It took

endless hours of frustrating thought to try to understand why this creature in any form was so

prominent and looked up to. This idea of God gives many individuals a sense of security and

unconditional support. If an individual is ever in a risky situation, simply the idea of God looking
out for them could give a better sense in luck. Relying on God could potentially allow people to

have a more positive mindset which could also increase the chances for a better outcome.

Just like myself, society finds the need to find an answer for everything. Clearly that is

not possible. Why didnt the brick that the construction worker had dropped hit me? Why did my

mom decide not to let me hang out with my friends only to realize that they got in a car accident

that I would have been in if I had gone? Why is the ultimate question. Few say coincidence but

how can that be possible with so many examples of these settings? In such an ambiguous

situation, the general population attributes this phenomenon with God. By giving God the credit

for both the positive and negative occurrences of different situations, it gives an easier

understanding for the general population. Even if there is no scientific proof, God can fill in the

gaps for most situations.

God is clearly a very prevalent choice in topic no matter where you are. Everyone is

affected by this theory regardless of belief. God seems to play a similar role toward a sense of

unconditional support ranging from religions practiced worldwide. Even if you are not religious,

the concept of God is still talked about in some kind of shape or form. Having a better sense of

awareness on God is very important due to its prominence in the world that we live in. The truth

behind why God is still believed by the general majority without concrete evidence continues to

be unknown. Having such contrast in the belief of God between my parents and my brother, I

plan to explore this phenomenon. It was fascinating to try to understand the perspectives of this

mysterious creatures presence. Understanding other religious traditions can go a long way in

getting along with others.With a better comprehension in the purpose of God through different
views, it allows for individuals to have a broader perspective and open mind when dealing with

different people.

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