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Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Elementary Education Program

Formal Observation Reflection

Directions: Complete the reflection questions and submit your response to your observer prior to having a post-
conference to discuss the observation. If a conference is held immediately after the observation you will submit
your responses to the observer the following day via email.

Name: Autumn Fields Date: April 25, 2017

1. To what extent were learning outcomes appropriate and achievable to your students?
The learning outcomes were appropriate and achievable for all students because they
were able to understand and complete the Venn-Diagram chart to compare the original
Cinderella story to a Cinderella story of a different culture. In order to ensure significant
understanding, a modeling of how to think through and fill out a Venn diagram was
performed before the students began to work on their own. By reading the diverse
Cinderella story, students were also able to examine how Cinderella stories reflect
information on a countrys unique culture.
2. How effective were your instructional strategies? What changes would you make in
your instructional approaches if you taught this lesson again? Why?
The majority of the instructional strategies were effective throughout this lesson.
Students had a great understanding of the concept of using a Venn-Diagram chart to
compare and contrast two stories, so little additional instruction was needed. I would
provide greater instruction on the culturally relevant aspect of this lesson. Due to
timing, I was able to briefly how this activity develops their critical consciousness by
exploring different countries by exploring the various Cinderella stories.
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of your oral and written communication with students.
(Consider how well you communicated learning objectives, clarity of directions, use of standard English, quality of
questions and effectiveness of discussion techniques.)

I consider the clarity of directions and questions to be effective throughout this lesson
being that the students were able to gain understanding and provide answers
displaying their understanding. I believe that the students understanding is reflects on
the amount of times that the directions were explained in various ways. I do believe
that I could have more effectively communicated the learning objectives.
4. Evaluate the level of student engagement in your lesson . (Consider how you presented the
content/skills, the activities and assignments for students, grouping of students, and structure and pacing of the

The engagement of students remained throughout the majority of the lesson. Students
were involved in the introduction/hook/prior knowledge of the questions that were
asked. The activities allowed students to work in a group to complete the Venn-
Diagram chart. In some groups, students could have worked more effectively. In each
group, there were two to three group members with one to two students not
participating. For the next time that I conduct this lesson, I plan to make the group
sizes smaller. Students were attentively answering each question presented with
thoughtful responses.
5. How effectively did you use instructional materials, resources, and/or technology?
Throughout this lesson there were opportunities of technology usage as well as
instructional resources. During the introduction of the lesson, a video was shown to
allow students to acquire knowledge about the original Cinderella story. Additionally, a
variety of books were used throughout the lesson to experience various cultures.
Students also constructed their Venn-Diagram chart on a large piece of paper to make
it more interactive.
6. To what extent were your assessment strategies effective? What changes would you
make in your assessment approach if you taught this lesson again? Why?
My assessment strategies consisted of students having a Completed Venn-Diagram
chart will accurately show similarities and differences between the diverse Cinderella
stories as well as the information within the Venn-Diagram is pulled from the text and
is correct. Students shared the similarities and differences to the class and placed a
sticky note where their Cinderella story took place. Through small group and class
discussions I was able to know each group of students understanding.
7. To what extent was your feedback to students accurate, substantive, constructive,
specific, and/or timely?
My feedback to students was typically constructive to allow them to use critical thinking
skills to compare and contrast the two Cinderella stories. I consider that my feedback
was successful due to the fact that all the groups made the accurate comparisons of
the Cinderella story we are familiar with to a Cinderella story of another county.
8. To what extent did the classroom management and environment contribute to student
learning? (Consider your classroom procedures, your use of physical space, and the students conduct.)
At the start of the lesson, we had discussions as a whole group. During the heart of
the lesson, students working in small groups to complete the Venn diagram chart as
explore the culture presented in their book. I believe by allowing students to work in
small groups benefited their learning. There were minor classroom management
issues due to the amount of the day spent testing, but by practicing proximity to groups
allowed students to redirect themselves and continue on with learning.
9. Did you make modifications to your lesson plan during the lesson? If so, what were
they and what motivated these changes?
Modifications were made during the implementation of the lesson due to timing issues.
I had less amount of time than was originally planned as well as much less students
due to benchmark testing. Because of these two factors, we had to reduce the amount
of time exploring and reading the various Cinderella books as well as concluding
discussion. I consider that students still received significant amount of understanding
and fulfilled the learning outcomes.
10. Was your Teaching Behavior Focus goal met?
My Teaching Behavior Focus goal was met because I do believe this lesson did build
classroom climate. I chose to focus on building classroom climate because I want my
students to feel comfortable providing response opportunities dealing with analyzing
similarities and difference of various stories as well as discussing unique features of a
countrys culture and I consider this was effective by the discussion that were held.
Throughout the engage video, working in groups to locate similarities and differences
between the two stories, and the discussions that concluded the lesson, all students
were engaged and participating.

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