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Abstract systems for various purposes such as fault isolation,

Nowadays,automationinthedistributionsystemshasbeen networkreconstruction,reliabilitybetterment,etc.
widelydeveloped.Remotecontrolswitchesareofthesenew Oneofthemosteffectivewaystoimprovedistribution
technologies employed in an unprecedented rate. Indeed,
load management in feeders and loss reduction could be
achieved via these switches.Though the optimal placement
of remote control. Indeed, the switch automation
is significant, it might not be that easy and acquirable. On might affect both speed and rate of success in load
the other hand, reliability, as an important feature of restoration. As a result, consumers are provided with
distributionsystems,isthesalientobjectiveofthisresearch. a more reliable power supply. Distribution system
In this paper, a new approach based on the importance of automation is an intricate issue which has different
reliability is introduced to determine the optimal number sides that should be observed thoroughly. Both
and location of remote control switches in distribution
technical and economic feasibility aspects are taken
systems to have minimum consumers out of service. The
onswitchinstallationononesideandthegainedprofitfrom functions should cover profitability of the modified
their operation on the other side. Therefore, the best place power system enhanced with remote switches. Such
forswitchesischosenusingTabuSearchAlgorithm.Finally, automated and smart grids lead to power quality
the proposed algorithm is implemented on a standard test improvement.
Generally, among numerous intelligent systems
introduced through the history, many have been
Distribution System; Optimal Placement; Regional Switch; appliedsomehowonpowersystems[Aruldoss(2011)
Reliability;TabuSearchAlgorithm andRoy(2011)].Themainreasonisthattypicalpower
networks are intricate and vast and also require
Introduction accurate decision making units for proper operation.
Naturally, distribution systems, as the largest part of Therefore, artificial intelligent based approaches
power system, pay noticeable attention to reliability. usually can be helpful. Although a variety of studies
Statistics validate that the main reason that makes have paid toreliability enhancement through optimal
consumers out of service is fault in the distribution placement of switches [Abdelaziz (2002), Celli (1999),
system. Therefore,improvementinreliabilitycan bring Teng (2002), and Teng (2003)], using remote control
not only consumers satisfaction but also reduction in switcheshasbeenlessunderconsideration.Unfortunately,
costsrelatedtopowercutsandconsequentlyperformance optimalplacementindistributionsystemsischallenging
enhancement [Brown (2002)]. Generally, automatic due to numerous different choices that should be
switching devices are implemented in distribution investigatedtechnicallyandfinancially.


Since the system configuration is convoluted, the Regional Switches in Radial Distribution
optimization procedure demands a huge amount of Systems
Considering the configuration of radial distribution
In fact, the optimal placement process cannot be
networks, if one device goes out of service, all
obtained using conventional methods. Therefore, subscribers after that point will be lost. Besides, the
some heuristic approaches are employed such as consumers have to wait out of power during
simulated annealing, particle swarm optimization, maintenanceandrepairperiod.Hence,theconsumers
Paretoalgorithm,andgeneticalgorithm[Bland(1991), located in the end of feeders have less reliability and
Moradi (2005), and ShiehShing (2013)]. There are experience higher cut out rate. In fact, if the power
various presented techniques to solve multiobjective systemtakesanotherpolicyfortheequipmentsunder
functions in distribution system design; for instance: repair while some downstream loads are energized
the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm and through bypass or main feeder, not only subscribers
strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm in [Fletcher satisfaction level ascends, but also that would be
(2007)], and also an innovative technique which possible to sell energy during the repair time and to
differentiates the nondominated multiobjective reduce total loss in this period [Moradi (2005)].
solutions with regard to the concurrent optimization Regional switches, as a practicable solution, may be
ofthefuzzyeconomiccost,fuzzyreliabilityratebased installed in both ends of a branch in a distribution
onTabusearchin[RamirezRosado(2001)].Furthermore, systemandmightfollowtwodifferentstrategies.
arecentresearchintroducedamultiobjectivereactive The first is not to put normally open switches in the
tabu search algorithm to enhance reliability in end of main feeders. In this situation, if a device has
developingpowerdistributionnetworks[Cossi(2012)]. problem, the nearest regional switch can cut out the
In this paper, the Tabu Search Algorithm (TSA) is power and let the impaired point be investigated.
Hence, there is no need to disconnect the circuit
breaker and subsequently, the load shedding area
distribution system. A simple instance here can be
would be shorter. In fact, this strategy provides some
helpful to clarify the issue and usage of modern
loads with one way energizing through the main
A typical distribution system is assumed with 22
recommended positions for switches, but because of
For this case, the available solutions are the
other words, normally open switches facilitate power
different configurations. Furthermore, all possible
is assumed located between two regional switches.
solutions should be assessed through financial aspect
Vividly, the two switches should cut off the line for
that demands hundred days to recognize the optimal
repair operation. Meanwhile, the normally open
choice. It is clear that this policy may not be suitable
switches could provide electricity for the affected
for running systems. Therefore, heuristic search
methods are preferred to obtain the optimal solution
Problem Formulation
Considering all abovementioned, the role of regional
switchesinpowerdistributionsystemsisexplainedin to load shedding via optimal placement and
the second section. The third sectionisallotted to the rearrangement of switches in distribution feeders.
problem formulation. Afterwards, the Tabu Search Therefore, the objective function related to the out of
AlgorithmanditsstructurearediscussedinsectionIV. servicepowersuppliesshouldbeminimized.
The following section aims to develop an optimal
placement algorithm for remote control switches. In ECOST function takes the effects of system structure,
section VI, a real standard system is studied and the cut out time, load alteration, unpredicted faults, and
performance of algorithm is examined in practice. differentloadtypesintoconsideration.
nj nk
Finally,sectionVIItriestosumuptheissueanddraw ECOST Lk .C jk (r j ). j ($ / yr ) (1)
aconclusion. j 1 k 1


Moreover, the costs due to Expected Energy Not exploitedTSAforoptimizationproblemsandobtained

Supplied (EENS) should be considered and the remarkable outcomes. Overall, TSA can be divided
functionisdefinedasfollows: into two major components: Tabu list and aspiration
nj nk criteria. TSA algorithm starts with different initial
EENS Lk .r j . j ( KWh / yr ) (2)
J 1 k 1 solutionsandkeepsdevelopinguntilthebestsolution
where nk indicates the cut out locations due to j th is attained for each step. Meanwhile, solution values
could alter between different steps. TSA is amended
event; nj isthenumberofevents; Lk isoffgridloads
by the gathered information during the search. As a
at point k ; r j is the average time of being out of
service during event j ; j is the annual fault rate; been traversed and moving to similar solutions are
and C jk isthecostofpowernotsoldperkilowatt. forbidden;therefore,thealgorithmcanleavethelocal
minimum to find a global optimal solution. After
Considering the expense related to cut out time savingthebestsolutionsofallsteps,searchingprocess
(ECOST), reliability, and investment, makes it more is halted and the best one is extracted among current
justifiable to have an optimization method to solutions. The comprehensive block diagram illustrates
determine the number and location of regional the whole procedure in Fig. 1 [Glover (1989) and
switches. It should be noticed that these equipments, Glover(1990)].
first. A recommended policy is to start installing
switches in two ends of each branch and calculating
the invested value in a given period, it might be
rational to perform the plan. Otherwise, the
1. All available positions to install new switches
should be recognized (maximum number of
2. One single switch should be placed in all
ECOST for each mode should be calculated.
3. Thepreviousstepshouldbecarriedoutforall
positions and switches; subsequently, the best
4. Consideringtheabovealgorithm,calculationof
all possible positions for switch installation
in distribution systems. Hence, utilizing TSA
could be a successful approach to optimize

Tabu Search Algorithm

memory process, to find the best solutions in
optimization problems. In this method, a rewritable
memory is used to hold the search history which
would be adopted as a new solution in the search
space for the next steps. Later, Bland and Dawson FIG.1TABUSEARCHALGORITHMFLOWCHART



Tabu Search Algorithm for Optimal Placement Simulation Results

OptimalplacementprocedureusingTSAisasfollows: Theproposedmethodisimplementedonthestandard
First: regarding acceptable combinations, a good
a result of optimal placement for regional switches.
starting point is selected and ECOST is calculated
based on equation 1. The answer is considered as the
switching places. The optimization problem was
best solution if the total cost meets investment and
accomplished through Matlab/Simulinksoftware. The
wholealgorithm ranforfive times toinsureaboutits
Second: the next combination is evaluated and the efficiency.
correspondingECOSTisobtained. All information required for algorithm is extracted
Third: the recent cost function should be compared from[Allan(1991)]indetail.Thelistincludesnetwork
withthebestsolution. structure, load data, types of automation equipment,
(A) If the recent cost function is less than the best
solution, it goes to the Tabu list and hereinafter it Inthisresearch,thecostofequippingeachswitchwith
wouldbeconsideredasthebestsolution.However,in the remote controldevices is 10 dollars, calculated in
cases that Tabu list if full, the greater amount should economicdata.Moreover, C jk is$0.038,indicatingthe
betakenoutoflist. costsassociatedwiththeperiodwhenthepowerisout.
The initial investment is assumed $700 and the
this item goes to the Tabu list; but if there is not any
blankplace,thegreatestECOSTwouldbeoffthelist. Thispaperdevelopsthesurveythroughtwoapproaches:

Fourth: the previous steps are repeated until the halt Case I: employing circuit breakers and switches
criteriaareachieved. withoutnormallyopenauxiliaryones.


In this way, all single positions are assessed and the openswitch,includingitsinstallation,isassumed$600.
corresponding results listed in Table 1 indicate RegardingTable2,theoptimumnumberofswitchesis
optimumswitchnumberswithregardtotheeconomic 9 and the best positions for switch installation are
aspectandminimuminterruptions.Altogether,for10 locations 1 to 7, 9, and 14. In this case ECOST and
switches,thebestpositionswouldbelocation1to9as EENS are about 614.3776 $/yr and 125.2 KWh/yr.
well as 14. In this situation, ECOST and EENS are Similarly,theoptimalplacesforswitchinstallationare
equalto478.58678$/yrand10062.81KWh/yr. listedinTable3.

CaseI (n=10) S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9,S14

Numberofswitchs ECOST($/yr) EENS(KWh/yr) CaseII (n=9) S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S9,S14

1 518.15442 11024.59
2 521.56666 11091.07
3 547.21362 11642.482 Automation of switches, a crucial function in
4 555.12275 11811.125
distribution systems, may work as a technique to
5 616.34219 13113.005
6 478.30392 11304.84
improve reliability. Considering different effective
7 494.20502 11233.29 elements in determining the optimum number of
8 506.87851 11313.645 swatches, the optimization problem could be
9 495.48508 10760.66 burdensome.Inthispaper,thefeasibilityofreliability
10 478.58678 10062.81
improvement using switch optimization in distribution
11 617.80046 13473.17
12 743.72174 16533.73
13 847.41834 19009.43 The optimization is developed based on the Tabu
14 969.2927 21963.665
15 1007.15498 22706.71
16 1059/10546 23820.67 some numerical studies were carried out on a
17 1112.75207 24979.265 standard test system to assess the performance and
18 1152.89139 25782.405 effectiveness of the new method. Simulation results
19 1154/10936 25560.88
confirm that the proposed technique is powerful and
20 1198/63373 26479.835
Case II: employing circuit breakers and switches as can be implemented in software as a handy way to
wellasnormallyopenauxiliaryones. economically determine locations where could be
Numberofswitchs ECOST($/yr) EENS(KWh/yr)
1 726.616 187 REFERENCES
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