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Ethan Rush

Ms. Kelly Slivka

English 250 Section NQ

February 28, 2017

Textual Analysis

In the New York Times article Anna Sauerbrey helps to inform international readers of

the terror attacks taking place in Germany, as well as the German governments attempt to find a

moderate approach that will not target specific groups in the state, while also fighting terrorism.

The issue Sauerbrey presented an issue in the increase of acts of terror across the nation,

following an influx of Syrian refugees fleeing from their war-torn state. Sauerbrey focuses on

two terror groups within the country, the Islamic State integrated within the numbers of Syrian

refugees, as well as the German far right committing acts of terror against the refugees, and in

doing so creating an even greater issue within Germanys borders.

Ever since the German government has let Syrian refugees into their state, they have

experienced a national rise in crime rates (Summers). Sauerbrey herself mentions that outside of

Colognes main train station, dozens of rapes commited by refugees have been reported. Aside

from mentioning the large rape crimes committed by Muslim immigrants, Sauerbrey does a nice

job of mentioning how the last four attacks in the country were committed by people with a mix

of loyalties and political backgrounds. Stating that The Wrzburg and Ansbach attackers

claimed allegiance to the Islamic State, while the Munich killer said he wanted to copy the

Norwegian right-wing extremist and mass murderer Anders Breivik. Sauerbrey mentions in her

New York Times article that the correlation between crimes with the increased number of

refugees entering the country, Germany is in a position where it could lose its identity as one of

the most tolerant states in the world, With (German Chancellor) Angela Merkel switching sides
Ethan Rush

Ms. Kelly Slivka

English 250 Section NQ

February 28, 2017

on heated political issues following an increase in German far right popular support, specifically

support for the Anternative fr Deutschland (AfD) (Summers). Merkel goes so far as to say

Burkas should be banned wherever that is legally possible, seemingly a polarizing statement

compared to her prior open border policies and tolerant approach to refugees from across the

world (Summers).

Sauerbrey also mentions terror attacks committed by the German far right, and

specifically supporters of AfD. She specifically mentions the Munich attack, committed by Ali

David Sonboli. A teenager of Turkish decent who claimed he was inspired by Anders Breivik, a

far right Norwegian extremist (Alexander et al). What Sauerbrey fails to mention is Sonboli

claims to have committed the act due to bullying at school. This is a better example of

xenophobia in Germany, where Sonboli was likely bullied because of his alleged mental

instability, along with his immigrant decent (Alexander et al). There are also accounts of

refugees being targeted directly by groups of people on the streets of Germany for simply being

of Islamic origin. From muggings in the streets to arson committed to their property, crimes have

been committed across Germany targeting refugees and their places of residence (

Many of these attacks were committed by people with no affiliation to the German far right,

showing a serious issue in German tolerance rather than an issue with specific groups such as

refugees or political extremists (

As Sauerbrey mentions, the turmoil facing Germany is splitting it in two, forcing leaders

to take a side on the refugee issue. This puts politicians in powerful positions like Angela Merkel
Ethan Rush

Ms. Kelly Slivka

English 250 Section NQ

February 28, 2017

in difficult situations, where she is a supporter of open door policy and globalization in Germany

and throughout the Western World, but the increased rate of crime committed by both refugees

and xenophobes puts her in a very unstable position. As Sauerbrey mentions its like a coming

of age, a shedding of a childs illusion of being inviolable. Suggesting that Germany has had

great international relationships and open border policies that have worked abnormally well for

the nation. Until recently these policies have progressed the nation, but international terrorism is

finally taking a toll on the states stability. This puts leaders on the delicate border between

modern European conservativism and the reemergence of isolationism, nationalism, and

xenophobia presented by the AfD and supported by a greater number of citizens than in the past.

Sauerbrey gives good examples of extremism on both sides of the political argument in

Germany, while retaining a moderate and professional viewpoint on the issue. She presents facts

through numbers and quotations rather than through opinionated statements, and seems to state

information she believes to be relevant and powerful in providing people with information on a

heated political and ethical dilemma. Given the length of the article, Sauerbrey provided

substantial information on the subject, as well as providing relevant information on the political

climate of Germany and to an extent the Western World as we know it. However, with the length

of her article, Sauerbrey seemingly left out important information regarding the attacks

themselves, and in doing so focused on the Germanys dismay as a state, focusing on a logical

appeal rather than an ethical or pathetic appeal.

Ethan Rush

Ms. Kelly Slivka

English 250 Section NQ

February 28, 2017

Works Cited:

Alexander, Harriet et al. Munich shooting: Teenage killer Ali Sonboli inspired by far-right

terrorist Anders Breivik and used Facebook offer for free McDonalds food to lure

victims. The Telegraph. The Telegraph July 24, 2016, 10:25 AM.

targeted-children-outside/. Date Accessed February 28, 2017. Refugees targeted in violent attacks across Germany. DW. Deursche Welle,

November 01, 2015.

germany/a-18820330. Date Accessed February 28, 2017.

Sauerbrey, Anna. Germany, Caught Between Two Violent Extremes.

The New York Times. July 28, 2106. The New York Times Company. 2017.

extremes.html?_r=0. Accessed February 28, 2017.

Ethan Rush

Ms. Kelly Slivka

English 250 Section NQ

February 28, 2017

Summers, Chris. Angela Merkel dismisses rape and murder of EU officials daughter as

an isolated incident and insists Germanys migrant influx has not led to a surge in

violent crime. Published 05:43 EST, December 8th, 2016 updated 11:49

EST, December 8th, 2016.


s-migrant-influx-not-led-surge-violent-crime.html. Date accessed February 28, 2107.

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