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Interview / Observation Reflection

Elementary Developmental Project

Amy Parker

The data that I collected from my three classroom observations and my interview with a second

grade student supported much of what I already understood about the stages of development of

elementary students. I have had ample time to track and follow the development of numerous

students through their six years of elementary school during the last seventeen years at my

current location. Not much of what I found through these observations was surprising except for

what I observed in the Pre-K class at a neighboring school. I have had little to no experience

with four year olds in a class room setting. I was not prepared for how structured and well

managed the Pre-K classroom would be. It is my understanding though, that the particular

teacher that I observed is an exceptional leader and runs an exemplary program in her classroom.

What I saw, age and stage wise, reminded me a lot of what kindergarten classes looked like

before the curriculum and expectations changed to up the rigor. The students in the class I

observed were able to manage themselves in the centers because the routines and expectations

had clearly been taught and reinforced. They were also able to manage the transitions between

centers in a quick and somewhat quiet manner. I worked with a few random students on letter

formation and recognition and was amazed at how fluent each of them were at this stage. They

were easily able to carry on a conversation and had a substantial vocabulary. The behaviors, both

academically and social, that I observed were in line with what is expected for that age. The

students did not seem to place any great importance in who was in there group or who they

shared the toys and station materials with. Most were very congenial and courteous to one

another. I did observe one young lady reprimand a fellow male student who was putting

materials up in a hurried, sloppy manner. The male student then proceeded to tell on the young

lady and then deny that he had touched any of the materials to which she was getting on him

about. Clearly, this young lady has already begun developing her leadership skills.

My interview with a second grader also confirmed many of the expected behaviors for a

child his age. I chose this particular student because of his uniqueness. Though very bright, he

does contend with both academic and behavioral challenges. He is ADHD and struggles with

impulsivity. His handwriting is careless and sloppy as his fine motor skills are still developing.

However, his problem solving and intellect is well developed for his age. He is a classic

example of asynchronous development. The biggest issue this causes him is with his peers as he

often does not read social cues very well and tends to be unintentionally bothersome. His

vocabulary and depth of knowledge is varied and well above grade level though he struggles

with the conformity of testing, and remaining seated for long periods of time. He is a very

interesting young man, full of potential and headed in the right direction. I look forward to

seeing what his future successes will be.

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