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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Breanna DeKam

Grade Level: 2nd
School: Hamlin
Date: 4/3/17
Time: 3:00

Reflection from prior lesson: This week we have started a new unit in social studies. We are talking
about economics with goods and services. In the previous lesson, we discussed what is a good compared
to a service. We learned the definitions of goods and services and then reviewed by making a book about

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

2.E.1.1 Identify goods and services available in the students communities

Lesson Objectives:
After lesson, students will be able to sort different goods and services with 100% accuracy.
Learning Target: I can sort goods and services.

Materials Needed:
Promethean Board
Cut and Paste Worksheet
Goods and Services Signs

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

This class needs more redirection during whole class instructions because they sometimes have a
hard time focusing on the discussion. They like to talk to their neighbors and chat while sitting on the
carpet. Redirect them back to the discussion and make sure they are behaving how they are expected to.
In this class, there are students I need to make sure are looking at me during the discussion and
some students who need to be using a good indoor second grade voice. They like to whisper answers
while in a whole group setting. Make sure they use a good second grade voice and speak up. There is one
student that may stand at his desk or in the back of the group during carpet. This is so he can move easier
to focus in class.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (3 min)
getting attention- Get out the signs from yesterday that talk about goods and
services. What does this sign talk about? (wait for a student to answer with goods.) Great!
What does this other sign talk about? (wait for services answer.) Good!
relating to past experience and/or knowledge Yesterday we talked about
goods and services. Who can tell me what a good is? (Wait time and allow students to give
you answers.) Good that is correct and good is something you buy. Now what is a service?
(Wait time) Yes god job a service is when you go somewhere and get something done for
creating a need to know Today we are going to learn more about goods and
sharing objective, in general terms The learning target for today is, I can sort
goods and services.

2. Content Delivery (15 Min)

Start the lesson off by showing the students the BrainPop Jr. video about goods and services. Stop the
video when it asks questions and have the students answer those questions in the whole group setting.
After video is over discuss what was talked about. So, in this video it talked more about goods and
services. What is one good that we can buy? (Wait time) Yes, who can give me another one? (let them
give you a few examples.) Great those are all good examples of goods. Now what is the difference
between a good and a service? (Wait and answer time) Yes, a service is different because it is
something someone else does for you. What is an example of a service? (Wait time and let them give
you different examples.) Great! I really like those services you told me about.
Right now, we are going to continue working with goods and services. On this worksheet, you will be
sorting goods and services. You will look at the different pictures on the worksheet. Cut them out and
sort them between the two columns. If the picture shows a good, then you will glue it in the goods
column. If the picture is a service, then you will glue it in the services column. Does anyone have any
questions about what to do on the worksheet? (answer any questions they have.) Okay lets make a
line to get our papers and get started.

3. Closure (5 Min)
Okay second graders it is time for you to put your scissors and glue away. I would like you to keep
your worksheet in front of you because we are going to review it together. (Give them time to get
everything away and sitting quietly.) I really like how this table here has everything put away and is
quietly waiting for directions, great job! Now I want everyone to look at their paper. I am going to ask
you questions about it. Who can tell me one picture they glued under the goods column? (Wait and
call on a student.) Great does everyone agree that that picture goes under the good column? (Wait for
students to agree or disagree.) Great now I see that there is a picture of someone at a doctors office.
Where did you glue this picture? (Wait and call on a student.) great that is the right column!
(Continue asking different questions.) Great job today second graders! I need you to keep these at
your desk. It is now time to get ready for home.

B. Assessments Used
Questions during discussion: How did they do watching the video? Were students listening and
answering the questions when the video was stopped?
o Can they tell me what a good and service is? Can they give me examples of both? What
is the difference between the two?
Cut and Paste Worksheet
o Could the students accurately sort the pictures? Did the successfully sort the goods and
C. Differentiated Instruction
Advanced Learners:
o These students will be done with the worksheet quickly. I will have them review the
worksheet with another partner that is also completed. They can double check their work
and get extra practice with knowing the goods and services.
Struggling Learners:
o These students will need extra direction with the worksheet. I will be walking around and
helping when I notice that they are stuck. I can ask them questions like, what does this
picture show? What column do you think this goes in? Why would this be a good? Can
you buy this and take it home with you? Is this something that someone else does for
you? These questions should help the students thinking and keep them focused on the

D. Resources
BrainPop Jr. Video -
Worksheet is from Teachers Pay Teachers resource that I got from my cooperating teacher.

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