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Similarities and differences of survey answers:

Surprisingly enough, two different people actually gave the exact same answers to
my survey, Both Samantha and Esperanza. Also, the students I interviewed all
answered with very similar forms of disagreeing or agreeing, with very little
variation from this pattern. In stark contrast to this, my councilor, Ms. Brittany,
answered in ways that differed from the view of the others, this may be due to a
different outlook gained from the experiences provided from adulthood. However In
contrast to this idea, my mother, whom I also interviewed, answered in a way
completely different from all others I interviewed, save a few questions, like
following your dreams no matter the cost, and the value of familial ties. I feel that
this may be due to her having a very strong outlook on life that she voices regularly.
With these answers in mind, I feel that adding more depth and options to my survey
and answers, as well as instituting more questions overall, would help to improve
upon the variability and understanding of each individuals idea of self-concept.

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